HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-04-30, Page 7rtt Art' Angh 'rl sting of Mottle S t >ri res Rural4.0899,194,09. Mo WO M9 Nestled :in Betimiller. Ont., iiiet 7 `li;iin; east of •Goderich oil" Huron County Road 1. just oft' High- way t; Plume 1LQ E YOU AFTER&bONPE 2:30to44:0' '7.DAYS AWEEK — --Come, -Come, : visit our unusual country resort for Tea- today! We've prepared buttered toast, freshly made scones, „ W „hol�4e m de jam. Devon cream, cake, biscuits and Earl Grey tea for the occasion. Relax and enjoy as"we serve you in l<Irpnt ,f air open hearth log fire in one of our two loungi (rgaervations pot required) 00' just, V• per person I"Just Sacred a Bundle at Triangle Discount Johnson & Johnson -125 ml. ' X OIL. 1 29 -.6..4 Soft '& Dry 200 mi. Spray DORANT 169. Woodbury - 450 mi. . SHANPOO Cured - 60's BANDAGES . 79 8 . 9 Tampax - 40's 279 IAP. S fi-Drs PAPER TOWELS TRIANGLE " DU NT 9 PATE. tr ,rfo/C/*FS • Case nrsTO *EC es Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays : Sundays Noon to Slit1 (!gv!as led by Maisie Bray, ' Lion .. 1strlet4dretr4 Boy f.0' p�1 . t>hnntar�lo }3joriticul . ai Assoata.on, was also 'Present- .and` • brought- greetings from the. ovinciatassoci `tion. 'Oa Wife, $abbe 'Carrr, gave a very .thoughtful address addresi im Junior •acti'vities during arses afternoon program. Also `;attending, were two Past presidents of the Ontario d sociation, Alastair Crawford :af Uro' Township, who conducted a workshop on administration mattersat -the morning session, and Mrs. Muriel Klie of Hanover.; who` completed the roster of persons who have represented horticulture well throughout the province. As part of the afternoon program fternoon program Mr. ' Bennett esented Mr. -and Mrs. Fielding with a Service Award of District 8 in " recognition of their com- bined service to horticulture in the district. Both thanked those responsible for this cherished award. In the election of officers the-followeing were installed by President Roy Carr: district director, Mrs. Bray, Lions Head; assistants, Mr. Bennett, Wingham, and Mrs. Ruby Lobban, Owen Sound; secretary, Mrs. Morrey, Wingham; treasurer, Mr. Baxter, Wingham; members at large, Mrs. Effie Stephenson, Seaforth; Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Auburn; Mrs. Marion McCharles, Ripley; Helen Arkell, Teeswater; and Mrs. Michie Hildebrand, RR 1, Flesber- ton, a member of the Mark - dale society. The auditors are Mrs. Bennett and Mr. Fielding, both of Wingham. STUDENTS HELP USC USC Canada received a donation :from /the Social Studies classes of Calgary Crescent ' Heights Sr". High:, Sciiibl wflie'eattudentalottaad6. cocitinitinents On'a pers'lotial and group basis to contribute to an agency assisting those in the world of need. USC headquarters is located at 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa. • i>. ':mac::. r c. >' • LOOKS GOOD --p- table folk' couldn't be resisted by rn craft and bake sale -last 5slt aked goods d Bluevale's e sale was another fund-raising effort to help. pay 'for hail renovations. Organizers reported the event brought in BRANTFOI1D—The Paris Presbyterial hosted -the 33rd annual meeting, of the Hamilton -London 'Synodical of the Women's Missionary, Society (.Wb) of the Presbyterian Church in Canada April 22-23 at Brant- ford.., The conference chose as \iyts theme, 'Challenge . of the Eighties% The registrar, Mrs.. Olive:' MacDonald of: Brantford; reported an at- tendance of 233. Devotions. at the business session were. intc)hargeoeil past president . •ofhf.the Synodical, Mrs- A. Mundell of Gorrie. She based her talks on the theme, begin- ning with the deepening of faith, followed by `Enduring. • for . Joy', which included scripture . itterses on the theme reinforced by the witness of 114fttin writers. Tirenett allenge and closing 4ev3)on was 'Run with Pati*ce', a seeming parado,t.- :Ta ere will be rdifficuitie; and temptations along*v , r y ' and things won't flap !:as quicldy as one 'Wind . is ' e, but that doestn's't meas stop, she said. Highiightin the meeting were the- -eakers. Mrs. Cathy:• ulIen, who, r les1ettlifie to" Canada'after beitahtiae in the selioo�l 'systenfr Of India for three years, challenged her listeners to go.:out and ni"eet`tew immigrants. Many of them come from Third World and Asian com- munities where ' there are close-knit families and they are very lonely, she said. Rev. H. Morris, Listowel, chairman of the Board of World Mission, paid tribute to Rev. Deane Johnson for his contribution t9;' the for- mation of the board He was introduced by Mrs. Derek