HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1978-12-06, Page 70 ♦ m , o e o 0 0 Jz $W " ro ,� 0 0 y jgg; o e ♦ ♦ ♦ p o iip! o o e pw 0 0 Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 95 Acre farm on Highway 86 be- tween Wingham and Bluevale, This century farm is self drained and tiled, with 8 acres of hard- wood bush; 36' x 94' barn, poultry house and piggery. Heated work- shop and driving shed. Double brick 5 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms. Ideal set up for beef or hogs. Call exclusive Agent Madeline Broadfoot at Furtney Office, St. Marys, 284-2566 or Home 229-6724 Kirkton. ■RI■■■■■■iiu I I ■ REAL ESTATE ■ IN • ani1®.2Z7. II ■ II III • II ■ BUYING OR SELLING I. III■ ■ CALL � III WINGHAM OFFICE � • 357-3840 ■ III • Lorne Humphrey ■ • 357-2217 ■ ■ Clarence Sutcliffe ii 392-6969 ■ Josephine [ Jo] Morrison • • IN 357-1704 • iM ■ MEMBERS OF ■ HURON REAL ESTATE ■ BOARD AND GREY - IN BOARD REAL ESTATE111 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ For Rent TWO BEDROOM apartment, washer, dryer, refrigerator and stove. Adults only, references re- quired. Available imMediately. Peter Harrison, Harriston; 338- 2243. 15 rrb TWO BEDROOM apartment, washer, dryer, refrigerator and stove. Adults only, references re- quired. Quarter mile west of Harriston. Peter. Harrison, 338- 2243. 6 rrb REAL ESTATE LTD. Phone 482-9371 Clinton DUNGANNON- 1'/2 storey stucco, 2 bedroom home, at- tached garage, nicely refin- ished. - NEAR BLUEVALE- 231/2 acres, 3 acres hardwood bush;, no buildings. BRUSSELS -Under $20,000. will buy this 1'/2 storey home, 3 bedrooms, dining room, large lot. #*** NEAR BRUSSELS- 100 acres, 93 acres workable, no buildings. FOOD FOR THOUGHT- Biting remarks are often the result of snap judgements. The Man To See Is MCINTEE BOUNTIFUL 150 ACRES in Morris .Township„consisting of 60 workable, 75 pastured 15 acres of mixed bush plus the Mait- land River lazily rollirr''Through, There's also a 40 x 70 barn and a house needing repairs, all for only $55,000. MUST, MUST SELLI The price has been slashed on a two year old mobile home 12 x 56 with two bedrooms and situated at Turnberry Estates. MOVE IT IF YOU WISH! Only $11,000. RECENTLY REDUCED to $32,500 is a very roomy 4 bedroom home having undergone extensive redecorating. Located with- in 2 blocks of downtown, this fine family dwelling has 11/2 baths, good furnace and roof and must sell quickly as the own- er has purchased a newer home. ATTRACTIVE BRUSSELS HOME having 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and family room having a Franklin Fireplace, Listed at $37,000. EXQUISITE & BREATHTAKING is a handsome split level 4 bed-. room home which will be your dream come true! Along with an ultra -modern kitchen, there's an L-shaped living -dining room with picture window,fdmily room with walk -out patio and rock garden, bright carpeted-rec room with corner fireplace and at- tached garage. Asking $64,500. and the owner WILL negotiate! C Coast to Coast Real Estate Sen ice Contact: OFFICE- 357-1344 STAN CHADWICK- 357-2497 MARGARET DAY- 357-2196 FOR SALE EDWARD A. ELLIOTT BROKER WINGHAM 'TOR TODAY AND TOMORROW" 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF WINGHAM Town and country qualities in a fashionable area. This gor- geous 3 bedroom brick bung- alow (Angelstone front) offers a lovely combination of a family size kitchen, lining room and a delightful family room with a natural fireplace. A full basement is awaiting your imagination and person- al touch. All this on an over- sized lot. Asking $50,500. WINGHAM Three year old raised bungalow with 2 bedrooms and 11/2 baths This home boasts a contemporary kitchen, large living room, Oil heat and full basement. An expansive view at an affordable price. See --it today. NEW HOMES $33,900. Some people hate change until something great comes along and here it is, right in Wingham. Brick and aluminum on the outside - quality inside. With these 1036 sq. ft. semi-detached homes is a kitchen -dinette, living room, 3 bedrooms, full base- ment, patio doors and the front lawn is sodded. BELGRAVE A brick bungalow that's your chance to move into a highly de- sirable neighbourhood. Modern kitchen, living room, 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece bath and a family room where you can surround the fireplace with your family. You'll find you've purchas- ed much more than a home for $44,500. BLUEVALE Expanse... Not expense on thie '/3 acre near Bluevale. This attractive bungalow with wood siding offers three bedrooms, living room, dining room, modern kitchen and a 4 piece bath. Immaculate inside and out. At $37,500. Call us today: - Office ...... oda:- Office...m.....-,-.-<..<..,-,.., . 357-1590 Edward A. Elliott .................. 