HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-05-21, Page 10.0 it'll Achialiese-Tiineti,t
a , ey trail ride at
- fano, Mayer-
, Stinda,y, June 8 at 1
Everyone welcome.
Marg Candss
118th niudversary services
will be held in Chalmers
PreshYterian Church, White-
church on Sunday, May 25.
Services at 11 a.m. and
p.m. Rev. Dr. Robert Arm- •
strong will beguest minister.
Everyone welcome.
Presented by Huron County
Library, Jeanine Lodge, art-
ist, London Regional Art
Gallery will hold a workshop
at Wmghain. Town Hall on
Saturday May24. Free tick-
ets for each session available
at Wingham Library. Ses-
sious; 10 a.m. 7-9 years; 1:30
p.m. 10- 13 years.
•, The Howick Lions Club is
asking anyone in Howick
Township who wishes to
make a donation to the Listo-
wel Hospital fund to call Don
Coghill] 335-3102 or 335-3512.
The children 6f Oscar and
Anna Marie Kieffer invite
friends, relatives and neigh-
bors to celebrate with them
the 40th wedding anniver-
sary of their parents. A re-
ception will be held on Sat-
urday, May 31 at 94p.m. in
the Howick Commumty Cen-
tre. Your friendship is a
cherished gift. We respect-
fully request no other.
21, 28
Next 'sleeting will he Tues-
day, Inar27at 8:15 p.m. at
thetown hall. Film presenta-
tion entitled Birthright, with
a: guest speaker. Everyone
welcome. •
° RoluipaY WORLD ,
Invites Yoe to \ come in and
Meet McDaniel Phillips on
Saturday, IWO Mir= 2 to '4
Pp., your host on• Leisure
Tqtioe Montreal and Quebec
Infernational Flower Show
•6,,i4 departing '411110:9;
IOJF. Decoration Service,
Whigham C -*eter3r, sun.,
Junel,230pm Everyone
• welcome...
The Annual Meeting �f the
HuronLIUUCe Federal OW -
al Association Will be,10041 in
the Hestia Conimunity
Centre, blehday, Ma
1980. Social Hour :00p.m.
dinner 7:15 p.rn. Dijut' -
ets are $7.00 each ail are a-
vailable from local Liberal
Municipal Chairmen or
the Secretary. Guest speaker
will be Ralph Ferguson,
M.P. for Lambton-Middle-
At this meeting, delegates
to the Annual Meeting of the
Liberal Party of Canada to
be held July 4th, 5th and 6th
in Winnipeg, will be elected.
The Constitution provides
that only paid-up members
of the Huron -Bruce Liberal
Association shall be entitled
to vote. Such memberships
must be obtained not less
than 72 hours prior to the
Annual Meeting, Renewals
of previous memberships,
however, may be obtained
up to the time of the opening
of the Meeting. Member-
ships will cost $2 00 each and
will -be available from Liber-
al Municipal Chairmen or
the Association Secretary.
Jack Horan, Secretary,
RR 4, Walton, Ont.
Tel. 345-2820
Tuesday, May 27 from 1:30 to
3 p.m. at the Wingham
Armouries. All seniors wel-
come. Live entertainment.
Will be held in the Bluevale
Presbyterian Church on
Wednesday, May 28 with
supper starting at 5 p.m.
Adults $4, public school
children $2.
Plan to attend the variety
concert to be held in the Bel -
grave Community Centre on
Wednesday, June 4, at 8 p.m.
Advance tickets $1 available
at ' Young's Variety, Brus-
sels; Snell's Grocery and
Blyth Variety, Blyth; Me-
Ewen's Grocery and Tay-
lor's Groceteria, llelgra7e•
Ticket§ at the door $1.50.
Preschool and public school
• children free. Proceeds for
the 60th annual Belgrave,
.Blyth, Brussels School Fair
to be held on September 13,
•1980. .
'On Sa tirday, May 24 from 10
ii.trito 5 p.m. at 97 Charles
SL, liVingham. •
Garage sale on Sat., May 24
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 255
Centre St. Great values in
toys and clothing.
The Annual Educational din-
ner meeting of the Huron -
Perth Lung Association will
be held at the, Legion Hall,
Seaforth, Ont., on Wednes-
day, May 28 at 6:30 p.m. The
speaker will be Mrs. Norma
Lytle. Tickets $6.
