HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-05-14, Page 8ce-Times, May 14, 1980 is 4J. • CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: 357-2320 For Sale BERG stablle-cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls; silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb 1978 HONDA XL175 is good condition, low mileage. Phone 357-2913. 7-14 ADMIRAL 15 cu. ft. white, freezer, one year old, excel- lent condition, $250; Polaroid land camera, $20; stereo stand, wood, $35. Phone 357-1146. 7-14 BULK garden seeds. Watson Home Hardware, Gorrie, .335-3551. 7-14 CHOREMASTER, garden cultivator, 2% hp, $40; 5 hp roto tiller, $125. Phone 357- 1570 after" 8' p.m. 14-21 SOUND MASTER public ad- dress system, record player, one stand, one microphone, 2 horns, 100' of cord. ' Good - working order. Best offer by June 10. Phone 335.3863. F! Rik grain scale, 2 wheels on front, curved handles on back. Phone 665-7573. 14-21 "MEAT . KING" roaster cockerels, day old, available May and June. Call McKin- ley Hatchery 1-800-265-8536. Order today and put meat on your table this fall. 14 -21 -28 -4 -11 - SEED potatoes and table potatoes at Cap's Place across from Wingham Air- port - SWfMMING POOLS: manu- facturer has an inventory of 1979 'above -ground poolsto clear. Complete with .filter, motor, skimmer, pump, walk -around' patio; fencing: Regularly $2295, now $1444. Phone TOLL FREE 1-800- 265-8343. 7 rrb. INTERNATIONAL tractor 414 Diesel 40 hp; 7° New Idea mower, Case rake; John Deere chain saw, nearly new; Ford 3 furrow plow, 3 hp; Franklin stove with screen. Phone 357:1848. 7-14 OUR PLANTS are here! For best selection and competi- tive prices see us now! New plants arriving daily at Kaster's ,Food Market, Wroxeter. Note, we will be open evenings while- plants are here for your shopping convenience! 14-21 WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of •sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 JosephineSt., Wingham, 357-2320. 23 rrb ADDRESS Labels: gummed 300 for $2.25; presson 200 for $3.50. Phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 30rrb MAGNETIC Signs:. many sizes available, 8" x 20", $17.5, . For further inforrna- tio phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 23 rrb CUCUMBER contracts. Con- tracts to grow cucumbers for Bick's Pickles now available at Maurice Cronin, Tees - water. Phone ait2-6290. 30-7-14 is For Sale LIGHTWEIGHT travel trail- ers, hardtop tent trailers, park models, truck campers and caps. Trillium, Boler, Rover, Lionel, Prowler, Golden- Falcon. Camp -gut. Rental and Sales, Highway 8 west, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed Sundays. 30-J1y2 OUR PLANTS are here! For best selection and competi- tive prices see us now! New plants arriving daily at Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter. Note, we will be open evenings while plants are here for your shopping convenience! 14-21 GERANIUMS and begonias. Lewis Flowers, 135 Frances St., 357-3880, For Sale OUR PLANTS are here! For best selection and competi- tive prices see us now! New plants arriving daily , at Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter. Note, we will be open evenings while plants are here for your shopping convenience! 14-21 NEW HOLLAND 353 mix mill, one year old, $3,700. Phone Peter Chandler 357- 1098. 7-14 PINTO parts for sale. Phone Wingham Automotive 357- 2671. 14-21 HIGH CHAIR, excellent con- dition, $10. Phone 335-3465. 14-21 SET of saddle bags, univer- sal fit, must sell. Phone 335-3891. 7-14 POTATOES; petunias, mari- golds, tomatoes and cabbage plants. Bluevale Garden Centre. 10 INCH radial arm saw, $165; table and 4 chairs, $30; boy's bicycle, $25. Phone 357.2)$5. 14-21 ,, USED PENTAX camera ME with Power winder for $299; used Pentax K2 camera, $299. Snyder Studio 357-1851. 14-21 ACORN Olympic fireplace with 18' chimney; used 6 winters. Phone 357-1012. . 14-21 ALUMINUM window, 207 x 40"; 5 gallon pail of asphalt driveway coating; new two, burner camp stove. Phone 357-3531. TEESWATER Ex-Toggery has for sale a large selection -of summer clothes. We are : open Thursdays 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 5 p.m. and Fri- days and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. Feel free tri come in and browse. 