HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-02-06, Page 12rt.,•
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-Times, February 6, 1980
ewis congregation
ts annual meeting
41, Meeting of St.
tt; , rreshyterian
ViliairAtian, was held
rotllOWing the mor-
phuge number of
ORIEregation gathered in
the fellowship hall where they
enjoyed lunch.
Bev, D. Robert H. Arm -
opened the meeting
th prayer. Gordon Sutcliffe
, appointed secretary.
eports of the various
erganizatiors were reviewed
r and adopted and a very active
• vs.,;:.•!'
• it(
and successful year was in-
An election for member:54o
the Board of Managers
resulted in the following being
named: Mrs. Doug - Conley,
Mrs. Tom Cornwall, Mrs.
Hugh McKague, Brian
McKague, Raymond Neill and
Alex MacDonald. Mrs. Ken
Leitch and Dr. Hugh Clugston
were appointed auditors.
On behalf of the
congregation, Dr. Clugston
moved a vote of thanks to Dr.
Day Centre News
Tuesday at the Wingham
Day Centre for the
_Homebound clients had a
.chance to voice their com-
„plaints concerning local public
transportation problems to a
representative from Tran-
sport Canada. The general
• complaint from senior adults
.:appeared to be local short
.distance transport between
„private homes and doctors,
.pharmacy- and church.
.Grocery delivery in all the
Save up to 111%
on Homeowners
If your home is less than
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much, call:
S.tate,Farrn Fire
and Casualty Company
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-Scarborough.. Ontario
local small towns helps
enormously and saves an
extra trip each . week. These
were the main concerns of the
clientele and it hopes the
representative can do
something concrete about
The Tuesday group has
completed its ceramic
program and is very pleased
with the progress made
toward the spring craft sale.
The Thursday group will begin
where the other group left off
hopefully completing projects
by the last week in April,
which is the scheduled date for
the sale.
The Wednesday and Thurs-
day groups saw the ' movie
entitled, 'Nell and Fred'. The
film focussed on the decision
of an elderly couple on
whether or not to move into a
senior citizens' apartment.
The pros and cons were
discussed by the group after
the film.,
Tillie Gaunt donated a
Peoples Church' hynm book
to the day centre to give more
variety and enrichment to the
singsongs. A hymn sup-
plementhas been added to the
regular song books as
requested by the clients.
This week brough top people
from LucknOw, Belgrave, St.
. Helens, Wingham, Fordwich,
Bluevale and Gorrie.' „
At Standard your
money never stops
working hard
so that you can.
Ask about our high interest
Retirement Savings Plan. No
management fees. Tax receipts
available immediately.
237 Josephine St, Wingham, Ontario/Telephone 357 2022
Offices Irs arampton • Chatham • Essex • Hamilton • Markham • Ottawa • Paris e Perth
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A Federally Chartered Carny'43ny, Member Canada Depot Insurance Corporation
2:30 to 4:30 7 DAYS,A WEEK
Come, visit our unusual country resort for Tea today!
We've prepared buttered toast, freshly made scones,
home made jam, Devon cream, cake, biscuits and Earl -
Grey, tea for the occasion, Relax ana enjoy as we serve
you in front of an open hearth log fire in one of our two
lounges. (reservations not required)
just, ,a per pPrson
Complementyour outing
with a visit to THE HOLLOW. A unique gift shop
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8, phone 524.2191
Armstrong for his.. spiritual
leadership and faithful
ministry over the past year.
Dr. Armstrong has announced
he plans 'to retire from the
ministry at the end of April.
Gordon Wall, chairman of
St. Andrew's Refugee Com-
mittee, reported that the
Laotian couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Sinavong, were scheduled to
arrive in Montreal January 31.
St. Andrew's is co -sponsoring
this couple in cooperation with
Mr. andMrs. Doug Fortune of
RR 1, Wingham.
Marvin Smith conducted the
portion of the meeting dealing
with salaries. The meeting
adjourned and Mr. Smith
closed with prayer.
Huron Farm
Home News
Taxation is one of the major
factors that influences the
decisions made by the farm
manager in the operation of
the farm business.
Since 1972, when the tax re-
form legislation became ef-
fective, there have been many
changes from year to year in
the tax laws related to agri-
culture. The result has been
an increased need for an in-
formation source which the
farmer can use to assist in
understanding the approp-
riate tax management strate-
Accordingly, a farm income
tax update session has been
arranged for Monday, Feb. 11,
(Note — day correction from
printing in the Ontario Minis-
try of Agriculture and Food
Programs folder), from 10
a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at the
agricultural office board
room, Clinton. Participants
are urged to bring their 1979
Farmer's Income Tax Guide
to the meeting.
There will be plenty of
opportunity to cover questions
frequently asked by farmers.
