HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-03-12, Page 7a •
Beimore News
Mr. and Mrs. Ed liOrtort William Dallitnere
anniVeraary On arch 8 with a
dinner RarlY at the home -of
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rouglas.
No present were Mr. nI
Mr. Don Schatte o
Bitigetown, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
• CaMPbell• London, Mr. and
Mr8.Williarn Stapleton, Mr.
and Mrs. Williain Bain, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Harkness, all
of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs.
celehrate4 th,e 00th wedding
-Mr. and Afra. Cecil flOrton �f
Atwood, Mr. and: AIR. 'HMV
Horton and Water Horton*, as
Of Bellmore; The 'grand,
ehildren attended after the
Alr. and Afro. peorge
Harkness of Cv0dariab hege,Me.
parents of a baby .girl on
March 5. They named. her
Melanie Grace.
. -
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Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to Six
ALL DECKED OUT in finery forthe 1929 Gerrie Fall FairArOitle
pupils of SS No. 1, Howick and their teacher. In the backgrenedtelhe
right, the old Gorrie Public School can be seen. The pupils arc; back.
row, Woodrow Dustow, Harry Edwards, Lilly Edwards, Charlie Wouie'
Gordon Wright, Lorne Edwards, Mac Metcalfe, Mildred Dam 'frOnfr
Margaret White, Bertha Detzler, Robert Ferguson, Mildred Stewart,
Alberta Ferguson, teacher Nellie Inglis, Inez Finley, Alta Finley,
Leslie Edwards and Erma Harris.
(Photo courtesy Arnold and Erma Gadke)
Personals from Whitechurch
Mrs. Mary McClenaghan
was admitted Monday af-
ternoon to Wingham and
Distrfct Hospital. She is
wished a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Duman of
West Wawanosh visited
Sunday „'evening with Miss
Annie Kennedy of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Beecroft, Hugh Sinnamon and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sinnamon
of Wingham visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Sinnamon of
Tom Inglis of West
Wawanosh was able to return
home last week from
Wingham and District
Hospital but had to return in a
few days. His many friends
wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Chap-
man were visited last Sunday
by Mrs. Ross Smith of
A. World. , Day of Prayer
'service was. held. at
Whitechurch Presbyterian
Church on Friday at two
o'clock. Mrs.. Robert Perry
was the guest speaker.
Mr. and.Mrs.-Walter- Elliott
are pleased to announce the.
birth of ,a second grandson,
Jason Paul Laidlaw, on
February 19 to,541,/ and Mrs.
Paid Laidlaw of London. Last
Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Elliott
and Korea visited Mr. and
Mrs. David Elliott and Curtis
of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Paul
Elliott •and Jeffrey of
Brusaela, Mr. and Mrs. David
ElliettOnd Curtis of Blyth, Mr.
and: kW. Paul Laidlaw,
,Michelle. and Jason were
weekend visitors with the
mr and Mrs. Amos Martin
and fannilYWere dinner guests
last •Stuiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordan Johnston and faniily,
RR: 1, Iatingarmon. Mr. and
Mrs.IbrnaMartin and family
of LiStatiel Stayed for Sunday
dinner \ this past weekend.
Mr. at4;:::Mrs. Erwin Mc-
Clenaghan of St. Thomas
visited , Mrs. Ben Mc•
Clenaghataand. Mr, and Mrs.
Carl McCienaghan on the
weekend. Also visiting last
Sunday were. Mrs. 'Eileen
Parker of Exeter and Mrs.
Murray Glanville, atenjie and
Billy, also of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon
were visited by Lori and
Kathy Purdon who were home
from Blyth last weekend,.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Campbell and Heather of
Kitchener' visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Rintoul last
Miss Jane Laidlaw was
home last 'weekend to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy
Mr. and Mrs. 13ill Snowden
and Bill Jr. visited Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Joey last
Wednesday and on Thursday
everyone celebrated Mrs.
Snowden's birthday.
Mrs. Orville Tiffin was
admitted to Wingham and
,,District Hospital on Thursday.
and is wished a speedy
Miss Colleen Adadis was
visited by 'John Adams of
Windsor last Thursday.
Jerry Van derKlippe, Eric
Exel, Simon and Fred deBoer
of the Whitechurch area at -
Newlyweds live in Elora
following church ceremony,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mal-
colm Cameron are residing in -
Elora' following their ex-
change of marriage vows on: '
Saturday, February 16, at four
o'clock in the Elora United
Church, Rev. . E. Ingleby
heard the couple's vows and
Brian Johnston was organist.
Mrs Bev Tollofson sang, "The
Look of Love" and "We've
Only Just Begun". The church
was decorated 'with white
mums for the occasion.
Mrs. Cameron is the former
Christine Anne Simmons of
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• Photo t3 Heritage Studio
Elora, daughter of •Mr. and
Mrs'...Harry A. Simmons of
Allistop. The groom's patents.
are Mr. and Mrsalnald A.
