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opingalt the precious
things in Life wilt come
to you this Christmas!
Warm thanks.
Gravel -Crushing -Trucking
Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-3530
40PSEP 4,
I I I tt."1 I I I P'w t 4/54
This merry oid
bringing ito *law
good things your
way, you'll enjoy
them long after
Christmas day!
Joining Santa
with our
bountiful thanks.
Real Estate and Business Broker
Ken Ducharme - Representative
, ' •
From Turnberry students Sacred Heart lefters
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Kelly. I live in
Belmore. I want a doctor kit and
a Wonder Woman doll and a
teddy bear and I want a
typewriter and I want Jaws and I
want a Love and Kisses.
Love, Kelly Leachman
Dear Santa,
How are yau? I'm fine. I would
like a Barbi doll. Also I would
like a dog. (
Better go to bed now so I won't
be tired tomorrow.
Debbie Currie
Dear Santa,
I would like a doll with a
bathtub and a curling doll. For
my cat to play with I would like a
curler. I will leave a carrot for
Tracey Boxwell
Dear Santa,
I would like a tractor trailer.
And a racing track and some
cars. I would also like a bike. I
will leave some milk and cookies.
Love, Duane Steckley
Dear Santa,
Could your elves make me a
toy elevator with a crank? I
would like a tractor with a
wagon. Shawn would like a
building set.
Robbie Lane
Dear Santa, -
Dear Santa Claus,
I want an AFX racing truck '3' My name is Shannon and I am 6
years old. I have been a good girl.
I would like a Marching Mickey
Mouse for Christmas. I will leave
you cookies and milk and sugar
cubes for the reindeer.
Merry Christmas, Shannon
Itr Santa,
y name is Laura Hallahan
and I am 7 years old. I have been
a good girl. I would like a doll for
Christmas. I have three brothers.
They would like two trucks for
Dear Santa,
Christmas. My baby brother
Please bring me a racing car would like anything you would
set, models and a tractor trailer. like to give him for Christmas: I
I will leave anapple. will leave you some apples for the
My name is Jamie Nicholson reindeers. Thank you for the
presents you have givert me other
To Santa Claus from Lone. years.
I want a Superstar Barbie and
Merry Christmas from Laura
a Barbie Camper -I have been a
good girl. Thank you for all of the Hallahan
presents last year.
Dear Santa Claus,
Love, Lorie McKague My name is Dennis Hallahan
and I am 7 years old. I have been
Dear Santa Claus, ,(• a good boy. I would like . a
I have been a good boy. I would
spiderman gun for Christmas. I
like a big tractor and a wagon. I will leave you sugar and milk.
am going to leave out some candy ' Merry Christmas,. Dennis
for you. If you like gum there is
some on the table. Will you give Dear Santa Claus,
my family presents too? My name is Kris Chandler. I
Love, Steve Eadie would like a hair curler doll. I
and I want four racing cars. Can I
have four speakers and one
stereo? I would also like some
furry boots and a record player.
Jason Herd
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like
Hush Little Baby, Baby Alive and
a rocking cradle for my doll. I got,
an angel on my school paper. My
name is Veronica.
Veronica Lubbers
A basket of delicacies is a wonderful way to say "Merry Christina!" Put one together yourself
imaginatively with unusual go nriet items or the makings of a festive dinner: A dinner basket lined
with holiday greens or a brightjy colored napkin can include a-chiek-enibr duck.„ready, to cook orjust ,.
fruitcake. -
roasted and carefully wrapi, d, a bottle of wineeia-gthering of fresh vegetables, cookies or a
Another welcomegift basket could include one.or two fine cheeses, bright red apples and green
pears, a jar of homemade preserves, holiday cookies and a bottle of wine or brandy.
' Ever think of sending your favorite recipe as a Christmas card? Choose one of your most unusual
dishes . . . one that you,know is really great. A local pirkiter can set it up and reproduce it on colored '
paper or you can type it on the inSideof a pretty, Mink greeting card. Use a colored ribbon i &your
type*Hter and sign it brightly with a matching felt tipped pen. -A really original greeting! '
Since the holiday brings out the best of your cakes., pies and cookies, why not have a "desserts
only" evening for friends. You might serve those really sumptuous cakes you love that are too rich
after a complete dinner. Set your table with a seasonal centerpiece and several .cakes, pies and
holiday cookies. Rich, steaming coffee and an interesting spiced tea should fill the bill:
Have a dessert tree, as a special surprise, to end a libliday d inner party. Buy a styrofoam cone in
the local five and ten cent store, choosing the size that best fit's your needs. Using toothpicks and a
variety of dried and fresh fruits, candies and berries, you can create a colorful climax to your meal.