Bill McEachern, RR 2, Grand
Bend, farm tax specialist, will
be the discussion leader for
the day. Jack Hagerty, farm
management specialist,
OMAF, Stratford, will be re-
source leader.
Subjects covered will in-
clude method of reporting in-
come, capital cost allowance,
investment tax credit, tax
treatment of basic herds and
other farming inventories,
capital gains, income aver-
aging, and property transfers.
Anyone with an interest in
attending is invited to call the
Ontario Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food Office at Clin-
ton, 482-3428 (Zenith 7-2800)
for further information.
Don Pullen
Agricultural Representative
The local teams were in-
volved in plenty of hockey
activity last week. The Squirts
tied Howick 3-3 and the
Bantams defeated Ayton 6-4.
The Midgets downed Kurtz-
ville 5-2 and the Intermediate
Girls played two genies with
Drayton, winning the first 6-0
and tying the second 2-2. The
PeeWees lost 10-5 to Kurtz-
East Wawanosh Public
School held a public speaking
contest on Friday. Winners- in
the junior division (Grades 4, 5
and 6) were Alison Coultes
who spoke on Pencils; Paul
Coultes who described his
School Fair Calf ; and Ellen
Taylor whose topic was
Bicycles. In the senior
division, for Grades 7 and 8,
Elizabeth Otto won with her
talk on caner; Dianne Hanna
was second, speaking about
her pen pal; and Donna
Ilitgins, with the topic Morris
Township, was third. The
winners will participate in -the
Legion public speaking
competition on Saturday,
February 16, in Wingham.
Friends in the Belgrave
area will be pleased to know
that Robert Coultes has been
released from Wingham and
District Holipital is
presently staying at Brook-
haven Nursing Home.
- -
'‘ .•
ta, •••• • •
"OH*H4'4•0i, v.
, .
. .
.0.1, , ,
*TO** ,ehoseii from •five
' applicants to. - the new bar
Stew tint. He succeeds POLO
X1,9Watt.,Of Ra ipoortho.,th.
w . . : recently.. 'Mr.
Browne IRS, ably served the •
commiffiltY In this position '-
oinceillelkilanaoPonectin-I.M4. 1.
Mr. *ewer, will be taking
all ,airsittertam 11-?-4dr.p., -.4,
fectiie March 1. His telephone
number is 335-3690.
On January 2,3, election of
officer's for the new year was
held as follows: chairman,
Harold Gibson; first vice
chairman, Gordon Haasnoot;
second vice chairman, 'Tim
Bunker; treasurer, Ron
Mann; secretaries, Morley
Johnson, William Thornton,
Don Bridge; Howick Council
representatives, Harry
Winkel, Stuart Douglas; new
members, William Lockie,
William Long, Edward
Strome, Lyle Mum!.
r NM MN MN Ill
were among the couples who
joined in the square dancing at the Bluevale Community Hall on Friday night. the Olde
Tyme Country Dance was one of a list of community events planned for the hall, and it
drew quite a crowd.
a, 1
" -
Belgrave Centre Bd • .presentsi,
• .
orris with- s 1980 budg�t.
A representative from the
Belgrave Community Centre
Board, George Procter,
presented -council with the
board's 1980 budget during
Monday's meeting.
Although the proposed
budget shows an increase in
public skating and rental fees
Mr. Procter admitted the
centre may be $2,700 in the red
this year. He said the board
will try to raise $700 of the
deficit through fund-raising
projects. •
According to an agreement
between Morris and East
• Wawanosh, that set up the.
'board late last year, the two
councils would not only donate
$250 each per year, but would
split the cost of any deficit
incurred by .the centre.
However the condition is that
both townships must approve
the centre's budget before
being obligated to At.
After a lengthy discussion
council agreed to accept the
budget, however members
suggested that since the board
has been operating for only.
one month many details may
be just estimates.
"Sine it's only the first
year I'm certainly prepared to
accept the budget, but I'd like
'to see you work towards a self
sustaining Operation,"
commented Coundillor Ross
In answer to his comment
Councillor Clare Van Camp
said, "The only way the centre
can be self sufficient is to go
back to a voluntary help
Reeve William Elston asked
George Procter to return to
council in May, or June. "By
then you will know if you need
money or not."
In other business Morris
received its subsidy allocation
of $164,000 from the Ministry
of TranSportatiOti and Com-
munication:,A total of $64,000
will go fOr,,construction and
the remaining $100,000 for
maintenance. The township
decided to' apply fo a siip-
plementarktillacatiOn $0 -help
pay, construction costs for the
Martin 13ride on sideroad 10
and i1Calie76. Approxiinate
cost the bridge is $340,000.
Connell white donations to
several orgiinizations during
its meeting. It donated $10 to
St. John's Ambulance and the
Huron Cour* HistoriCal
Society as well as $0 to the
Blyth Centre for the Arts, $100
to the Belgrave School „Fair
Boare, and $168 to the Brussels
Fair Board.
