HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1977-10-19, Page 3Sep. scIrtool board spending on targe#,trustees told
By Wilma Oke
Expenditures by the Huron -
Perth County Roman Catholic
Separate School Board amount-
ing to $4,,300,000 are on "target for
1977", according to a report given
by Jack Lane, superintendent of
business and finance, at a meet-
ing in Dublin Oct.. 11.
The boardpassed a borrowing.
by-law for $350,000 for the bal-
ance of the calendar year 1977.
The art curriculum committee
presented a detailed report to the
trustees on the teaching of art in
the separate schools in Huron and
Perth. Sister Audrey Dumochelle
of Stratford, chairman, reported
through their art children com-
municate their attitudes and feel-
ings towards themselves and
their environment. She said the
main objective of art education
today is to assist in the intel-
lectual, emotional and social
growth of the learner, according
to his needs and capabAties.
Assisting Sister Audrey in the
presentation were Celeste Mc-
Creight and Margaret Rowland,
both of Dublin, Ralph Wishar,
LuAnn '"McQuillan, Margaret
Bossence and Mary Bannon, all
of Stratford.
The board will inform the
Huron County Board of Educa-
tion it is not interested in the
North Ashfield school which was'
recently closed by the Huron
Trustees John O'Drowsky of St.
Marys and Greg Fleming of
Crediton reported on the annual
convention of the Catholic
Parent-Teacher Association,
which they attended in Sudbury
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2. They said they
found the meeting worth attend-
ing. However, Mr. Fleming said
he was disappointed to find most
of the delegates at the convention
were not young parents of school
.age children but grandmothers.
Elizabeth Clark of Exeter, an
itinerant French teacher, will
teach French 40 per cent of her
time and spend the remainder in
the area of social and environ-
mental studies to identify and
develop resources and program
The board passed a by-law that
the school operations will be ad-
ministered by an executive coun-
cil composed of : the director of
education (William Eckert) ;
superintendent of education
(Joseph Mills) and superin-
tendent of business and finance
(Jack Lane).
The board renewed its insur-
ance policies with Leeson -Killer
Insurance from Oct. 26, 1977 to
Oct. 26, 1978 for a net renewal
premium of $24,150.
The board approved the con-
tinued use of the St. Patrick's,
Dublin school facilities by the
Iaublin and District Com ity
Council and decided that, titibpct
to receiving the renewed corn-
munity school development grant
of $10,000, the board will continue
to assist in the funding of the pro-
ject in an amount equal to the
costs of providing heat and hydro
and the use of other school re-
sources, at a cost of approxi-
mately $5110.
The first community school
grant for $10,000 was received for
1977 and a request for another
$10,000 has been made for 1978.
The board recommended that
Giustine Tomasulo be nominated
as.a candi late for assignment for
a loan of service to teach in
Department of National Defence
dependants' schools for a two-
year tour of duty overseas. He
has been a teacher with the board
since 1971.
The board will be sponsoring a
Focus on Faith Day on Sunday,
Nov. 20, at St. Patrick's School.
Dublin. It is an evolvement from
the Focus on Faith programs de-
signed by the Ontario Separate
School Trustees' Association to
enable trustees, parents,
teachers, priests and adminis-
trative personnel to share the
faith dimensio of their respec-
tive roles and thus provide the
best possible Catholic education
for the children in separate
Participants in the day will be
representative of each school
community — parents, priest,
principals, teachers, and spouses
with administrative staff and
trustees and their spouses.
Bishop Sherlock of London will be
A professional.activity day will
be held at St. Patrick's School,
Dublin, on. October 17 with the
theme, "What Makes Our Schools
Catholic?" with Bishop Sherlock
taking part.
The Wingham Advance -Times, October 19, 1977—Page 3
Deluxe Nylonqa88
Parka -Blue . ea.
Quilt lining .with polyester
fiberfill interlining. Zip -front
with dome closed flap.
Lined, detachable draw-
string hood; elasticized -
back waist borg. Pile collar.
Fleece Fined
roper glove --'• 66
Cream steerhide palm with
split leather. back. Elastic
across back Slip-on style.
Medium, Large. 546-456
INTERMEDIATE GIRLS—Howick Central School took first place in the intermediate
girls' division at the public school cross country race Thursday. Back grow, Helen
Morrison, Rhonda Reidtand Judith McMichael; front; Chris Sanburn, Lori Reidtand Kim
Five water temperature selections:2 speed
s.pintagitation.2 spray rinses.Infinite water
level control Lets you conserve hot water
or adjust for large or small loads. Rotary
controls. White only. . 503-250
4 -Program
Viscount Dryer 24200
Select regular, permanent press, delicate
or air fluff • with two temperatures.Set time.
dryer shuts off automatically. Cool down
period at end of cycle, Rotary.controls.