Arrange them at random or.in a design, until the cone is completely covered. Place on a platter of
green leaves and enjoy the compliments as you place it on the table! '
1752 ,Calendar
Set Christmas
Date on Dec. 25
We know that our calen-
dar today is a relatively
modern institution. But do
We realize that in earliest,
times, Christmas was cele-
brated on January 18?' ljt is
still so celebrated, by the
Armenian church. Later on,
the date became January 6
— and it Was only in 1752,
with the final change to the
Gregorian calendar, that
the rearrangement of dates
placed Christmas Day on
and ask His blessing
for you and your loved
ones. In the profound
spirit of the Yuletide
becember 25.
Some church people in
England* were very indig-
nant when this change took,
place — feeling that some-
how they had been robbed
of 11 days and the corre-
sponding -Wages. Some of
them tried to find out if the
new date were correct by
noting whether or not the
tree called the Glastonbury
Thorn (supposedly planted
by Joseph of Arimathea)
would flower on the new
date or the old. Sometimes
the tree bloomed on one day
and sometimes on the oth-
er, however. depending on
the weather — so that sup-
porters of both dates man-
aged to keep up the quarrel
for some time.
have been a good girl. Twill leave
you pop and cookies -and sugar*
cubes for the reindeer.,
Merry Christm, Kris
(' I am 7 years.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Kelly Joe' McGlynn
and I am 8 years old. I have been,
a good boy. I would like a bake
set for Christmas. I will leave you
cookies and milk and sugar cubes
for the reindeer.
Merry Christmas, Kelly Joe
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Steven D. Dave
Doerr and I am 8 years old. I
have been a good boy. I would
like a tool kit and a snowmobile
for Christmas.
Love, Steven D.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Cindy Camp
schroer. I am 6 years old. I have
been a good girl. I would like a
watch for Christmas. Twill leave
you milk and I will leave the
reindeer carrots.
Merry Christmas from Cindy
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like Stretch Monster
and Stretch Armstrong and
Willie Walker and a walkie talkie
quick change machine. I would
like stereo headphones and a
little pool table and a little
machine gun and a camera too.
Jamie Koopman (I am 6)
Dear S'anta Claus,
My name is Brian and I am 7
yeariold. I have been a good boy.
I would like a space blaster and a
ricochet smoke rifle, Luke
Skywalker, Darth Vader, R2D2,
Willie Walker, Pet Dog, Cox'.
Corsair, Batman, Batcycle, 3-
velliclehelicopter set. I will leave.
you a letter on the tree. I will
leave you some sugar for the
reindeers and I will leave you
some milk and cookies. Thank
you for the'things you brought me
last year.
Love, -Brian Richey
" Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
I am 7 years old and my, name
is Billy McGlynn and I would like
a truck for Christmas. I .will
leave some carrots for ' you. I
wish you can bring my two little
brothers some toys.
Merry Christmas, Billy McGlynn
FRIEND OF SANTA—This wicked witch took her evil spell off of Santa Claus and became
a friend -of Santa when she learned that she would get presents for Christmas. The scene
was part of a play by Grade 11 drama students presented for the Wingham Public School
children last Thursday.
'rho Wing ce,
Dear Santa,
My ROMc!fl, Jetre;r4M
and I *have been a ,good '05r.,
would Inte,k.wo/10
Mr. Quartabaek..
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Joey mak. I am 6
years. I have been a goo d bar 1
would like skis please. Thaol;
you. -
LOve, Aley
Dear Santa Claus,
My, name is Ronnie and 1 am 6
years old. I have been a good boy.
es cembe4' 2O
T9 ft
Dear Saus
My :0 is Vatriela
and 1aiii4fleaztold. Xhavt*
a good gm. 1 would. Itke a WHY
Rabble etoveltoThrlstmas. lig
J Ire earrotaar-the reifldeerfld
, me Milk foryou. 1 love Mr
Thank you for fho preSents 704
gave me last year.: 0.744V4.4-, •
Packet! qp lots of Wishes
Wrapped 'em full of fun,
For a healthy, happy Christmas
And thanks to everyone.
There's no time' quite like Christmas
for remembering all the friends we
cherish, and for Wishing them all
Ready to serve gem,"
*Appetizer of Happiness
• Tossed Merriment
• Generous Portions of Jog
• Casserole of Swept Thoughts
• Spirits of the Season
From the Christmas Kitchen of
The Management and Staff