HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1978-11-22, Page 10;ii jtivanee-Tilmes, November , 1;978 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS .ONDA YS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone; 357-2320 For Sale BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Silo unloaders and far- rowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb READY TO LAY Hisex started pullets, floor and cage grown. Write, visit or phone for prices and available dates. Also as- sembled laying cages. Day old chicks. Celebrating our 75th year. Fisher Poultry Farm Ltd., Ayton, Ont. NOG 1CO, 519-665-7711. rrb FOR YOUR supply of apples call Bondi Bros., Charles, Barry or John, $4.75 a bushel; also waxed turnips, $3.50 a bushel. Phone 357-3482. 15-22-29 1972 SKI OO Olympic, 18 hp, needs some work, $250 or best offer. Call Robin Wormington 357-1086. CHILDREN'S winter and sum- mer clothing up to age 6 at reasonable prices; 2 piece snow suits, shoes, 1 pair of girl's ice skates, size 4. Phone 357-2391. TWO WOOD rocking chairs $35 each; wood rocking chair, $25; baby bassinette complete $15; small electric heater, $12; man's size 9 Bauer skates $10; 2 end tables $12 pair; small boy's wood work bench $10; 2 medicine cabinets with mirror $5 each; 2 chrome tables $20 each. Clark's Care -Free Corners, Used Furni- ture and Antiques, Belmore 392-6651. SPECIALPRICE on small sized Macintosh apples at $3.50 a bushel. Phone 357-3482. 22-29 DRESSED or live heavy chickens and ducks. George Detzler, 392- 6486. REGISTERED Hereford cow and 6 -month old calf. Phone Doug Conley 357-1603. CRAFTSMAN radial arm saw, very good condition, best offer; parlor stove, 1 year old, $125 or, best offer. Phone Tom Pegg 528.5707. - GOOD USED exercise bike. Phone 357-2654. CABBAGE, carrots and squash at Bluevale Greenhouse. Anthony Schefter. 22-29 WANT AN economical dinner? Try Our pre-cooked, frozen chick- en parts, with or without sweet and sour sauce. Just heat and serve. Ideal for your Christmas party. Phone 335-3141 or 335-3246 after 5 p.m. ABC Chicken Enter- prises. 15-22 GOOD USED furniture, chester- field suite, bedroom suite and other items. Phone 357-3482. 15-22 CABBAGE; carrots $3 a bushel; sauerkraut, 2 lbs., 75 cents; squash; apples; cactus; potted plants etc. Phone James Schill Market Garden, Teeswater. Phone 392-6318. WE HAVE doll beds, table and chairs, and other things to make children happy at Christmas; also some things for Mom. Phone Gordon Francis 357-2958. HARRISTON wood cookstove, $75 will negotiate. Phone Dean Walker 523-9335. "EASY -BAKE play oven with mixing bowls and cake pans; als doll's rocking cradle, perfle condition. Phone 357-1098. FRANKLIN FIREPLACE with screen. Phone Bruce Currie 338-1. For Sale 1974 MOBILE HOME, 12' x 60'; 2 bedroom, electric fridge, gas stove and furnace, reasonably priced; terms can be arranged. For particulars phone 392-6821. 22-29 POOL TABLES new and used. Complete accessories; cues, balls, cloth. Cues retipped. Tan- ner Billiards, Listowel, 291-3617 residence. SPECIAL PRICE on small sized Maclntosh apples, $3.50 a bushel. Phone 357-3482. 22-29-6 JUST ARRIVED at special prices 20" Belcor color TV's, made by Hitachi. Available from G. B. Electronics. Phone 357-1235. 15-22 CONTRACTOR'S SERVICE box, 2' x 2' 6'; two, 6' x 12' dual wheel trailers. Phone Chambers Do- minion Hardware, Wroxeter, 335- 3265. 15-22 EXERCISE BICYCLE, A-1 con- dition with speedometer, $30 (firm). Phone 357-2685. OVEN-READY ducks and geese. Phone 327-8918. 