Festival singles' dance, Fri-
day May 23 at the Victorian
Inn, Stratford, dancing 9
p.m. to 1. Welcome all
singles over 25. No blue
jeans. °
Come to the "Springs of Liv-
ing Water". A' gathering of
Christian friends for a time
of praise and fellowship.
Meetings each Sunday at 2
p.m. in Turnberry Central
School on Highway 86, 1 mile
east of Wingham. Refresh-
ments after. Bring a friend.
The whole family welcome.
Mrs. Mary
Funeral service was held
at two o'clock on Wednesday
of last week for Mrs. Mary
E. Chapman, formerly of
Whitechurch, who passed
away at Brookhaven Nur-
sing Home on Monday, May
12. Robert C. Perry of-
ficiated and, interment
followed in Elmwood
Cemetery, Markham:
Mrs. Chapman was the
former Mary E. Harrington
•-and was born March 23,1883,
in Markham Township, York
County, a daughter Of the
late 'William and Elizabeth
Harrington. In her early life
she worked as a dressmaker.
Surviving are two sons,
Gordon of Fenelon Falls and
Russell Of Whitechurch; five
grandchildren; nine great
grandchildren and four great
great grandchildren. Mrs.
Chapman was a member of
Whitechurch United Church:
, •
Plan to attend the auction
and bake sale, at St. Paul' ,
Anglican Church, Wiagharn
on Thursday evening May 22
at 7 p.m. Auctioneer Jack
Two-family garage salt
e/ a
Lorna Brown's, 265 Dia
Road, Wingham. Starth at 10--
a.m., Saturday, May 24.
Used furniture, dishes,
sporting goods, toys, jewel-
lery, etc. You want it - we've
got it.
Plan to attend the "Cancer
Society's next meeting, Mon-
day, May 26. at 7:30 p.m. in
Clinic Building, Wingham
and District Hospital. Meet-
ing open to the public. An
interesting film to be shown.
At Calvin -Brick 'United
Church, Sunday, May 25 at 8
p.m. Guest speaker, Rev.,
Barry Passmore. Special
music by Carl Duggan, B.
Mus. L.R.A.M. of London,
and Rev. John Roberts.
Lockeridge passed away in
Henderson Hospital,
Hamilton, on May 9 in her
88th year. Born in
Wingham, she was a
daughter of the late Allen
Vanalstyne and Margaret
Cruikshanks. Her husband
predeceased her 22 years
ago; also predeceased are
one -daughter and three
sisters. ' She leaves to
mourn four daughters,
Mrs. Stan (Bernice)
Campbell, Wingham, Mrs.
Margaret Krup •of
Hamilton, •Mrs. Grace
Goudy, Toronto, and Mrs.
Hazel Turner, Galt; also
five grandchildren, eight
• great grandchildren and
• one • great great grand-
child. Mrs. Lockeridge
rested at the Coutts
Funeral Chapel, Galt.
Burial • was in Galt
. • '
e Justice
ss is now the law.
Know your rights.
• Consider your
The. new Provincial
Offences Act introduces a
new form of law designed
especially for minor of-
fences such as traffic,
liquor, hunting and fish-
ing violations. The new
system is simple, in-
formal and convenient,
and offers anYone
charged with a minor
offence a new choice
for handling his or her
case. But you have to
act. It's up to you.
Read your rights. Know
under the Provincial Offe
• options
S Act.
of the
For further information, pamphlets are avail-
able at Supermarkets and Provincial Court
offices, or write: Provincial Offences,
Queen's Park, Toronto.
R Roy MC.Murtry.
Attorney General
11=ziNatzmitc= William Davis Premier
site recently purchased by Belgrave KlnsrnenWitivflifarlcing from ti#004
MOVING E EARTH—The 1,?Igeq4101100POIltici to eattig104101)144iiii
ship Of -.tast. VV a w anosh, for a new ball park and recreation:area for Belgrave. T
Welt adlaCent to the existing ball Park** arena and' IS fart at the newSid:idivf
lan belhglieveloped in the village;
47? r •
• " '
. • , • * . •
. gy
.iCtor Emerson
The ordinaton for Rev.
Keith Humphrey was held
Sunday ••-, at • Bluevale
PreS,Pytediktte Church at 4
p.A. The ordination service
conducted by the
moderator of the Bruce
Maitland Presbytery, Rev.