Cameron.. Wingham; •
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore an
elegant gown which she and.
her mother made. It was
styled with a white satin
underdress and a georgette
and lace overdresswith
beaded trim and an attached
train. Her floor -length veil
was also beaded and she
carried a bouquet 'of grape,
burgundy and White roses.
Mrs. Marsha Simmons. of
Elora, the bride's sister-in-
law, was Matron of honor. She
wore a floor -length dress of
'grape Qiana. with voil over-
dress, She carried grape,
burgundy and white car-
nations. In similar ensembles
and carrying similar flowers
were the senior bridesmaids.
Mrs. Eleta Johns of Exeter, a
friend of the bride, and Mrs.,
Sandra MacDonald, Kin-
cariaine, the' groom's sister:
and the flower girls,
Chrystalle Simmons of
Bramalea and • Cherlynn
Simmons of Alliston, both
nieces of the bride
Robert Armstrong of
Wingham was groomsman
and guests were ushered by
Bill Deans of Wingham and
Jim Simmons, the bride's
brother, of•Elora The groom's
nephew, Curtis MacDonald of
Kincardine. was ring hearer
Following the ceremony, a
reception was held at the
Elora Mill and attended hy
guests from Moritreal, Hub-
41)ards, N.S , Burlington,
Tortmto, Oshawa, Kincardine.
Exeter, Ottawa, Bramalea.
Wingham, Alliston .and
The bride's mother wore a
floor -length. gown of brown
arid gi.ry floral crcpc de chine
The groom's mother chose a
floor -length gown of blue
polyester knit with a satin
Mn„. and Mrs. Cameron
honeymooned in Florida. An
honored guest at the wedding
was the bride's grandmother.
Mrs. p, Evans uf Hubbards.
tended a dairy course which
was held in Listowel last
Tuesday. •
Mrs. Roely deBoer visited
with, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Emerseti last Wednesday
evening and Mr. and Mrs.
John deBoer were visited last
weekend by Cecil •and Lori
deBoer of Edmonton and Mr".
and Mrs. Ron Nicholson and
Erin, Strathroy.
Minister of Chalmers
Presbyterian Church, Rev.
John Bell, was away last
weekend. His .service was
conducted by a friend from 'the
Tiverton district.
This commpnity extends
sympathy to Mrs. Hamill of
the village in the passing of
her daughter, Mrs. Nichol,
also ' to Carl Shack of
Whitechurch, who is a
brother. Mrs. Nichol's funeral
'was held last Monday.
IAA Monday there was a
euchre party at the Com-
munity Memorial Hall with
ten tables in play.
This weekend' the Young
, People's SocietY will sponsor a
rally. (Friday, evening,
Saturday and Sunday). On
Sunday there will be a pot luck
dinner at 12 noon after the
church • service., The
-congaegatiOn is invited.
Sympathy is extended to the
family of Philip Steer who
passed, away suddenly after
suffering a heart attack.' on
Thursday. ,Mr. Steer 'was a
member of Chalmers
Presbyterian Church and sang
in the choir. He also served as,
Sunday School superin-
tendent. •
Mr.. and Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Millan of Watford and Mrs.
Isabel Tiffin of Lucknow were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Miss Mary Laidlaw is a
patient 'in Wingham and
District Hospital. Friends
hope she will be well scion.
Mrs. Robert Mowbray
arrived, home Saturday with
Brian Falconer of Sarnia and
will' remain this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porteous
of Lucknow were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Errierson,
On Sunday it was learned
that Charlie Leaver, formerly
of the -Riverside Road and
.recently a resident at Cosy
Cottage Nursing Home,
passed away at Wingham and
District Hospital in his 84th
year. The community extends
sympathy to his cousins and
meeting of the %,,413° *aft held -
at the home of 'Afro, Joseph
Dunbar on March 3. Mre. Mac
Scott presided 'and 'opened
with a reading. Mrs. John
McBurney and Mrs. Dunbar
took the worship period. Mrs.:
Victor Youngblut took the
topic In native peoples, their
rig,nts, schools, relig; )n nu
flail./ problems, 4 0110 ved b./
questions and discusocon
Mrs .1.Mac • Scott rei.,
prayer by Chief Dan Georg'
Secretary's report was given
and the• roll. call answered by a
verse on sacrifice. Seventeen
sick and shut-in visits were
The Easter Thankoffering
meeting will be held on April
of • -Dungannon as gaas
aneatter. •
With Thee" was read n i*
Mr, . Garner •:Ntcholnon
• al
M S. victor Younghlui retni
address 'to Mrs. John
)tmii c sB eY" r :eV f 4MSY g3ivflin P P rrne atw!c; 0^ �f
Afic_ urney expressed a heart -
ars. '4'1 CIOSedlhel •
meeting with prayer and
lunch was' served by the
hostess Mrs. Dunbar;
Wingham AMR reviews -
fund -raising efforts
The March general meeting
of the Wingham and District
Association for the Mentally
Retarded was well attended
by parents and friends.
President Florence Reavie,,in
her opening remarks, outlined
the aims of the associations
r the mentally retarded and
the history of the local
association. Now serving 52
retarded persons in its three
facilities, the Wingham
association can be proud of its
progress, she said.
