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P::: i,:.ono" Notes from Fordwic
,Mrs. Dora Ridley is a patient in
Listowel Memorial i apii al.
A number from ere attended
the CNE and oth s attended the
Blue Jay ball, game on Saturday.
Nicholson's bits provided the
Mrs. Norman Harding, Mrs.
Pearl Patterson, Mrs. Elsie
Strong and Mrs. Verna Galbraith
v±aited on The,rad y with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Connell at Hanover.
Mrs. Eva Harris accompanied
Mr, and Mrs. John Harris of
Owen Sound to Windsor over the
weekend where they visited with
Jim Harris. Mr. and MrS.
'Howard Harris of Goderich were
also weekend guests with their
Mrs. Don Montoux and Mrs. G.
Lawless of Palmerston spent
Monday at the Toronto CNE.
Mir . Cheryl Dickert of Lakelet
visited a few days last week with
Miss Lori Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Montow ,
Brian and Sandra visited several
days recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Halleran in Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons
entertained at their home Tues-
day nightfor a family dinner in
honor of Mrs. Eunice Harris who
is visiting here. After dinner the
remainder of the evening was
spent going through many older
pictures of relatives and friends
and remembering events of some
Treat yourself to 25(X, savings..;thcn treat your
family like company. Every day.
• Now, you can, with Lambeth Stoneware 16,
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Dishwasher proof, detergent proof; freezer to
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Offer iso good from
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OernlIi?Jewel Irs
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years ago. Among tiglOp
ing were Mr. and
Sothern and Gordon.
Mrs. Lyle Sinunall , and
and,,Mra. Bill SOike>tn, .a ,E
Mrs: Bal Birears, Mr. an.,
Roy- Hartman, Mrs
Cooper, and Everitt, 11r<r; and
Mrs. Gerald Harris and Mr,an
Mrs. Ira Schaefer.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller AO
Grrant,ispent a couple of days las
week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Finley an
family of Acton spent a few day
ast week at their home here.
Weekend visitors with Mr. an
s. Lyle Simmons were Mr. ail
rs. Doug Wildfang, Paul an
Brian and Miss Donna Mitchell 0
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown
visited for a few days last'week
with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Gary Sothern
Tim and Tracy of Palmerston
spent the weekend with Mr. and
rs. Bill So'
Mr. and Mrs. Roy,Simmons ac
ompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Harris and Mrs, Eunice Harris to
oronto on Monday where they
isited till Wednesday night with
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang. On
Wednesday night they left from
Milton to return to their homes in
askatchewan. Mr. and Mrs.
immons remained in the city a
ew days.
Larry Montoux of Toronto
isited Saturday with his parents,
r. and Mrs. Don Mantoux.
rian and Sandra returned with
MI and will visit with Larry and
ith Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wilkin -
on for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston
pent several days last week at
he CNE in Toronto.
The Wingham Advance -Times, August 3i, 1977
Mrs. Simon de Boer of Luck -
now was a Sunday visitor with
Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer and
John Moore of The Village
Store is on holidays this week.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and Mrs.
Ben McClenaghan were Mr. and
Mrs. Alan McIntyre of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntyre and
Beth of Val Caron, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Moss of Platteville. Harry
Moss and Jim McIntyre are
assisting Carl McClenaghan put a
new roof on the house.
Mr. and Mrs.. John Visser and
Tracey moved on Monday even-
ing to a farm house near Gorr*"'
The village will miss Mrs. Visser
who made many friends. The
community wishes them the best
in their new home which is nearer
John's work.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller
called at the Thamesford Funeral
Home last week to pay last re-
spects to Mrs. Bessie Mullis who
passed away in the Wingham and
District Hospital the previous
weekend. Mrs. Koyle of Langside
also paid respects to Mrs. Mullis.
GOLDEN WEDDING—MPP Murray Gaunt (Huron -Bruce - Lib.), right, presents a pro-
vincial plaque to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons of Fordwich on the occasion of their golden
wedding celebration in Fordwich hall on Saturday. Photo)
Lifelong Howick residents
celebrate 50th anniversary
FORDWICH — Friends and
relatives in the area congratulate
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons who
on Saturday celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary at the com-
munity hall here.