Mervyn r.Tubbef Durham.
The message was given by'
Rev. John! ell. The address
to the ordliiant was made by
Rev. Dr..finbert Armstrong.
Mr. and -Mrs. Joe Corey of
• Clinton were Sunday visitors
with their daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Gary %Riiitoul and
Kevin. • • •
Mrs. Wilmur Darrow of
M0Unt Forest visited on
Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Emerson while Mr.
Darrow was at Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip MacMillan's where
he bought a horse. •
Mr. and6Irs. Bob Evans of
Hxuniltoiri!.'viSited Sunday
with her *rents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Evans.
• On Friday evening a 40th
wedding. arildrersaryfor Mr.
and Mrs. iViIlis Lapp of
1e8ballivitear h .14,lbe.
.hiteelitirebn ;,;1'•
for danciflg siiptilied by the
Joe OfelleStra. At. •
luiclf time ''‘Ifie" box of
greeting cards and a picture
by a number of friends were
presented,' and their son-in-
law, Winston Martin, read a
history of Willis' life from
,44.; 4
. • - ..... • -
HOLLIDAY—passed away
• at Palmerston Town '
Manor, Nursing Home on.
Sunday,' May 13-4 -Metirille
0. Holliday of WinglIfInt,
formerly of Mount FOreSt,
in his -90th year. He Was a
son Of the late David and
•sa rah .
brother of MrS. Marion:
Trimble, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan. Also -
surviving are, pieces and
nephews. He was
predeceased byfive
brothers and ihree,siiters.
The late Mr. Holliday
rested at the Hendrick
Funeral • Hanle; Mount
Forest, where service 'was ;
held at tytwuo ayeielloe
terment followed in
Wingham Cemetery.
MATH ERs—Passed away
suddenly on Sunday, May
18, at the Wingham "and
District Hospital, Charles
H. Mathers »f Sluevale, ih
his 63rd year. He was the
beloved husband of the
former Jean Elliott; dear
father of Mrs. Bill (Grace)
Campbell, -RR 1, Dublin.
Mee George ' (Ruth)
Townsend, RR 4, Sego:nth;
Robert, RR 2, LiStalivel,
Rae of Gilderich and
Kenneth, 8141/ale:. Also
surviving ai't 11 grand-
children a nct" iine brother,
Melville. Rft 4 Wingharn.
He was predeceased by
one15 Thebrotherlate Ro,bert,in
Mathers rested. at the
Currie -Walker Funeral
. Home, Wirighani, until
today ( Wednesday) -wilen
removal was • Made. to
Bluevale United Church
for service at:two o'clock.
Interment etellOwed • in
Wingham Cemetery.
Memorial dbriiitintle may
be made to the Bluevale
united Church or the
Ontario Heart Foundation
and will be gratefully
acknowledged by the.
• ;4..cou•Aittd.
thetime he left.tha West as a
Yeuhll Man 111411 today,
Mrs. Joyee Tiffin of
TorontoApent the Weekend
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan griffin of Wingham.
Weekend visitors with
Mrs, Cassie Mciwbray. Were'
1W*. Isabel Tiffin Of Luck -
now and MM. Clara Cleg-
horn of Wingharn.
Baptism services were
perfornied 'Sunday at
Chainiers • Presbyterian
Church by Rev.. John Bell for
Jason Paul, Laidlaw, son Of
Mr. mid Mrs. Paul Laidlaw,
and fOr Curtis John, son of
Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott of
Blyti. Present for the dinner
'at their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Elliott,
were their parents, Mr. -and
Mrs. Elroy ••• Laidlaw,
Chrystal KonaingS, Barry
• Elliott; Karen Elliott, Miss.
Jane Laidlaw., Tom Verniers,
Mr. and 1/Irg..Cecil Little,
Michael BrdelleY,. Rocky
Little andlira; Elliott: •
• Mr. and, Mrs. %Carl
acClenaghati' attended. the,.
graduation n't. -Wingham
Oestf •
Guests with Mr. andIVIra..
-Carl McClenaghan were Mr.
and Mrs, Bruce Sachs, Brad
and }Winne of Ayton and Mr.
and Mrs. Billie Klienhaar,
Jennifer and Vanessa of St.
