HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-02-06, Page 1t-
i,,-;ebruary 6, 1980e
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*tilted abeuf land?
oe Clark's long xamind • not complete abolition -Of
• •"
Wentid hrie0; • •-•• 81411# •:efitnnaign ttieNta-s.,1190
r thg
• „ila last '110 which
both Conservatives
oe their first chance :abouttherefojnofmar1juana
nifnleier Iffwa 14 akipus; UV #4.v..ralahaYa•-,-kaaallatag;•Mti.
hatUX pIUW ai "shake bis hallt-Car ,fstahhallafr..$;Aflintittea'la -Flar*,?844-41kPinslr.s,° WnPl,cn' ouf
e a -snapshot, .sti4„ iirObli*, and per- renuliti :Onogdiens'' Irtt,
nia However it it watt .'actialli a0n41),4":;.!,faVorsi• • removal ' of villnieeti •. la,' -' accusing -':44.
ie a.smalierovilmsany of simple possession from,„,,ihe Liberal 'leader' of goili into •,t• "::-1,,,
lin students freavalfingbain Criminal- Code,, although )licling. - . ' -' ..-" ...ilelii.
tong • vvh00,1,‘.thilf,...004ereci trafficking in cannabis would :- • --.-
, •• .. ..,...
i ' e'VE:100;StUdios. in remain 'a .ethataarOffffieeA
morning---- air ---to ' •flealaa ektegetteal!Fd0ifed• •
,elcome Mr. Clark,:to .town. having sent any mesSage to •
When the two buses the Iranian government •
crying the prime ninister's ,apelogiftler:Canada!,0 role,
party drew up....,ontside '. the ' Inantng:Obs bin,UnitedStat§i,.:::!',
station, Mr. Cleric epentliAw! • erobaidy_. ' staff out of that,
rnlnutes shaking hands and 01.1447. ' • ' '
exchanging pleasantries Later, during, .fir'llPe4 in' , . .. .,
Oforebetagwbteltefi'ltsitlele.. terview, Pe'elaner*ed on' his iiiekeinit wits glit'S'illiS
•kdar but
hj Mr.
Icy, adding
:get out and-
yi'm as bad
,a fair look I
4.ehanee on
:Pet b'eak •Oiti•Y: 1,1berflbeilt•, ber•-stetenisets• &crowd ofoveif, lithercd m the Lao
uld Conservative "candidate tiThere was no notenent and commutifty centre for the HOrentBace
*ray 'Curd*. .po,apology,' he declared, ex- condidotof 3woottog.,
was 'the last chance Pressing Personal Pride * 'eak0atfdience. wasted
anyone had ,tor -meet
Juan, as work done by Ambastiador preparing,* keratiianaf.irtb *itten and b
erp.ait hours were spent Kenneth. Taylor god' the for the dandAatosic
part In an ..open -line • persons on the spot in the, progressive Conservative;: Cbleernet;;
0 preplan% and taping A: Canadian embasaY• ' Liberakand,Torly McquaiVAlentlate
television interyfevi, attet' sid4"ne •Oesn't expect ItilthadtatalY4alhaaniA °Pen1Pg;
ONO the entourage &Parted, rePriSaii..in:Pginof apparent statements each was: bombarded with
!wit:allover. threats of reprisal by• the questions on the PC doteAted•biidgeteirrent
:,..„'..Parin14 the radio program'Iranian foreign nfiniater, and abortion laws, capital punishment, Marketing- •
Mr. Clark Clark responded to was not Planning to beef OP boards and nuclear powei'deVelOpMent;
questions from callers and _security in other • Canadian Regarding the budget Mr. Craig and Mr.
written questions ranging embassies. (The following day . McQuail were asked how the Libeals. and .
AOM the situation in Iran and Mr: Clark announced that NW alum be se sure it weuids,t or.
Afghanistan to fiscal and embassy security would be Craig ansWered that some areas of the budget
,' energY policies by „outlining increased.) ' Made sense, such as farm wife deductthill0, :
the Conservative , platform. ,, Mr. Clark admitted the • nat.'WeVertertain aspects like the excise tax on
He told One•.ivoMan caller. .• proposed , 18 'cent '..a gallon ,:gasoline:ze
were..not appropriate. Mr. '1VicQuail • " .
eoncerned- • •about 'small. :ezteleeYot
".,• on geSPiiiie 'end maintainedthatthe budget was the wrong
!business that _ iiitereat rates diesel fuel would be very hard. appr000b to plan Canada's ec000ly4t, and .,
:toe On their way . down, on iarmera,.. fishermen and strive for energy self sufficiency.' He stated
:Wedictintfin would dap to '''fiublie ttransilt;#411111:0 bis that. it would transfer $90.,billientutld the , •
:also saidtis- goi*nmenchatitqlut,
0 or ii-pq;s0:b.1Alty"!4,1100.0# 010
r004se ellyintrustriei, $4kbillitito,'" ' ta atid''''-, . '
wouldn't'; g° peoples' hands, *31:.hglinndintlacibt vbe pockets 0?g,...
otheiv 'WO a
merease m crj
era* e
!••• tea Were
rated -fence
It abo
gilled that
eedom • for
-due to the
W$ support en-
...The trio
••••Vras wrong
tened. Mr.
