HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-01-30, Page 107.ereese.„, eeeteele . J. • iee 1,0:•• tie: • CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ad, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: 357-2320 For Sale SEVEN New Dion forage boxes list price $3499, special $2800; White and New Holland Farm Equipment iti stock discounted 20 per cent for one week only. Ron Stanley Farm Supplies, Bervie 3952434. - MOBILE HOMES, we buy, we sell, single wide and double wide units. Barry Cooper, Trailermart (Holmes Division), RR 4, London 652-5039. 30-6-13 JOHN DEERE snowmobile mod- el 800, 1100 miles, like new condi- tion; Case tractor VAC in good mining condition; also, other machinery. Phone 357-2282 30-6 HARDWOOD tree tops. Phone 335-3635. REALISTIC STA -78 receiver with built-in power amp. and 1 pair 30 -watt speakers, $300 or will sell separately. Phone 357-2780 after 3:30 p.m. 30-6 ADDRESS LABELS: gummed 300" for $2.25; presson 200 for $3.50. Phone The Wingham Ad- • vance-Times, 357-2320, • 30 rrb FORCED air oil furnace and two On tanks in good working condi- tion. Phone 392-982 • 23-30 2' SWIMMING "POOLS: Manufac- tuter has an invereory of 1979 above-groundpools to clear Complete with filter, motor, skimmer, pump, walk -around patio, fencing. Regularly $2295, now $1444. Call Collect 1-519-623- 4351 for further details. ' 9 rrb SUPERLEIGHT Blue Star Knei- sal, 5'83/4", Solomon, 40 cable bindings, safety harness and • poles, Al condition. Asking $90. Phone 357-3644. 9-16-23-30 BERG stable cleaners and sta- bling; bunk feeders and water bowls; silo unloadereeand far- roVving crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb MAGNETIC SIGNS: Many sizes •available, 8" x 20", $17.55. For further information phone The Wingham Advance -Times 357- 2320. • 23 rrb FERTILIZER spreader: two Uniroyal snow tires, assortment of other tires. Phone 357-2123. 23-30 FIREWOOD, $30 single cord de- livered. Phone 335-6228. 23-30 JEEP PARTS, accessories new, used; all. Jeeps;. low prices, gigantic stock. Send $1 for cata- logue. Gemini Sales, 4736 East Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. USC 21(7. 'Phone(604) 294-2623. USED: Just arrived 60 ton, 3/4" pipe in long lengths. Also all types of new and used steel and used timber and lumber. Mart- in's Steel, New and Used Steel and Building Materials, Vanastra (Clinton). Phone 482-9372. 16-23-30-6 MORTGAGE MONEY for all reasons. Prime rates; fast serv- ice; difficult mortgages a spe- cialty; cas:e. paid for existing mertgages. Phone Kitchener 743- 5361; Arthur 848-2510 or write to Aii Ontario Financial Consultants; Ltd., Box 2695B, Kitchener. 16 rrb WEDDING INVITATIONS. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wing - ham Advance -Times, 192 Jose- phine St., Wingham 557-2320. 23 rrb GO'VERNMEN'T Inspected grain -fed beef, by the side or quarter. Phone 335-3754. For Sale HARDWOOD $25 a cord picked up. Also cedar posts, all sizes. Phone 357-2392. 23-27 JOHN DEERE B70 chain saw, excellent condition. Phone 357- 1179. WOOD. Phone 357-1179, 1973 YAMAHA GP 292B, 27 hp, rebuilt, asking $500 or best offer. Phone 357-2635 after 4 p.m. 1970 TNT snowmobile, 16 hp, for parts, engine runs, new muffler and skis, $150; new snowmobile track, single drive, $100. Phone Robin Wormington 357-1086. Cars & Trucks For Sale 1975 FORD .F150 Explorer in excellent condition with 53,000 miles. Will certify. Call 392-6613 after 6 p.m. 23730 1962 THUNDERBIRD, ps, pb, pw, power seat, 2 door hardtop, sliding steering wheel, 390, 4 bbl; restoration started but not com- pleted, $400 as is. Phone 887-9272 after 6 p.m. • 23-30. 1973 DUSTER 340-4 gear, as is. Phone 357-2937. , 23-30 1973 MERCURY COlony Park, passenger wagon, AM -FM Philco stereo, automatic, air-condition- ing, ps, pb, power locks, rear de- fogger, rear window washer, e :note control mirrors, 59000 m , 460, 4 bbl, asking $900 as is. •Phor 887-9272 after 6 p.m. 23-30 1974 GMC 350 half ton pickup, certified, excellent condition, 55,- 000 miles, used mainly for camp- ing, asking $2500. Phone 357-2433 after 5 p.m. 23-30 1975 CHEV van truck, 3/4 ton, oversized shocks, spring and rear -end, 6 ply tires (new). Needs painting. Priced to sell. Phone 357-2628. Wanted To Buy 'ROUND, SQUARE oval exten- sion tables. Wooden chairs of all kinds. Good used furniture. Clean appliances in excellent working condition. Phone Lucknow 528- 2025, 3 to 5 ',Wore -to Sat. 16 rrb TOP PRICES paid for good used furniture or appliances and an- tiques. Will buy partial or com- plete households. Wingharn Sales Arena 357-1730. 