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Wingham Advance-Times, 1977-09-28, Page 19
Friday and Saturday September 30, October 1 Barbra Streisand In A STAR IS BORN —PLUS— Art Carney in LATE SHOW ADMITT NCE ESTrocfeb TO'suspeas I1 1WARS Or AGE et OVEA Sunday, October 2 Only THE FARMER —ALSO— SENSUAL ENCOUNTERS ADMITTANCE ESTRICTED -- TO NA SONS $S YOBS Of AGI t71t levee Sept. 29 -Oct. 6 THURS.-THURS. Recreation Report BY 'RENNIE ALEXANDER Rec. Director RINGETTE The recreation department will aid in the development of a girls' Ringette League this winter. This program will be for girls under 14 years as of January 1977 and will be held on Sunday evenings from 5 to 7. The president of the club, Bob Gavreluk will set up a com- mittee to help with the club. The program will start Nov. 4. BASKETBALL Recreational basketball will continue again this year on Mon- day and Wednesday nights from 7:30 to 10, starting Oct. 17. This year there will be a $5 fee which will be' used for the purchasing of equipment. Also this year an executive, will be established, to help develop this program. BADMINTON The community badminton league will be meeting again this year in •the high school on Tues- days and Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. This program will start on Oct. 4 for everyone in the com- munity. FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7&9 SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING ONLY 8 P.M. .• • , LIMONT JOHNSON.. ONE ON ONE ROBBY V4ROBBY 'aO.SPRAOUN ..,..ROBBY 1EI1RYSEGAL MARIINIIORNSTplip' t.AMBNT»ttisot-:,DJ.REES OK , rflhI ;L.EXSITSI i NROOLMUM sausioe@l 10144 Ammo ease le scuosm4 wu1 sowssim Id tr pprtril AIN lbw Yob ._.�.. COMING NEXT WEEK Comrnq'next -W,N! Disney P'1T,dtirh(Tns• NEW RACEY ADVENTURE Oct. 7 - Oct. 11 GOES TO MONTE CARLO ATTENTION MOTHERS SUNDAY MATINEE 1:30 P.M. SUNDAY, OCT. 9 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:30 OCT. 1-2-3 3() 1111 tiQl.,nflf P11ON1 'T:)4 /811 SHOWS TO SEE Fri. -Sat. -Sun. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN A CADMIC MASTERp1ECEr „., Alpo, SAf11FUAY Flt VIEW ' Program subject to change PROGRAMS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE BALL The Wingham Tri -County Girls lost Friday to Atwood 14-11. This makes the girls' softball team down two games in a best of five series. The next game will be Tuesday, Sept. 27: COACHES CLINIC There will be a Level One coaches' clinic Oct. 8 at 9 a.m. to 12 noon. There will be a Level Two clinic Oct. 15 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Both of these clinics will be free to Wingham residents. Brownie Corner Thirty-three Brownies registered on Monday, Septem- ber 19. Mrs. J. Shaw is the new Brown Owl. Mrs. A. R. Mill and Mrs. N. T. Anderson are also leaders. The Brownies were told of the memorial service for Lady Baden-Powell. Brownies and Guides will be selling calendars during the next few weeks. Thank you for your support. Bridge club into its 42nd season The Wingham Duplicate Bridge Club will be starting its 42nd season next Thursday, Oct. 6. The club meets every Thurs- day at 8 p.m, above ttie Wingham fire hall. President Len George says the club is always on the lookout for new members who love a good game of bridge and welcome the chance to improve. The price is right too: only 50 cents a night. If anyone is interested and would like further information, call Len at the OPP office, 357- 1331. Hockey tryout times are set Any eligible hockey players for the Wingham Ironmen are wel- come to attend the following try- , outs. Times and dates .for tryouts are: Oct..2, 7to0pan.; Oct. 3, 9/6 p.m.; Oct. 4, 8 to 10 p.m.; Oct. 6, 9 to 10 p.m. ; Oct. 8, 8:30 to 10:30. p.m.; Oct. 931 to 9 p.m. ; Oct. 11, 9 ,to 11 p.m.; Oct. 13, 9 to .11 p.m.; Oct: 15, 8 to 9:30 p.m. and Oct. 16,• 7to9p.m. The Wingham Adv Telethon to for )Pareticipat Hundreds of volunteers from Stratford to Lion's Head have been working for weeks to get ready for this weekend's tele- thon, aimed,at.rais_ing money to build a home for the handi- capped The "Parade of Stars" telethon will run from' 8 p.m. Saturday to 10 a -m. Sunday on CKNX televi- sion, and organizers hope to raise up to $200,000 during that •fir le, Last year's telethon raised .