HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1977-11-30, Page 89 Page 8 --The Wingham Advance -Times, November 30, 1977 n4245 L UMINATEO Itnn.. 4.UOR 4s .: 1... - 4444 . ........:...._ . .i4 4A4.0-00 HG POOL Nva . -19Fi1 OR Sore 'reap N ,. AU 44420 1.0 Think Classified `ediate Q 961-1200 -rims 6 ratan. • (a• NTT folrNe Only Ito vn eao. F+9v.e 6206 p �aID. Lt•H M1+C 01617 `;Avauo, b E 61 Sr 6997 MAIDS ---e'~ FOREST HILLS 4RMS S21p CLASSIFIED DEADLINE TFIE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON I he Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: 357-2320 FotSa ie COLONIAL dining -room table and 6 chairs in excellent condition. Vilas. Candelight finish, $380. Call McBride X57-1315. 23-30 LIVE OR DRESSED chickens and ducks. George Detzler, Tees - water 392-6486. For Sale SET OF kitchen cupboards, 8' including double sink and, taps. Two aluminum doors, 34" x 82"; 6 single, aluminum windows, various sizes. Floor polisher, $15.; Boy's navy all-weather coat with zip -in pile lining,. size 7, Phone 335-6336. 2,000 BALES of hay. Mildmay 23-30-7-14 367-2105. HURONASTRA Flea Market open all .year round, Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Featuring gifts, dolls, bric-a- brac, antique furniture, glass and bottles, pictures, brass, various crafts, home -baked bread and more. Located Highway 4, south off Clinton. Dealer inquiries invited, 482-7910 and 482-7077. Excellent lunch counter. Draws every weekend. 9 rrb DRY WOOD. Phone 3926530. SOME'T`HING TO SELL? Want to sell something? In- clude your name in your for sale ad. People like to know who they will deal with. MACRAME SUPPLIES, PLAS- TIC AND BALSA MODELS, TRAIN AND RACE CAR SETS AND ACCESSOItIES,styrofoam, string art, craft kits and much more at THE HOBBY HUT, 241 Josephine Street, Wingham. In through Ed Elliott Insurance office. Phone 357-1877. 23 rrb BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Silo unloaders and far- rowing crates. Lloyd Johnston,.. RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb USED, UPRIGHT piano in reasonably, good condition. Phone 357-1679. 30-7 CAMEL -COLORED, vinyl cover- ed reclining chair. Suitable for recreation room. Phone 8874416. SNOWTIRES: White -wall, Good- year, size 1178-15, like new: Apply W. W. Gurney, 357-3463. STOVE, Nut, Rice, Stoker and Fireplace Coal for sale. Phone 343-2703. Dobson Fuels, Palmer- ston. 31rrb SNOW BLOWER, Sincard, with self mounted motor. Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east of Hanover, on Highway 4. Phone Durham, 369-3136. MEN'S CROYDEN top -coat and green sports coat. Size 46. Blue ski -jacket, extra large. Phone 357-2982. SKI-DOOS: 1974 Everest 440 TNT, 1800 miles, $895. 1972 Nordic 440, 1400 miles, $595. Both in excellent condition. Call 357-1868. rrb MOBILE HOME" 12• x 60• includes porch, sidewalk and skirting. Asking $7500. Phone 887-6706 or 887-66289. 30-7 BRUSSELS Sprouts and squash Anthony Schefter, 197 Edward St., Wingham. 30 rrb Logs Wanted STANDING TIMBER For top prices and instant cash, call your local sawmill. Craig's Sawmill Auburn dill Craig 524-7220 Al Craig 524-7512 USED 2" plank. Anthony Scheft- er, 197 Edward S., Wingham. PINE AND SPRUCE Christmas trees. Pine up to 8', Spruce any height. 1L4 miles south of Wingham, lta east. Glen Case - more 357-1498. 23-30-7-14 Cars & Trucks For Sale 1977 CHRYSLER New Yorker 13rougham. Fully -equipped, 5,000 miles. Apply to Box 2050 Wingham Advance -Times. 23-30 1973 DATSUN pickup with cap. Original 17,500 miles in excellent shape. Extra tires and wheels etc. No rust. Certified, $2300. Contact Perry White, , Con. 1 Culross, 357-3637 before 10 a.m. or after 8 pan.. 23-3G 1970 FORD TORINO, power - steering. Asking $600 or best offer. Phone 357-3720. 1977 VOLARE, 4 door slant 6, automatic, power steering, radio, 14,000 miles, $3875. John Brown Motors, Gorrie 335-3325. 1972 CHEV. . Caprice; - 4 door; power steering, brakes - and locks; 60,000 miles; 4 almost new tires (2 snows). Phone Bob Hol- lenbeck, 357-3289. 