HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-02-20, Page 6a -s, Fey at LW families settle e Win ham area IWO Ream greeps Gf have Wised into the Writemain azea„ Viengsavalan &ravers 223C1 bits we 10feg Ten, zed Bourithee5 Partenneavong and .he ,twin sepbews Sompbet and So Bath groups fled 'from Laos and hed bean firing ha the teem. Thalland refugee camp before creeing to Canada two weeks ago Mr.&rev tit'e: and his wife are sponsored by the W ingliam Presbyterian Church and are living at the Doug Fortune home at RR Viringhern They wll SOW be enuring to a second house of SPONSORED COUPLE—Viengsavanh Sinavong and. his elite Mei bin g Tsan arrived two weeks ago from a refu- gee camp in Thailand. Sponsored by the Wingharvi Pres- byterian Church, they are living With the Doug. Fortune family, RR 1, Wingham_ They will soon be moving to the Fortunes' second house_ The coupe had. been living in Laos bets 1.e:ie./ening to Thailand- St.Paul's Church (ANGLICAN) WINGHAM _John Sees ,Cerape Stz-ael Tie The Rev_ .km T M Stvcre,.. L Th THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF WINGHAM ANDBELGRAVE • ST_ PAUL'S ctsuRoi; WINGHAM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 The First Sunday in Lent * 8...10,arre—itiely Eucharist in the Church lece0deve—SundoeScheal 11 AtEi cern—The. Peniteeitial Om, Sang Eacherist onSeheeee, braddreet over 0010/ Raclin_ WINGHAM FRUIT MARKET Bathroom Tissue 22 roll 019 Facelle RoyWe .63 Beans with Pork • 2/ 89 islobis Deep Favvyn - 1,4 cm con Brights - 413 Pure Apple Juice .83 All se Hour 2.23 Robin .Framd Schneiders Ms 1 - 1 lb pkg_ Wieners 1.39 Clidien Brews 2 .89 Stheeicipers 1 't lb_ beg • a. -- * Heinz - 1J ce Tomato Soup Gelden - 3"fies Chtu Bananas 2 lin bogs ran 1 41.95 .99 1.00 WAITER HOURS: Movieley to Saturday 7303j to 7 CIO p Fridays 7 -.3° atm: to ROO to , Anne 317-refeli CLAM) MOMS Me Deliver the FOrtgiUeS, Mr. &avorig moved from Vietnam to Lees when he was tw years old and had bei hying in the ca* -*Io far tiv last five years.. Ff--wife fied to 1—ixataand two yeses ago. Mr &navorg worked, in a car- pestry shop M Thailand for three years and plere to help *e* o the Fneernte farm This wek the young couple began Etiglish dsse nListowel The Patherneerveng family spent aboitt 11-2 years in Thailand_ Sponsored by the wren Be* Ch.apel, they are now 'reeding at the An- drew Rislies home in Wegh= Bramthera Past worked as a secretary -at the eervip and Somphet, 21, was an elementare scheal teacher. The young man hopes t acquire training in elite mectiP ies Sourinha, i13, pi, to attend high schoel once English classes in Listowel have been COM - pleted. • , !et?. ” • -:"!:;:',••• • !!..1 70; Prize t; sterJ, Roy ixs were: hishlady, Bra Cam; tigh soan„ Joe MOOTTIrm: high ladY PlaYtag as -man, M. Ferguson; lAtfa =an Playing as a lad'', George Muter- j.unrh was served b members of the Order to ben' g the enjoyable ever:1/4,44o a rins*, '1 1 SPEAK FR ENCH—Sourinha Pathammavong, 18, his aunt Bounthom and brother Somphet, 23., arrived in Wingham Feb.. LI Sponsored by the Wingham Bible Chapel they are residing at 4he Andrew Riskes home in Wingharn. The group speaks French and began English classes in Listowel this week Aft. unit hears of mission in Japan ELGRAVE — "Jesus Saviour PBtit Me- vgith Mrs I eelie Ret at the pdano, was the owning hymn of the Feb- rry meeting al the after- noon wife of the UCW_ Nits. nee/ Coates led the worship service, using as her tope. -"The Listening Theme of Stewardsidp"_ Reath Oat to COT brothers and sisters in quebat; to the C3nrisliats in Nepal and to Christien tioisean in Haiti. Listen to the •native people of our lend; to the,relationsbip of the United Chenth with the Stoney native peer* of the hadrain reserve -- lion rear Calgary arvi to the Ministry with native people in commandties across nor- thern Manitoba and meth -- western Ontario_ Christian outreach to Lbrador. New- foundland and Quebec is a ceellenge to those who serve