HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-04-23, Page 5. . • 4. • `.• •`. 1101 Onlider FerilliZer ; START TURNING YOUR THIN LAWN THIOK AGAIN! Simply make arrearly spring *ph- ' cation of Scott's Turf Builder -lawn *hazer. Your lawn groom thicker • and—greenery-filling in those -thin spots. Just spread.it as directed with no danger •of burning. 95 • Bet This Lawn Care Magazine Free! The Lawn Care magazine. Be ahead of the game when it comes to lawn care by reading the tips and ideas that the professionals can offer you in this free magazine. OR come in -and let us put your name oh our mailing list to receive SCOTTS lawn care colour publication three times per year. OUP FIRM Scotts 21" Lawn Spreader Helps your lawn get a better spread Precision built to help eliminate ineffective under -application and costly over -application. ,4•4 ,`.4. .0'4 Ptt Hama Hardware's OWN Beauti-Lawn Fertilizer 7-7-7, fertilizer. A 20kg bag of all- purpose easy spreading fertilizer. 5024-109-1 _beam - TwInblade *ctric Mower dependability and quiet cast aluminum. • PI action deck, 10 amp single spaced mottir. 18" ouble free belt drive. ddown handle for easy storage . •• •::• • ,,,•••••• • • , r• • 31"x 23%"x7/8" frame 21/2 cubic feet 10"x 1.75 tire nylon bearings. 5160-201-3 (before it starts) ' +Ate"; ae.?;!.• , Applied in early spring it prevents crabgrass from sprouting and it fertilizes your lawn at the, same time so it grows thicker and greener - with- out the ugly crab- grass. Covers 4,300 sq. ft Targa Track Shoes Sizes 1 - 12 ism '11 6 4. •BUM Cut L.* t 203 HP Lawn Mower 95 Briggs & Stratton engine. Automatic choke. Throttle control. 7/8" chrome tubing. Ultra lift blade. 5124-395-1. '1 • .;t ..218•1?'t - :5;24t. %4$4,I•$• • ' • • ,1 • LfiWiqpROONei • Rake SPRING BACK 4 Lawn Rake M etal 'tenet. 1 49 Made with metal teeth 5062-326-6 Chrome plated steel spring 5062-308-6 5 Speed Vapabena JURIOr Racer Boys 24" five speed racer with chromed chainguard. Fast changing Sun Tour gears.. Raging .brakes with hooded .. levers.' Full.: ball bearing 'axleti, pedals and forks. Nylon tires. 6015-439-1 " I I "Turismo CCM 10 Speed Comes complete with Sun Tour gear changer and deraler, amberwall nylon tires, reflector pedals, 27" wheels, padded racing saddle, steel centre, pull brakes, red finiSh. 11995 5 Speed Touring Bikes 26" x 1 3/8" wheels • Mens and Ladies LADIES 6035-541-1 2995 • STAINTONHARDWARE Wing ham 357 ig 1.4y D'Areelt. Qp • osgor BartMan “,of ' • viSited at the solneigaffa and Mrs. tOWe), Mr. MA ,,64; of Fordw' Roger King spent_the weekend #1101 attended the 25th we** 01,1i.qrsary Arty for Alfra,e :TOM 004ainy. : 4• oat 'ORO House was held at gln.:Voraieb patted OW ql) on gunday in honor oP BUS'," Norman -Harding's 85th bir- thday, 'More than 100 guests attended from 'Toronto, 'Rich- mond Will, ArthUr, 'Fergus, Goderich; 'Wingham, Listowel:' and the surrounding aistriet... Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman of Listowej visite 4 Sunday: evening with Mr. and • Mrs. Wellington Hargrave. Friends here are sorry that es 49 The Three party f W pe4 M1t16Clanix mitY *PP ge .,w)lereA Saturday ,',Ivisktar = , , , witMrs 17'fivi4:e°*t4:"'ttalC;Aselk:4A-'113frt.Mis 'P":0.t:r! Mi lirtChter 11pd. grsSa::1444:7ef, $Ofl-fll Jaw ArinoftlZ hOgie here; Mr. *And:Mrs ELTeii4i11.0 „ and Lori liffs. John tiat;aud wiPirlit°04rati'llilltiderfarallinY'rette4to-; ,S44741,t'al;ent:' . wedding/In ti 14iinvaatt: ::#41corgeii • "Jit 6-1 Last Wednesday the*Three Ms of • St, AndrewS Presbyterian Church, enter' tained. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Armsteng at a dinner at 'berry Tavern, followed' by n program and preienttinll the upper room of the, ebUrch.„ • There were 36 in attendance The program consisted' of hymns and Easter poems by 'Shirley Donaldson, Elinor Neill, Gertie Tiffin, Merle Wison and Eva Carr; solos by, Gordon Leggatt and Betty. .RiChardson, and hisiraMon- tals y Cora *betson on the piano,,andhy Gordon Will Oil. the violin. Devotions wereled • Armstrong Rev UOyd CIIftOn and *s Clifton of Mount Forest apoita iieflYathehe1P 04bleq.,wat" their assOkkation nap:: the Aimorows ben, °Va. 'the years, begintiigstitetnit. t[4': .lair Currie *Ode ...the", ::1.0reHasooinfiliogngenistnaot.foinobnatet:,0'4',utit.,116sket.a%.=tirspAnniti;:, and a 'coffee spoon.- • Thesinging of `Blegt*the. • Tie thatBinds' and adlieinu, • lunch se,rir*d and 41,4* John Donaldson ' brolif,ht .evening of fun.and fellowahip to' a close. . ;4‘ •latte;s initlink"J "," !;. Iofl . •• GIFT OF APPRECIATION—Shirley Donaldson presents Mrs. Armstrong with a gift during the luncheon which the congregation of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church held for Rev. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong recently. Rev. Armstrong will be retiring -at the end of this month. ( Photo by Tim WIIIIS) HANDMADE CARVING–Vengsovanh Sinavong and his wife, Tsan Mul Ding, pre- sented Rev. Robert Armstrong with a wood carving by Mr. Sinavong during the lunch- eon held in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Armstrong at St. Andrew's Presbyferian Church. The Sinavorigs were sponsored by the church as immigrants to Canaa. ( Photo by Tim Willis) '4411(4,111.44;4-11.-IXATE-AbiekritRITaititaavAgr.044