1968 VW BUG, good condition. Asking 8650. Levi Byer, RR 1, Clifford, 327-8642. 30-7 1977 FORD. F150 Custom, only 600 original miles. Automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, 8 -ply tires, copper color pinstriping. Phone 392-6820 Tees - water after 5 p.m. 30 rrb 1974 CHEZ.'. half ton. standard, V8, radio, snow tires. step bumper. Phone 392-6820. Tees - water after 5 p.m. 30 rrb Wanted To Buy 100-125 BALES of good horse hay. Phone 357-3349. PRIVATE PARTY would like to purchase a set of Limoge Bridal Wreath or Bridal Rose dishes. or parts of. Phone 357-1442. 30-7 Work Wanted ODD JOBS by experienced work- men carpentry. bnckwork. painting $5 per hour Wingham- Listowel area Call Gord Cowan 7-6031 2-9-16-23-30 Farm Machinery FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT ('LAY: Silo unloaders. feeders, cleaners. stabling. leg elevators. liquid manure equipment. hog equipment BtTLER:Silo unloadersteed-t ers. conveyors FARM:ATIC: Mills augers. etc ACORN:Cleaners. heated water- ers ZERO: Bulk tanks, pipeline and parlor equipment. W'esteel- Rosco-Grananes. B & L Hog Panelling Lowrti Farm Systems Ltd.. RR 1. Kincardine. Phone 395-5286 rrb ROSLYN GAROFNI12S ve '-`4444 M t 4a�m , 4...ee nan� . N. Y • .r WARRINGrON 'r -LE 775 -Un• ALA f44^ • . 111111111[Illllllltlllll.Ilglllllll1111tII111IIIliiIIII111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111111111111{I111111111111111111111111I111 Services IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111:111111111111{111111111111t111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OIL BURNER SERVICE, clean, repair and install. Phone Joe Craig, Wroxeter 335-3398.,, rrb PLOWING, TILLING. Also, bbok early for snowblowing. Gordon Dale, 357-3363. 2-9-16-23-30 IT'S TV SEASON• We repair and install TV towers and antennas of any length. For more information phone 335-6321 or 357-2644. rrb MMov. 30 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY. We take pride in our work. Sofas, chairs, cars, etc. 357-2718, T. Kess. SNOWBLOWING. No . job too large or small. Call 357-2037 anytime.., 26 rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern new equipment. Over 20 years experience. Phone 887-6800. Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. rrb Nov. 30 SNOWBLOWING. Phone 357-2665,. 30-7-14-21-28-4 TV TOWER SERVICE. Instal- lation of towers and accessories at the very best prices. For particulars call 327-8996 after 6 p.m. 14 rrb 19 rrb Notice To Creditors GEORGE LUBBERS Construc- tion. Phone 357-3457 Whitechurch. Cottages, additions, renovations. rrb Wanted RIDE from Teeswater to Walker- ton, Monday to Friday. Leave at 8 a.m. return at 4:30 p.m. Phone 392-6982. OLD BRICK Buildings for demo- lition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. USED REFRIGERATORS and freezers. All models, shapes and sizes. Phone 528-2625. rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HARRY ALFRED PARKER ALL PERSONS having claims iagainst the estate off Harry Alfred Parker, late of the Township of Greenock, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 1501 day of November, 1977, are hereby notified to send full particulars of the claims to the undersigned solicitors for the Executor on or before the 30th day of December, 1977. DATED at Walkerton, Ontario this 25th day of November, 1977. Mosser & Ferris, Barristers & Solicitors, 202 Cayley Street, Walkerton, Ontario, NOG 2V0 Solicitors for the Estate. 30-7-14 I4UCTIONS AUCTION SALE I, the undersigned, am selling for Ptiblic.Trustee, appliances, fur- niture, quantity of antiques and ' collectibles and miscellaneous SALE WILL BE HELD IN CHURCH SHED VILLAGE OF BRODHAGEN From Listowel follow Highway 23 to Bornholm, turn right on Perth Road 11, 6 km to ,Brodhagen; From ,Mitchell follow Highway 23 to Bornholm, turn left on Perth Road 11, 6 km to Brodhagen. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 AT 12:30 P.M. SHARP ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Solid Oak din- ing room table (2 sleeves) , 4 dining room chairs, one arm chair. buffet to match; full length mirror, clothes closet, white electric sewing machine and stool. chest of 8 -silverware set (Silver Tulip Design), matching marble lamps, record cabinet, Maple table, Maple cupboard, cedar chest, ironing board and sleeve board, mirror top for dresser. lamp shade, 8 -day chime clock, trunk, 3 suit cases (1 lame" 2 small). 2 stands, 8 kitchen and living room chairs. cupboard. tie rack. music timer, nasal sprayer. shaving set. tight socket and wiring. shoe care set. small wooden ammunition box, curtain stretchers.• cabbage cutter, po- tato masher. granite milk cream skimmer, wash board, two 5 gallon .crocks, 8 gallon crock, stove and brush scraper, shaving set. fruit cake tins, flour sifter. cast iron frying pan. FURNITURE: 3 piece Maple bedroom suite. box spring and mattress double dresser• chest of drawers ) sold together). 2 Kroehler end tables and coffee table matched set i, matching chesterfield and chair. record cabinet. arborite kitchen table 12 leaves with 6 chairs, dresser. coffee table. 3 piece bedroom suite. chest of drawers, dresser and steel double bed excellent condition end table. lined living room curtains selling with track. bedspread and drapes matching set . davenport. Fleetwood rec- ord player. numerous long nlavine records (note Elvis Presley Gold Album. Bing Cros- by album ) APPL1.ANCES• Admiral 20 inch colored T cabinet model rotor attached excellent condition. Nord Mende radio new condi- tion. Viscount 21 cu. ft deep freeze. McClary 4 burner kitchen stove Kelvinator 2fr. refriger ator. Superior hurlidifier. up- right ironing board and stand, Cuckoo clock (like new). Sim- plicity wringer washer, Bat'hrick clock. Rogers Maj radio. bathroom cabinet and mirror, bathroom accessories. - NIIS,CELLANEOUS: Set of 12 dinnerware (,Creampetal ), plat- ters, everyday dishes, cake and cookie tins, cannisters, glasses-, tea cups, pitchers, nick nacks, tea pot, bread box, pie platters, jar tops, bread pans, pots and pans, wall flower pot hanger,. .Sunbeam electric iron. 3 piece salad cutter, GE mix master set, 3 cooking pots, Silex coffee percolator (new), 60 Watt ..light bulbs (4 boxes); pitchers, shot glasses, fruit steamers, fruit jars (large quantity), aluminum wheel barrow, lawn flower pot holder, holds 12 flower pots (steel), 8 ft. aluminum step ladder, wooden step ladder, brooms, mops, hoe, shovels, handsaw, 20 lbs. mixed nails, egg grading scale, hinges, 2 trigger action spray guns, pipe wrench, wire cutters, garden shears, 2 crowbars, wash brush. 4 galvan- ized wash tubs, snap on clothes hanger..window screens, laundry hamper. ornaments. 4 candle holders, 2 flower vases, upright towel rack, quantity groceries to be sold. HAND GUN: Original Em-ge cal. 6mm Gerstenberger & Co. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Excep- tional offer of antiques at this sale. Merchandise is of excellent quality. TERMS- CASH OR CHEQUE W I TH ID Selling by Number 7 per cent sales tax in effect. AUCTIONEER ANDREW CUMMiNGS Phone 347-2981 Permit No. 19-71 23-30-7 Notice The Ladies' Division of the Wingham Maitland Marksmen Club is looking for new members over 181 to join the Club If in- terested please call 357-3405 after 6 p m or 357-3289 anytime TEACH YOUR dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union. 8 Alfred St (peen hours Monday 10 to 12. Tuesday 10 to 12. Belgrave 2 to 4 Wednesday and Thursday 10 to 5. Friday 10 to 6 Free personal chequing ac- counts Phone 357-2311 12 USE: YOUR N "ME If you want your ad to get maximum action include your name People like to deal with people not telephone number's CPA sec EMER.RI0. GE.., to asses in al.eruGea �5 15 5 CY-F E Y= ee a t�..., ..S.. ..10. I l S gal Ylon+e tri - 0 , •ma 6 sal Miscellaneous FOR YOUR household or cottage needs, stop in at Jack's Used Furniture and Appliances, 528- 2625 or see us in Lucknow, on Hwy 86, east of Bud Hamilton's BP. We buy sell or trade. rrb IF' YOU HAVE a problem with alcohol, call 881-3655 or Goderich 1-524-6001. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657. rrb REYNOLDS REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Dependable repairs, prompt ser- vice. Phone 357-1085. rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive off an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of - the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb PETS TO GIVE AWAY PUPPIES to give away, $ weeks old. Phone 357-1027. BOOKKEEP W0140- 61wIs/. M,15f v4D°A 1.304 doming Events CHRISTMAS CRAFT AND BAKE SALE in Wingham Town Hall on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 1 p.m. after Santa Claus Parade. Help sup- port Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop. 23-30-7 TURKEY BINGO The Belgrave and District Kins- men Turkey Bingo will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in Bel - grave Women's Institute Hall. Ten games with prizes of 10 to 12 Ib. turkeys. Door prize. Admis- sion 50 cents. Proceeds to community work. BINGO Every Saturday evening at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ont. at 8 p.m., Regular games, Share -the -Wealth and Jackpot of $150. 21 rrb 50TH WEDD ANNIVERSARY You are cordially invited to Open House honoring the 50th wedding anniversary of Nelson and Eliza- beth Hunkin on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Place: Teeswater United Church. Best wishes only. 23-30 Cards of Thanks Our sincere thanks to the police, Dr. Mowbray, ambulance personnel and the staff in emer- gency at Wingham and District Hospital. We also wish to express our appreciation to friends and relatives who made inquiries and offers of help. Specfall- thanks to Rev. Sonderup and those who helped at the scene of the acci- dent. Special thanks also, to those who have visited John in. London. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moir, and family I would like to thank my family and friends for all the flowers, gifts, cards and phone calls while I was a patient in Kitch.- ener-Waterloo Hospital. Special thanks- to the nurses on sixth floor, Dr. Nurse, Dr. Kilborne, and Dr. Dundon. Also thanks to Rev. Ladd -for his prayers and flowers in Kitchener. Your kind- ness will always be remembered. Mrs. Herman Metcalfe Recently, while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital I received many beauti- ful cards, gifts and personal visits and a hymn sing by the young people of the church. All this is greatly appreciated. Please accept my gratitude. A special thank you to Dr. Wilkins and his assistants and to the staff of nurses in the Intensive Care Unit. God bless you all. Mrs. Salema Baer Help Wanted START NOW Real Estate Sales Representative needed for our Wingham and area Real Estate Office. Phone Bill Adamson at Wingham 357-3840 or evenings 528-2113. Don Hoist Real Estate Co., ( Realtor i rrb We would like to thank all who sent us cards and the UCW of Belgrave United Church for making otir 40th wedding anni- versary such an enjoyable time. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd The 'family of the late Cath- erine Phillips wishes to express sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for. their thoughtfulness, cards, flowers and donations. Thanks to Dr. Ping, Dr. Mowbray and the nursing staffs at the Wingham and District Hospital and the St. Mary's General Hospital, Kitch- ener. Special thanks to R. A. Currie and Son Funeral Home, Capt. Bruce Hardy and the ladies who provided and served lunch at The Salvation Army. Herb, Andy, Janette, Willie and Ellen Reuben Appleby would like to thank his family and friends who helped to make his Special Day a success. Special thanks to Mrs. Olive Walker, friends and rela- tives from Palmerston, Barrie, Galt, Gorrie, Kitchener and Wingham. I would like to say a very special thanks to my family, relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and visits while 1 was in Wingham and District Hospital. A special thank you to, Dr. Leahy, staff and nurses of the pital for their kindness shown to Agnes Gaunt We would sincerely like to thank .sur friends and neighbors