Nind of Listowel. He outlined •the changes taking place in missions in a changing world and a 'cha'ng'ing Canadian- scene_ and made a 'plea for WMS members to'' keep congregations aware of mission and to `remember financial contributions. Miss M. Ramsay, a retired missionary from' Guyana, conducted a memorial service, using brief biographies of threeof her friends, a fellow missionary in Guyana, a minister's wife and a lay worker, whose deaths occurred in 1979, as representatives of all friends and laborers who have departed this life since the last meeting. Mrs..G. Gorman; hopnorary president of the .Synodical, installed officers for 1980-81. They are: president, Mrs. C. Remus, Walkerton; vice presidents,: Mrs. A. .Neal, Sarnia,; and Mrs. K. Rayner, Paris; recording secretary, Mrs. Ronald Ford, Dutton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. Neigent, Ripley, and treasurer, Miss , M. Alexander, Fort Erie. • What's new at :. f4th'n:viei During Mrs. Prouty's Bible \Study meeting on Thursday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Desjardine sang a duet,, followed by Mrs. Stuart reading a poem. In charge of the service and reading the lesson was Mrs. Prouty, assisted by Mrs. Finkbiner at the organ. Mable Jeffrey also added ' to the service by giving a reading. Rev. Wittick conducted the Sunday morning service. The -congregation enjoyed the solo sung: by Rev. Wit - tick, 'When Jesus Comes', and the solo sung by Mrs. Wittick, `Blessed Assur- Part of Mrs. Regier's family was here on Friday afternoon to celebrate her birthday. The family was seen at the tuck shop, along with .some of the other residents, enjoying cake and' ice cream. Molly Cox was here on Monday afternoon for Old Tyme Music in the y your help raise tan of lo Show thein how much 'you care. Hug thein. Take them to the park. Enjoy thein. Take more time for them. Have a nice talk and listen a lot. Call them up. If you start in I\Iay, von can reap. tlle.h,cnefat a-11 year long. and so will your familv May is Family Unity Month in Ontario. Ontario Margaret Birch, Provincial Secretary for Social, Development William Davis, Premier i Si+ auditorium. 'Assisting' Molly with 'the musical program was our own Cecil Skinner 'and Norm Speir, with their violins. Also accompanying the trio was Jim Ruddock with his accordian. A sing- song rounded off the program.' The Huronview auxiliary . ,held a meeting in the craft room also on Monday after- noon. Readers are reminded of their bazaar on June 4. Grace Peck, Mary. Ross, Mable Garrow, Ethel Hill, Margaret Murray, Bernice Glousher, Elizabeth Scott, Minnie 'Fowler and Iris .. Sparlingall;went into Clinton to help Polly Wiltse cele- brate her 90th birthday. The party was celebrated at the Ontario Street United Church and . was well . at-. tended with many friends and relatives gathered, to wish Polly a happy birthday.' Residents enjoyed the or- gan music, of Ed Stiles on • Thursday afternoon. Vincent, Vincent welo guests and .tr.. rsgrain Co> teets w, r?en lit' Mrs, iJeff+Hulrt 's, Gorden polonium, ALSO;AVE ON GOMPi,ETES SALE ENDSMAY 31, 198 ; . fG ,094 1:401 lg* 5 -Po. F ,ace',Setting',id dudes ;Teaspoon. DIBs spoor►:;HolI w:Hant rateadd Kn► a Din4n Sal -F .1881®OGERS® -:SILVERPL4`TE 5:00. Place Setting SIVE $22..51 $62.50 NOW! ry $39.99 5 -Pc. ,Place Setting in-. dudes: Teaspoon, Dessert Spoon, Hollow Handle Ser- rated Knife, Dinner Fork, ..Salad Fork, of stir flus' N 3 4 ?�k • HEIRLOOM® STAINLESS 5 -Pc. place Setting. SAVE . $1426 Regular Price $37:25 .NOW! " .$22.69 ...- .... d 5 -Pc. Place Setting in- cludes: Teaspoon, Dessert Spoon, Hollow Handle Ser - 'rated Knife, Dinner Fork, Salad Fork. COMMUNITY® STAINLESS 5 -Pc. Place Setting SAVE $ 9.51 Regular Price " $24.50 NOW! $14.99 5 -Pc, Place Setting in- cludes: Teaspoon, Dessert 'Spoon, Hollow Handle Ser- rated Knife, Dinner Fork, Salad Fork. Charlie .. c AU➢E, I LI A R Y ExECUTIV E --Members of the 1980-81 executive of the Auxiliary to the Wingham acid District Hospital Include (seated) Norene Gnay, vice president, and Lorna Stuart, •president; (standing) Mary Vair, past president, and Grace Hodgkinson, treasuries, Absent are Carol Hamilton, recording secretary, and Kay Rae, corresnbodinn CPrrnfarv. c� raau ° ONEIDA® DELUXE - STAINLESS 5 -Pc. Place Setting SAVE $8.51 Regular Price $19.50 NOW! $10.99 5 -Pc Place Setting in- cludes Teaspoon, Dessert Spoon, Hollow Handle Ser • - rated Knife, Dinner Fork, Salad Fork. A\NSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED • T M Onoda Clinton/Exeter /Seoforth/Walkerton Mf is,tt3Ek x 1