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Wingham Advance-Times, 1980-01-02, Page 8
":i Wine 44'v pea* 'imes, January 2, 1980 ,�4 fi„k:fy;+,� :�',4:Y�C;}j,2 ;•til $! I`ryIl � f�ti For Sale MORTGAGE MONEY for all reasons. Prime rates; fast serv- ice; difficult mortgages a spe-, cialty- cash paid for existing mortgtes. Phone Kitchener 743- 5361; Arthur 848-2510 or write to All Ontario Financial Consultants Ltd., P.O. Box 2695B, Kitchener. 3 rrb BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls; silo unloaders and far; rowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb DOUBLE Snowmobile trailer; vacuum cleaner, in excellent condition. Phone 357-3241 or 357-3482. 2-9 TWO PMR fibreglass downhill skis with poles; 1 pair lady's ski boots, size 7. Phone 357-3566 after 5 p.m. ONE SET of goalie equipment for a PeeWee or a Bantam, excellent condition. Phone 357-3114. ADMIRAL Super 8 dishwasher, gold, one year old 'excellent condition, $300 or nearest offer. Phone 357-1146. 2-9 Cars & Trucks For Sale 1969.CHEV, Impala 2 door, certi- fied and winterized. Phone 357- 1642. - 1974 VEGA, automatic, radio, safety checked, $900. Phone 357-1672. 2-9 Farm Machinery FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT CLAY—Silo unloaders, feeders, cleanersx ttablingt ,1eg elevators ligind `man ” egtupireent, `hag equipment. BUTLER—Silo unloaders, feeder conveyors. )FARMATIC—Mills augers, etc. ACORN -Cleaners, heated wat- erers. WESTEEL-ROSCO-Granaries, B & L Hog Panelling. Lowry Farm Systems Ltd.; RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 5 rrb Miscellaneous MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657. rrb JF YOU -are &friend or relatives of an alcoholic, the AI -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the 'problem. -Please contact,Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF , DAVID CHESTER HOUSTON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of David Chester Houston, late of the Vil- lage of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, deceased, are required to send narticulars" of their claims, duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of January, 1980, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claiyns of which they shall' then have had notice. DATED at Wingham- Ontario. this 7th day Of December, 1979. Messrs, Goodall & Campbell, Barristers & Solicitors, P.O. Box 730, 261 Josephine St., Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Estate 19-26-2 MUST .SELL! ALL STEEL BUILDING NEVER BEEN ERECTED T Bargain for cash. May be picked up or delivered, MUST SELL! Call Mr. Williams Phone 1©416-677©9951 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Help Wanted MAJOR supplier of custom-built home systems seeks a rep- resentative in your area. Be the first to offer over 300 floor plans. Please address inquiries to Ter- ritory Manager, Tri-ang Home Systems, P.O. Box 339, Lan- caster, Ont. KOC 1NO. Phone (613) 347-3737. WANTED BY CKNX Radio an individual with some writing experience to fill the position of copywriter. Willing to tra. right individual. Good typin' sential. For information and ap- pointment contact Mr. Jack Gillespie, 357-1310. Wanted To Buy INDUSTRIAL sewing machin in good condition. Call 357-1382 between 8;30 a -m. and 3 p.m. TOP PRICES paid for good used furniture or appliances and an- tiques. Will buy partial or com- plete households. Wingham Sales Arena 357-1730. 24 rrb WANTED TO BUY used furni- ture, appliances and antiques. Call Jack's Place, Lucknow 528-2625. 7 rrb WE PAY highest cash price for fresh animals over 500 pounds; smaller animals picked up free. Radio -equipped trucks. Call 1- 800-265-3011. Graf Animal Foods Ltd., RR 1, Chepstow, Ont. 18 rrb Wanted ALL KINDS of glass containers and bottles, clear or colored i to recycle to raise money for the Bluevale Community Hall. Watch for notice in springfor collection. Phone 335-6118. W' OtD'brick tbuildit gs, • for demolition and salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier or re- claimed bricks. 14 rrb Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential sup- port. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 col- lect. 21 rrb Lost RED HEREFORD heifer cow. from Highway 86, Kinloss Town- ship. Phone,528-2075 after 6 p.m. 2-R Notice; TEACH YOUR dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 3 Alfred St. Open hours: Monday 10 to 12; Tuesday to Thursday, 10 to 5; Friday 10 to 6. Free personal chequing ,ac- counts. Deposit accounts now paying 11 per cent. Special de- posits at 13 per cent. Phone 357-2311. 14rrb PIANO TUNING Servicing & Rebuilding Contact Ken Cowan RR 5, Brussels u 887-9342 Services PHIL'S REFRIGERATION and Appliance Service, 24-hour emer- gency service, used appliance sales: Phone 887-9062. 