Wingham Advance-Times, 1980-03-26, Page 11'••
. , •MOt
• 4 '
Silver daltaisi1967andliefore , ;03)10.;i0P,.
HaIt ablihra,74901‘and before.,ea.
Quarters 1966 and before • , ;7.; OA ea.
.:naft Wore ea..
19674110Wciiiarteis • • . • 4.150430.
leo? ollttar ; 6O ea. •
4968 Bilker quarte$40..e4, $1:06 ea.
19.68411ifakdirnes..:, . • • ea.
Olympic Ott • . • .
ciollpra,.1964eind before 515.00 ea.
U.S.• silver dilnfia, Oarter'441/4
-Ttfifty-eentWaaa . 41-5,06i-Olaes-Pigtrtp-7
Buying tigS. aindeariediangiikistOine: , •
• flUctuating
44,e0 of silver/ pricesmay
change without notice.
. . ,
. ,
CLOSE „cm* , liowtFk'Midgets, oilyinft, up t
sIons to fill •a"glip Irftfirpctinlithigilbrabtelteet
their ',genii. agalnst '1,41401kartrinifOr4bewir consolatlor
trophy. After a scoreless prat •Perledi .HOWItic ;'ilil; -
• T4'•.4.: • • ' •
d in the second. However Walkerton came
he lead and eventually won by a score of 4-2,
ty net goal in the final minute.
ro up •indus •
leadOildWal re.
lumPeti into a 5-010*ad ear
held on for a 7-4 win: •
• '.
14,;.tte 4d'"
ELMVALE — Dieteinle
Maple syrup industzt, ,Which
has been static for.the past 10
years, is starting to elnietmety
signs of life.. ' -•
"Weare beginning to see
large number of young People
At .tho JaCkRooyie
Opportunity Workshop
in Wingliwn
paper flowers can be orden)d
in ffueo-zdifforent colour*,
Placeyour order nowl
Phone 357-1382 Mon. --Fri. 8:30 a7m. -3 p.m.
• - •
• kite,/
, • '
interested in majle. i*:04.7. •
says John But:W..17i) Onto
Ministry of Agrielitarp•ra!
Food (0*AF) Maple:a •
SOLOS -it, ."Eit15070P'
',Owls are expanding and
come from syrup is bec�mng
a larger part of many faim"110-
The tetihnology of
dustry is also. changing. Now; ini
about 50 per cent. of the. Co.,
province's maple syrup rpro, -
vacuum pumps to collect sap,
ducers use plastic• tubing and
' instead of the traditional -"apile•••
and bucket method. The
OMAF is funding :research ,to
' further improve ' tlle,,•
technology of the industry. •
"Boiling sap down to syrup ., Oflie.,
is .one of the jinajor operating ,. concen
costs for the prodileer;" says 11319,10,,;,,
Mr.. Butler. ,'!"Improved :, •OPO..0fil
evaporatera, more efficient permea
pans and heating systems are �btaina
rbeing te,stedat the Kemptville oes
College. of •Agriculturip '
Technology near Ottawa thiswe'
winter. These 'systems -were • vert
designed by Professor George'atrUpit
rtiRaitliby,,, a University* *r • ' 1)„,attir
ucers use oil
sap. Some re-
s are taking a
wood burners
„wood -handling
11 attempt to re-
tijo Ministry of
purees is also
pf maple syrup
it is working
• eots up. The
oing research.
aluating the ef-
ie spacing and
tt445' n sap sweetness
tario producers
ng their own tests
mosis process to
a p , " says Mr.
s precess, the
lthrough a semi-
elnembrane to
r concentration
e sap. The theory
cess is that it
eas energy to ntrated sap into
producers collect ahnost 31.5
million litres (seven million
gallons) of sap to make about
nine million litres (200,000
gallons) of syrup. Ninety per
cent of the syrup is sold in
liquid form, while the
remainder is sold in taffy,
maple butter and maple
The major syrup -producing
areas are Lanark and Simcoe
Counties and Waterloo
Region. However, syrup is
produced in many parts of
Ontario from Windsor to Ot-
tawa, and as far north as Sault
Ste. Marie.
Duplicate Bridge
Harley Crawford and Mary
Caslick placed first on Thurs-
day in the Wingham Duplicate
Bridge Club, while Jean Whit-
by and Louise Welwood were
second and Lil Brooks and her
partner were third.
lo'04000 maple syrup
• • "' '
;t••••• ,
We take the mystery out of
Mortgages. Our experienced and
knOwledgeable counsellors 1,011 see
that your mortgage is: Clearly
explained, tailored to your needs
and processed quickly. •
If you need a mortgage loan put
..1/jcja4a and Grey into the picture
and letas help you.
COntact us in Listowel at:
Main St E 291-1450
cis Mitc e
r fin* s
Bob Alton and Dan Martlit
scored two goals each while
Daryl Holmes and Bill BrolillY,
added singles as the Wingham
Lions dumped the Mitchell ,
Midgets 6-3 to advance to the
Western Ontario. Athletic
Association finals against
Durham or Wiarton. SteVe
Walton), Dean Westman and
Duncan Ferguson replied for
Mitchell, that was outshot, 43-
Thursday the Lions met
..bileknow - in a consolatithe
of W h Mi
Tenrnament and came away
LatryMacPherson scored two
ontie short end of a 8-4 score. Be
ga ethe ing am dget,/
goals for Lueinow with Don
•, Greer, , 'Sent ; Alton, Ed
' Davidson ancilATILiVett adding
singles: HohneaMete Goodall,
Steve Morrisoii and. Dickie
Moore scored for the Lions.
