HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-05-07, Page 100 I" e Winghatn Advance -Times, May 7, 1980 ° 'rMa•7e '"tg+"'°"r`; �'1r w,r, , t'..p„ :;nw: ail r•; nnen cot • Kot CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: „ 357-2320 For Sale WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Winghaan, 357-2320. 23 rrb ADDRESS Labels: gummed 300 for $2.25; presson 200 for $3.50. • Phone The Wingham Advance -Times,, 357-2320. 30 rrb MAGNETIC Signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $17.55. For further informa- tion phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. , 23 rrb EIGHT ton woodencattle feeder. Phone 335-3754. 30-7 LIGHTWEIGHT travel trail- ers, hardtop tent trailers,, park models, truck, campers ansl, caps. Trillium; Boler, Rover, Lionel, Prowler, Golden Falcon. Camp -Out Rental and Sales, Highway 8 west, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed Sundays. 30-J1y2 CUCUMBER contracts. Con- tracts to grow cucumbers for Bick's P'itkles now available ,a at" :Maurice Cronin;''Tees-`" water. Phone 392-6290. 30-7-14 HOUSE Trailer, ''.8' x : 25', • older model in good shape, best offer; two saddles, like new. Phone 357 3499' after 4 p.m. 30-7 SEALPOINT Siamese kit- tens, ready June 1. Phone M. Wormworth 357-2252. 7-14 WOODS tent trailer, sleeps,4, mattresses, stove and spare tire included, good condition. Phone 357-3762. SEED potatoes and table potatoes atCap's Place across -from 'Wingham Air- port. GREEN patterned rubber - backed rug, 2 years old, 12' x 16°, excellent condition; pale green foam -backed drapes,. 84" x 100", 2 years old. Phone 357-9948. ROCK -PICKERS: Rock -O - Matic models 546, 5' pickup, medium dump; model 57, 7' pickup, high dump; model IIDW, 20' pickup high dump. Windrowers models TM20, 20' width, TM12, 12' width. Contact your local farm equipment dealer for prices. Distributed in Ontario by L. E. Seeley, Fleslierton, On- tario. NOC 1E0. Phone (519) 922-2389. ARBOR DAY tree -in. Mait- land Forks Tree Farts, 11/4 miles east of Wingham on Highway 86, turn south 1 mile. Friday, May 9, ' and Saturday, May 10. Dig your choice from sod. Stock to 4', spruce $1 a' foot; Colorado blue spruce $2 a foot. Free coffee. Contact E. Marsh 357.2387. ' SET of saddle bags, univer- sal fit, must sell. Phone 335-3891. 7-14 WESTINGHOUSE stereo complete with record player and radio, like new. Phone 357-2875. URINE -ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, humane ine stains, odors from carpets' Free brochure. Dept. A. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ont. For Sale BERG stable cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls; silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb % SECTIONS land, feedlot for 1,000 cattle, hog barn, 3 bedroom modern home, water plentiful. Write Ralph Cockerill, Box 371, Roblin, Manitoba. Phone (204) 937- 2701. MOBILE home, 12' x 52', asking $15,000 or best offer. For more information phone 887.-9224 or 343-3517 on week- ends. 30-7 GOVERNMENT inspected grain -fed beef, cut, wrapped, frozen and delivered. Phone 335-3754. 30-7 PIONEER seed corn, silage and picking varieties avail- able. Ronald Coultes, 133 James St., 357-1917. Free de- livery: 30-7 HEINTZMAN piano and bench, An good : ' ec33dition. Phone 357-2313 evenings. 10 INCH radial arm .saw, very good condition; in ex- cellent working worder. Was asking,$225 but will take any-- reasonable offer. Phone 357- 2966. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN camp- er, in good condition, not road checked. Gordon Fran- cis, 357-2958. 1978 HONDA XL175 in good condition, low mileage. Phone 357-2913. 7-14 ADMIRAL 15 cu. ft. White freezer, one year. old, -excel- lent condition, $250; Polaroid land camera, $20; stereo stand, wood, $35. Phone 357-1146, 7-14 NOW OPEN: Mini -Meat Market, Gorrie. Specializing in custom cutting and freez- er orders. Federal inspected beef cut and wrapped. Sides, $1.58; hinds, $1,88; fronts, $1..35; chucks, $1.45; home- made farmer's sausage, $1.50 pound. Phone 335-3381 evenings. WESTINGHOUSE washer, spin dryer, in good condition. Phone 357-2776. NEW HOLLAND 353 mix mill, one year old, $3,700. Phone Peter Chandler 357- ' 1098. 7-14 RAINBOW hardtop trailer, sleeps six, dinette. In good condition. Phone 357-3858., MAHOGANY dining room suite. Phone 357-1087. TWO pair drapes, green, one pair 100" x 81", and 150" x 95". Kitchen table, 6 chairs. Phone 523-9470. n For Sof e BULK garden seeds. w a I l a Home Hardware, Gorr . 335-3551. 7-14 SWIMMING POOLS: manu- facturer has an inventory of 1979 above -ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, motor, skinuner, pump, walk -around patio, fencing. Regularly $2295, now $1444. Phone TOLL FREE 1-800- 265-8343. 7 rrb INTERNATIONAL. tractor 414 Diesel 40 hp; 7' New Idea Mower; Cafe rake; John Deere chain saw, nearly new; Ford 3 furrow plow, 3 hp; Franklin stove with screen. Phone 357-1848. 7-14 BEDDING plants arriving soon at Kaster's Food Mar- ket, Wroxeter. (Approx. May 12-15), 10 per cent off any booking received prior to ar- rival of plants. Our top quality will be arriving daily. Note: We will be open evenings while plants are here for your shopping con- venience! For plant book- ings phone 335-3136. POTATOES:. $4 for 50 lbs; sidewalk bicycle, $10; Mus- tang bicycle, $30. Phone Doug Conley 357-1603. SPANISH or cooking onions 10 cents per pound; white potatoes, 6 cents per pound; red .potatoes, 8 cents per pound, good for seed; sweet corn and pea seed; Comet raspberry canes; flower and vegetable bedding plants. Bringcontainers. Come visit James Schiil's Greenhouse & Market Garden, R1 3, Tees- water: Phone 392-6318. 30-7-14 MAN'S 10 -speed . bicycle; dining table, 4 chairs and 1 captain's chair. Phone 357- 3090. 30-7 Livestock For Sale SIMMENTAL SALE, May 31, 5:00 p.m.; Double M, Air- • port Road at Cashtown; 56 lots full -blood, percentage fetnales, 3 bulls. Catalogue: Milton ...McArthur, ...,RR ...1, ...... Stayner, Ont. (705) 466-3048. SERVICEABLE age boars, Hampshire, York, Hamp X Duroc and Hemp X York; also York X Landrace bred gilts due in four to six weeks. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, phone 345-2317. 7-14-21 PUREBRED Arabian stal- lion ' "Tas Gas Admiral" CAHR 7734, AHRA 132353, Gray, 1975, Sire, Gai Ad- venture, Dam, Gai Melodi Fayr. Did you know if you breed your mare to a pure- bred arabian stallion the foal is eligible for: -1) registration in half arabian registry; 2) half arabian futurity; 3) half arabian legion of merit; 4) to show in a full slate of classes for half arabians in all class "A" arebian shows. Terms: live foal guarantee, Coggins test requested prior to breed- ing. Special rates to 4-H members. Visitors always welcome. Quality stock for sale. A family project, Tag- along Stables, David, Jean, Lorraine, Carolyn Dins- more, RR 1, Fordwich, Ont. NOG IVO, (519) 335-3290. 