there Each member was given a capy of the magazine "Iiieteri", Where these and other stories of the thumb at work can be et -or -Bed Mrs. Robert Ebbed led in gir eye. The in:Motes eiede read, offerneg repaired and derre cated and financial repert given by Mrs_ Lawrence Tay - et. A thenk you note was received from alum& Mem- ber, Mrs. Grace Procter of hgersell_ Prograzms foe the year were distrtheted and durebabies me to be visited by a tent member in the neer forme. A Bible quiz was cenducted by Mrs_ Coates. Mrs. Law- rence Taylor introduced the members to life to Jan when she told the stary of Rob Wit- mer of Goderich, who, . ten years ago, went to Japan esa eniesimary frarn the United Cieuripla of Canada Today Rob hes a charming Japanese wife asd trio children. When be .completes his studies in theology at Iiil*nreentiel e they will return to Jetetti Rob recalls the crowds Of people in the streets and sOlo- ways and all the little epen-air shops Freing the itesets_.Living a Japereeee fife style inept acquiring a taste for rave fish and to4ng the pie bath_ Family ties %re exteiger Japan than hi Canada. .Mitiee anyene is in troubk everyene hales out. Older , pele bee arido WI seen to -e egiveellineeritteet and authority which • they winald have inJapan. Wig a Christo.ii in Japan .in,o„,tost triekine a choice vititcb may Cut one off from and frienok. . • Several scripture. paegss from Mark foamed .the heei ' for the Bible study. the meaning edf the covenant and the sacrament, which Was given by Mrs. Sara Anderson. The basis Of .3e -wish relion 34 '0 4. $ '2 • NI. VI" e, • • , 404.4,41,1?1,4,44**4, S..114-4**,r43,# 444,114114,6• -***01 kr 0r0rvitirrrr.,04A-404400rokr4r!,karrif .t0,00.700400. ,te**.e.Alirk • -ia.oc444.4edo 11.4 ' '0.14...W41{4 I t tf.P.4414 ar. a, was that -100d had entered into a omen:lit 'or bargain with Israel_ The covenant was dependent on Israel keeping the law. If the law was broken the caresant was broken and the relationship' between God and the natian was ihttered. But Jesus says 1 am inteo- diming a.new covenant be- tween God and *nen It is not dependent on law but is depen- dent en the eked that I will 41eil. It i dependent solely on love." The hymn "Ali the Way My Saviour Leads Me- .1:Taught the twee:leg to a close_ CELEBRATED BIRTHD;iY3,-• --V/ingharn Girl Guides • recited promises and lawn under candle light Monday eveninges they celebrated the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, which are Feb. 22_ Seen here is Lisa Dew ikchtieg her candle for the founders of Guiding around +he world_ 'Waltman 0 er o Penh -anon Wands' Aelkit.liw.21 UM' er Meeting The Filentlin Coate lbeilinearian inn Kowa Seseez,Srazfeed,Owalio Tuesday, March 4v1i,1`.:.• ,Dinner7:00pan. &test Speaker:The Honittaftbrunbxell eteretiolifitieereliliaddi Serie/ Thine & Cus.b Bar $9.00 Per Persos :yr At one time it used to tick. Now it's worth 20 •% off - any new watch in stock - during Our • eim n To get your 20% discount. trade your old watch in on one of our new Caravelles, Bulovo. Accutrons. Accutron Quante, or Seiko. Special,offer good 'hi Seturdosy. March 1. Visit the wonderful world of watch values at: ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED Renowned for Quality Since 1950 203 Durham E_ ll'Albeet Street 26 Main St_ S. WALKERTON CLINTON SEAFORTH 1-0122 482-3901 527-1720 tee elee; . " : Ale 284 Main St. 'EXETER 235-2468 MEMO -FOR EACH OTHER—Raggedy Arm and Andy. mere obviCerSly haPPY to have found each other at the Bettcr a .0,e coeterne carnival Saturday night The parr is Nivt frviirf aril Fs -WE The c-arnrgel. Sptithltiared by the Beigrave H1 -C. drew a btg c717..d eri6 scene nee enteeckmet mistimes T M THE CARANCHAELS OF WINGHAM FEBRUARY SPECIALS Plastic Assaftnen • Y. r t->otreit tets -e 12104,211S hOters • D eerik vets Men's Socks ei 3 Knee Socks Asscreed 9 - 33 $10° 15°or Les' Slacks Envelopes Writirig Pads Alarm Clocks Key -wind Pot Hoders° Dish Cloths *dr° *P° 3/$1®