5 rrb PORTABLE WELDING Will do custom portable welding and in -shop repair work. Phone Spike Bakker, RR 5, Lucknow, 528-2026. 31 rrb GEORGE LUBBERS Construc- tion. Phone 357-3457 Whitechurch. Cottages, additions, renovations. rrb CARPENTRY Renovations, recreation rooms, additions, repairs, etc. Phone Ben Dekker, 357-1085. 24 rrb TOP PRICES paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. For fresh animals over '500 lb. $1 a hundredweight; cows and horses over 1200 lb. $15; calves and swine picked up free of charge. Four-wheel drive, radio dispatch- ed trucks; 24-hour service 7 days a week. Brussels Pet Food Sup- plies. Local calls 887-9334. Toll Free 1-800-265-4267. 14 rrb YULE'S DEAD STOCK REM'O'VAL Proprietors Dan and Bev Lamb- kin. We pay on the spot for large fresh dead animals and disabled animals. Continued free service far small animals. License 635C- 78. For prompt reliable service 7 days a week.. Phone Cargill col- lect 366-2713. 20 rrb ASTROLOGICAL SERVICES AVAILABLE For information write to Box 2121, c -o The Wingham Advance- Times, Wingham, Ont. 17 rrb MacDONALD—Born to Eleanor and Stephen MacDonald of Willowdale on December 18 in Wingham and District Hospital, a son, Jacob William, eight pounds, one ounce; third • grandchild for Mrs. - Beth Johnstone of Lucknow, . first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald of Wingham. FREiBURGER—A.t the Wingham and District Hospital on Wednesday, December 19, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerald Freiburger, Belgrave, a daughter, Michelle Jean. ORNSBY—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Sunday, December 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ornsby, Barrie, a daughter, Annetta May. For Rent MODERN TWO bedroom apart, ments in Belgrave;. ground; AoQr, front and rear entrances. and patio; stove, fridge, washer, and. dryer, snow removal included. Phone 357-2939. 19-22-2 HEATED APARTMENT near hospital, available early Japµ- ary. Apply J. Meyer, 337 Mount Pleasant Rd., Toronto, Ont. M4T 2C5. Phone (416) 487-7810. 19 rrb THREE BEDROOM home be- tween Bluevale and Wroxeter, recreation room, 2 piece bath, hydro cost to be shared,,rent $150 a month. References preferred. Apply to Box 2125 c -o The Wing - ham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. 21rrb THREE bedroom semi-detached home. Phone 821-6049 evenings.' 17rrb HOUSE in Brussels. Phone, 357- 3114. 24 rrb WAREHOUSING up to 3500 sq.' ft., heated and sprinkler system, downtown Wingham. Phone 357- ..1741 2-9 TWO BEDROOM apartment and two bedroom house in Wingham. Phone 357-3746. 2-9 1'7 MEMORIAM SWATRIDGE-In loving mem, ory of a dear Son and brother, Paul D. Swatridge, who passed away very suddenly five years ago, January 5, 1975. The dearest son this world could hold, • With a cheery smile and a heart of gold; - ,Loving and .kind in all his 'Ways, Upright an8 joist to the end of his days. Sincere and true in his heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left be- hind, To those who knew him ail will know How mueh we lost five years ago. —Sadly missed by Mom, . Dad and Jill. MacDONALD—In loving mem- ory of Eva MacDonald who passed away December 29, 1976: „Resting where no shadows fall, In peaceful sleep she awaits us all; God will link the broken chain, When one by One we meet again. —Always remembered and sadly missed by her family. 665-7818 RR 1, Neustadt Fri., Sat., Sun. Horst Feige 366,N. Christina St. Sarnia, Ont. 1-800-265-7542 (Toll-free Telephone) Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 McCREERY - AUTO WRECK -ERS Rt.2, Wroxeter ''- on Highway 86 Midway betw,teen WinCJhom and Listowel • USED AUTO-17ARTS USED CARS &TRUCKS 24 HOUR! TOWING SERVICE Scrap cars Wanted. High:= .t prices paid. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 FOR LEASE 2 Bay Service Station - Downtown area Clinton - Excellent location For Further Information Contact BP OIL [Days] 1-800-265-41`57 [Evenings]°A-1971 SALES HELP REQUIRED Due4o on -ever. expanding Real Estate market, Johnson Carney is looking for a Real Estate Representative in Wingham, Teeswater and surrounding area. For a confidential interview, contact Gary McWilliams, 396-7561. JOHNSON CARNEY LTD. 313 LAMBTON ST. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO ea til ll/oi r>/t(tt/l FARRIER loving memory of 'a dear husband, father and grandfather, Garnet Farrier, who passed away four years ago, January 7, 1976. Never more than a thought away, Quietly remembered every day, No need for words, except to say You're loved and missed in every way. —Sadly missed by the family. GARDNER—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and .:grandfather, who passed away Jan. 5, 1977. He never failed to do his best, His heart was warm and tender, He lived his life for those he loved, And those he loved, remember, He was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather, He played life's battle square, No matter when we needed him, We always found him there, His life was love and labor, His love for family true, He did his best for all of us, What more could anyone do? So you who have a loved one, Treasure him with care, Because you will never know the heartache, When you all meet, and he's not there. —Lovingly remembered by Helen, children and grandchil- dren. KEATING—In loving memory of Norman Edward • Keating who died January 6,' 1976. No longer in our `lives to share - But in our hearts, he ; is always there. —Always remembered by daughter Catherine MacDonald and family. • Sincere thanks, to relatives, friends and neighbors of the late Miss Helen D.: (Nellie) all for `expressions of sympathy, through cards, memorial contributions, floral tributes and food received' during our bereavement. Special thanks to the M. L. Watts Funeral Home, ,Corrie, to Rev. O.Lara- mie, Gerrie and to the Ladies' Guild of St. Stephen's Church. Nellie's cousins I would like to thank all friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, gifts, visits and get well wishes while 1( was a patient in University Hospital, London; also for help at Debbie and Ken's wedding and later at home. It was very much appreciated and will, always be remembered. I - also wish you all a Happy 1980. Catherine Adams Words fail to express our thanks . to all our friends, rela- tives and neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy in the loss of a dear mother, grand- mother and great-grandmother, Mrs. Lillian Weir. Thanks to our friends for the floral tributes, cards, -donations to Wroxeter United Church Memorial Fund, research for asthmatics, Gideon Bibles, Ontario Heart Foundation and Canadian Cancer Society. Thanks to nurses of the Listowel Memorial Hospital for care given. mother and to neighbors and friends who brought food to our home. Also thanks to Rev. Fel- lows, Rev. Passmore, pailbear- ers, ladies of Wroxeter UCW and the M. L. Watts Funeral Home. A special thank -you to the staff of Fordwich Village Nursing Home for the excellent care given to Mother and to all who visited her during her stay there. All is ap- preciated. FOOD BILL TOO -HIGH? -,'try our'pre cooked'FROZEN CHICKEN PARTS wit or without Sweet and Sour Some. Just heat and serve. Phone 335-3141 or 335-3246 offer 5 p.m. or 335-3265 canfami Sales Representative An aggressive marketing team is being estab- lished for the 'sale and service of Farm Business Management Programs in the Canadian farm market. Fourteen new sales positions are being. created across Oriiorio. A farm background, and a degree in agriculture - or business managenienis required. Sales experi- ence would be a definite asset. An appreciation 'of financial management as it relates to profitabil- ity of a farm business is highly desirable: Our company is an internationally recognized leader in the development of innovative' Farm Man- agement Programs and has a high calibre team of Product Specialists available for staff training and sales support. Please forward resume -to: Personnel Manager Conform Co-operative Services Box„1024 Guelph, Ontario N1H 6N1 Clearing Auction Sale Contents of household'ieffects from a ,Harriston home plus additional consignments Saturday, January 5 at 1 p.m. at Mount Forest Auction Centre Queen St. E, Mount Forest (on Hwy. -89) Lovely curio cabinet, old jam cupboard, feinting couch, 2 piece chesterfield suite, 3 piece bedroom suite, odd Tamp tab- les, odd chairs, rocker, old wooden hump top trunk, large iron sugar kettle, 30" electric stove, 2 door frost -free refrigerator, sing cabinet, smoker,, dressers, Targe pine table, crocks, glass, china, brass, wood cookstove, fireplace, large picture window, aiuminum 'doors, cattle stanchions plus numerous other articles. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This is an excellent large clean sale. Plan to attend. 'Consignments welcome for future sales anytime. Auctt3•enmer - Al Warren amid Staff• Professionals in the orderly of liquidation. Phone 323.2138 .a.r 323.4819 (res.) •I wish to express, my sincere thanks to the entire staff at Wing - ham and District Hospital for the excellent care I received during my recent stay and during the many times I have been a patient thereover the past years. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy and the nurses in emergency ;and on second floor. To you all, best wishes for a Happy New Year. Harold Vincent The family of the late William P. Arkell wish to express sineere thanks and appreciation to rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the kindness shown to us during our recent loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. Many thanks for the beautiful floral tri- butes, cards, messages of sym- pathy and charitable donations Special thanks to Captain Iain Trainor, Dr. Leahy, Dr. Cheyne, the ambulance drivers and the Currie -Walker Funeral Home. Your kindness will never be for- gotten. Many thanks • to all friends, neighbors and -relatives who visited, sent cards, flowers and gifts while I was hospitalized in Wingham and since my home corning. Thanks also to Dr. Hanlon, ambulance attendants, the nurses on first floor anRev. John Roberts. Also the Chri8tmas donations from the Belgrave UCW and the 'Salvation Army were much appreciated. Leslie Bolt RETIRING??, w 3 bedroom home with large new sunporch. Beautiful sur- roundings. Use of pool, rec- reation building. Paved st- reets and fully serviced. Own- er transferred so this is a real BARGAIN!! $13,900. (Lot rent $7,5.00) CaII TURNBERRY ESTATES Wingham 357-2037 Beimore `Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffrey. • (. and family hosted a Christmas gathering on Sunday, December 23. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weitz; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray, Doug and Donna, "Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jeffray,, My. and Mrs. Leonard Knoll, Kara and Jeffray, Mr. and Mrs. David Harper, Jeff, Keith and Heather, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elliott. • NOTICE Wedding notices, engage- ments, in memoriams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY. We can- not accept such notices by telephone. Please remember that no classified advertising is ac- cepted after noon Monday. REAL ESTATE LTD. Piano 482-9971 Clinton MORRIS TWP. -, 2 acres with frame home, large barn. Rea- sonably priced: 'MORRIS TWP. - 1 acre on paved road, 7 room modern bungalow, surrounded by maples. 8 miles from Wing - ham. MORRIS TWP. - 2 floor brick home on 5 acres with frame barn, 2 miles from Blyth. Sev- ered. MORRIS TWP. - 2 miles from Blyth on '/2 acre lot„ .7, room brick home in like new condi,- tion. Heated workshop. FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself. YOUNG REALTY LTD. '\ $3,000 DOWN -'to existing financing, good income, 2 and 3 bed- room oportmonts plus library, $24,000 full price, town of Gorrie. - VACANT FACTORY - 9,500 sq. ft. suits small business, lease with option or small down. Brussels, "WANTED - Businessman to head up farm machinery operation. Facilities available. For Information Call David Christie, I.C. & I. Division Weekdays 685-5321 London Weekends 482-7295 Brurefield The Man To See Is ifisINTEE QUALITY ELEGANCE PRESTIGE - Certainly NOT an inexpensive home. This fascinating four bedroom side -split has unimagin- able beauty: a kitchen with Jennair Bar-B-que range, dish- washer, Formica injure -proof cupboards, centre island work area; Romanesque arched reclaimed red -brick feature.wall in dining area; vestibule with glazed quarry tile floor; mica;quart- zite full wall fireplace in family room; and we could go ON+ ON+ON+. Seen by appointment only. CALL USI MORTGAGE SALE! A six year old split level four bedroom home has been'abandoned by its owner. This grand home has an exciting layout with spacious modern kitchen, very Targe utility room, rec room with fieldstone fireplace, dining room with glass door walkout, two full baths, double garage,- Asking. $59,900. BUT ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED! ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIC is a quality built three bedroom bunga- low on o double lot within a mile of Wingham. Double garage, oak Hanover kitchen, plush broadloom, fireplace with hoM.''- ;uior, ornate wnod4vork; glass doors onto elevated deck, lux- ury four piece bath and so .much mora. Seeing is believing! FIRST TIME on the market this three bedroom home with sep- arate living and dining rooms has a. detached garage and large lot. Close to downtown and only $27,500d,� DREAMSVILLE is a charming three bedroo nr country -home on a half -acre, framed by majestic maple's, ha's_four piece updated both, lovely functional kitchen, extra ,large living room, de- tached concrete block .garage but MOST IMPORTANT: a breath- • taking location near a bus Very impressive! $34,500, SPACIOUS HOME on double lot with stately maples just 1'72' years new. Living room 12 x 19, kitchen with plenty of lovely cupboards, dining room with built -In china cabinet; three bed- rooms, four piece bath. Lower level rec room has wood stove, sliding doors to patio, extra bedroom. Fully insulated, finished in angelstone and aluminum. Double garage, $54,000, est to Coast Real Estate Service Contact: OFFriCE 357-1344 STAN CHADWICK 357.2497 MARGARET DAY 357-2196 JOHN PHiLLION 357.3996 G