22-29 LADY'S grey blue long leather coat, size 8 to 10, $75. Phone 357-3755. Livestock For Sale REGISTERED Palomino mare, 6 years old, well -broken to ride, loads and trailers well, a proven producer. Call 523-4432 after 6 p.m. 15-22 Farm Machinery FULL RANGE OF FARM 'EQUIPMENT CLAY - Silo imloaders, feeders, cleaners, stabling, leg elevators, liquid manure equipment, hog equipment. BUTLER - Silo t!nloaders, feed- er conveyors. FARMATIC Mills auguers, etc. ACORN - Cleaners, heated waterers. WESTEEL-ROSCO -- Granaries, B and L Hog Panelling. Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 rrb Cars & Trucks For Sale 1972 GRAN TORINO; Metallic blue with full white stripe and hood scoop, vinyl top, 302 V8, power steering, power brakes, air-conditioning. Call after 5 p.m. 357-2037. 22 rrb 1972 TOYOTA, uncertified, $700 or best offer. Phone 357-2663. 1974 VEGA, $500 as is. Phone 357-1672. 15-22-29-6 1971 CHEV HALF ton truck, 6 cylinder, standard with new paint job. Phone 335-3285, Chambers Dominion Hardware, Wroxeter. 15-22 1977 CHRYSLER New Yorker, 4 door hardtop, fully equipped, 20,000 km, safety checked; 1972 Plymouth Satellite, 2 door hard- top, 66,000 miles, safety checked. Phone 357-3284 after 6 p.m. 22-29 ANTIQUE 1950 Chrysler Windsor Newport hardtop convertible, original, certified and in Al condition. Asking $3500. Phone 323-2627, Mount Forest. lc Found NEW PAIR of baby's shoes and card. Phone 357-2685. Lost TWO Holstein heifers from Lot 3, Con. 12, Howick Township. Please call Clifford 327-8930. HOLSTEIN heifer in Culross Township. Phone Wayne Stoltz- fus 528-5806. FULL -length spring coat,' grey with red and black check, belt with dark buttons on back and a white scarf. It was taken by mis- take and a similar one left in its place. Phone 357-2142. Miscellaneous FOR YOUR household or cottage needs, stop in at: Jack's Used Furniture and Appliances, 528- 2625 or see us in Lucknow, on Highway 86, east of Bud Hamil- ton's BP. We buy sell or trade. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657. rrb IF YOU have a problem with alcohol, call 881-3655 or Goderich 1-524-6001. rrb IF XOp ARE a friend or relative of an 1 alcoholic, the- AI -Anon Family Group may be .able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135 Wingham. rrb DUNDALK POULTRY Proces- sing, custom killing of all kinds of poultry, now open for orders. We also cut and wrap beef for freezer. Phone (519)923-6844. 22-29 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED maintenance person to repair various typesof industrial equipment in Wingham area. Some welding experience helpful but not essential. Phone 35-3464 between 5 and 7 p.m., Monday to Thursday. 15-22-29 PART-TIME employee for the Howick Community .Centre on weekends only. Apply in writing to Robert Templeman, Carrie, Ont. START NOW Real Estate Sales Representative needed for our Wingham and area Real Estate Office. Phone Lorne Humphrey at Wingham 357-3840 or evenings 357-2217 Don Hoist Real Estate Co., (Realtor) 31rrb Work Wanted WILL BABY-SIT or do house- cleaning. Phone 357-3165 after 5 p.m. 22-29 WILL DO baby-sitting Monday to Friday in Bluevale area. Phone 335-6295. 22-29 YOUNG MAN will do basic carpentry work after supper ,and on weekends. Call 335-3363. 22-29 ODD JOBS by experienced work- men, carpentry, brickwork, $6 per hour. Call 887-6031. 1 rrb McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Will pay $25 for complete scrap cars picked up. For- eign cars 515 picked up. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 ® ®Ifi�■II® li"iR--®WIRE. 1 Services -- � 1 - Eli - WORRINI®®IWO®®1110 IWOlIMil Mil ENtlInil DWI PHIL'S REFRIGERATION and Appliance Service, 24'hour emer- gency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062. 5 rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern, new equipment. Over 20 years experience. Phone 887-6800. Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. 