Whitg only. 503-261
Anti -Freeze
Effective to —35°F. Special
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servative' minimizes wiper.
blade wear. Safety
childproof cap. 548-022
.tis..+ •r y+ .g� y2+
Press .Lined
Men's Pants 9'
Full cut pant with zipper fly
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Five pockets 'incl.. watch
pocket and re-inforced
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Waist 30-46, Length 30"
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Dryer vent kit. Fits most dryers. Installs in
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503-097 Kit $5.44
An expanded, bite size dog
food that gives your dog a
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needed nutrients.
• 20 kg. ea. $8.40
Hi -Boy g99
Dog Chunks ,o kg
A more concentrated form,
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tive working dog.
20 kg ea. $9.50
Self -Cleaning
Digital -Timer
Clean the entire oven, including the
tinted window with just one control!
Deluxe surface with infinite heat
switches for accuracy. Measures ap-
prox. 30"w x 27V2"d x 471/2"h.
White. 505-007 ea. $472.00
Harvest Gold. 505-008 ea. $481.00
Radiant Heater
Make chilly rooms more liveable with this
budget -priced heater. With plated guard,
attached cord and 111/2" diameter
aluminum reflector. Get•yours today for
cold weather ahead. 541-351
work socks
50°° wool — 50°° nylon
work socks are stretch fit'
for comfort Asstd colors
1 Size fits 10-12 546-162
Steel toe
insulated boots 63
Safety bhbts with safety toei
puncture -proof ,sole.
Foam -backed insole. Full.
and half sizes 6-13 (no
121.2) Cheyenne. 549-869
357-2711 BELGRAVE BRANCH 887-6453
TO OCTOBER 22, 1977
INTERMEDIATE BOYS—Public school cross country race winners from Howick in the
intermediate boys' division were Mark Shore. Troy Pocaluyko and Bryan Schneider;
front, Darrin Machin, Wayne Bott and Arthur Versteeg.
Fordwich Personal Notes
Thanksgiving Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Les Halliday
were Mr. and Mrs. H. McLeod of
Keady, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pringle
and children of Hepworth, Miss
Lois McLeod of Toronto'and Mrs.
Ken Graham of Fordwith.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston,
Mrs. Jim Douglas and Gary
Douglas attended the Walkerton
Fair on Sunday.
Mrs. Ted Klaassen returned
home Thursday after visiting the
past month with her parents and
other relatives in Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison
Wallace of Clifford were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Bunker who celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary
Friday night at the community
centre, when their family enter-
tained at a surprise party in their
Mrs. Jack Stewart of Oshawa
visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Stewart. Sunday guests
at the same home were Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Hunter and Alisa of
Mrs. William Austin of Tillson-
burg visited fora couple of days
last week with her mother, Mrs.
Pearl Patterson.
Mrs. Ken,Graham spent a
couple of dys last week with
Mrs. Betsy Crawford in Tara.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Thomas of
Windsor visited with their aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Stinson on Thanksgiving Mon-
Sunday guests with Mr. tnd
Mrs:JAnson Demerling were Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Goldri`ch, Paula
and Grant of Guelph, Mrs. Joan
Longstaffe and Brent and John
Ford of West Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stinson
were supper guests Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stinson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Warren
visited Mrs. Lynd and Mrs. Mc-
Grath in Southampton a couple of
days last week.
Bill Miller and Wayne Nickel of
Kapuskasing spent a few days
last week with their parents.
Thanksgiving guests with Mr.
and Mrs. S. Bride were Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Durbin of London and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bride and chil-
dren of Thamesford.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang
and boys of Mississauga splerit
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper are
spending a few days With Mr. and
Mrs. John Welsh and family of
Mrs. E. A. Schaefer spent the
weekend in London with Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Schaefer.
Miss Esther Harding of To-
ronto, formerly of Fordwich, was
honored at a family dinner on
Sunday at the community hall.
About 50 of her nieces and
nephews, along with Miss Maude
Harding of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Park of Arthur and Mrs.
Janet yarding of Fordwich were
present. The occasion was Miss
Harding's 75th birthday. She was
presented with a family ring and
a wrist watch.