On Monday Wingham
defeated Ripley 3-2 in an
exhibition game; Goals were
scored by 7 Dare Nesbitt,
• Holmes and Bob -Alton.
The final . series against
either Durhaeil,nr Wiarton
should start Thursday at 8
p.m., in Wine*.
ok who's st
your electricity
The Canadian ,Natteital
Instithte for die 'mind reifiliiiis
you to give your eyes the care
and protectionthey deserve.
Preventing blindness is every-
one's concern. Make it yours.
Angela Wall was high girl
bowler on Saturday as she
played the top single and
double with a 177 and 293;
respectively. Steven Baiter
played a 156 for the'boyiebigh
single while Marc NeShitt-.
totalled 253 for the doiible.;
The Eagles have recaptured
the lead and are also named
the season whining teath.,
Totalling 77 points they are
followed by the Falcons and
Cardinals, tied at 73; the Blue
Jays, 57; Penguins, 53; and the
Blue Birds, 42.
Games of 100 points Or
better were played by Angela
Wall, 116 and 177; Theresa
Kenyon, 118; Jennifer
149 and 131; Janette Taylor,
111 and. 137; Joanne Taylor,
128 and 108; Steven Baxter,
156; Jef rey Mann, „ 138-;
Jeremy Cameroh,
Nesbit, 137 and 116; Ricky
Leaclirnan, 119 and 113;
Jeremy Schefter, 103; Brian
Steffler, 103, and Jeffrey Wall,
105 and 111.
4 Tn.titi
. 4
aid .354
Shaw was high
176 for the boys
and Jimmie
315 for tho,
were Awed
igc, top, team for this season.
wit,OttAtiagate',. d"the
are tAa:....;
Games Of L5opointsor more fu,,„ •
were bowled by Debbie Sliel/c• "'"•'•
et wi
153; ".Audrey Baiter; 1#1e; waiden
• Joanne Shaw, los; Sandra !StOrey,
;Moffatt, 182 and: 158; Ka iloy 176, ,
• Taylor ie2; Kelly flolledbeek,
187; Debbie . Clark; 40.5;•^
Russell Springer, 175; JimmieEnglish, 62 and 153;Michael Brent Dav 119-
MacDonald, 16/ Heard,, 175, 175,
SR JUNIORS • Hubbard, 18P,
AND SENIORS • Watch next `.• Week*..205.;
Sheri Walden has done it bowling ,h88188 0#
If there's more than .6 cm. (1/4 inch) of frost
in your freezer, you're putting energy on ice.
Regular defrosting is easy to do and it's
easier on the fridge.
Heavy dust dust on your refrigerator coils
makes it work harder to keep its cool.
An Occasional vacuuming of the coils
behind or underneath the refrigerator
can helplit last longer and it won't use
more electricity than it has to.
Take the Si HI test. Shut the door of your
fridge on a dollar bill. If the bill pulls out
easily cold air can flaw out too, adding to your
energy costs. The fridge may need a new
ga ,s15ct or the solution rnay be as simple as
rii:aking sure the appliance is level.
Use Energy Wisely
Tune-up, dean up. It's simple. Appliances
that are clean and well -cared for last longer
and use less electricity. Over the long run,
you can save money on appliance replace-
ment. And of course, the leis energy you
waste, the more dollars you save.
Don't waste your enera
ontario hydro
A Junior boridilial was held
at Belmore last Friday:
Winners of the 9 o'clock draw
were: first, the -rink of Wayne
Ballagh, Wayne Durrer,
Wendy McKee And Marilyn
Ballagh; secoift the rink of
Carol Kieffer; 'kande Kieffer,
Brian Marti. and Allan
Durrer; thirdiLlhe rink of
Gwen and Joali Dickson, Julie
Mulvey and Brenda Merkley;
fourth, the rink of Marilyn
Renwick, Caroline Mulvey,
Heather Renwick and Sandy
Winners of the 10:30 draw
were: first.. MO.:Phillip Eadie
rink with Jeff Mulvey, Murray
Mawhinney andllob Stafford;
second, the thik of Dave
Eadie, Allan Kieffer, Tom
White and Janice Haelzle ;
third, the rink of Bob Inglis,
Pauline Dustow,Cathy Moran
and Shaun ilaelelle“ourth, the
rink of MarlenaMawhinneY,
Darlene Defiling; Shannon
Dustow and cherrie Stafford.
Mr and Mrs. Everett
Dustow and Mr. and 'Mrs.
Gerald Smitlkweil first 'prize
at a curlifignhonspiel in
Wingham last Week. They won
the trophy for he 9, o'clock
The Squirtd def e a ted
Belgrave 6-2, but in a second
game lost 4-2.
The Bantainit defeated
Belgrave 6-4 mak. This is a
best -of -five And
Delmore Wilda 24),
The interlaadiate girls
defeated St. Mary/24. to Win
the Iraterm&liabe cham-
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