$104,000. Tony Bennett, Bill Cosby, Joyce Davidson, Bruno Gerussi, Florence Henderson, Rich Little, Jim Moore, Juliet Prowse, William Shatner and. Andy Williams will be some of the per- formers featured on the parade of stars. All have donated their time and CKNX is donating its time and manpower to air the show. The money raised will go to build Participation Lodge, a resi- dence and retreat for the physi- cally handicapped. The lodge is to be built Holland Cantre, • s. "We want to stare, fore the snow 100, ,J 1978," Clarence. I4 five director Of Federation for the ger sied, said recently. "it pends, however, ,on 110W-10. litc' money we can make on CKNX telethon." He indicated that a grant of $316,000 is avail- able from the culture and recrea- ;tion ministry for the project. Mrs. Russell Zurbrigg, who with her husband is organizing the telethon in this area, said there will be 20-25 volunteers manning the phones in Western Foundry during the show. This will probably be the last in this series of telethons, she said, adding that people should re- member the project will be getting matching dollars from Wintario, so that every dollar donated means two dollars for handicapped people. CLEAN LIP -Janet Wood was up a ladder cleaning' windows Saturday morning as her contribution to the Wingham CQIT's clean-up day. The money raised by the girls will go toward sponsoring their foster child in Indonesia. YBC Bowling.Score.s BANTAMS lbebra's Daisies have taken the lead with five points, closely fol- lowed by Tracey's Tulips and Audrey's Asters, tied for second with three points each. Michelle's Marigolds and Leanne's Lilacs are tied for third with two points each while Btenda's Bluebells are still waitink to get on the scoreboard. Audrey Baxter, 105; Leanne Cornwall, 117;1Debra Henry, 116; Debbie Clark/ 106; and ``Joanne Shaw, 107, chalked up games over 100, as did. Murray Shinn, 103; Murray Nethery, 107; Jamie Wall, 112, 121; Jimmie English, 116; and Jason Goodall, 135. Jason's 135 was high single for the boys and Jamie's 233 was high double. Leanne had the 117 high single and 207 high double .,for -the girls, _ -..-_ JUNIORS Fire Birds have jumped off to an early lead, scoring five points. Stingrays and Camaros are not far behind with three each, while Jaguars and Blue Flames each WINONAM - theme 357-1630 Last day Thursday, Sept. 21th Oss Showing st &00 p.•. Hod��' -mac *Roe STARTS FRIDAY! WARM '7 . 10 RUM fill Showing for ass weak! 1 Fri., Sept: 30 to Thurs.,Oct. 6th Frl. - Sot. - Sao, VT 9:00 p.m. oily! Mandsy to Thorsdsy &00 •- Onl I v,narnr Canby NEw YORK TIMES SPECIAL FAMILY PROGRAM! Friday - Stlsrnsy - Sudsy Sept. 30 - Oct. I and 2nd One Showing at 7:00 p.■- •• • • • • • • • Y n .... 00y A] loaT.Z�);�iRitiolnf ha.YHilB7lil IMItierPJ1 ,,,,4oppIE f jjiiVE 11 S ..w. I1 • Y � I�- ' t TIWILES • • JECNNICOLOR i''''I ' ' :? • •run•LE• NGTN I f'►, '•.. Th�L't • FEATURCARTOOE, IL '-O 'E �/'7 ;^�r,� • BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON, PLUS 2nd BIG HIT! The Nice Guys Finish First For A Change. ADULT _ ENTERTAINI-MENTr.m. raa•uaRA .. 111 / 1 1 COMING NEXT WEEKEND t FRI.