HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-04-30, Page 6am Advance-Tilues,-,E peril • .1986:
Gorrie Thankoffering
" IE—'Children and
Ygtfth' was the theme
followed in the spring.
Thankofferinpserrvice of the,
Gorrie United Church
Women, when the members
and guests met to hear Don
Keillor, director of the Huron
Centre for Children and
Youth at Clinton.
Mr. Keillor has had ex-
perience in elementary
school teaching and in
special •education, and
formerly was on the faculty
of educe Men at York
He said the purpose of the
Huron centre is to give
counselling and assistance to
families having problems
and to help families stay
together and live in har-
mony, with special 'emphasis
on children and youth.
The centre has a staff of
six professionals who work
to help smooth out the
problems arising from
educational, social and
emotional needs.
Mr. Keillor remarked that
even . when people do their
best as far as they know,
things go wrong and they
need a 41,1? view of things,
from. an outsider. Families
may be referred \ to the
centre by a• doctor, teacher
or public health nurse, and
they encourage the whole
family to come.
He commented that in
some cases parents want
thier children to grow up too
fast. It is all right to be a
child and act as a chilli, and
later on put away childish
things. He stressed the need
for praise and com-
mendation for children and
youths, and the need to help
a child see himself as
capable of doing worthwhile
things and being' somebody
Mr. Keillor was introduced
by Mrs. Clifton Coulter; Mrs.
Robert Strong thanked him
and presented him with a
The meeting was in charge
of the committee for
Christian development. The
devotion period was con-
ducted by Mrs. Coulter
assisted by Mrs. Melville,
Greig, while Mks. Velma
Mann presided at the organ.
A lovely duet, 'Come to the
fin+^ T3N r
PIANIST—Sharoft Martin, .14, of RR 4, Wingham de-
lightedtheaudienceat:the Lions Talent Hunt with two
'numbers en thea piano, 'Sonetlna in D', and 'The
Entertainer'.thewasonleoof 15 performers participat-
ing Thursday, evening:.for'the final Show of Stars.
t Paul's church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan', L. Th:
* The Fourth Sunday After Easter *
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist and Sermon
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Waters', was sung by Mrs.
Ernest Fellows and Mrs.
Raymond Gowdy.
The offering was received
by Mrs. Wes Ball, Mrs.
James Schefter, Mrs. Wayne
Stewart and Mrs. Vincent
Following the meeting a
social half hour was enjoyed
in the lower church hall.
During this time the guests
from neighboring churches
who had shared the evening
with the Gorrie 'UCW ex-
pressed their thanks.
is honored
at shower
GORRIE — Miss Cindy
Brown, bride-to-be, was
guest of honor at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. Anne Edgar,
on Saturday afternoon. More
than 20 relatives and friends
A shower of miscellaneous
kitchen gifts was presented
by Lisa Collyer, Kirsten and
Tharen Keil, Lori, Julie and
Jennifer Brown.
Forty attend
Games Night
GORRIE—Forty people
attended the euchre and
crokinole Games Night held
in the Gorrie Community
Hall and sponsored by the
senior citizens' Come Alive
Club on Monday evening.
ochre winners were:
high scores, Mrs. Harry
Adams and Jack Ferguson;
low scores, Mrs. Harry King
and Peter Jorrissen; most
lone hands,. Mrs. Roy Sim-
mons, Fordwich;; lucky tally
card, Mrs. Wilbur Hogg.
club meets
t c l i nto.n
, CLINTON—The Blue -
water Club of the Canadian
Council of the Blind met for
the first time this year in the
Orange Hall April 15.
President Helen Sothern
welcomed all members and
visitors. Following a brief
business session Gwen
Watson, the program con-
vener, introduced Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Trick, who
provided the entertainment
for the evening. Mrs. Trick
gave a number of interesting
readings and her husband
played some piano solos.
The company then sat
down to a very delightful
lunch prepared and "served
by Mrs. .Harold Wise_. and..
Mrs. Alvin Wise from the
Wesley -Willis United Church
extra ,ft
dust for
for If ill..
iY 7
Fpr•r.eservotion8 now
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WINNERS—At the end of the't.IQns' Talent Hunt
Thursday evening the judges selected four acts to
compete in the Show of Stars, to be held.n May. These
included the Arthur Majorettes, with: (fr6ht), Mary Jo
Kelly, Angie Shaw, Cynthia Mernaugh.. and Julie
Green. In the second row are Kerry Shaw, Noami
Roberts~ Holly Pepper, Danielle Downey.and Laurie
Tremble; (back row) Elizabeth Wilkins won for her
piano performance and Juanita, Sonya and. Shannon
Colvin took a prize for their step -dancing act. The final
prize went to Wanda Colvin, Teeswater, and" Brenda
Lamont, Wingham, for a guitar -playing and singing
act. .
GoOd _crowd out for Lions Talent Hunt
A large and responsive
crowd turned out for the
Wingham Lions' final Talent
Hunt, last Thursday evening
at the Town Hall. And, as in
past shows, the entertainers
gave.' high quality per-
formances as they competed
for one of four places in the
May final Show of Stars.
