HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-05-21, Page 8Advance -Tions, May 1~> 199 yl t � St John S. oR4 11 ., s oar 3 i. 4 ;• CIASSIFIED DEADLINE • TI1E DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADiS IS :. iltIONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times. Office or Phone: 357-2320 For Sale OUR PLANTS are here! For best selection and competi- tive prices see us .now! New plants -arriving daily at Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter, Note, we will be open evenings while plants are here for your shopping convenience! - 14-21 BERG stable cleaners and stabling; • bunk feeders and water bowls; silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb FARM grain scale, 2 wheels on front, curved handles on back. Phone 665-7573. 14-21 "MEAT KING" roaster cockerels, day old, available May and June. Call McKin- ley, Hatchery 1-800-265-8536. Order today and put meat on your table this fall: 1421-28-4-11 SWIMMING POOLS: manu- facturer. los an anu- fact uer,.has.an inventory 'of 2979 ,above -ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, 'mater, -' skimier, pump, wait -around patio, fencing. Regularly $2295, now $1444. Phone TOLL FREE 1-800- 365-8342. 7 rrb For Sale HIGH CHAIR, excellent con- dition, $10. Phone 335-3465. 14-21 CCM Swingline bicycle; ce- ment mixer used 3 times; man's Championship golf club set. Phone 357-1178. 100 CEDAR posts and 375' of 11/4" plastic pipe. Phone 335-3705. MAN'Sbicycle, Phone 357- 3263. ELECTROHOME air condi- tioner, 12000 B.T.U., excell- ent condition, requires mini- mum of 30" window width. Phone 357-2284. ORDER NOW fresh lamb. Wholesor halves, cut and Wrapped ,to specifications, $2.50 per pound. Walter Ren- wick 367-2504. 21, 280, 25, 2, 9 MOBILE HOME, 12' x 65'. Phone 392-6043 after 5 p.m. MALE border collie pups, 12 weeks old. Phone 887-6387. CHIEFTAN and Kennebec seed or table potatoes. Phone 3574204 LIGHTWEIGHT travel trail- ers, railers, hardtop tent trailers, park models, truck ca alters and caps. Trillium, Boner, Rover, Lionel,_ -Pr, w1er, Golden' Falcon. Limp -Out Rental and Sales, Highway 8 west, Stratford, 393,5938.' aClgsed Sundays. ekal t2t 1+G .w 30-J1y2. ;e add-a-rpqtoont *:>'riic .: QURri'LANTS are here! For '1 M1 best , selection and competi- tive prices see us now! New plants arriving daily "at' Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter:' Note, we will be open evenings while plants are here for your shopping convenience! o Oily or condi-; tiitlnefr;rit 'good condition, reorient -it le primo Phone 335- { ' • 1,. 21, 28 40n ACRES of, :excellent al- falfa' hay, standing Phone 35'`7'„-,1651. 21,28. WEDDING invitations. Drop iiaaniview our'latest book of sample . invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192: Josephine St., Winghain, 357-2320: .. _ 23 rrb ADDRESS Labels: gummed 200.for $2.25; presson 200 for x.50. Moue T"ne Wiiligi at Advance -Times, 357-2320. 30 rrb MAGNETIC Signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $17.55. For further informa- tion phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. . 23 rrb OUR PLANTS are here! For best selection and .competi- tive prices see us now! New plants arriving daily at Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter. Note, we will be open evenings while plants are here for your shopping convenience! 14-21 MOBILE HOME 68' x 12'. Bendix, sundeck, en large lot, lots of trees. For appoint- ment phone 887.•6577. PINTO parts for sale. Phone Wingham Automotive, 357- 2671. 14-21 PIONEER seed corn, silage and picking varieties avail- able. Ronald Coultes, 133 James St., 357-1917. Free delivery. 14-21 SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filter. Regular price $2400 now 81413. Call LIMPERIAL POOLS toll free 1-800-268-5970. 14-21 GERANIUMS and begonias. Lewis' Flowers, 135 Frances St, 357-3880. 14-21 USED PENTAX camera ME with power winder for $299; used Pentax K2 camera, $299_ Snyder Studio 357-1851. 14-21 ACORN Olympic fireplace with 18' ch,mney,kited 6 winters. Phone 357-1012. 14-21 TEESWATER Ex-Toggery _has forsale a large selection of summer clothes: We are, open Thursdays 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 5 p.m. and Fri- days and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. Feel free to come in and browse. 