30-7 Wedding Stationery Largesf selection in the area. Books available to take horse for personal viewing. Wingham Printing Service 314 Josephine St. Wingham, Ont. 3573500 Help Wa NEEDED: Someone to do .arm books, .once a month or more. Phone 357-2891. 30-7 MEN and women. Is infla- tion hurting your life style? Why be downhearted or de- pressed? Get your family in- volved picking worms at night and selling to Jack's Bait Shack at 330 Smith St. in Arthur. Many pickers today make $200 per week working part-time. For information and know how, phone 848- 2800. tf PERSON to live in with elderly gentleman, in Wing - ham. Light household chores. Apply stating re- muneration to P.O. Box 801, Wingham, Ont. 9 rrb PROFESSIONAL sales per- son required, John Deere Ag. experience; high earn- ing potential; benefit pack- age included. Write John Porter, Benning -Porter Equipment Ltd., Box 1890, Wainwright, Alberta. TOB 4P0. Phone (403) 842-6131. GROWING community newspaper is looking for sales person, and editor agricultural knowledge an asset. If you want to get in- volved, send resume to P.O. Box 130, Mount Forest, Ont. NOG 2L0. Atempoleapamem USfl% are profit- ablyl ygtBusinespss isttime booming. E•ffbal: opportunities for eve- rypne,L tidies, men, students, no investtt,•ent. Eight hours a week ttrilll' ;do it. Salary or COInmissilip negotiable. Full- time . opening available. EleetroI a 884-6810 Collect. 26 rrb MATURE student to baby-sit two year o,0 during the week for the summer months in Wingharin. Phone 357-3307. Business Opportunity BE YOUR own boss. Earn extra income and life style in your spare time without risking any capital. ReplyKi for an appointment to Box 2142 c -o The Wingham Ad- vance-Tiines, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0. 7-14-21-28 BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly • HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNSEX For free information Kitchener Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 74S-5641 Listowel Chrysler -Dodge requires a Licenced Body:. n' Must be capable of all hases ofd b repairs P PY P and painting. Good wages and company bene- fits. Apply in person to; Roy Brocklebank, Service Manager Dodge 1'HRYSLF.R Onrlge Truths ISAIES/SERVICE Plymouth' Listowel Chrysler -Dodge 754 Main Street East, Listowel Tel 291-4350 United Co -Operatives of Ontario CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Required .. — Operators — Maintenance and Office Personnel Apply to Box 700, Winghd,-Ont.. D Phone 357-3411 Applications close on May 1.4, 1980. Business and Professio na Directory Karl Co Lentz Chartered Accountant 0near;" Telephone (S19) 357-1087 WINGHAM. MEMORIALS Guaranteed Granites Cemetery Lettering Reasonable Prices Buy Direct end Save Bus, ph. 357.1910 Res Ph. 357.1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Hornuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O,D. ©ptornetrisirs Harriston, Ontario 338-2712 ars it Truck- - For Sal 1972 BUICK $.kJ► lark;, as is. Phoma 357- 2.525. 1966 BUICK4 door' sedan, 445 motor, 4 barrel automatic, power steering, brakes, re- cent body job. Phone 335- 3720,,: 7-14 1975 CIIEV iiscayne, good condition, 63,000 miles, ask- ing $900, Phone '357.2851 or 357-1310. 7-14 1972 AUSTIN Marina auto- matic, 4 door, good running condition, 52,000 miles, ask- ing $450 as is, must sell im- mediately. Call Andy Bees- ley 357-3007 (home) or 357- 1310 (work). 1979 DODGE 150 pickup, V8, power steering, power brakes, oversized radials, 6,000 miles. Phone 887-6079. 