Thomas. •
Attending the .christening
On Mother's bay at
•Chatham's Victoria .United
Church for Graeme Purdon,
sonof Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Gaunt, were Mr. and Mrs,
„Bill Pardon; Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Gaunt of Wingham,
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Carey` of
Kitchener, ' Miss- ;Beatrice
McQuillin andCharles
McQuillin, West Wawanosh,
and' Mrs. Leah Currie,
Mr.- and Mrs: Eldon
Emerson, Darlene, Sharon
and Brenda of St. Catherines
spent the boliday weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Emerson and on Saturday
evening attended the wed-
ding of Gary Reibling 'and
Kimberley Barbour at
moukto;-).nd th4recept'
Mr. and Mrs TuctyStralter
spent theiveeltend m TOMto'.
with her parents, Mr. amt,
Rollinge. thiretiffn
trip Mrs., Rolling§ ac-
companied thein for a vat.
and, Mrs.. • Carl
McCienaghan attended .the
vvedding on Saturday at 7 ,
p.m. of Kiotherley Berbour
and Gary Rell$1.4g .•at
Motakton and the reception at
Listo\vel. •
At' a recent
banquet Art Burrows Was .1
• the recipient of a gift which.
he vHliromember, for many •
years:We are sUre, he will be .•
import° show it te you,
Rev. and Mrs". John, Bel1:.
arrived- home Thursday
•after -spending:Ilk weekend.
• at Toronto's Hn„ OX College
• attending.- 'thegraduation
exercises. •
Mr. addltirs. Art -Burrows
invited Mrs. Agnes Farrier,
Albert Coultes and Mr. and
Mrs. .TeitY Stinker Atrth
help celebrate
• Anrioxis! birthday.. ali?vely,;.
gri)444iedetiehie and the
then ,beat the three,'
games to tire.• •
• •
The llowick-TUrnbeiry
Horse and Pony: club is no- ,
more As of 'May lithe club.
has been formally known as
the 4-H ' Howbe.rry Rase -
The May meeting of the -
club was held at the home of
assistant leader Marjorie
McMichael. Twenty -floe ••
members attended,
. eluding 'several who arrived'
late as they lost their way,
Discussed at , the,
'frequently interrupted
meeting was an Arablifit,
horse show, to be held' at
-Paris, Ontario, June 1, and a
,club campout to be held July
12-13 '
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Dinsmore.
• By Alison Edgar
of household furniture and effects from the home of
ANNA FORGIE, along with appropriate additions, to
be held through the facilities of
Wingham Auction Centre
next to L.C. B.O., Wingham
Saturday, May 24
\ 11:00 A.M.
Included in the offering- 40 pieces Limoges France
bridal rose dishes; port set Austria bridal rose;
old antique caster set; 8 pce. dining roorri suite includ-
ing china cabinet. period hand -made 4 drawer oak
chest; impressive antique side board with bevelled
glass mirror; lice -to -wall cupbeard; antique desk; por-
table wooden fireplace; display cabinet with glass
front and to'Vcoal oil lamps; 2 shelf clocks; Waterbury
shelf weight clock; Esgraci30 day wall clock - new; sin-
gle bed; 4 double beds, including one spool bed; otik
rocker; sofa bed; dressing table; 2 pca. chesterfield; 2
Westirfghouse refrigerators; Hoover washer -spin dry-
er; kitchen table and chairs, 3 rugs; hostess and °me
sional chairs; several tables; small pine bench; good
selection pictures and outstanding frames; 30 boxes
books, including set Encyclopedia Britannic°, school
books etc; sealers; bottles; garden tools; 6' aluminum
ladder; boiler; cash drawer with concave change hold-
er; 2 sets beam scales; small electric organ- 5 octave
chord; several boxes stained glqss and complete win-,
'Clow from a church; large P.G. mirror, approx. 4')c6';
kitchen utensils; many other interesting items, dishes,
etc; metol "Lion" penny bank and metal steam fire
PREVIEW: Friddy,12.9
TEL: 357.1011 ,
' eire,:.,4e-e..Teeereeitt.e.emzee • :
4 ft • `1
.44.4,14.130 44414,4,, I
4.46,,Ptik n'tx
• ‘; ;"-• - • „,
'of littittiholfifttnettf-ciiidint u
. •
Ocltriebil ;-
Sets ay- Ma
•" 112 Nodis
,Lunch booth inifiratmlis-
.. •
,,.Onward 21 cu. ft. 'freezer,
(in avocado), Gibson refrigerator, Moffat frost , tre. re,
I rigors:nor-MO, _MOM. 30". electric etave!baff**0:00.3".