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons were
married at St. Stephen's Church,
Gorrie, on August 27, 1927. Their
attendants were the late Mr. and
Mrs. Sanford Zimmerman. They
farmed on the fourth concession
,of Howick for 2Q yearsand in 1n56
moved to the former Harris farm
one and a half miles south- of
Fordwich where they lived until
retiring to Fordwich 11 years
ago. Both are members of Trinity
Anglican Church, Fordwich. Mrs.
Simmons is a member of the
ACW and was also a WA member
for a number of years.
They • have ,one son, Lyle of
Fordwich; one daughter, Mrs.
Doug (Evelyn) Wildfang of Mis-
.7-sisSauga; four grandchildren and
one great-grandson.
Open House was held Saturday
afternoon when about 200 people
called to express' their good
wishes. Telegrams were received
from Mrs. Velma Jacques,
Summerland, British Columbia;
Murray Gaunt, MPP Huron -
Bruce, and R. E. McKinley, MP
Huron -Middlesex. Mr. Gaunt
presented the couple with a scroll
from the Province of Ontario.
Special guests for the occasion
Beginning September ,1977
all Ontario speed and distance signs
will go metric.
This ishow to learn the system.
Speed signs
k m /h
Distance sign
(changeover already in effect)
It's a very easy system, and most
countries around the world already
use it. Ontario and other provinces
are adopting it under a Canada -
wide plan approved by Metric
Commission 'Canada.
Speed limits are measured in
kilometres per hour (km/h). Dis-
tances are measured in kilometres
(km) and metres (m).
One metre is approximately the
length of a long stride. One kilometre
is 1000 metres or 5/8 mile (0.625).
(One mile =1.6 km )
An easy way to familiarize
yourself with kilometres is to consider
the time factors involved—for
example, 80 km (50 miles) would take
about 1 hour to drive at a speed of 80
km/h (50 mph).
Study the signs shown here and
you'll get the picture quickly.
To Team the system faster,
"think metric"—don't convert back
to the old Imperial unit of miles. And
to measure your gas consumption in .
kilometres per gallon, divide the
number of kilometres travelled by the
number of gallons used.
Get a free copy of the informa-
tive booklet "Ontario Roads Go
Metric" from any Ministry of
Transportation and Communications
office or LCBO outlet in Ontario.
James Snow,
Minister of Transportation
and Communications
William Davis, Premier
vire of Ontario
were Mrs. Eunice Harris of
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a
sister of Mrs. Simmons, and Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Harris of Re-
gina. The ACW of Trinity Church
were in charge of the tea tables
during the afternoon.
Guests ,attended from Mitchell,
Mississauga, Wingham, Toronto,
Gorrie, Harriston, Southampton,
Listowel, Port Credit, Clifford,
Stratford, Wroxeter, Landon,
Kitchener, Palmerston, Bel more,
Windsor, Fordwich and Saskat-
Vacation Bible schools
considered successful
For the past, three summers the
United churches in Gorrie and
Wroxeter villages held Bible
schools for children from kinder-
garten through to senior teens.
Mr. Ball, the.pastor, said that this
year was by far the most exciting
and rewarding. A total of about
110 children attended the schools.
TIn •Wroxeter the sessions were
held in the morning from 9:15
a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and in Gorrie
the Bible school was held in the
afternoon from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30
p.m: The theme this year was
"Jesus ... Teach Me" and Mr.
Ball said the schools did an in-
depth study of the parables of
Jesus at every age level. There
were films from the Canadian.
Bible Society showing the spread
of the gospel at home and abroad
through the Word of God. In addi-
tion to 40 -minute teaching
Seven .people
win merchandise
Cheryl Skinn became the lucky
winner of a man's sports' coat and
slacks when her ticket was drawn
first at the opening day draw at
Gentleman's Corner., Saturday
night. • .
Mayor William Walden drew
the names on sales slips from a
bucket Saturday 'while Manager
Ross Gibson and the three owners
of the store looked`on. Doug Lay-
ton, Tom Deyell and Ray Walker
are the owners of the new store on
Josephine Street.
• In following order, the rest of
the winners and their prizes are:
Doug McBurney, dress shirt; ,
Sharon Worth, sweater; Betty
Thompson, t -shirt, briefs and
socks; Jack Marks, tie;'Tom Mil-
ler, pants and Jean Leitch, a pair
of jeans.
sessions, there were crafts and
songs which tied in with the daily
Mr. Ball was appreciative of
the co-operation of the,parents.
