HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1978-11-15, Page 10+q. it ivauee-'g'ianes, rove 7&3 rt The Kmart advertisement in the November 15, 1978 issue of Crossroads should not have appeared cit this time. We wish to apologize for any, inconvenience we may have caused our customers. Please watch next week's Crossroads for our advertise- ment. /�e 041N O� d t WINGHAM tr q L. INCORPOR.A2*..-. TED >79"y 79 .+jl Notice Town of Wingham The Wingham Town Council wish to advise that the Wingham Recreation and Community Centres Board require two new members for 1979. Any person interested in being a member of the board, please contrvet th© Town Clerk. William Renwick Clerk THANK YOU, A very sincere thank you to the voters of Howick, Turnberry and Wingham for electing me as Trustee to the Huron County Board of Education. look forward to representing you in the next two years. Murray Mulvey Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW Annual Interest for Five Years VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Mein Pros/ lest. Ustow.I 0.N. Lam. Matessiper <z„ re CURRAH'S C'. NERAL STQ,1►. a.. Savarin Pot Pies - Beet, Chicken, Turkey ... , ... , , . 2/.59 Bick's Wine Sauerkraut -..32 oz. Cool Whip - 35 oz. Scott Paper Towels - 2 Roll Pack Martin's Popping Corn - 2 lb. 4 99 .99 39 S9 Bee Hive Wool for Knitting . . . . . ............ IBall 109 New Sears Order Office Phone No. 3354517 CURRAN'S PHONE GORRIE 3354451 WE ARE WITHDRAWING ONE OF OUR ES ITEMS PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS 4h REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE—Members of Branch 180 of The Royal Canadian Legion paraded to the cenotaph Nov. 11 to honor comrades who didn't return from World War I and World War I I. A Targe crowd of people ranging from pre-schoolers to senior citizens was at the cenotaph to honor the dead. Turnberry and auditors agree R. Dickson on the 1978 audit contract is named to arena board Turnberry Township council finally came to an agreement with its auditors at a meeting Nov, 7 and will sign the 1978 con- tract at council's final meeting of the 23 -month term. Council had earlier asked that a more complete audit be done, including an audit of municipal drain work. Council also asked Steve Mitchell of Monteith and Monteith auditors, Stratford, why figures s ovviug zuuney ow- ing to the township hadn't been brought to council's attention in recent years. Several thousand dollars was owed to the township on munici- pal dram work but former clerk Victor Bakker hadn't billed for the work. Much of the money had been outstanding for several years and hadn't been collected until recently. The money the township was entitled to included provincial grants. Mr. Mitchell told council an audit shows only that money is outstanding, not who owes the money. A municipality has five years to bill for municipal drain work, he said, so some of the work wasn't billed at the time be- cause the former Berk probably wanted .to wait until the figures became more substantial before billing. - The auditor agreed that in the future he will report to council any irregularities found and will also set up a municipal drain schedule for council's informa- tion. The written report to council will also notify council of matters incorrectly handled or areas which could be improved. The 1978 audit will also cover the Bluevale Cemetery Board, the Bluevale Community Hall' Board and the Bluevale Recreat- ion Board books, at council's re- quest. Mr. Mitchell told council that KINDERGARTEN On Friday, Nov. -10 we each made a wreath for Remem- brance Day. Joanne Daerr and Tracey Anne McInnes were chosen to carry the wreath repre- senting our school during assembly for the whole school. GRADE IAND 2 --Group 1 has completed Funny Surprises and is starting Kittens and Bears, If the temperature is 13 de- grees C do you need a coat? Ask grade 2. They know the answer. We have 2 goldfish in our room and are busy watching them grow. GRADE 3 AND 4 The main event this week in our room happened to Grade 4. Grade 4 joined Grades 5 and 6 for a trip to Goderich. There they visited the Huron County jail and Pioneer Museum. Many interest- ing hits of information were brought back to class. Grade 3 had to work all week. GRADES 4, 5, and 6 On Thursday, Nov. 9 the Grades 4, 5, 6 went to Goderich to visit the Goderich Jail and the Goderich Museum. These classes have been study- ing the growth of Huron County all drain work to be billed to the township roads department must be billed in the year the work is done, even if the amount is an estimate. He instructed council to pay all outstanding bills at its Nov. 21 meeting so the debts wouldn't extend past the 1977-78 council term. In other business council re- ceived Ontario Municipal Board approval for the Lower Town street light project. Council Plans to have Ontario Hydro install new lights and replace troublesome old street lights. Four new lights will be installed and 11 old lights will be replaced. Estimated cost of the project is $4,590. The work is to start immediately. Council decided to take advan- tage of the Huron County tree planting program, as G. Merk- ley, S. Campbell and Alexander Fair applied to have trees plant- ed on their property. Fifty per cent of the cost will be billed to the landowners, council decided, while the township will take the rest of the cost. Council decided it wouldn't endorse a severance application by Joe Moir, stating that the severance would be prohibited by the township secondary plan now in development. Mr. Moir was seeking permis- sion