Treasurer Audrey
Swatridge reported that each
year the assoeiation expenses
increase and each year its
income seems to decrease,
which puts quite ,a burden. on
the fund-raising committee.
This year, so far, it -has
received' donations of $500
from the Wingham kinsmen,
- • $357 from the Wingham Try
}lards, and $450 from . the
various townships of Huron
The successful • Travel
• Lottery, to- which the public'
gave excellent support, is •
' "1'z •
• • aa•
expected to show a net profit
of approjinate3441091,1b14-
anwlYiltPellie St*',61.41
f40440';#11iinge Ottl*PagOa-
of t110 Jack ROOrie..
- .•
After months ited.0011the,of
meetings, the has•
received approval from the
Ministry of Community and
Social Services, which IlleipS
that a new or enlarged
workshop is closer to.
becoming' a .realitY WC;
area. A workshop .committee
will be Meeting with miinsIry
personnel this week to, begin'
Sylvia Ricker of the Silver
Circle Nursery, Iris raglan of
the Golden Circle Bekaa and
Connie Jamieson of the jack
Reavie Opportunity Workshop
briefly outlined the' prograins
in each facility and showed
Slides of various activities.'
Discussion groups followed,
and those, present had a
chance to air their views and
• Offer suggestions for .inr=
Christian faith topic at Bluivile
BLUEVALE—The hymn, home orldrs. Jack Jenkins:
'My Faith Looks UpTo Thee', M.S. Ross Mann was
opened the March meeting of charge of the topic and :was
the. Women's Missionary assisted, by Mrs. William
Society of Knox PresbyterianElston. They said that
Church at the home of Mrs: Koreans are not allowed into
• Burns Moffatt. Devotionspublic housing and are -not
were based on St. Matthew's considered Citizens of Japan.
Gospel, chapter six, and a Human rights are the rights
poem, 'God's Care', was read one is born with.
by the president, Mrs. Golley.
Minutes of the last meeting The speakers said that
were read and adopted. Eight
members answered the roll
call with a Bible verse con -
taming the word, 'faith', and
21 visits to the sick were
recorded. The offering was
received, with prayer by Mrs.
Plans were made for the
Easter Thankoffering in April
and discussion took place on
the Presbyterial to be held in
Bluevale on Jude 9. The May
meeting will be held at the
Christians should be involved
in life with others and try to
live sincerely. "Love your
neighbor," they said,, "and
become aware." They then led
a discussion en why the
church must be involved.
Mrs. Golley thanked- mrs.
Moffatt for opedig: her home
and closed the meeting with a
hymn. The Lord's Prayer was
repeated in unison.
• Lunch was served by the
hostess and Mrs.. Golley.
Cancer Society plans
for daffodil tea
A touch of spring will
descend on Wingham toward
the end of March in the form of
600 bunches of fresh daffodils.
These will be sold at a 'Daf-
fodil Tea' on Saturday, March
29, .to be sponsored by the
Wingham branch of the
cancer society.
This special event will
launch the local campaign for
funds, with the door-to-door
canvassing to commence
April 8.
Assisting at the tea will be
groups Of women from the
local churches, including
Belgrave, and also the CGIT.
These young ladies will sell
the daffodils at the door at
$1.00 per half dozen.
Campaign chairmen
Murray Hunter and Ross
Procter have many ex-
perienced canvassers ready
for the 'blitz' on the com-
munity. This year's goal is
Citadel filled to capacity
for Day of Prayer service
Representatives from (he
churches in winghatft filled
the Salvation Army Citadel to
capacity for the annual World
Dia of Prayer service on
Friday Themefof this year's
service. whictr%.as written by
the' Christian women in
Thailand, was 'Responsible
Freedom' It was based on
Isaiah 61. verse t.
The congregation was wet.
(i)n ed hy representative
members ofthe churches
Organ prelude a aa provided
by Mrs Raymond Neill of $t
Andrew's Presbyterian
Church. who Also presided at
the oigaii • during the
-• • • a.
Members from various
Waltham churches assisted in
the setvice. Highlights were
the drama presentation by the
Sacred Heart Catholic women
who portrayed the problems
facing young people and the
influence of the drug culture;
and the massed choir who,
under the leadership of Mrs.
Neill, sang the lovely old
hymn, 'God's Tc Ma' Is
The guest speakers at the
service were Mrs. Bob
Campbell whose theme was
'Responsible Freedom in the
Family' and Mrs Len Fex,
who spoke on 'Responsible
t'rtsectom in Society'. Mrs
emphasised the
responsibility of raising
children in a healthy en-
vironment and she stated that
parental love, combined with
God's love, provides 'that
Mrs. Fex showed through
scripture how Christians must
be involved in not only church
services but also in , com-
munity action. She summed
up the entire theme of
Responsible Freedom by
quoting from St. John 8:36: 'If
the Son shall make you free,
ye shall be flee indeed'.
• Following the benediction,
lunch was enjoyed by all in the
lower., hall of the SalvaUori
Army Citadel.
• la