„i.e.& not wish
others who
opment of
, "Safety is
that it
1,0:liave a
wiskittohave cI
,••intablej, •
11,11mb,,°T one
!hold assu
problem. 'Heeei,
:sfiveffbear n
and used.
ood Cabot for fuel
„On -
rovisionsin its*, et, ii0e# 11Pitifit);At jAoNsta#
to heip •
'Public Scheid tiiit
he would like to see the.
Olympic Games moved from
Moscow and is recommending
that Canadian athletes boycott
the games if they are not. In
addition he criticized the
Liberals for cutting defence
• Spending and said his govern-
ment is trying to change that.
And in response to a
question on the excise tali
possibly being removed from
fuel used in agriculture, he
said the position of his govern-
ment is that there should be a
partial rebate to farmers, but
'i •
ig 'tS--,arn,, .three ff"tf
already payrng $1002a iiar.n;Markitilg boardsmn Mr 304iiil
hidden ''SUbiddize he suggested that the value f quotasshould be
, •
two -price system for oil and minimized to make way for the young • far -
said: "Our tax is up -front.. mail. The PC and Liberal 'candidates agreed
We're honest- about it." that the existence of beards .should be left up
He agreed the excise tax to the farmers, not politicians. In this way
probably wouldn't bring about they are tools of the producers and should act
much conservation on the - in their best interests. •
farm, since plowing and
planting must go ahead
regardless, but said every
Canadian must be prepared to
share ' the burden if the
national. deficit is to be
reduced and claimed oil prices
under a Conservative govern-
ment would still be "signi-
ficantly lower" than under a
Liberal one.
4 44
The NDP candidate.was applauded for his
anawer to capital punishment. He, explained
that the problem should be cured- at the root
instead of the end. He said statistics prdve
that the death penalty for murder doesn't
work as a deterrent, therefore potential
criminals should be ,helped before the act is
committed. He also suggested that victims'
families should be given more assistance. The
•P {,
' 904
• 41' t
t;4 „tift_system
be u
any more
, as a big
uld want to
stage site,
should be
ple could
• caliset,,nir
ALL-CANDIDATES,Tinii• New_tternikritIC .
Party, Murray Cardiff, Progressive ;Conservative and on ctirre1WfinllfiCa:1issuesi]derin
Graeme Craig, liberal, were bombarded With questions ..meeting last ,Tnetiinif
• :••i•s• r, • .,e,;
would be ut into efe$ho
dated' to ensure :we •pnt ve*ine
against attack . %fir. Ca4aff saggetited that
nuclear_ power s,yOuld war
because therejwould be nothing lit He
Because of this a draft method t be
needed in order to pro* the count* ,The
• NDP candidate felt thatanother wad war
would be sacide for all nations. However to
• ensure peace throughoutthe world unselfish
development should 4alte place in- im-
• poverished .countries.
• The audience listened,quietly to theSennd
other comments of the candidates andlor the
most part representatives from each party
were well received.
1H E PitIME MINISTER pausedtstmy a brief hello to children from Wingharn
chool upon his arrival in WirigharnTast week. The students had waited In the cold for
all an hour for the chance to meet JO dark.
Deslauriers resigns from MVCA
• Ian Deslauriers, resources\
manager at the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority
since August 1974, has
resigned his positidt, effective
Jan. 28.
Mr. Deslauriers has ac,,
cepted a position with
Associate Realty Consultants,
an appraisal firm in Goderfch.
Marlene Well, secretary -
treasurer of the authority,
said the executive committee
is now considering whetherto
fill the vacancy with another
resources manager or to
engage a 'general manager. A
recommendation regarding
which action to take will be
'Man escapes
serious injury
A Wroxeter man was for-
tunate to escape serious injury
when he was struck by a truck
Saturday. ,
Provincial police report
Donald B. Montgomery was
standing on the rear platform
of a garbage truck which was
backing up along Centre
Street, south of County Road
28, Howick Township, when he
fell off and the rear wheel ren
over his leg. The truck was
being driven by Douglas C.
Moore of RP. 2, Teeswater.
Mr. Montgomery was taken
fr. 11" Lenniict
Hospitarfor X-rays, but it was
found his leg was not broken
and he was discharged
following treatment.
goaguittrant 'lomat
week, Lindsay Ten Pas of RR
2, Wingharn, was transferred
to University Hospital,
London, after being involved
in a snowmobile accident at
his home.
made at the annual meeting of
• the authority to be held. Feb.