Fifteen acts, ranging from
piano and guitar solos to
step -dancing, were per -
Weekly euchre
Seven tables, were in play
at the weekly euchre held in
the Women's..Institute Hall
last Wednesday evening.
Winners were: high lady,
Mrs.' Agnes Bieman; low
lady, Mrs. Olive Walker;
novelty lady, Mrs. Lorne
Jamieson. High man was
William Black; low man,
Gene Porter; novelty man,
Albert ,Bacon.
Euchre will be played next
week at -8 p.m. Everyone is
Trousseau tea he
for Janice Coultes
friends and relatives
gathered Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Coultes for a
trousseau tea in honor of the
forthcoming marriage of
their daughter Janice.
Receiving guests at the
door with Janice were her
mother and Mrs. David
Matheson of RR 1, Listowel,
The tea table was centred by
the wedding cake, decorated
with pink and white petunias
and a waterfall and pink
Pouring tea in the after-
noon were Mrs. Harold
Down, Stratford, great-aunt
of the bride, and Ml . John
Matheson, Molesworth,
grandmother of the groom,
Also helping were Mrs. Don
Stobo, Teeswater, and Mrs.
Alan Babensee, Waterloo,
aunts of the bride.
In the evening Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse, Belgrave, great-
aunt of the bride, Mrs.
Norman Coultes and Mrs.
Bruce MacDonald,
Wingham, cousins of the
bride, and Mrs: Glenn
Coultes, aunt of the bride,
poured tea.
The bride's gifts and
trousseau were shown by
Mrs. Danny McBurney,,
Wingham, and sisters
Joanne and Karen. Alison
looked after the guest book.
Serving the guests in the
afternoon were nieces of the
bride, Diane Babensee,
Waterloo, Susan and Kathy
Cook of Teeswater and her
sister Andrea. During the
evening Donelda Lamont,
Belgrave, Heather Currie,
Wingham, and Mrs. Jack
Mali, Holyrood, friends of
the bride, served.
Also assisting were Mrs.
Ross Higgins and Mrs. Jim
Miss Coultes was
previously entertained at a
miscellaneous shower at the
home of Mrs: Danny
McBurney, Wingham, and a
community shower in
Belgrave. The Wingham
Intermediate Ladies' soft-
ball team presented her with
a pair of table lamps.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Zurbrigg of Harriston were
visitors on Friday and
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Hibberd.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Gedcke of Kurtzville visited
on Friday with Mr. and Mrs
Robert Hibberd.
Mrs. Robert Taylor, Erica
and Monica of Alliston spent
a few days last weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James R. Coultes.
Mrs. Don Rae, Jamie and
Ian of Guelph visited on Fri-
day with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James R Coultes.
formed in an two-hour
production that attracted the
largest audience to date for
the shows.
At the"' end ; of the per-
forrnances four acts were
chosen by theAudges, Mary
Mcl utoSh Otffilligham, Rey,,
Arrlrolt 'Proud feTeesWater,.
and Lavopfie a114agh of
Wingham, to compete,in the
Show of Stars o. be held in
. Thursday night winners
incl}ided a rnajerette group
from Arthur.The
youngsters, dressed in white
sweaters and short blue
skirts, • delighted the
audience with their routine
performed to 'The Music Box
Dancer', by Frank Mills.
Members of the group were.
Mary Jo Kelly, Angie Shaw,
Cynthia Mernaugh, Julie
Green,. Kerry Shgw, Naomi
ltdb'erts•d" dlty A P'eppi>fi^•►
Danielle Downey and Laurie
Elizabeth Wilkins of
Amberley captured the
judges attention with het
top-notch ability at the
piano, while Juanita, Sonya -
and Shannon Colvin,
Teeswater, took a prize for
Minister leaves people
with farewell promise
Rev. Dr. Robert H.
Armstrong entered the
pulpit of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church 'for the
final time on Sunday mei.-
Mpg .as_ .session _...members,
occupying'he frontpews in a
body, led the congregation
and rose to their feet in a
gesture of respect for their
beloved pastor whb had'
served them for ten years'.
The church was .filled to
capacity for the farewell
Dr. Armstrong chose as
his text a portion Of the
fourth chapter of Paul's.
letter to the Philippians and
left his members. With' the
promise, 'My • God will
supply all that you need from
Hisglorious resources in
Christ Jesus'. This, he said,
is the foundation of the
Christian's trust and could
be the assurance of pastor',
and friends as they parted
Dr. Armstrong expressed
sincere gratitude of himself
and Mrs. .Armstrong on
leaving the church they have
served for a decade.. At the
close of the service, friends
and parishioners paused to
wish the, Armstrongs well as
they begin their retirement
years in the city of Hamilton.
GUITARIST--Waneeta Ann Boonstra of Wingham
entertained the crowd at the Wingham Lions final
Talent Hunt, held Thursday evening at the Town Hall.
The guitarist, one of 15 performers, presented two
numbers with delicate expertise.
their step -dancing act. The
other winners were Wanda
Colvin, Teeswater, and
Brenda Lamont, Wingham,
who played guitars and sang
two touching songs, 'I Can't
Help Falling in Love With
You , &ndr' J' gCQt 4 Name'•
4, ia
cheque sawar :,
to each individual,,or group
that captured one of the four
first -place spots.
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