HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-05-07, Page 16tt, go, • yr, ?!1 ;.P ; ,• etkoMay 7,1980 „. , meter ns doMirutted th ot %Vick *Monday ,k..k4ieasuer Wesley *embers of the WInga„, .cemetery board • 'that.1e *MUM send them a sample copy of the eta the township has with. Ole Fordwich Cemetery bow& The Wroxeter board ex- pressed its concern over the diretive by the provincial government that cemeteries are either under the jurisdiction of a church, municipality or a trust company. Wroxeter is not under any of the above jurisdictions and representatives at council said that • when the village became part of the township, the cemetery should have been included. It is still a village cemetery. Mr. Ball told the delegation that the Ministry of Consumer and Com- mercial Relations said rules and regulations pertaining to the cemetery have to be apprOved by the ministry before they can be enforced. Again it was pointed out that Wroxeter's cemetery board rules and regulations had not been approved by the ministry. It was the general con- sensus of council that the perpetual care fund be ad- ministered by the municipality. Money that is given to the cemetery for x perpetual care of grave sites is invested and the interest money Ls used for operational costs. The cemetery board representatives agreed they would look over the agreement to be sent out by the clerk -treasurer and discuss the matter at the next board meeting. The Fordwich cemeter' hoard which is under the jurisdiction of the munici- pality, had a delegation in to question council on the pos- sibility of purchasing a new riding lawn mower and erecting a larger tool shed than is presently on the site. Representatives said the present tool shed measures eight feet by 10 feet and is too small for the number of implements stored ln it. R,presentatives said the' would like a shed measuring about 16 feet by 12 feet fl colored steel. : It was anticipated the shed, would cost, about $1,Q00 and representatives were told to, • go ahead with the plan to get oone. It was suggested that the purchase of a new riding, mower be deferred as the present mower, a .Ifo Deere seven horse power - model is in fairly good condition. Cemetery hoard members said they have had the mower for eight or nine years. Coun. Harry Winkel suggested the cemetery board try to make a trade • with one of the area John ers. YDRO Will try to contact pector for the ea to discus4 L,: 4the hydro wire !..be township shed ,,Edward Street in rry y council has ydro to remove , which provides 04thouse termed the house" and HA* :had said, "no PI* . • the council meetingtbe clerk -treasurer telephone call .0 )1014 Hydro could not fd,O,Wbe wire because Py',4Kitdrd be leaving a residence -without service. • The' Pr.c404; for the last 'If, the og FOrdwl:Ol1„, been, toft hydihoql plum Mr. pall is, to 49.4044, get pries ter rePair be completed on th4 drain which cuts aerial Huron Count,Roa45. The Clerit-Wts, urer, eaid the work wotdd,bt.on,4!t, open. ditch coustructioii estimated to cost. less. $4,500. if the dratn estimated4o cost over SOW, the municipality will baye to• ift tlie d with .puttirig in. a flew .hniirrie pari buard to.- go ecittit4 and fencing in the prk- at an eStipaateqvo4t of $5,S00 to $5)6904, Changed 49,inP.loro 4. *A, .!,0 p,m.. on • Wednesdays a04....,gatni040 for the -sortiteOtnot .and *09,499 *WINO 'Brother Huron:enjoyed 01., 1,0 4 run, .- , 'f041.044,- ' ' ' • . • iiisoirmehtriNERN • ' .,,',......„. ....,- forthivicit. ..,,E ,,,...,,......, .,,.. ..,.,::.r:..,.. ,01.0.. Kim JaeOpsoli, 400,1iter, of Mr. ,stul,•:*s„ Gary .1r1g04104,:icfkT44041,7 "..•'I" iit CI '1 pm, Toronto..17., erna Ona Dlocese of cse'FindingP44411aer"*"e Church 41 't throughoutLondon.*h. 4 aPlikar r as at, St.stOlt !4`..„ ie the attendanceat. the Time'.et*'Fr''wtP:understand4 o 1;:iltt I , • • . , Specials in effect until closing Saturday, May 10 Wereserve the right to limit quantities. Sdineiders Country Style Fresh Utility Grade • 5 lb. ovg. lb. ROASTING CHICKENS lb. • it W fora SAUSAGE 1.89 Fresh- with backs attached s,Weatona Raspberry - es Lemon ButterhOms Chtisties Cheddies or - 150g. Cbees FIings A A Fresh - wiikbacks attached Multipak Assorted - (Pack of 24), Popsicles Schneiders Bucket of 2 Ib. Chicken Bluewater Batter Fried -12 02. Cod Portions Fresh Pork Boneless ana 41•Pcinci a Red App: es 1.59 U.S. Ffodda (White or Pink) Grapefruit 5/1.00 areada No. 1 English Cucumbers Schneiders Sliced Square - 500 gr. BOLOGNA Schneiders Broken Cooked - 175 gr. • • VOA, 9240 9/4 S[p $ 04 7,,'//AgAV Del Monte - 6 Varieties (4 x 5 oz.) Kraft Process Cheese Spread 500 g. CHEESE • WHIZ Kam •- 12 oz. Luncheon Meat Lemon Juice Quaker - 20 oz. Life Cereal White Label Orange Pekoe - 100's .11 9;.,Tea Bags „_ White Label Powdered - 2 kg. Y 9 Detergent White Label - 128 oz. 1.00 Fabric Softener Airwick Stick-ups 1.99 (4 Varieties), (Pack of 2) Deodorizers . • - ZA n/W. A t • „ntoft. k :.-4,!ek`Atitatt4.-"'41 l‘" VOW." IC.16t/11 ;04..• • . ^