1..ertone), Brant 'cam* stove, Hoover spin;vitotpt*flopii,,
ver auto -power drlife, upright VA:108.101. cleaner, .11)11Ct?;.
007-gOlOurig.cOnsole- T.V.k, Zenith portable -A 8111140L4
iLVIs!On;•Iteglea electrlc broom, Atlos TS cenfifteitzet9.1
';.srhcill, electrical appliances, -round kitchen table and "6.?'
.--chalts,full gloss chino cabinet, 6 dining rootO*0104
small chine cabinet, chesteffleld. encl,'.cbeir,:rOttelk
•i and end tables. Upholeterect and swivel rd'clieiii ped-
estal coffisitable,p4kinipi thesterfied0Ontatobtf;'
lams; wicker floWerstends, mirrors, inaichilkllkiek;'.
arm drittOreeking;. Choir; ,ficIoivek iniOdte'Ognav,
;-mental Hewer planter, stop stool, T.V.
tabies, imitat-
ion fire Once, , 2 old kitchen' cabinets cupboard1
:*.pc.. odd wooden chairs, two. 3 pc. Onclree*sititeS'
4:110tOp-4;#:10,900.:bedt doubte 0440 #.01 ttOt't
btilk*Wift4:•aiilliC4tadr. iliagAinetli)4**440401041
;.;t04r1,00.':,..0:4100".•i.,°9010„;i: 4,..,,Civeitlgte.„olit :iilttpir!cillt;4;16^itt,
Or. Warier kettle, beaver sealer'. adz, brass iordiniers;'
wash boards, crocks; e ple• peeler, , miniaturseirowend
'• • '
lown,ijOrden and hand foals, Orden -016e; wood,
block and tackle, 1/2 " electric drill, aluminum dew.
.(niew), cookware and other articles fait numerous to'
Mention': ..„ . •
NOTE? FAC required to purchase firearms. • .
• P!
TERMS- 'Cash day of sale. • •
Owner or auctioneer notresponsiblefor any isccidente;
tiFialuries,on,prcipertY day of _Sale. • "
Len Metccilf•
• Auctioneer •
2 miles west of 'Durham on Hwy. w4
featuring TWO DitiOetsals
Thursday,' May29, 1980
Owned by Hugel Munroe, Powassan, Ontario. 45
:Registered and 7 Grades.
inroducinigcof s qmIlk wujiahlItay a Ruodidleinros,
D.fH.eel.Ah. rdreciifhhproducing bs
Herd Average- BCA of 154M -145F4 From such great
-sires as A Birch Hollow Royalty (Ex -Extra); Enghill
Perseus Admiral (VG-Extrci); Bond Hoven Royalstar
(G -Extra); 'A Skagvale Classic Citation (VG -Extra);
'Flemingdale Ruben (Ex); A Woodbirie Milkman (Ex -SP)
and others.
14 cows selling fresh - milking over 100 lbs./cloy;
balance in various stages of lactation.
A well grown group of bred heifers, yearling heifers
and calves from pupulor unit sires.
This herd sells in first stage towards listing - eIigIbIe
'for U.S.A.
Reclassified before the sale.
Owned by Art Boyd, Atwood, Ontario. 36 Registered
Holstein's. ,
A well established home bred herd of cows with qual-
ity udders. This herd has never been on test but shows
an ,abundance of dairy character. Daughter selling
from such sires as Flemingdale Perseus Mark VG -Ext-
ra); Karnvilla Peration (GP -S1) and sons of DoN, nalane
Reflection Emperor (EX -EXTRA); Agro Acres Unique
(EX -ST) and others. 10 cows are selling fresh; 6 due
June, balance in various stages of lactation. '
A herd worthy of your inspection.
Listed herd. Reclassified before the sale.
Semen Selling: Hanoverhill Triple Threat 8, High Silo
- Haven"Jetstar.
Plan now to attend.
Donald E. Walton .
Soles Manager A Auctioneer ,
[519)369-3*04 or 2031