Tenders for the township
dog counter were opened and
council accepted Arin
Nesbit's. She agreed to count
• dogs for a fee of $1 per dog.
Due to its concern over
roaming dogs the township
will also investigate engaging
a dog catcher.
Morris entered into an
agreement with Bill Morley to
rent a truck from him for two
months at the rate of $250 per
The Ministry of En-
vironment approved • the
township's waste disposal site
On the condition that by Dec.
31, 1980, a plan for operation is
designed for the site. Council
• decided to table the rec-
omendation • until a
representative from the
ministry approaches the
township during .its next
Robert Tayler 'forwarded a
letter to Morris .figarding
misplaced hydro poles. Ap-
parently Hydro agreed with
the council that two poles
should be moved after Mr.
What's new .at
Residents, who are active in
the ceramic class under the
direction of Betty Fawcett,
were busy Tuesday afternoon
preparing centre pieces for
the main diningroom tables
for Valentine's Day.
Present and past staff and
friends 'gathered in the craft
room on Wednesday afternoon
on the occasion of Chester
Archibald's retirement. Upon
arriving Mrs. Archibald was
presented with a corsage and
Mr. Archibald with a
boutonnier. A wall clock
engraved from the goodwill
fund was presented to Mr.
Archibald. Fancy cookies and
squares were served along
with a special decorated cake
Oa the shape of a car and
Mary Gibbings, Evelyn
Archer and Rosemary Arm-
strong journeyed to St. Marys
to a workshop on program-
ming, on Thursday morning.
Seventeen residents enjoyed
4amburgers in the craft room
'6t lunch time on Friday af-
Olive Straughen's family
held a birthday party at
Huron view to celebrate
Olives 90th birthday.
Sympathy is orpressed to
the families of 11/1Yrde 17.14°cer
and Danny Pysanulk
We would Me to welcome
Vera Oliver, who is from the
Seaforth area and a new
resident this past week. Also
we would like to welcome
Theresa Campb0.11, Ow, Is
staying with us on vacation
Taylor complained they were
situated in the middle of lots
instead of on the lines.
However Mr,. Taylor has
received no word from Hydro
regarding the Matter. The
township will again arrange
for 'a' meeting' between Mr.
Taylor, ,council. and a
representative froth vOntario,
Hydro to clear up the problem.
B: M. Ross and Associates
forwarded a letter to council
• asking if its business with Sam
Pletch and the Pletch sub-
division were completed.
Apparently the engineering
company has not received any
payments from • Mr. Pletch
since October, 1977. According
• toan agreement between the
township and Mr. Pletch he is
to pay for all engineering
costs. Council engaged B. M.
Ross to act as its engineers in
the matter to ensure that
roads were up to MTC stan-
dards before takingthem
over. It was agreed that
Morris cannot act on the
Due to the- death of Bill
McArter, road superin-
tendent, Morris will advertise
for a replacement, in the
Wilfred Mclntee, President of Wilfred Mclntee 41,4.
Ltd. is proud to present Stan ChadWiCk of out Wing
branch office to our Million Dollar Club for 1979. Stark had
sales approaching Two Million poliamduortgclaniarkd Is
being presented with an acbleVement-endard b thesoles
manager of our company, Lloyd Klein. ;
Stan has,sold in excess of One Million Dollars each
year for the past three years.
Wilfred Mclntee and Co. Ltd. has grown tiirougliout
Western Ontario to include 17 offices and approximate-
ly 100 salespeople in the area. /
Stan will be pleased to serve you in all your real estate
needs for 1980.
Available Now in This Area
Limited Number of
With a minimum investment you canadd to your'
•income if you already own a retail business or have
a lOcation with at least 200 square feet.
A SAMthe RECORD MAN Completebealership-111,
Package includes' :
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is all chrome framed, self -standing and can be assembleidfin V2713
day. . •
2. Record and Tape Inventory
3. Record and Tape Accessories
(Includes needles)
4. Information - SAM'S famous Request and Supply Centre
5. Service acid Supply. from SAM the RECORD MAN
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Look who's st
your electrici
Did you know that a quarter inch crack under
the door is like having a nine square inch hole
knocked through the wall? That's a lot of space
for warm air to get out and cold air to get in.
The easy solution is to replace worn weather-
stripping around the door. Check caulking
around door and window frames too.
A filter clogged with dust forces your furnace
to work much harder. Furnace Mikis should
be cleaned or replaced at least once a
Month during the heating season. It's a good
idea to have the whole furnace checked over
too, before_ the cold sets in.
Use Energy Wisely
Tune-up, clean up. It's simple. Appliances
that are clean and well -cared for last longer
and use less electricity. Over the long run,
you can save money on appliance replace-
ment. And of cOurse, the less energy you
waste, the more dollars you save.
Don't waste your energy.
Ontario hydro