-SAT. STAR WARS???? SUN. DUSK -DAWN HWY. 8 BONERMCN AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524-9981 FRI., SAT., SUN. — SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 & 2 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT In 1943 ��.I maiolgrH� sixteen German Paratroopers landed in England. In three days Gtey almost won the War. 0111 CU1F UL mill Nblem I/ICI 1� LNi ;1'470711E MICHAEL CAINE DONALD SUTHEBLANO THE 'AC! E HAS LANOED"v..e., one IlNulIOAO ral: : ilEO o d LARRY HOMAN �.. have two. Corvettes haven't gotten going yet and have no points. Sherry Johnston, 137; Sheri Walden, 142; Kim McGregor 132; Andrea Walker, 126; and Ellen Rodger, 196, 152, were girls who bowled over 125 last week. Billy Gaunt, 155, 138; Stephen Gaunt, 134, 219; Byron Thompson, 167, 154; Rance Willis, 130, 135; Willie Rodger, 191; Billy Tolton, 125, 127; Michael Heard, 171;' Robbie Willis, 156; Darrin Hickey, 145, 130; Allan Jackson, 157, 147; and 'Rodney Jones, 160, were the boys with games over 125. Ellen Rodger's 196 single and 348 double were high for the girls, as were Stephen Gaunt's 219 .single and 353 double for the boys. SR. JUNIORS AND SE-NLORS Teabroke out on top with seven pmts, pursued by Teams 3 and 6, each with five, Tearhs 4 and 5 have two points and Team 2 has yet to get one. Pam Gerrie, 214; Julaine Adams, 231; Sheila Burke, 197, 202; and Brenda Foxton, 186, bowled. games over 175. For the boys,. Michael Pletch, 191; Ken Thompson, 195; Randy Green- away, 175, 175; Brent Day, 176; Spencer Burley, 206; Randy Bain, 196; Greg Storey, 240, 218, 175; Phillip Rintoul, 203; and Wayne Thompson, 179, 186, had games of 175 or over. Julaine Adams' 231 single and 507 triple were high for the Sr.,. Junior, girls. Pam Gerrie's • 214 single and 535 triple stood up ior the Senior, girls.. Greg Storey had, the 240 high single and 643 high triple that took the,honors for the Sr. Junior boys, while Spencer Burley, 206, and Jeff Jackson, 502, split the honors for the Senior boys. Practice begins - Practise for the Intermediate "C" . Wingham Royals . hockey team will be held at the Wingham arena Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. All who are interested in this team are asked to come to the arena with their equipment. CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE PLAYERS' ASSOCIATION GAME IIA ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Lt 1V E. ACTION CO.14TEDI. SUSPENSE: T' ° XCITEM Eial r Ic)COPYRIGHT,1977 SUN SYNDICATE THE KICKING GAME by Zenon Andrusyshyn TORONTO ARGONAUTS PU NTIN G. FUNDAM ENTALS C. Aspects of Punting: Proper punting produces good long and high, spiraling kicks. The kick will' sound more like a "thud", rather than a "big boom". I stress that the "follow-through" is a must. It isonly with a proper 'follow-through' that a punter can get maximum distance, from his kicks. Several studies of the 'kicking game', •have discovered some in- teresting results. First, the ball kicked in the middle, traveled farther. The foot velocity did not mean that the hall would automatically travel farther.-. The study also indicated: 2) that the ball should be released in a horizontal plane. 31 The ball should be dropped. so when contact is made, it is angled approximately 25° across the foot. to prevent the tips from making premature contact 4, The hall should be dropped so that an arc is tormed. by the force of gravity. and horizontal velocity of the ball. 5) Contact, with the.' ball, should be made on the front of the ankle and outside of the foot 61 Contact should be made through the cetpter of gravity of the ball 71 Contact should be made. so the ball is allowed to roll off the foot and create a spiral. mem axe, evt• eze 01,452 0.3211 D. Practise: There should be two types of practise sessions for punters. One, involves the mechanics related to the skill. The second type of session, allows the ' athlete to practise the skill under game conditions. In both situations, the coaches or the athletes should deliver verbal and in- structional feedback after each kick. Points that should be watched: 1. Technique (dropped vs. pushing the ball to the foot) 2. 'Sound' of contact 3. Ball flight and height l wabble vs. spiral) 4. Distance hall is kicked. These above points are observed during kicking situations. The following points should be observed when the athlete is kicking by himself. 