14-21 ROCK -PICKERS: Rock -O - Matic models 546; 5' pickup, medium dump; model 57; 7' pickup, high dump; model HDW5, 20' pickup . high dump. Windrowers models TM20, 20' width, TM12, 12' width. Contact your local. .fa trequipiftent"dealer' for• prices. Distributed in On-' tario by L. E. Seeley, Flesh erton, Ontario. NOC 1E0. Phone (519) 922-2389. FIVE drawer chest, solid wood top, sides and front, natural finish, height 38". Phone 357-2854. URINE -ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from, carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario. JEEP PARTS, accessories, adaptors, convertible tops. All Jeeps 1942 to 1980. Gi- gantic Stock, low prices. Gemini Sales, 4736 East Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2K7. Phone 112-604-294-2623. RAILROAD TIES. Excellent quality. Soft wood, 8' long. Creosoted. Delivery avail- able, $7.75 each. Call Bill at 1-705-726-7139. PIONEER seed corn, silage and picking varieties avail- able. Ronald Coultes, 133 James St., 357-1917. Free delivery. 14-21 SPANISH or cooking onions 10 cents per "pound; white potatoes, 6 cents per pound; red potatoes, 8 cents per pound, good for seed; sweet corn and pea seed: Comet raspberry canes; flower and vegetable bedding plants. Bring containers. Come visit James Schill's Greenhouse & Market Garden, RR 3, Tees - water. Phone 392-6318. 30-7-14 SEALPOINT Siamese kit- tens, ready June,1 'Phone M. Wormworth 357-2252. 7-14 Jfi?Cg ♦\ A:316Pt�1. PETS FOR SALE REGISTERABLE German Shepherd, male pup, 7 weeks old, has shots. Phone 3315- 3479. TO GIVE AWAY FAMILY pet dog to farm home, 3 years old male, neutered, part golden lab, good with kids, excellent watch dog. Owner transfer- red to city. Phone 357-1577. Livestock For Sale SIMMENTAL SALE, , May 31, 5 p.m. Double M, Airport Road at Cashtown,,,,56 lots fullblood, percentage fe- males, 3 bulls. Catalogue: Milton _McArthur RR 1, Stayner, Ontario. Phone (705) 466-3048. REGISTERED Hereford bulls. Brian Rintoul 357-2349. 14-21 SHEEP: 15 commercial ewes, 3 black ewes, some ewe lambs. Phone 357-1587. SERVICEABLE age boars, Hampshire, York, Hamp X Duroc and Hamp X York; also York X Landrace bred gilts due in four tp six weeks. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, phone 345-2317. 7-14-21 Help Wanted MEN and women.. Is infla- tion hurting your life style? Why be downhearted or de- pressed? Get your family in- volved picking worms at night and selling to Jack's Bait Shack at 330 Smith St. in Arthur. Many pickers today make $200 per week working part-time. For information and know how, phone 848- 2800. tf AGENTS WANTED: Refer- ral fees paid for introducing our Non Insurance Financial services. Write for more de- tails. John A. Church Inc., P.O. Box 1002, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 8A4. LICENSED FARM, .z><lecho11- ics for new IHC facility, $9 to $11.50 per hour. Leduc Farm & Truck Supply, Box 1367, Leduc, Alta. Phone (403) 986-5400. T9E 2Y8. ESTABLISHED business of- fers good pay, cash bonuses, trips, holiday pay, car. Deal- ing with the complete line of natural skin care products. No investment, no quotas, plus your own hours. Invites a pressure free system. Please call Heather Mc- Michael 524-2435 for a friend- ly discussion. Farm Machinery FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT CLAY—Silo unloaders, feed- ers, cleaners, stabling, leg elevators, liquid manure equipment, hog equipment. \BUTLER -Silo unloaders, feeder conveyors. FARMATiC—Mills augers, etc. ACORN—Cleaners, heated waterers. WESTEEL-ROSCO — Gran- aries, B & L Hog Panelling. Lowry Farm'Systems Ltd. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 5rrb RENT A POOL. Swimming pool manu- facturer will lease and in- stall new' 1980 family. size pool complete with walkway, sundeck and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try be- fore you buy! Call IM- PERIAL POOL) toll free 1 - 800-268-5970. USE your spare time profit- ably! Business is booming. Equal opportunities for eve- ryone.Ladies, men, students, no investment. Eight hours a week will do 'it. Salary or commission negotiable. Full- time opening . available. Electrolux 884-6810 Collect. 26 rrb Business Opportunity BYLAW Enforcement of- ficer, pay Grade 17, 1746-2020 per month required as soon as possible by community of 2,200 and enjoying steady growth. Other duties willin= elude building inspection, development control, etc.., The'"position offers -'an' .in- dividual a good opportunity to gain further' experience. Desirable qualifications in_ elude previous municipal experience and trade (car- pentry) training and or experience. Resume indicat- ing previous employment duties and renumeration to be forwarded to: Gerard Fortier, Municipal Adminis- trator, Box 485, High Level, Alberta. TOH 1ZO. Phone (403) 926-2201. ALFALFA Dehydrating Plant requires mechanic with general