to retain one acre of his 100 - acre farm and sever the other 99. acres. He intended to build a re- tirement home on the lot. At secondary plan preparation meetings, input from council members and the public indicat- ed ndicated a wish to restrict severances. In place of severances for retir- ing farmers or -sons or daughters wanting to build a home on the corner of a farm, council decided it would promote the use of long term leases. In other business council de - Sacred Heart Mailbox from the time it was called the Huron Tract when John Galt went from Guelph to Goderich. With 1979 being Wingham's Centennial the classes are very interested in the early settlement in Wingham and its growth. We are hav ng lots of fun with this topic. We found this trip very exciting thanks to Mrs. Marklevits, Mrs. Smits, Mrs. Belanger and Mr. Montgomery for going with us on this trip. GRADES 7 AND 8 Grade seven and eight, along with the rest of Sacred Heart School participated in a Remem- brance Day service and following that the Eucharist. The guest speaker was Mr. Milosevic a teacher at the R. E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham. Mr. Milosevic related to us what it was like during the war years. Anne Kernahan and Natalie Campeau read poems about Remembrance Day. Father Hardy of Clinton said the mass and the music was provided by; Vickie Belanger, Natalie Campeau, Sharon Mar- tin, Anne Kernahan, Shirley Marklevitz and Rita Brophy with the help of Mrs. Day, feated a motion which called for the road superintendent to make an open ditch along the west side of Duncan Street in Bluevale to the catch basin at the intersec- tion of Duncan and Queen streets. The motion also proposed that property owners along Duncan Street be charged for the work under the gate entrance bylaw. At its Oct. 23 meeting council decided it had wasted enough time talking about the project and said it would take no action on eliminating flooding in the Duncan Street area until residents presented a petition asking for a drain. • Council approved its annual grant to the Turnberry Township Federation of Agriculture, giving the group $600, the same amount as last year. Council also ap- proved a $75 donation to the Blue - vale Cemetery Board. The township will again hire Hugh LaFay as a sales tax con- sultant. Mr. LaFay checks town- ship books and finds sales tax payments the township shouldn't have paid. In return for his ser- vices Mr. LaFay will be guaranteed 25 per cent of the tax- es he finds. BELMORE — Jim McKague acted as- chairman and Ralph Dickson read the minutes of the last meeting when the Chamber of Commerce met recently. Mr. Dickson was chosen as the C of C repressentative on •the arena board for\ 1979. John Wilhelm gave the finan- cial report and Mrs. Mac Eadie reported for the arena board. Jack Stafford, Mrs. Brian Al61Qdd Marston and Ralph Dickson were named to plan the annual meet- ing to be held January 10. The March meeting on the 7th will be an educational meeting. Santa Claus Day, sponsored by the Belmore Chamber of Com- merce will be December 23. BELMORE A barn dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,., Jack Wright on Friday, November 3, with dancing to the music of "Free Wind". A chilly, but goodtime was enjoyed by all. John Will and Kevin David of Kingsvillevisited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Renwick. One of the scdes items in our 8 -page fly- er which appears elsewhere in today's pa- per is RAMADA carpet priced at 6.99 per square yard. When the carpet arrived in our yards last week, we discovered that the shipment contained a manufacturing defect. We are therefore withdrawing the carpet, and to eliminate any inconvenience to our custo- mers we are placing another carpet on sale at an identical price. The new carpet is Ozite TRUTONES, a 100% nylon carpet with foam rubber (back- ing which means you can install it yourself with no big extrasto buy. This beautiful carpet is available in Gold,'Brown, and Rust. And the sale price is maintained, only 6.99 per square yard, cash and carry. Delivery, credit terms and custom installa- tion by expert installers is available at ex- tra cost. ('HARGEX A OII IUn OF j ,.4' ' ' UMW a '.p 1 r, LOTS OF FREE PARKING Service ELECTRICAL ��11Burke-McLeod Electrical Contractors Ltd. Electrical Contracting Motor Sales, Repairs and Rewind Wingham 519-357-2450 PLETCH ELECTRIC Wingham Industrial, Commercial, Farming, Domestic PHONE 357-1583 SIGNS SIGNWRITING "Dunn By Tom" Thomas E. Dunn RR 1 Bluevale 335-6395 CONSTRUCTION T. M®& T• CONSTRUCTION General Contractors All types of concrete work = Pit Silos Home and farm building (':11.1. 1408 TIlOMPSON 81,11.:V ALE, O1TARI0 :157-3493 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435, INSURANCE ,iIm INSURANCE All Types of Insurance 335-3525 GORRIE 357-2636 WINGHAM PLUMBING HEATING Leroy Jackson Plumbing Heating —Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRS RENOVATIONS New Installations, can Terry Deyell at 357-2808 or 357-1229 irec BILL TIFFIN Imperial Esso Agent For all your Home and Farm Fuel and Lubricating Needs 357-1032 PRINTING WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357=3800 ANTENNAS AND SMOKE DETECTORS MC AND MACS TOWERS Antennas and Smoke Detectors For Home or Business Coll: 335-6321 Of 357-2644 .11 FLOWERS • Wedding Arrangements • Cut flowers • Plants • Flowers by Wire Service LEWIS ,,* FLOWERS 135 Frances Phone 357-3880 TOP SOIL &GRAVEL TOP SOIL AND GRAVEL Crushed Gravel Cement Gravel Fill Gravel Top Soli • 3/4Stone Sand John Cox 357-1297 WINGHAM THE ADVANCE -TIMES