14-21 RENT A POOL Swimming pool manu- facturer will lease and in- stall new f980 family - size pool csn plete with walkway, s ndeck and fencing, on rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try be- fore you buy! Call IM- PERIAL POOLS -loll free 1- E100-268-5970. Tenders Wanted TO BUILD NEW DAIRY BARN Plans and Blue Prints can be seen at R.R. No. 1, Holstein Lot G, Con. 11 Fred Smart LTh7° Farm Machinery FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER—Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Fnsilmixerc FARMATIC—Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure Pumps. WESTE E L-ROSCO--Grain Bins -1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME—Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON—Ventilation Sys- tems. B & L—Complete Hog Con- finement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER—Li- quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERO -FLUSH— Liquid. Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING—ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 2lrrb Livestock For Sale REGISTERED Hereford .bulls. Brian Rintoul 357-2349. 14-21 SERVICEABLE age boars, Hampshire, York, Hamp X Duroc and Hemp X York; also York X Landrace bred gilts due in four to six weeks. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, phone 345-2317. 7-14-21 Wanted To Buy ROUND, square oval exten- • sion tables: -Wooden chairs of all kinds. Good used furni- ture. Clean appliances in ex- cellent working condition. Phone-Lucknow 528-2625, 9 to 5 Monday to Saturday. 16 rrb rtPAY cash for old furniture, clocks•, gramophones, coal oil lamps, crocks, pictures, pocket watches, glass, china, silverware, coins,, jewellery. Phone .284-3875 tlevenings. 27 rrb TOP prices paid for good used furniture or appliances and antiques. Will buy • par- tial or complete households. Wingham Sales Arena 357- 1730. 24 rrb MINISTRY t OF HOUSING 0 ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference Number ROS S.F.T. 80-85 , Fe! t!ss last-' ;j of eters linlh Fencing at O,H.C. Family Housing Units on John Street, In Clinton, Ontario (FP1) lenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, June 13, 1980, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, dIo Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dundas Street, 'P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Lon- don, Ontario. N6A 2P3 (519)- 679.7110 from whom details and specifications may be ob- tained. Details and specifications may also be Obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority 48 The Square' Roderick, Ont. nria. H7t11M5 (519) 524-2637, quoting reference number as above. - THE LOWEST OR 5115 TENDER NOT NEtSSARILT ACCEPTED. TENDERS FOR--- '! F'TIrA1 VEI E T iA11,1 BLINDS Tenders will be received for eleven (11) Vertical Venetian Blinds for the Court House, Goderich, Ontario until 4:00 P.M., D.S.T., Thursday, June 19, 1980. Tenders are to be submitted on forms provided, and may be obtained together with spec- ifications from the undersigned Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. 8. G. Hanly Clerk -Treasurer -Administrator County of Huron Court House, God. rr ich, Ari. N7A 1M2 ttilT.ID .A rvafNrac9i.� 50500+ near Pv991,9I I Fw • rp,t ..c are,- . t.• Cars & Trucks For Sale 1978 4x4 CHEV Blazer, Chey- enne package, running boards, Ziebarted and also shine guard. Approx. 25,1, t miles, very clean, ,.1 et' hitch, maroon color !Leh black top, 350 engine, certi- fied, never plowed snow. Any reasonable offer. Phone 335- 6341. 21,28 1974 CHEV 1 ton van, new body job, good condition, nearly new tires, 350 engine, power steering, power brakes, partially insulated, certified, $1600. Phone 335- 6341. 21,28 1970 OLDS F85 Cutlass, 350, 2. barrel, automatic, ps, still strong with 86,000 highway miles. Good brakes, good in- terior and new exhaust pipes. Body needs work, but only asking $250. Phone 357-3385 Wingham soon. 14-21 SEVENTY POLICE cars, trucks, vans and statibn wagons: twenty-nine 1978 and 1977 Dodges, Plymouths, Fords; three 1976 and 1978 Chev and Plymouth station wagons; 1978 GMC one ton dual wheel camper special; 19773/4 ton 4 x 4; fifteen 1974 to 1977 half and 3/4, ton trucks, Dodge, Fords and Chevs; nine 1974 to 1976 super club and crew cabs, Fords, Dodges and Chevs; five 1973 to 1975 Dodge Maxi window vans; five one -ton cab and chassis with duals; 1975 18 foot tandem tag -along trail- er; 1976 Plymouth, as low as $995, license KEW 105. Migh- ton's Car Sales, six miles east of Hanover on No. 4 - highway. Phone Durham 269-3136. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED, AUTO PARTS . "• USED CARS & TRUCKS ; , 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap cars wonted. Highest prices paid. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 Trucks Sale Charger SE, ps defogger, air condi- „Oa* 1g control, AM- 111fnatic. Will con - Vey be bought with or th Ut certification. �.'Phone 887-9272 after, 4, 14-21 1975'•F „Maverick, 6 cyl- inder5 ,'Automatic, ps, asking $1150-°eertgied. Phone 887- 9272 mer6. p. n. 14-21 1971 )1.1FROUT11 Duster and 1972 Dirt for parts or best Offer, Phone 335-3861 evenings 21,28 1979 DODGE 150 pickup, V8, power steering,power brakes, oversized radials, 6,000 miles, Phone 887-6079. 13 rrb Lost DOG, black, white and brown. Walker hound. Phone 335.3644. MALE black Labrador re- triever 10 months old, chil- dren's pet; lost on the 4th con. of Morris. ' Reward offered. Phone 887-9434. 14-21 MINISTRY -OF • HOUSING CI ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tends, ,return Number 80S S.F.T. 80.81 Far the supply and Installation of 4 pairs (4 washbrs & 4 dryers), Lmmd erEqutpment 1p4&rtol::tefrrO i-Jun.20,1980 I taii'toWI ham OHS -. ,,��ipu> 1950 a . -1 piiito/ayflsld T "., • ' a” No 2r89.0 )par mega Tendom will be_,r lwd fo• the e oho e. untn 1,1', atm. local time, "Juno 6; X1980, by fhe Omarlo Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Oldies, 110 Dundas Thirst, P.O. lox 5800. Terminal "A", Oudot', Ontario. N6A 1P3. (519)619-9110from whom' details and spsclfifatIons may be obtains& D.tolls and spscRications may also be obtain.d.from the Hur- on County Houdng Authority, 48 The square, Ontario': N9A 1M5, -(519) '6'2637, quoting reference number as Obi:no... THE LOWEST OR 8NY TENDER Nor-' NECESSARILT ACCEPTED: TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TENDERS WANTED Tenders are invited for the excavation, loading and haulage of approximately 8000 c. yds. of road material from 1' / miles of Township road located on the Howick/Carrick Boundary (Con. 18 Howick) from Sideroad 25 to Highway 9. The contractor will be required to load and de- liver the excavated material to a road construction site one half mile distant from the excavation site. Sealed tenders clearly marked and specifying number and type of contractor's equipment to be used, and indicating a 'per hour rate' will be re- ceived by the undersigned or Clerk -Treasurer, before 5:00 P.M. Thursday, June 5; 1980. Tendered works 'to be commenced by Jiily 1980 and completed by August 1, 1980. A certified cheque for 10% to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Carroll Johnson, Road Superintendent, Municipal Office, Gerrie, Ontario NO1 XO TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TENDERS WANTED Pit -Run Class "B" Gravel Sealed tenders will be received until 5:00 p.m• on Thursday, June 5, 1980 by either the undersigned '*'_^e1ar.er at the Municipal Office, Gorrie, Ontario to supply, load and haul approximately 20,000 cu. yds. of Pit -run Class "B'r Gravel for use on Township roads to be rebuilt; road located on the Howick/Carrick Boundary (Con, 18 Howick) from Sideroad 25 to Highway 9. All work to be done to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent. Tendered work to be commenced August 4, 1980 and completed by August 29, 1980. A certified cheque for 10% to accompatriy tend- er. Lowest or any tender not necessarily aCcpted• Carroll )(Anson, Road Superinfendstrtt, Municipal Office,. Gorrie, Ontario NOG 1X0 18 fang .e; MEA .ON'-IIFJ10i Phone Mrs14rr, Ja 3657. • IF °Yt1IlF are a tripod or tive of an . alcoholic,, be Al -Anon Family u _mar be abletohelpyousolveyour side .of the problem.: Please contactPost Office Bole 1.135, , Wingham. rrb Wanted NEED A passenger! Headed , for Medicine Hat. Phone 357- 1108. OLD BRICK buildings for demolition -wrecking and sal- vage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1-542-4088 or David Rapson, RR 4, Brussels, 1-887-9584. NOTICE Wedding notices, engage- ments, in memoriams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY. We can- not accept such notices by telephone. Please remember that no classified advertising is ac- cepted after noon Monday. f ITYY • SENT wants tii>illle BI i# mer gement, any ed; has car Able to start BlyMs --4266. pOlfrm work. Phone 3082. 