knowledge' of repair and maintenance for trucks and farm machinery. Electric and gas welding necessary. Year round em- ployment. Phone or write Paddle Valley Products Ltd., Box 508, Mayerthorpe, Alta. TOE 1NO. Phone (403) 786- 2702, �. , • �<aa a• p�.. Cats 8 Trucks For Sale McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Higkway 86 Midway between W i ngham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS a TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap cars wanted. Highest prices paid, Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 1970 OLDS F85 Cutlass, 350, 2 barrel, automatic, ps, still strong with 86,000 highway miles. Good brakes, good in- terior and new exhaust pipes. Body needs work, but only asking $250. Phone 357-3385 Wingham soon. 14-21 1979 DODGE 150 pickup, V8, power steering, power brakes, oversized radials, 6,000, miles. Phone 887-6079. 13rrb 1966 BUICK 4 door sedan, 445 motor, 4 barrel automatic, power steering, brakes, re- cent body job. Phone 335- 3720. 7-14 1975 CHEV Biscayne, good condition, 63,000 miles, ask- ing $900. Phone 357-2851 or 357-1310. 7-14 1965 MERCURY 1 ton truck with stake box, 6 cylinder, 4 speed. tPhone1924eisn 1966 BEAUMONT Ahadian, 2 door sedan, 283, ps, pb, auto- matic, bucket seats, radio, second owner. Phone 392-' 5141 after 4 p.m. 1975 DODGE Charger SE, ps pb, rear defogger, air condi- tioning, cruise control, AM FM, V8, automatic. Will con- sider trade. May be bought with or without certification. Asking $2100. Phone 887-9272 after 6 p.m. 14-21 1975 FORD Maverick, 6 cyl- inder, automatic, ps, asking $1150 certified. Phone 887- 9272 after 6 p.m: 14-21 Business Opportunity. BE YOUR own boss. Earn extra income and life style in your spare time 'without risking any capital. Reply for an appointment to Box 2142 c -o The Wingham -Ad- vance-Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W6. 7-14-21-28 BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly •„ HAIRDRESSING , BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745.5641 Business and Professional Directory Karl C. Lentz Chartered Accountant Wingham, Ontario Telephone (519)357-1087 li tat: ,..• . `isf,"b . ., >At WINGHAM MEMORIALS Guaranteed Granites Cemetery Letter ng Reasonable Prices Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Ras. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phrri.8., R.O. Carol E. Hernuth, 0,0• Mrt. H. Viola idomuth, 0.0. optometrists Hnrriooton frs*arin 3382712 •k�••:•.} , �r. �A •••", Miscellaneous MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657.• 14 rrb IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb Wanted To Buy ROUND, square oval exten- sion tables. Wooden chairs of all kinds. Good used furni- ture. Clean appliances in ex- .cellent, working condition. Phone _working 528-2625, 9 to 5 Monday to Saturday. 16rrb PAY cash for old furniture, clocks, gramophones, coal oil lamps, crocks, pictures, pocket watches, glass, china, silverware, coins, jewellery. Phone 284-3875 evenings. 27 rrb TOP prices paid for good used furniture or appliances and antiques. Will buy par- tial or complete households. Wingham Sales Arena 357- 1730. 24 rrb Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED for a pole type building, 12' x 16° with metal siding. Tenders to be in the hands of the secre- tary of the Fordwich Ceme- tery Board by May 31, 1980. Highest or lowest tender not necessarily accepted. AUTOMOTIVE SALESPERSON with management potential, to sell new and used cars and trucks for growing GM dealership. We supply salary plus com- mission, excellent health benefits, company demon- strator, extensive training. We require a self-starter, ability to learn, ambition. Address all replies to: JOHN CULLEN JOHN CULLEN CHEV-OLDS 80X,729. WINGHAM, ONT. Work Wanted' WILL DO farm work. Phone 357-1082. - 14-21 GOOD MAN, 24, with Class A licence seeks permanent full -tinge position. Phone 357- 3297. 14-21 UNIVERSITY student wants full-time summer employ- ment, any job considered; has car if necessary. Able to start immediately. Blyth 523- 4266. 14-2 WILL DO farm work. Phone 523-9276. 7-14 WILL DO exterior painting, free estimates. Phone Ron's Painting 887-9577. 14-21 STUDENT to do inside or outside painting, has experi- ence. Gord Kinahan, 357- 1987. 