who visited us and sent cards during our stay in the hospital. Thanks to Dr. Mowbray, Dr. Ping, Dr. McGregor and the nurses on the second floor. Sharon and Nancy Darlow Part Time Help Wanted Written applications will be received until 12 noon December 6 by Township Clerk or Road Superintendent for a person to work on the township rood system. Must be able to operate township equipment. Applicants must state age, past experience, qualifications, hours available and hourly wage rate expected. Len Baird, Road Superintendent Twp. of Turnberry v 161av awl.sbblb, 4 1 al;r 6., EUCHRE PARTY At Sacred Heart Church, Wing - ham, every Tuesday 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. rr Dec. 7 EUCHRE At St. Paul's Anglican Church, Thursday, Dec. 1, 8:30 p.m. Lunch and prizes, 75 cents. BAKE SALE AND BAZAAR Wingham Figure Skating Club Bake sale and Bazaar on Friday, Dec. 2, 3 to 6 p.m. in the IOOF Hall, Wingham. RECEPTION Will be held for Randy and Judy McLean (nee Cook) on Friday, Dec. 2 in Women's Institute Hall in Belgrave. Music by Steven's Country Gold; 9 p.m. sharp to 1 a.m. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. BUSINESS GIRL'S CURLING To start in the new year. Any business girl or lady interested in Thursday evening curling, please contact Ruth Currie, 357-3743 after 6 p.m. CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE Come to the Christmas Boutique in the lobby of the Wingham and District Hospital on Friday, Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be homemade baking and gifts. This is sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary. THE WACKY WIDOW The Whitechurch Women's In- stitute are putting on a play called The Wacky Widow on Fri- day, Dec. 2 at 8:30 p.m. in the Bluevale Hall. Admission: adults, $2.00; school children, 75 cents. Proceeds to be divided between The W6'ihen's• Institute and the Bluevale Recreation.. . 'den. (, ns, n- 069 Lem Ae/M t v 79an}t I HALDENBY-At the Wingham and District Hospital on Mon- day, November 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haldenby, RR 1, Holyrood, a daughter, Sarah. KORSTANJE-At -the Wingham and District Hospital on Thurs- day,'November 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Korstanje, Luck - now, a daughter, Terri Lynn. WEBER -At the Wingham and District Hospital on Friday, November 25, to Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, RR 1, Formosa, a daughter, Carrie Catherine. VAN de KEMP-In Listowel Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Van de Kemp, Gor- rie, a son, Jonthan Denver on November 11, 1977. NOTICE Wedding notkes, engage - menu, in m moricma and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY. We can- not accept such notices by telephone. Please remember that no classified advertising is accepted after noon Mon- day. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS 8 TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 z. NOTICE Township of Turnberry RE: SNOWPLOWING Neither Township nor plowmen will be respon- sible fair vehicles or mailboxes, etc. left in the way at' snowplows. Ratepayers will be responsible for any accidents or damages to snowplow caused from snow dumped on roads, or if it has to be removed by township equip- ment, they will be charged. Section 80: 9 of the highway traffic act reads "no person shall park or stand a vehicle on a highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the cleaning of snow from the highway". BY ORDER OF Turnberry Township Council valh Business and Professional Directory BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 KARL C. LENTZ Chartered Accountant Wingham, Ontario Telephone (519)357-1087 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LET'T'ERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 357.1910 Rea. Ph. 35'1-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O,,D. Optometrists HARRISTON Ontario 338-2712 REID AND PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W. Reid, C.A. 4444x."?4444 .4"..-14"-.44.4e,