14-21, GOOD MAN, 24, with Class A licence seeks permanent tulktime position. Phone357- 14-21' WILL DO farm work. Phone 523-9276. 7-14 WILL DO exterior painting, free estimates. Phone Ron's Painting 887-9577. 14-21 STUDENT to do inside or outside painting, has experi- ence. Gord Kinahan, 357- 1987. 14-21 TUMBLE FOR EXTRA CASH Put money orr your pocket by selling un- wonted Items„ ,n the Want Ad Column *edding Stationery Largest selliction 3n the area. Books available to take home for personal viewing: Wingham;; Printing Service • 4 314 J'osephi,S ,:.!;..1:=tri 1111094 17t, 3574800 • • Ralph Campbell Construction RR 3, Blyth, 523-9614 Free Estimates WE MAKE Top Quality Humphrey Aluminum Windows and Doors WE SELL. Berg Stabling Stable Cleaners Manure Pumps WE BUILD Custom Built Homes Additions and Renovations - Farm Buildings Still offering top quality workmanship. Need a Wood Porch• (unique designs)? Wood Retaining Wall lour specialty)? Wood, Fencing? Use beautiful Redwood Cedar pressure - treated lumber. Our 35 years experience shows on every job! Low prices and guaranteed! FREE professional advice together with complete planning and designing goes with every job! Garages - Carports - Florida Rooms Call Today Turnberry Structures 357®2937 MEW W'J wee BupPo1l 307,40K, } 1 or Ldl 432,749.'7 COL.ILEC3( 2.171! r, L. Business OpPortunity BE YOUR, own Boss. Earn' extra incomeand life style in your spare thfe, without risking ariiy caplt$.i, ' Peply for an appointment to B. ox 2142 c -o , "The Wingham Ail vance-Ties, Wingham, Ont, NOG 2W0. ° 7-14-21-28 err RE, A K4I Clostes,stialrtil�BPwr; r'ihlyla. tfflllftuogs NG Ci'SEXX Fpr fri,s'. information Kitchener Waterloo School of Hairdressing, 186•Vlctorle St.'N, Kitchener WH 745-5041 • t 9t PLOYMENT 4 .rr , t:• OPPORTUNITY An accountant is required for part- time work at Wingham Golf and Curl- ing Inc. Duties to include prepara'Y•lon~of a cosh journal, maintenance of.a gen- eral ledger and preparation of monthly financial statements. Estimated titin„ involved would be 40 to 59 hours per month. Use of a vehicle is a necessity. Remuneration will be based on exper- ience and. ability. Please contact Paull Moody at 357-3450 between 4:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays for 'further details or to arrange an Interview. NOTICE`'rO. PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to a.�P errors ff► pastes ion: 4¢f lali'n)n anyr l unicrOlit 'i'fi;thettmun xdf t on In accordance with the ' Revised Weed Control Act', .1972, Section 4, 14 and, 20 anendirnents thereto, that unless .nox- ious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 6, 1980 and.through= *out the season, the Municipality -may enter uponthe said land and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs a- gainst the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. JOE GIBSON, Weed inspector County of Huron NOTICE OF POLL TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH NOTICE is hereby given to the municipal electors of the Corporation of the Township of East Wawan- osh, that a vote will be taken on three questions under the provisions of The Liquor Licence Act, 1975. 1. Are you in favour of the sole of spirits, beer and wine under o.dining lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises where food is available? 2. Are you in favour of the sole of spirits, beer and wine under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises? 3. Are you in favour of the sole of spirits, beer and wine under an entertainment lounge licence for consumption ors 'licensed premises? ADVANCE POLL at Clerk's Residence (W. Thompson) Hutton Heights, Concession 14. Saturday, May 31st, 1980. from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. REGULAR POLLS Monday, Jun. 9th, 1980. from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. LOCATIONS Poll 1: Snell Feed 8, Supplies Ltd. (for Concessions 1-5) Wil! 2: East Wawanosh Municipal Office (for Concessions 6-9) Poll 3: Phil Dawson's Residence (for Concessions 10-14) Th. last day for applications for a csrtlficato to )roto by proxy Is Monday, June 9th, 1980, before 5:00 o'clock in tho afternoon. Dated at R.R. 1, Belgrave, Ontario, this 21st day of May, 1980. Winona Thompson, Clark -Treasurer, Township oir Eas4 Yt�awan®:s11, Belgrnve, Ontario.