24 rrb GOOD QUALITY baled hay. Mark Rohrer, 357-2868. No Sun- day calls. 23-30-6 Wanted ALL KINDS of glass containers and bottles, clear or colored to recycle to raise money for the Bluevale Community Hall. Watch for notice in spring fey collection. Phone 335-6118 or 357-1548. OLD BRICK buildings for dem- olition -wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1-542-4088 or David Rapson, RR 4, Brussels 1-887-9584. Business Opportunity EARN a second income -- learn income tax preparation at home. For free brochure write U & R Tax Schools, 118, Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Onterfo. M4W 1X4. No obligation. SUPERSWEET FEEDS, Strat- ford. Agri division of Robin Hood Multifoods of Canada want to establish a deelership in the Wingham area, Lucknow will be considered. If you can sell a top quality feed, have storage fa- cilities and a delivery truck (pick up), callus, we would like to talk to. TOIL PhRee 448-P1312 or write Clarence Heida, RR 2, Mitchell, Ont. NOK 1NO 16-23-30-6 Notice TEACH YOUR dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 3 Alfred St. Open Hours: Monday 10 to 12; Tuesday to Thursday 10 to 5; Friday, 10 to 6. Free personal chequing ac- counts. Deposit accounts now paying 12 per cent. Phone 357- 2311. 16 rrb Miscellaneous 1973 LE SABRE Buick, body re- -MEALS -ON -WHEELS done and new valve job. Phone Phone Mrs. L. James; 357-3657. 357-3347 after 5 p.m. rrb 30-6 amimemmmemmomomemil McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS 8 TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap cars wanted. Highest prices I,: id. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 Farm Machinery FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT CLAY—Silo unloaders, feeders, 'cleaners, stabling, leg elevators, liquid manure equipment, hog equipMent BUTLER—Silo unloaders, feeder FARIViATIC—Mills augers, etc. ACORN—Cleaners, heated wat- erers. WESTEEL-ROSCO—Granaries, B & L Hog Panelling. • Lowry Farm Systems Ltd.. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5288 ; 1:ef• •'• 5 reb RENS R Help Yaur RED CROSS TO HELP IF YOU are a friend or relatives of an alcoholic, the AI -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem, Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb PHIL'S REFRIGERATION and ApplianceSer-viee, 24-houe gency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062. *At PORTABLE WELDING' Will do custom portable welding and in -shop repair work. }theme Spike Bakker, RR 5, LUCknoW, 528-2026. 31rrb GEORGE LUBBERS Camino - tion. Phone 357-3457 Whitechureh. Cottages, additions, renovations. rrb CARPENTRY Renovations, recreation rooms, additions, repairs, etc. Phone Ben Dekker, 357-1085. 24 rrb TOP PRICES paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. For fresh animals over 500 lb. $1 a hundredweight; cows and horses over 1200 lb. $15; calves and swine picked up free of charge. Four-wheel drive, radio dispatch- ed trucks; 24-hour service 7 days a week. Brussels Pet Food Sup- plies. Local calls 887-9334. Toll Free 1-800-265-4267. 14 rrb, YULE'S DEAD STOCK. REMOVAL Proprietors Dan and Bev Lamb- kin. We pay on the spot for large fresh dead animals andelisabled animals. Continued free service for small animals. License 635C- 78. For prompt reliable service 7 days a week. Phone Cargill col- lect 366-2713. ' 20erb e , • s - • MASONRY coN8RVO•19$ Chimneys, firepiam;„oll typo of brick and block work. Fieldstone construction a speeiality, Free estimates. Rook now. for 10807' building season, Call Gerd Posen Masonry, 887-603L Card Of lila nkS I *01114, lik, t9 Oiank all thilitie WhO rVige4 me, sent cards or 81fts While brag In Winglunn and PiStrict119804, Special thanks to Dr, MeGregF, Dr. Jolly, _Dr. COrrin aottDr: olcKiro, also to all the nurses on the second floor for their care. • Bill