357-1555 Tom Miller 0 000 000 ...---.. 343-2832 THREE BEDROOM house, 1/4 mile west of Harriston. Refer- ences required. Peter Harrison, 338-2243. 23-tfc IN WINGHAM, small, ground floor apartment, suitable for older lady or quiet older couple. Phone 357-2056 after 6 p.m. 11 rrb TWO BEDROOM apartment in Teeswater. Phone 392.6893. 29-6 THREE BEDROOM new bunga- low in Kinlough, fireplace, laun- dry room, sun deck, fully carpet- ed, electric heating, $250 per month. Available immediately. Transportation to Bruce Gener- ating Station available. Phone 395-3427. 29-6-13-20 TWO APARTMENTS in Wing - ham available immediately. Both supplied with hydro, heat, fridge and stove. Phone 357-3482. 29-6 ONE AND TWO bedroom apart- ments, available immediately in Lucknow. Now renting apart- ments in Teeswater, available in November. Phone 528-3234. 20 rrb THREE BEDROOM house, new- ly renovated, electrically heated, centrally located. Phone days, 357-2370, nights 357-3794. 29-6 DOUBLE ROOM, (bedroom and den) heated, on John St. Lady preferred. Phone 357-2750. 29-6 TWO BEDROOM house in Wing - ham. Phone 524-6613 after 5 p.m. NEWLY RENOVATED two bed- todrf1 uj?stairs apartment, close to main street in Wingham: Tenant pays all utilities. Rent $135 per month. Available Janu- ary 1. Phone 357-2433. 6rrb ONE BEDROOM apartment in- cluding fridge and stove. Call 357-1851 before 6 p.m. HOME, outskirts of Wingham, modern conveniences. K. Fitz- simmons, phone 357-1117. THREE BEDROOM duplex in Wingham, 1 block from main street, fully self-contained. Phone 357-2890 in the afternoons. FIVE ROOM self-contained heat- ed apartment, close to business section in Wingham. Available January 1. Phone 357-2462. 6-13 THREE BEDROOM mobile home close to Wingham, all facil- ities, references, required. Phone 357-2037. 6-13 .1067427, ItV4 NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE At Howick Community Centre on Sunday, Dec. 31. Music by Bitter- sweet, $16 a couple. Lunch pro- vided. For tickets phone 335-3422. 6-13 BOTTLE DRIVE The First Wingham Scouts' bottle drive of returnable and nonre- turnable glass will be held Satur- day, Jan. 6, 1979, starting at 10 a.m. BINGO Wingham Lions' cash bingo will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Wingham Town Hall; 12 Regular games $10; 2 Share the Wealth, $10; 2 Free games; 1 Jackpot $205 on 60 calls or $25 consolation. 29-6 MAITLAND INSTITUTE • The Christmas meeting of the Maitland Women's Institute will be held Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. in the Wingham Town Hall. 'v. REBEKAH EUCHRE Will be held on Monday, Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. in the IOOF Hall. TURKEY BINGO The Belgrave and District Kins- men are having their annual Christmas Turkey Bingo, in the WI Hall, Belgrave, on Tuesday; Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. CRAFT & BAKE SALE Annual Christmas Craft and Bake sale on Saturday, Dec. 9 at Oddfellows Hall, following the Santa Claus Parade. Sponsored by Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop. 29-6 BINGO Every Saturday night in Blyth Memorial Hall, 8 p.m. Regular and Share -the -Wealth games, plus $150. Jackpot. 20 rrb 100TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION The family of Miss Emma Irwin of Gorrie and North Bay cordially invites relatives, friends and neighbors to attend the reception, in honor of Miss Irwin's 100th birthday, in Gorrie United Church on Saturday, Dec. 9 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Best wishes only. 29-6 Cards of Thanks Thank you sincerely, all our relatives, friends and neighbors, who have . sent cards, letters, gifts, visited or helped in any other waduring Ken's stay in Victoria Hospital and since com- ing home. All are greatly appre- ciated. We especially thank Rev: JohnRoberts, the Lucknow Pub- lic School staff and pupils, Mrs. M. Hamilton,'Dr. Leahy and the VON, Mrs. S. Lancaster, and,Mrs. L. Knight. To everyone we extend, our best 'Wishes for the coming'. Christmas Season... Mabel and Ken Wheeler The family of the late Mrs. Harry (Ruby) Hastie wish to ex- press sincere thanks to all their. friends arid relatives for their many acts of kindness, memorial donations, floral tributes, cards of sympathy and food during their recent bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to those in Harriston who freely gave their assistance in our time of need; to Rev. Wes Ball and to Davidson's Funeral Home. I would like to give notice and thanks to my ladies who have so faithfully patronized my shop for 42 years. It was deeply appreci- ated. I will not be operating my hairdressing business as I have retired on Nov. 30, 1978. Thanks again, Helen Foxton WARWICK—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wilfred Warwick who passed away Dec. 4, 1971. Gone from us but leaving mem- ories Death can never take away. Memories that will always linger, While upon this earth we stay. —Lovingly remembered by wife Edythe and family. ROSS—In ever loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Robert Ross, who passed away December 9, 1977. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last for- ever. —Always will be remembered by her family, Don and Jean and family; George and Lorraine and Cheryl. BRECKENRIDGE—In loving Memory of our dear sister Mrs. Mabel Breckenridge, who passed away December 4, 1977. Today recalls sad memories Of a dear one gone to rest. The ones who think of her today Are the ones who loved her best. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her two sisters Mrs. myrtle Weir and Mrs. Annie Scott. MANN—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father and great-grandfather Sheldon Mann, who passed away Dec. 9, 1976. Sadly missed along life's way Quietly remembered every day. No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts, he is always there. —Lovingly remembered by wife Velma and all the family. HENDERSON—In loving mem- ory of Bertha Henderson, who passed away December 5, 1977. There is a home not made by hands, Beyond its golden door Awaits the one who's now away, Not lost, just gone before. And in that home not made by hands The Master will prepare A place for us, and when He calls We'll meet our loved one there, —Sadly missed by dad and family. The family of the late Thomas Prescott wish to thank Dr. R. D. Wilkins, the nurses and staff on the second floor of the Wingham and District Hospital for their" kindness. Thanks to the pallbear- ers, flower bearers and the people who ,brought food to the house. Thae. to Rev. and Mrs. Roberts of Belgrave and the ladies of the United Church for a delic'oug lunch. Thank y u z1 9 o all who sent flowers and cards. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated and will al- ways be remembered. Thank you ' to everyone for being so kind. Special thanks to Dr. Ping, Dr. Mowbray, the staff on second floor, ambulance driv- ers and Rev. Robert Armstrong for his many visits and prayers. JosephE. Smith DIED MEAHAN—Passed away sud- denly at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, on November 7, John Earl (Jack) Meahan of Brampton. He was a former resident of. Wroxeter where he attended school at the time his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony (Tony) Meahen, operated the post office in the village. He is survived by his wife Donna and was the dear father of Holly of Brampton and William Craig of London; loving grandfather of Paul. Also surviving is one sister, Mrs. Russell (Mary) Lonsway of Utica, Michigan. A private family service wa's held at the Leo Archdekin Funeral Home, Brampton, with cremation ' ullowing. HICKEY' At the Wingham and District Hospital on Wed- nesday, November 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Kevin" Hickey, Wingham, a son, Jeremy Lynn. PIKE—Bob 'and Peggy are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Lesley Dianne, on November 29 at the Wingham and District Hospital. A sister for Carolyn. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, Leonard James, RR 5, Wingham are pleased to announce the engagement of Shirley Ann Gray to Roger L. Pearson, son of Mr. .and Mrs. George Pearson of Toronto. The wedding to take, place on Satur- day, Dec. 16, in Toronto. Gord. Angst dies after long illness Following a long and painful fight with cancer, death claimed Gordon Angst of RR 2;_Clifford on Sunday, December 3, at the County of Bruce General Hospital, Walkerton. He was in his 62nd year. Mr. Angcst was born on the 13th concession of Howick Township and farmed . there for several years before selling the farm. He was later employed by the Fordwich Feed Mill and Elmira . Feeds. He was a member of the Clifford United Church. Left to mourn his passing are his wife, the former Ruth Reidt of RR 4, Harriston; two daughters, Mrs. Sylvester (Linda) Stroeder, RR 3, Clifford, and Mrs. Roger (Susan) Burchill, RR 1, Gorrie; and one son, Keith, at home. There are two grandchildren; four brothers, Emerit of Clifford, Arnold .and Nelson, .. Kitchener, and Winston, Elora; ' and five sisters, Mrs. Earl ,(Lucilla) Witinore, Mrs. Frank (Rhonda) Fixture, Mrs. Gordon (Vera) Zurbrigg and Ruby, all of Kit- chener, and Mrs. Cliff (Alma) Hallman, RR 2, Clifford. Funeral service was conducted at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Clifford United Church. Rev.. Robert Williams officiated. Final resting place will be Clifford Cemetery. SOMETHING TO SELL? Want to sell something? In- clude your name in your For Sale Ad People like to know who they will deal with, Dry Bagged Shavings For Sale Custom Lumber Millwork Ltd. Bolton, Ont. Phone Bolton 416-857-1882 Business and Professional Directory KARL C. LENTZ Chartered Accountant Wingham, Ontario Telephone (519)357-1087 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists HARRISTON -"Ontario 338-2712 REID AND PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J.A, Peterson, C.A. B.W. Reid, C.A. The Wingham Advance-Tallllies, Dekeglibe.r14, 3 bedroom home ready for occupancy in River.,, Teeswater. Extro insulation, garage, patio, chii., fireplace, completely landscaped, future plum basement, full Hudoc warranty, $48,000. RONN VOISIN CONTRACTING Te•eswqiter. 