14-21 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICk LAND FILL SiTE Effective May 1st, 1980, the Howick Township Land Fill Site (Dump) will be open: Wednesdays a Saturdays 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Disposal Site is located 1/2 mile east of Fordwich on, Highway #87, Part Lot 24, Concession 8, Howick, Township: TENDER School Buses Sealed tenders will be received by R. B. Dun- lop, Superintendent of Business Affairs, for 4he, supply of three (3) new school buses. Tender dosing effective 12 o'- clock noon, Friday, May 23, 1980. Specifications and tender forms are available at the Board Office. . Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. L. Cunningham Transportation Manager THE HURON COUNTY. BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street ' Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 D. McDonald. Chairman D JC'Cochran• . Director Personal PREGNANT and need, help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 COLLECT. - 21 rrb Lost MALE black Labrador re- triever 10 months old, chil- dren's pet; lost on the 4th con. of Morris. Reward .offered. Phone 887-9434. 14-21 A RIP H��y�M/h,ano}�VV �, °." y� and 3 Inagliing$ • week Phone 357-46. SWIMMING POOL. Factory overatock sal r new 1979 pools ; T eslf' come complete 'i with waikaroond deck, patio, fencing, pwinp, and filter. 141gulcir,prke $2400, now $1490,�L Co IMPERIAL POOLStpi foot:. 1-.800.268-5970. -ter TOWNSHIP OF HOWICIC TILE DRAINAGE LOANS Applications for Tlia Drainage Wens will b• accepted from quell. tying land owners up to and jnclud- Ing May 30th. 1000. Loans advanced on drahiage Mork* com0lqtef before Nov. 30th, 11180, will be: repaid by applicants by way of a 10 yes!d.- benttre at en Intarest rate of 596 per annum. Application fomes end Information concerning program criteria may be obtained from the undersigned. . Wesley 11. Ben, AMC IQ •Clerk-Tr.asurer Township of Howick Wedding Stationery Largest selection in the area. Books available'to take home for personal viewing. Wingham Printing Service '314 Josephine St. Wingham, Ont. 357-3800 SECRETARY REQUIRED For office duties by Hyndman Transport, Wroxeter. Phone 335-3241 Need a Wood Porch (unique designs)? Wood Retaining Wall (our specialty)? Wood Fencing? Use beautiful Redwood Cedar pressure - treated lumber. Our 35 years experience shows on every job! Low prices and guaranteed! FREE professional advice together with complete- planning and designing goes with every job! Garages - Carports - Florida Rooms Call Today Turnberry Structures wr+ur,v ermnai�® ,,}tile:' TENDERS Interior and Exterior Maintenance Projects Tenders from all construction trades are invited for interior and exterior maintenance prolscts,, at Huron County Schools. Tender forms and lob specifications are available at the Huron County Board of Education offices,.103 Alb..rt Street, Clinton; l Deadline for tender submissions is 12 o'clock jllld'1, May 30, 1980. D. McDonald Chairman D. J. Cochrane Director ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS RENTAL OF GRADER FOR SNOWPLOWING WINTER 1980-81 HARRISTON PATROL The Ministry of Transportation and Communications are inviting tenders for a Road Graderwith• snow- plowing equipment for plowing in the Harriston Area, Grader to be • Class 6, 180 H.P. minimum. Tender documents con be picked up from the Strat- ford District Office, 581 Huron Street, Stratford. Tele- ,phone.271.3550,•.>..:....................•............-........ ,..... .......... _.. Tenders must be received at the District` Office in Stratford on or before .9:00 a.m., D.S.T., . June 4th, 1980. LOWEST OR ANY SID NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Township of East Wawanosh Clerk's Notice of Posting of Preliminary List of Electors The Municipal Elections Act 1977 Sections 24 and 25 NOTICE is hereby given that I hove complied with Sections 24 end 25 of The Municipal Elections Act. 1977 and I have posted up in my office at RR 1, Belgrave, On- tario, on the 14th day of May, 1980, the list of persons eligible to vote on three (3) questions under the pro- visions of The Liquor Licence Act 1975. AND I hereby call upon all such electors to examine the list and to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last day for filing applications for inclusions, additions, or corrections to or deletions from the list Is the 23rd day of May, 1980. The place at which the revisions of the list will be taken is the Township of East Wawanosh Municipal Office in the Municipal Garage at RR 1, Belgrave, Ont. Revision of the list will be undertaken during normal, office hours, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Wednesday, May 14th to Friday, May 23rd, 1980. DATED AT RR 1, BELGRAVE, ONTARIO THIS 14TH DAY OF MAY, 1980. Winona Thompson, Clerk-Treeaurer °h® Township of East VVavvanosh, RR 1, Belgrave, Ontario. ,