7 rrb PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and repair work SPIKE BAKKER RR 1, AUBURN 526-7753 rr Sept 6 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF LAURA MAY GALBRAITH ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Laura May Galbraith, late of the, Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, and the Province of Ontario, widow, deceased, is hereby given Pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the estate, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to the undersigned so- licitors, on or before November 29th, 1978, after which date the assets of the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims of which notice has then been received. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 31st day of October, 1978. Messrs. Goodall & Campbell, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 730, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2WO, 8-15-22 Notice HURRY - HURRY FREE SET of large topical stamps to the first 100 collectors answering this ad. Approvals will accompany free stamps. H. Smith Enterprises, Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1RO 1-8-15-22 "RENT -A -CAR", 't.20 per day including insurance and tax, no mileage charge. Minimum 7 days. Call Mr. Carman 357-1441. 11rrb TEACH YOUR dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred' St. Open hours: Monday 10 to 12; Tuesday 10 to 5; Wednesday and Thursday 10 to 5; Friday 10 to 6. Free personal chequing accounts. Deposit ac- counts now paying 10 per cent. Phone 357-2311. 15 rrb TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK 1978 MUNICIPAL TAXES The second and final in- stallment of the township's 1978 tax levy is due by THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1978 Instructions to tax payers regarding payment meth- ods are contained irr the tax notices. Wesley R. Bali AMCT(A) Clerk -Treasurer Twp. of Howick Royal Doulton !Figurines, w %Collectors' plates, gifts up to A 30%OFF Also Dinnerware 11 up to 0% OFF this week` Layaway now for Christmas! *House of Colas 1Monkton 347-2944 nossessespossassmeassansgsse s 2 • DISC JOCKEY, Ace Country and Western and Variety for wed- dings, dances and parties. Phone 357-2699. ROSS McDONALD. Drywall tap- ing and painting. For free es- timates call 357-1676. 6 rrb OIL BURNER SERVICES Clean, repair and install. Phone Joe Craig, Wroxeter, 335-3398. 22 rrb YULE'S DEAD STOCK removal. Proprietors Dan and Bev Lamb- kin. We pay on the spot for Iarge fresh dead animals and disabled animals. Continued free service for small animals. License 635C- 78. For prompt reliable service 7 days a week, phone Cargill collect 366-2713. 20 rrb GEORGE LUBBERS Construc- tion. Phone 357-3457 Whitechurch. Cottages, additions, renovations. rrb GENERAL CARPENTRY: In- terior renovation. Recreation rooms, cabinet work. Contact Stephen kuchta Carpentry, 357- 3554. 8-15-22-29 URINE -ERASE: Guarantees re- moval urine stains, odours from carpets. Free brochure. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, Lon- don, Ontario. Wanted To Buy OLD CARS, scrap iron, batteries, radiators ;etc. Phone 528-5403 after 5 p.m. 25 rrb Wanted OLD BRICK Buildings for demo- lition and salvage purposes. Con- tact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. rrb USED FURNITURE, appliances and antiques. Call Jack's Place, Lucknow 528-2625. 