13rrb Persona I • Farm Machinery ' JAHIi Deere 710Pl tractor: Phone 3574273.t:" PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 COLLECT. 21 rrb e. FULII. RANGE OF FARM, EQUIPMENT CL.A' !—Silo ;)Woadecs, feed- ers, cleaners, stabling, leg elevators, liquid manure equipment, hog equipment. BUTLER—Silo unloaders, feeder conveyors. FARMATIC—Mills augers, etc. ACORN—Cleaners, heated waterers. WESTEEL-ROSCO — Gran- aries, B & L Hog Panelling. Lowry. Farm_ Systems Ltd. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 5rrb McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS Et TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap cars wanted. Highest prices paid. Phone, LISTOWEI.291-4159 GORRtE 335-3314 t 1 (-)r t.1. C r1e(j U: ;if. t....f'... INVITATiONTO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for tbaprojoate al 8 or •e rvilcos lie low, addressed to the i anclAdministrative cee,, nubile' Works Canada, Ontario Region; 457. Fll"ohiiiond' Street, P.O. Box 668, LONDON, Ontario,.116A 04 aria endorsed with the project Name and Number will be re- ceived until 15:00 hours on the specified closing date. Tender ;,documents can be seen or obtained through the Tendering. Office, 457 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. PROJECTS No: 642651 - CLEANING CONTRACT, POST OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. CLOSING DATEi'WEDNESDAY, MAY 28,1980 Enquiries: (519) 679-4323 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ONTARIO 'GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS RENTAL OF TRUCKS FOR SNOWPLOWING • WINTER 1980-81 W1NGHAM'PATROi '........,. ., ..:.. 7- The Ministry of Transportation and Communications are inviting tenders for three (3) trucks with snowplow equipment for plowing in the Wingham area. Trucks to be tandem diesel - 225 H.P. minimum, Tender documents can be picked up from the Strat- ford District Office, 581 Huron Street, Stratford. Tele- . phone 271-3550. Tenders must be received at the District Office in Strat- ford on or before 9:00 a.m., D.S.T., May 20th, 1980. LOWEST OR ANY BID NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS SNOWPLOWING INQUIRY #5-80-004 Consists of - 1 Grader minimum Class Six (6), minimum 180 H.P. equipped with hydraulically oper- ated wing, 'V' Plow, One -Way Plow, and operator for the winter of 1980-81. All prospective bidders must attend a pre -contract meeting to become eligible to bid on this tender. Meet- ing will be held on May 14th, 1980 at 10:00 A.M. at the M.T.C. Patrol Yard on Highway H4 & 9 in the Town of Walkerton. Sealed tenders oh forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer, 1450 -7th Avenue ast, Box 520, OWEN SOUND, Ontario, N4K 5R1, Telephone No. 376-7350, until 1:30 P.M. Local Time, Wednesday, June 4th, 1980, Specifications, tender forms and envelopes may be ob- tained In person or by mail from J. Salvatori, at the above address prior to the meeting or at the meeting of prospective bidders at location and date as stated above. fcv Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications t, M• ♦ .w ..ate pew • N'.'TiE- Wedding , notices, 0949oge ,r ')anent$, • in metootioms and obituaries ore 'accepted'' 10 written form ON, YY, We can: not accept such notices by telephone. Please remember that no classified advertising is ac- cepted ofteranoon Monday. Fort.movbloF ilstIn sallc vorini ttind°4pplIco Ipn 4f nll w f F.'w l l. tnf bet lrPeie � at ran n (134 ;Fora Ily halts In Goderl h an So tth, AtakS etel'Sennett Streets In-Hurttn County, m.. ; a :5ri111.age, ..rwthe untllt1lt00 atm' tine, Mtlr 80;,.