14Resources managers are
appointed and funded by the
' Ministry of Natural Resources
while general managers are
hired and paid forty the in-
dividual authority. However
Mrs. Shiell noted that a
number of larger authorities
do have general managers
and the Ministry usually in-
creases funding to assist with
such an arrangement.
The secretary -treasurer
estimates it could take until
May 1 to fill the vacancy left
by the resignation of Mr.
Gorrie farmer
loses swine
in freak mishap
GORRIE—An area farmer,
John Mann of RR 1, Gorrie,
had quite an experience one
day last Week. On entering his
barn,he heard the shrill
squealing-ia a pig and found,
to his surprise, tilot a sow was
dead in the pen.
Shortly after, Mr. Mann was
cleaning an adjoining pen
when again he heard a Orin'
squealing and another sew
drooped dead. The little Wan
raced wildly arktna in the pen
and two dropped to the floor
but were later able to stand
ITnon invegigating,
Mann found that a
wire had grounded on the steel
post of the pen and it had
electrocuted the NAVEL Po.
tunately, the little pigs ere
near weaning age.
niiiNite_044,40."40e4,4e,,e,.0,,ee. •
•••,;.i.• •
Town council •isqisting the
water, of public opinion before
it proceeds any. further With a
revised edition of its property
standards bylaw.
Following some discussion
tat the meeting Monday night,
uncillors agreed to circulate
be document in The Advance -
Times' 'and invite public
reaction before deciding
wheper to pass it. next ' week's
ecliti* of the newspaper.)
• If it still appears too con-
tentions, Councillor David
Cameron suggested it could be
placed on the ballet as a
question in the municipal
election this fall. He thinks it's
a good bylaw, he said, but he
"doesn't need the hassle" of
trto pass it in the face of
rIaction which greeted the
first bylaw last year.
.Councillor John Bateson
said this bylaw is a com-
bination of a number of
property standards bylaws
being used by other towns,'
adding that he thinks it omits
some of the more ob-
jectionable portions of the
previous bylaw.
In other business at the
meeting council learned it will
have to pay for a study at its
East Wawanosh Township
landfill .site if it istocontinue
dumping there,
A letter from the Ministry of
the Environment informed
council the ministry will
require a\ plan of operation,
"outlining the proposal for
continued landfilling
operations to the .capacity of
this waste disposal site and
ensuring that there will be no
adverse environmental im-
pact off of the site", before it
will renew its certificate of
operation fdr, 1981.
Works Commissioner
Michael Chappell said this
study is being required of
nearly all municipalities
which haven't already had
one, and he can see no way•
around jt. He said he shopped
around for costs of the study,
and the cheapest is Conestoga
Rovers and Associates of
Kincardine at a cost of $1,40n.
Council agreed to go ahead'
with the study nroviding it can
tome to an, agreement with
Reeve- Joe Kerr regarding
long-term use of its present
Councillor Gordon Baxter
said he • thinks Wingham Is
mrhinste in its dump
C0818 compared to some oiiii&T
municipalities, and Mr.
Chappell agreed it would cost
the town ranch more to
develop its own dump site.
'.'7Z1V-1:r 41.1 •
•Council- also received some
•answers to its questions on the
police communications
system and Councillor Allan
Harrison said he is satisfied
with the 1979 costs of
operation. '
The $8,500 estimate of
Wingham's share of the costs
was set before the system
came into operation and was a
"ballpark" figure, he told
council. Wingham's actual
Me,f4,,Vntiff4 • .1:1'•0 fr,;041,r,
-share for iinieet#0 to shghtly
over' no ow
He added-, that. while
Wingham's , projected • 1989 „
share is up to $13,000, it is.
important to remember this is
for 12 months as compared to
nine months of operation in'
1979. He said he plans to at
a meeting at Goderich
Feb. II to g6 over the 1980
rip :
e ii0Yer ,
ding radio eqiiiiithentv. the
town ,came in about $2,500
under its projected budget.'
• , . • , •
letter from the Godel4011.
boardanolice cominissioners
ressured' coimcfi that the
town is not being cluned any:
administrative costs, space
rental or for any buildiag
renovations or constructdei
Snowmobile clubs offer storm aid
Snowmobile Association and
Reek Smith of the Blyth Snow
Travellers have adviseniat
their clubs will be available to
assist people who are stranded
in their areas as a result of
Two local snowmobile clubs
have offered their assistance
during storms, the Wingham
detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police reports.
Presidents Lloyd Benninger
of the Wingham and District
Sgt. Roy Anderson noted the
OPP appreciate the srvice
these clubs can supply when:
driving conditions make it
impossible fOr an emergency •
vehicle to reach someone in
• ;;.
PUBLIC PEAKINCi—Circitke aild 7 :tud.Titc frnM the Turnberry Central Shool, Rob
and Gran Weber, RR 1, Bluevale, will be competing in the Leions public apiktrio
contest n xt week. The two brothers, placing In the Junior and Intermediate division,
won top outs In Turnberry's competition last Wednesday.