15 rrb Accommodation SHARED accommodation avail- able with one other person in large house in Wingham: Phone 357-1082 evenings between 8 and 9. Auction Sale ESTATE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 1:00 P.M. AT MOUNT FOREST BARGAIN & AUCTION CENTRE 690 Queen St., E; Mount Forest (on Hwy. No. 89) Selling complete household ef- fects from a home in the Palmerston area, plus additional consignments. ANTIQUES: Old organ manufactured by Sherlock - Manning Organ Co., London; Dropfront Desk; Captains' chair; oak stacking bookcase with leaded glass; large walnut ward- robe; oak dropfront desk; oak dressers; large oak table with three leaves; odd beds; small tables; organ stool; pictures; mirrors; old wood cook stoves; parlor stove; oak barrels; old pocket watch; crocks; dishes; old bottles; etc. New and Used MODERN: 14. cu. ft. freezer; 30" electric stove; 24" electric stove; RCA Victor colored television; Westinghouse refrigerator; 5 pc. chrome kit- chen suite; Franklin fireplace; Singer sewing machine and cabi- net; brass fireplace screen; Spanish style 2 pc. chesterfield suite; two new chesterfield suites; maple rocking chair; oak corner china cabinet; assortment of new rugs; table lamps; flo blue chamber set; glass; china; pots; pans; and more. MISCELLANEOUS: Two snowmobiles; truck cap; one set of team bob sleds; 2 wheel utility trailer. 100's of items too numerous to mention so plan to attend. TERMS: Cash, Cheques, Master Charge & Chargex. AUCTIONEER AL WARREN & Staff Professionals in the orderly of liquidation. 1-519-323-2138 or -1-519-323-4819. WINGHAM BODY SHOP SID ADAMS Complete RADIATOR SERVICE for Automobiles, Light Trucks, Farm Tractors New Rad Cores Rodding Cleaning & Flushing 14 North St. 357-1102 DURHAM PET FOODS Dead Stock Service S10 00 For Fresh Animals Over 1000 Lbs. S5 00 For Animals over 700 lbs Speedy Service On All Stock Phone 3692410 Collect Durham Watch for Continuing Weekly Specials *This Week's Special (Quantities Limited) 254o iao wan LIGHT BULBS °nIY 260 Each Guaranteed 1000 Hours `"`BURKE Electric LTD Electrical Supplies - Service Wingham APPLIANCE SALES AND SERVICE 357-2450 "Where Service Sells and Quality Tells" JOHNSTON-At the Wingham and District Hospital on Wed- nesday, November 15, to Mr. Ad Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood, a son, Douglas Lloyd. GUSSO-At the Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday, November 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gusso, Wingham, a son, Daniel John. ELLIOTT-At the Wingham and District Hospital a son, Brett Douglas, was born to Penny and Doug Elliott of Wroxeter on Friday, November 17, at 1805 hours. A brother for Chris- topher to play with. CAMPBELL -At St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, on Sunday, November 19, to Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, a son, Thomas Scott, six pounds, 10 ounces. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Parker Campbell and first grandchild for Mrs. Ada Berri- man. wedding no! Monts, i.n rnemoriotfls *Wearies ries 9re glcceptigt written forr -QNLY 00,: ,not accept such nittiC;jl lics .by . telephone. Please rpi Tlet#;1biat rlo classified 9411 rt* ; accepted Otter P,9 ,1 tin - day." i pswineeemposomilwiimmi 1111 MEMORIAM COULTES-In,loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand- mother, Grace Coultes, who passed away Nov. 22, 1974. God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. -Sadly missed by husband Albert, family and grandchil- dren. Zino Pads FAST RELIEF FOR CORNS 4gio11) WALTON SALES ARENA 100 REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEINS 2 miles West of Durham on No. 4 Highway THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD 12 NOON 6UADERO HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL owned by P.F. Tremblay, Arthur, Ontario. 