1. Ball release (grip, arm position, ball position) 2 The ball drop (angle of the ball to both the ankle and ground 3 The contact point of ball to foot 4 The lift In 'follow- through' 5. The flight dynamics 1 spin and height 1 6 Distance kicked These points. w hen rnrrectcd t„ perfection, will definitely help the athlete, but it must he remembered that discipline, rest and nutrition . ate. also, key points Finally. there are factors that are the make- up of any great athlete: physique. mental outlook and foremost. their spiritual health These can obviously help the athlete achieve success LADIES' LEAGUE Caroline's Bedpans kept up their pace last week, adding five points for a league -leading total of 12. Audrey's Organs pulled out a narrow 9-8 lead over Dale's Dipsticks for second place, with Helen's Headaches hot on their heels now with 7 points. Jean- ette's Catheters doubled their score to four and Jean's Spare - tires got on the road with two points. Shirley Storey, 214; Susan Tolton, 253; Rose Grove, 204; Beth Skinn, 241; Dale Toiton, 236; Edna Armstrong, 215; Jean King, 269-259; Jennifer Guses, 202; and Catherine Campbell, 200, all bowled games of 200 or over last week. Jean King's 269 was high single and she also had the high triple of 720. Catherine Campbell and Dorothy Thompson were spares. 00 0 FORDWICH MIXED Marion •Behrns atelier Whew ies and came up with last week's high single, a 269, and high triple, 684. For the guys, Doug Brown and Gary Schumacher tied with a 247 high single. Gary took high triple honors with his 650. Other games over 200: Dave Dinsmore 203; Bonnie Behrns 225; Earlin Osborne 218, 226; Ann Winkel 204; Melody Osborne 230; Bonnie Wilson 203; Joe Glaze 209; Donna King 201; Johanna John- son 215; Nellie Allan 240; Marion Behrns 246; Ron Johnson 214; Gary Schumacher 240; Lois Lee 202. LEGION LADIES Cincis are oat in front of this league, . with seven big points,' I Canadians, with five, are inhot pursuit followed by Milson, With two. The Old Viennas have:yet to et on the scoreboard. ;Norma Strong, 220; • Doriis W,al- den, 209; Lyla Ann Harkness, 207; Peggy Tervit, 244,; Emaline Sturdy, 203; Muriel Irvine, 214; Gladys Yeo, 242; Bea Shropshall, 203; Graham Adams, 210; and Jean King, 234, 231, 229, all recorded games over 200. Peggy Tervit's 244 was' high single and Gladys Yeo was run- ner up with 242. Jean King re- corded the 694 high triple, fol- lowed by Norma Strong's 598. 0-4=0 WINGHAM AND TEESWATER After two weeks of play, Millie Blackwell's team leads this league with 12 points. The teams of Dianne Wall and Vicki Frazer are tied for second with nine points eath. Joan`Wiss1eri;'teani' has seven points and Evelynne Kloostra's has two, while the Phyllis Ireland. team.has yet to score. Vicki, Frazer, 210; Betty Ken- nedy, 225; Dianne Wall, 208; Millie Blackwell, 200; and. Sue Foxton, 261, turned in games of 200 or over. Sue Foxton's`261 was high single and she also recorded the 584 high triple. 'BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR XKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;::XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX MANOR HOTEL x x Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario x 4; X This Week is x Oktoberfest • o r: x X with 3t Tom Todd Trio x x Next Week x x Thursday, Friday and Saturday x x x Second Time •Around X x x x Food Available - Hamburgs, Subs, Coffee x x xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxe Shakespeare was never like this Theatre Passe Muraille presents Shakespeare for Fun and Profit Next column: Field goal kicking CLIP & SAVE Avaitabfe at: .Campbells el ©ne!erlsh o Mary's Sewing Centre, Clinton • 81 B Oiacount, Lucknow *Waxworks BQ itique, Wingham 'Huron Expoaltor, Seatorth 'The Standard, Blyth. sponsored by Blyth Centre for the Arts Blyth Memorial Hall 8:3n r. Tues. Oct. 11, Wed. Oct. 12 Tickets: Adults, 53.75 Senior Citizens, 53.00 Children 52.50