392-6784 CLAYTON G. HOGG LIMIT Real Estate Broker Wingham Next to the Post Office FOR SALE - FAMILY HOME - two storey, 3 bedrooms, recreation rootriii10., 4 piece and 2 piece baths. Located on lot 99'x 132; this mode'rrt home in village close to Wingham has been completely renOr. ated. *** *d* COUNTRY HOME on 4% acres, five year old aluminum sided bungalow, 2 bedrooms, full basement, located near Wroxeter." ' Creek on rear of property, many mature trees. HOUSE, BARN AND 9 ACRES located near village on paved Mid' This corner property has a 3 bedroom house, barn 50'x 40'with.' new silo plus small implement shed and garage. 100 ACRES ON HIGHWAY - 5 miles from Wingham, 65 acres workable with balance in mixed bush. One large and one small barn plus implement shed and 4 bedroom house with new drilled well and wiring- Low asking price. INCOME PROPERTY located in the heart of business section in. Teeswater consisting of two commercial outlets and two apart- ments. This building is in good repair and is an outstanding buy. . WANTED!! 1 ! We have a sincere client looking for a Dairy Farm as a going concern complete with stock. All enquiries confid- ential. EVENINGS JOHN BRENT 335-3391 HUTTON WINGHAM - A new home in time for Christmas. Excellent fin- ancing available and luxury living can 'be yours in this spacious 3 bedroom split level with family room, living room, dining - room, kitchen with patio doors, two bathrooms and attached, garage. Try your offer.today. WHITECHURCH - This handyman's special is priced in the teens and is offered to close an estate. On a newly surveyed 66' x 132' lot. There are new cupboards, new chimney and a good oil. furnace. If price is a concern, just try an offer. ****** WINGHAM • In a quiet neighbourhood overlooking Maitland River, mobile home 12' x 60' having added addition and a base= ment. For low cost living you get taxes of $173- per year, low oil costs and your own drilled well. Frig, stove, rugs and drapes are included. Lot size 132' x 165'. WINGHAM - Attractive one floor home, only two blocks from downtown on a beautiful treed lot. Formal living room, dining room, kitchen with new cupboards, laundry room. Priced to sell- ****** WINGHAM AREA - 50 acres on a main road 3 miles from town. Some bush at' the back, balance of land slightly rolling and workable. OTHER FARMS CLOSE TO WINGHAM ARE: - 140 acres with good buildings, 115 acres choice workable land - 116 acres, 2'acres bush, balance workable, buildings 'good, including stone house. . - 94 acres 1/2 mile f om town,, no house, 74 acres workable. DIEL ATHERS, WINGHAM 357-3208 Representing LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, Kincardine 396-2061 BROKER REAL E S TATE WINGHAM, O'NTARIO176 DIAGONAL.. ROAD a 357.1'117 THREE BEDROOM HOME Brick construction, modern decor throughout, late model spac- ious kitchen, living room, large new family room with patio doors and sun deck. Two baths, three bedrooms, new utilities and insulation, Excellent condition. Owner moving. GOOD LOCATION Close to schools and hospital. Modern kitchen, formal dining room, living room, plus family room and large utility room on the main level. Upstairs has 2 bedrooms and o new 4 piece bath The home has had all new heating, plumbing, electrical ser- vices and insulation. Asking only $41,000. for this exceptional home. RESIDENTIAL — COMMERCIAL A valuable property offering living accommodation for 2 fam- ilies or with the close proximity to the business section and ad- equate off street parking could be converted to a variety of commercial enterprises or an office complex. The full price for this prime property is only $38;000. COUNTRY SETTING In a quiet homey setting overlooking acres of rolling country- side, this attractive home has been renovated recently at a cost of $40,000.00. New building 36 x 60 with metal siding Is part- ially heated. New small barn. All new services. 2% acres on Prov. Hwy., 11/2 miles from town. Asking $70,000. Please con- tact Jake Kikkert, Rep. 357-2987. Ken Ducharme, Representative, 570 Shuter Street, Wingham, Phone 357-2591