2 very good cows; 8 register- ed bred heifers; 25 open heifers and calves; 7 bred NIP grades; 10 open heifers and calves. They are sired by Quality ultimate (Ex) Rose Vega Rockman Justice (Ext);' A;Woodbine Milkman (Ex); Bond Haven Royal - star (G -Extra); A Skagvale Classic Citation (VG -SP). A Birch Hollow Royalty (Ex -Extra); and others with R.O.P. records to 19;740 lbs, milk 710 fat. 9 due December and January, balance to short bred heifers. Milking herd was sold with farm. An opportunity to purchase real good breeding stock from a listed herd. Followed by Walton's 63rd Consignment Sale. A fine selection of registered and grade fresh and close springing cows, first calf heifers, bred heifers and calve sired by Seiling Rock- inan (Ex -Extra Waybrook Sir Winston (VG -ST) Agro Acres Never Fear (Ex -ST) and Enghill Perseus Admiral' (VG -Extra). Blood tested prior t'o sale Plan now to attend. • Sales Manager and Auctioneer DONALD E. WALTON PHONE 519-369-3804 or 369-2831 AUCTION SALE worthy of your attendance to be held at BRUSSELS COMMUNITY CENTRE AUDITORIUM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 - 12:30 P.M. to be sold without reserve for Mr. and Mrs. George . Marsdin who are leaving the country. • Random examples of this exceptional offering are - chests of drawers; desk; cherry fruitwood coffee table and end tables; period style chesterfield suites; vintage sewing stand; good beds and mattresses; Victorians side chair; early round parlour tables of merit; sleigh end bed; 3 Windsor side chairs; oak fall front desk; kneehold vanity with bevel mirror; drop centre pedestal dressing stand with full length mir- ror; rockers; pipe back Queen Ann chair; exceptional antique vanity mirror; antique parlour sofa; antique mahogany on pine bureau; cherry fruitwood Radio/T.V./Hi-fi - in exceptional condition; wall clocks; oak hall rack with lion hangers; book stands and quality end tables; Wing - ham "Classic" cook stove; old records; pictures and frames; plus kitchen furnishings; dependable range; deep freeze; spin washer; automatic dryer; Black and Decker radial -arm saw; Block and Decker portable electric saw; shallow -well pump; complete candle making equipment and accessories; 12 gauge shot gun; plus a variety of usual small wares, curios and home accessories; glassware; china in variety. FEATURE: Magnificent walnut 9 piece dining room suite - period style - good condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. PREVIEW: Saturday morning from 10;30 A.M. Buyer registration begins at 12 noon. Lunch counter open. AUCTIONEER - JACK ALEXANDER, WINDHAM PHONE 357.1442 Complete Nurseland Holstein Dispersal owned by Fred Nurse, Georgetown, Ontario, at Walton Sales Arena, 2 miles west of Durham on No. 4 Highway, Thursday, November 30, 1978 at 12:00 noon. 1 Excellent, 11 Very Good, 13 Good Plus It is our pleasure at Walton Sales Arena to have the op- portunity to disperse this fine herd from Halton County which was Premier Breeder at Halton Black and White Show 1978. A herd with the ability to place well in major Holstein shows and produce R.O.P. records to 23,612 lbs. milk 1138 fat 4.82% test making a herd average of 149 M-159 F of BCA. Selling ... Nurseland Texal Rose Ann (Ex) Nominated All Canadian 4 yr. old 1970 and mature cow 1972 with two Very Good daughters and eight grand daughters and a Seiling Rockman (Ex -Extra) Son that placed 4th at Royal Winter Fair 1978. One of Thornlea Texol Supreme's finest daughters. Other great sires used in this herd are Ideal Fury Reflection (Ex -GM) Roybrook Starlite (Ex -Extra) No -Na -Me Fond Matt (Ex -GM) Bond Haven Nugget (Ex -Extra) Paclamar Astronaut (Ex -GM) Agro Acres Marquis Ned (Ex -ST) and Glenafton Herd - master (Ex -SP). A great opportunity for you the Holstein Breeder to improve your present herd. Plan now to be with us November 30th. Free listed herd Sales Manager and Auctioneer Donald E. Walton Phone 519-369-3804 or 369-2831 1