-, 1300.17y the )ario Hoes, the Cai'p4 Ion c/o .Court Hoy{. anti if Ice 00•, Dun lntrsstt, P,A , T. ofoal t r, London, tt!f , N6A 2P3 (519) Ext•71111 iram wham.r desalts and specifications may bP ab.;: - °lamed. petal s a scsMifltations;to4Y; also be obtained from the Hurossk County Housing . Authgrity 4 $quare, Godsrlch, O ria < H (519) 524.2637 „ �ko�inp number asobeys. ., • THE LOWEST•OR ANY TEN, PER .NOT NECESSARILY AC- CEPTED. TRUCKS POLICE VEHICLES CONSTRUCTION Fs TURF EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE City of Kitchener - Region of Waterloo Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Annex 400 East Avenue, Kitchener, Ont. Sat., May 10, 10:00 a.m. POLICE COMPACTS, MOTORCYCLES Et VAN: 13 • 1979 Ford Faimierise; - 1978 Dodge Aspens; 3 • 1974.77 Harley-Davidson Et Honda 'Bikes; .; 1-1974 Chevrolet Van. TURF Et CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: IHC & MF Loaders; A -C garden tractors: snow blowers; sprayers; spreaders: Ryan Aerator; Sod Cutter; weed eaters: IHC truck parts (reds, trans., etc.); GMC 3102 bus chassis: 2- GMC3102.englne and trans.; lawnmowers, etc., etc. CARS Et TRUCKS: 4 - 1969-77 Plymouth, Chev. & Pontiac ,Wagons and Sedans; 2 - 1974-75 Ford Er Dodge Crew Cabs; 5 • 1971.73 Dodge Et GMC Pickups: 3- 1969-72 Ford, IHC Medium Dumps. ' LINKBELT LS98 BACKHOE WAYNE SWEEPER OFFICE EQUIPMENT Lunch on Premises Partial List Only Viewing Friday May 9/80, 2.8 p.m. TERMS: $100 cash deposit°on vehicles or major items. Balance by cash or certified cheque by 4 p.m. May 12160 Cash, company cheques or as posted or announced. M. R. JUTZI & CO. Inc. Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers and Auctioneers Professionals M the orderly liqquidation of Construction, industrial and Commearcial Enterprises 69 Sydney S., Kitchener'- (519) 743-8221 WINGHAM SALES ARENA LARGE LIQUIDATION SALE at the WINGHAM SALES ARENA 680 Jose- hen ' St: North end of Winghanhi, rte' •.TORS , 'AY' 8, 49 6 m° FRL, MAY 9, 9-6 SAT., MAY 10, 9-5 This sale includes a good selection of new win- dows in varioussizes, rolls of carpet, rolls of no •wglx ftoorin§, carpet remnants, louvered metal bi-fold doors, house trim,, kitchen cabinets, paint, gates,.; Wire, chicken wire and more: This merchandise must be sold and will be' offered at liquidation prices. An excellent sale for the "Do-It-Xourselfer". Bring your pick-up and room sizes and remember the dates and time. TERMS: Cash, Cheques, Master Charge,. Visa, day of sale. . WINGHAM SALES ARENA .-1.� Q..... -....-. t - >� ..... WINGHAM SALES ARENA A I T 1, N L u D A 1 O rN S FARMERS & DEALERS RESERVE THIS DATE... MONDAY, MAY 1 2 1980 12:30 P.M. SHARP! ANNUAL GIGANTIC FARM EQUIP. AUCTION OF NEW & USED EQUIPMENT INCLUDING a Targe selection of tractors, plows, discs, cultivators, land packers, seed drills, weed sproyeri,, fertilizer spreaders, corn planters, manure spreaders, balers, stookers,l hay bins, swathers, mowers, rakes, elevators, wag ns, harvestors, forage boxes, blowers, combines, grinder mixers, rotory mowers, stone pickers, snow blowers, grain augers, blades, gravity boxes, Was lawn and garden equipment. PLEASE NOTE: SALE CONDUCTED AT OUR MT. FOREST LOCATION...DON'T MISS IT! SEE YOU THERE Cliff Gilbert: Auctioneer WAYNE WARDFARM EQUIPMENT - allt�All ARA eACT Q7 Ot r • W 7 LM.0 MT. FOREST - Phone 323-1012 ..w.-..rr""".