1 Although children from the vil-
lages came in good numbers,
mothers and sometimes dads left
chores in the home and in the
fields to drive their children to
the schools. He said there was
immediateresponse both in.
Wroxeter and in Gorrie for
. teachers and helpers.
•"This is most encouraging be-
cause it indicates to me .that
parents realize the need for their
children to come to know Jesus as
their Lord and Saviour and '
Friend," Mr. Ball said., "Children
are exposed to so much trash on
television and pornography in
just about every area of life it is
urgent that every child should
know the Bible• and their way
through it and 'its message
Theofferings received at Vaca-
tion Bible School will go to the
Canadian Bible Society. Mr: Ball .
said that the children are already
asking if there is going to be an=
other Vacation school next year.
The answer is YES and the next,
and the next.
There will be no wicket service
or rural delivery at the Wingham
Post Office on Labour Day, which
is next Monday, Sept. 5.
There will be a street letter box
collection beginning at 10:45 a.m.
'and mail posted in the red
receiver in front of the post office
• will be dispatched at 12:10 p.m.
Seller to
safe fie
for used _sale
Die:r ,
sale et used
George o he Yr
ports. •
By law, tt seller moat p;ovide
a' safety certificate to the par-
chaserministor send the licence plates
and registration; with notifica-
tion • of sale, to the transport
Besides the risk of being
"charged with'violating the law; a
seller who doesn't comply runs
the risk that the buyer won'tget
the vehicle, safety:, checked,.
change the registration or obtain
Insunce,, '
Thl,ras could leave the seller
civilly liable and facing a series
of charges under the Traffic Act
if the car is involved in an, acci=
i de vinth the
p$ham OPP re-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'roman at-
tended the decoration service at
New Dundee Cemeteiy on Sun-
day and were supper guests with
Mrs. Dorothy Greulich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mat-
thews, accompanied by Mrs. Wil-
liam Wade, spent Sunday after=
noon at the Matthews picnic area
by the Saaugeen, River.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pollack
and Todd of Bramalea visited
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark on Sun-
Richard Turtle of Shelburne is
vacationing with, his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Braniff this weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Musgrove were Sunday visitors
with their brother-in-law,
Clarence Ott, in Listowel.
Mrs. IvanSararas, New .
Dundee, is spending a couple of
weeks at the home of her brother.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Tornan. .a
Mr. and Mrs, Allan 'Griffith
were visitors. Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Edmtuid
Green and Ross Green, near
Holyrood. •
Miss Romelda Taylor of Wing-
ham was pleasantly surprised
when Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson
and family had a birthday supper
for her on Tuesday evening. Mr.'
and Mrs. Irving Toner and.Dick
Carson of Gorrie and Mrs: Marg-
aret Townsend shared in the
cake. Other guests during,- the
week were Mr: and Mrs. 'Sherris
Gibson of 'Wiehi-Wacker Wood-
lands, Florida, Mrs. Mary Robin-
son and'Mrs. Bill Smith of Toron-
to accompanied by Mrs. Holt of
RR 2, Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Johnson• and filly of
Agincourt and Norman (Bud)
Hall of Aylmer. • Mr. Hall sang .
''How Great Thou Art" and "I
Know Who Holds Tomorrow" at
the morning service at Wroxeter
United Church and his solos.were
greatly appreciated.
Mary Beth and Lynda Riley
and Louise Gibson attended the
CNE and enjoyed the Beach Boys
at the grandstand.
Mr, and Mrs. Brian Greenley,
-Mr, and Mrs. Philip Hartung arid
Donald, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Becker
of London returned from a ten-
day trip by air, during which they
visited their sister Janet in
Jasper Park, Alberta,
Danny Dickert was able to re-
turn home from Listowel Memo-
rial Hospital on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Inglis at-
tended the•Bean Festival held in
Zurich on Saturday and in the
evening visited Blyth Summer
Festival where they saw the play,
"He Won't Come in From the -
OPENING DRAW—Gentleman's Corner, a new store on Josephine Street held a draw
Saturday night with seven people winning merchandise from the store. Mayor Bill Walden
draws the first ticket while Manager Ross Gibson holds the box. Behind them are Doug
Layton, Tom Deyell and Ray Walker, owners Of the store.