Venteeg I would Wm to say a big "thank You" to all my friend S who sent cards, letters and remembrances or helped in any way to ease the burden while I was in hospital • and since being house -bound with my. - fractured '. arm. Special thanks, to Rev. B. Passmore, Dr. Watt, Dr. Ping and all the muses on second floor who were sotind. Also a great big thank you to my • Wonderful neighbors on Mhinie Street. M rrb Help Wanted TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: Appli- cations are now being received for the purpose of gcnniting dogs in the Township of Morris for the tax year 1980. Specify charge per dog. Applications must be filed in the office of the undersigned by February 1, 1980 at 5 p.m. ' Municipal Clerk, • Nancy Michie 16-23-30 Maintenance Superintendent Required for veneer and sawmill near town of Slave Lake, 150 miles north of Edmonton. Good level of technical knowledge re- quired, with emphasis on skills in. administration, organization and supervision, to develop and im- plement preventive maintenance program and supervise 14 trades- men. Relocation assistance, sal- ary negotiable, excellent bene- fits. . Zeidler Forest Industries Ltd., Box '4370, Edmonton, Al- berta. Phone (403) 468-3311. • DOMESTIC: Mature woman de- sires to live-in to provide com- panionship for elderly woman and prepare meals. Location Walkerton. Reply to Box 2127, c -o • The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 30-6 ASTROLOGICAL SERVICES AVAILABLE.... For information write ta"-tBoX 2121, c -o The Wingham Advance - Times, Wingham, Ont. • I •, ' Ken Mothers Construction BUILDING -• REMODELLING ROOFING Agricultural and Residential Bluevale, Ontario Ph. 357-1758 NOTICE • Wedding notices, engage- ments, in memoriams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY. We can- not accept such notices by telephone. Please remember that no classified advertising is ac- cepted after noon Monday. FOOD BILL TOO HIGH? Try our pre-cooked FROZEN CHICKEN PARTS with or without Sweet and Sour Sauce. Just heat and serve. Phone 335-3141 or,335-3246 after 5 p.m. or 335-3265 SHOE REPAIR - also repairs to harness, luggage and other articles - custom designed arch supports - Orthopedic work Hill's hoes, Wingham will act a s an agent for Jerry Talsma, RR 2, Gorrie, 335-3298. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY TO Hill's Shoes 11110111111MINEY 665-7818 RR 1, Neustadt Fri,Sat., Sun. Horst Feige 366 N. Christina St. Sarnia, Ont. 1-800-265-7542 (Toll-free Telephone) Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 PART-TIME waiter or waitress, required, no experience neces- sary. Apply at Manor Hotel after .7 Pam : ,;;,2t -.J t?-30171rb .,REGISTERED nurses, experi- • enced preferred, must be willing to vtark„all shifts. For interview, phone Moine Forest Nursing Home, 323-2140. - WOrkWanted PINE OR BARN board picture frames made to order, signs rotted, saws sharpened, small appliance repairs etc The Vil- lage Shop, Gerrie 335-3343. Personal., PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential sup- port. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 col- lect: 21 rrb Myra J. Pennington I would like to thank the many relatives and friends who re- membered me with cards, flow- ers and visits while I was a pa- tient in Winghanl and London hospitals and since coming home. Your kindness will always bee membered. Gladys Turnbull We wish to thank each and everyone for all your inquiries, messages of sympathy, floral contributions, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society and for food sentto our homes at the time of our loss of a son, brother and father Robert Glousher. Special thanks to Lloyd Tasker and.Rev. Wittick who so understandingly 'took care of so much. Words can never express our thanks-. The GlOusher families and the Keith Good family In Memoriam IN MEMORIAM CLARK—In loving memory of a dear husband and step -father Arthur Clark, who passed away eighty;agoJi9aY3Q3 1,9R2- Nce.length of time can -divide. the past, Too many memories hold it fast. - Today, tomorrow and our whole life through, - We will always love and" re- member you. --Lovingly:remembered by his wife Markin and his stepchildren • Christina , O'Gorman, Florence McLean and Bill. and Harold Darling. HALL—In loving memory of our mother, Stella M. Hall, who pass- ed away January 28, 1974. To some yOu may be forgotten, To others a part of the past, But to us who loved you and lost you, Your memory will always last. —Ever remembered by her family. Secretary We.have a vacancy in our accounting department for the position of secretary to the plant comptroller. This is a senior position and the Successful candidate will have had several years experience as a senior secretary with competency in all secretarial pro- cedures. Interested applicants should apply to: Campbell Soup Co. Ltd. Listowel, Ontario N4W 3H6 II N /* WINGHAM ***-114144:1'73 4* INCORPORATED 1 7 •1 , . NOTICE TOWN OF IP/INGHAM This is to advise all owners or harbourers of dogs that the Town of Wingham dog tax is due on or before FEBRUARY 28, 1980 A dog control ‘..„-fficer has been hired and all owners of dogs running at rarge are liable to a r.f !FA 00 for first violation and $10.0b for second vioiation. Robert Wittig Chief of Police •• „ Reitataneveringp. n „ . dinnli0Otiitataaw • taalaagiat 0'44 Wats Rep*oototke:in wham • and'sormw0Ing aro*, MeWilliotne 396-756le , JOHINi$014,:ZARNii 313 LAO•ABT:0,_tta. • KINCARDINkONTARIO • HELP WANTED '- c."RPORATION riF THE, TOVVIISHIP QF HOWICK REQUIRES A BUILDING INSPECTOR A parteirne positton exists for a person fully conversant with the Ontario Building code and ancillary repletion" and • possessing a workirtg knowledge of building trades and practites. Persons will be expected to: a)Provide own transportation b)Receive and evaluate all applications for building permits c)Perform the required number of on-site inspections d)Ensure the enforcement of local building regulations reporting on all aspects of the work directly to the Municl- , pal Council. Applications in writing containing particularof age, exper- ience and qualifications, and hourly wage required will, be received by the undersigned not later than 12 sialoc noon, Monday, February 4, 1980. Yours very tculy, Wesley R. Boll A.M.C.T. [Al Clerk, Township cif Howick. • Director of Nursing PALMERSTON AND DISTRICl/HOSP1TAL Applications are invited for the position of Director of Nursing of this fully accredited 40 bed active treat- ment Hospital. POSITION The Director Of Nursing is directly responsible !O the Administrator for the quality of nursingcare, the de- velopment and maintenance Of the nursing care pro. gram, the overall administration and staffing of patient services Of the unit including O.R. and ambulatory care PuEnit. RSON The applicant, must be eligible for registration in the Province of Ontario. The selection will place strong emphasis on the \appli- cant's philosophy of !administration and a combination of the applicant's demonstrated administrative skills, appropriate:experienceandeducational,background Please send confidential resume t�• Mr. R. G. mmorsan • Administrator • Palmorstion Disteitt /1‘spita P.O. Box 130 PALMERSTON, Ontario - NOG 2P0 Town of VVingham Requires • CLERK -TREASURER An opening exists for the above position. The work involves all phases of the clerks' and treasurers' statutory responsibilities. The successful candidate should have prior. Municipal experience, adequate knowledge of applicable provincial statutes, and a strong management and financial background. Pre- ference shall be given to candidates with donjon - strafed leadership capabilities, Salary commensurate with qualification and experi- ence. Excellent fringe benefits provided. Interested, qualified applicants submit resume in writing, not later than 4:00 p.m. Feb. 21, 1980 to: CHAIRMAN OF FINANCE Town of Winghom Box 1164 Wingham, Ontario NOG 2VVO Business and Professional Directory KARL C LENTZ Chartered Accountant, Wingham, Ontario Telephone 1 (519)357-1087 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct end Save Bus Pb. 867-1910' Res. Pb. 3574015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homufh, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, 0.0. Optometrists HARRIVON Ontario., 3382712 c, 11111MCik , RL aW AND ASSOCIATES beeeee," t.,eWhii Ph: 357-1522 Barry W. Reid Torn Devon