Wingham Advance-Times, 1977-07-13, Page 14Advance -Times, July 13, 1877 A•WATER IMP—Jennie Jones didn't venture far into the Wingham pool on Saturday, but she was having great fun kicking her feet at the pool edge. Jennie was smart, how- ever, to wear her water wings in the pool. 1976 Ford Custom 4 door 1975 Datsun B210 2 door 1975 Mustang 2 door 1975 Chev, 4 door 1974 Pontiac 4 door 1974 Ford 2 door 1975 Chevy Y Ton Pickup 1974 Ford Ranchero Pickup Drop in and see our full selection of beautiful Ford cars, trucks and vans; Our business is to make you happy, so come in and see us. BRIDGE MOTORS WINGHAM 357-3460 Leaders' (iSSOCfaf/On plans summer reunion This year marks the 25th anni- versary of the formation of the 4- H Club Leaders' Association in Huron County, and the associa- tion plans to celebrate with a re- union and banquet July 23. It hopes' to attract past and present 4-11 leaders, members, parents, agricultural representa- tive staff and home economists to Blyth Arena for the celebrations. The banquet will be at 12 noon, with the reunion during the after- noon and a dance in the evening. Guest speaker will be R. W. Car- bert, general manager of the On- tario Agricultural Museum in Milton and former farm editor for CKNX. Former agricultural repre- sentative staff returning for Bible clubs for children Lawn Bible Clubs will be held in Wingham next week for the children in town. The Child Evangelism Fellow- ship of Ontario will be sending two young people to• Wingham to conduct daily Bible Clubs. They will be held from July 18 to 22 at the following times and places. Mrs. B. Sakasov, 513 Shuter Street and Mrs. L. ` Fen, 263 Shuter Street from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; Mrs. Murray Gaunt, 170 Diagonal Road and Mrs. Don Cameron, Lower Wingham from 11 to 12 noon; Mrs. A. Ritskes;t 80 North Street from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and Mrs. W. Lapp, 218 Wil- liam Street from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. the occaskon include Jahn Butler, Goren B nnett, Gerry Mont- gomery, bug Miles, Dave Inglis, Art Bolton, Gerry Chamberlain, Don . Grieve, Morris Huff, Doug Keys and Jim Arnold. Past home economists plan- ning to attend include Jean Steckle, Flora Durnin, Diane (t_idciiard) Pirhonen, Kit (E'lunt) Scott, Sharon (Carroll) Hart, Jean Scott, Pat (Damude) Squire, Shirley (Patterson) Mc- Allister and Susan (Heard) Wheatley. The leaders' association was formed and the prefix 4-11 was adopted for all Junior Clubs in the county during a meeting on Feb. 29, 1952. Thirty-two club leaders representing the various agricul- tural clubs in Huron County met at the agricultural office in Clin- ton that day to discuss all rules and regulations governing the Junior Clubs. Banquet tickets are available from 4-H agricultural club lead- ers. Persons unable to attend the banquet are invited to the reunion portion of the program, begin- ning at 2 p.m. The county 4-H Youth Council is rounding off the activities with a dance in the eve- ning, with tickets available from youth council representatives throughout the county. LAKELET Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kaufman attended the 25th wedding anni- versary party held for Mr. and Mrs. William Lavery Saturday evening in the Rod and Gun Club, Waterloo. ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" THE EAST Maritimes and New England 13 days from 429.00 Deluxe Gaspe & Maritimes 16 days from 504.00 New England & Cape Cod 9 days from 309.00 The Blue Atlantic 6 days Newfoundland 19 days from 279.00 from 615.00 CENTRAL CANADA Saguenay River Cruise 8 days .. from 289.00 Polar Bear Tour 5 days .. from 189.00 Makinac island & Agawa Canyon 5 days , from 189.00 THE WEST Canadian West & Yellowstone National Park 22 days , ...from 699.OU California & The Golden West 21 days from 610.00 EASTERN UNITED STATES Scotts Vacation Retreat 5 days from 219.00 Williamsburg & Washington 7 days from 239.00 Pennsylvania Dutch Treat 5 days from 179.00 Mountain Country 7 days from 219.00 Kentucky & Grand Ole Opry 7 days from 239.00 Music and Charm of the Old south 14 days from 419.00 Brochures Available Cntect H)LiDAY VI WRLD IGHAM 351m2701 ****'>4'* * 40( 7�f _ PIM CAMERON and her baton teacher, Patti Robertson, smile broadly) after returning successful in capturing second place in the Open Canadian Girls' Solo Twirling category. 'Pam was competing against 26 other girls in the event which took place in Thornhill. She has been training since last fall and in the three competitions she has entered she has won an award, each time. Pam is assistant teacher with the Wingham Canadettes. Towne Players bring laughter to town hall More tears have probably been cried and more agonizing situa- tions brought to light in a psy- chiatrist's office than in any other place. But the psy- chiatrist's office must also be the scene of many interesting and humorous situations as well, many imagined ones having found their way to the movie screen and theatrical stage. More wild stories, real and imagined, have probably been told on a psy- chiatrist's couch than on any street corner, in any alley or poolroom. Jack Sharkey wrote a play about 'it and called it "Mean- while, Back on the Couch". The Wingham Towne Players pre- sented it !ast weekend. It is the story of a struggling psychiatrist ( 1 never knew a psychiatrist could be struggling but apparent- ly Park Avenue living is difficult to maintain, even for a psychi- atrist) who is trying to get a case history manuscript published, for two reasons. He wants first to Slow pitch tournament The CKNX Try-Hards are sponsoring a slow pitch tourna- ment in Wingham July 23-24, with cash prizes for the winners. The team winning the cham- pionship final will take home $175, while $100 will go to the con- solation winners and $50 to each of the runners up. Teams entered for the tourna- ment include the Brophy Teach- ers, Pinkerton Flyers, Atwood, London Century Welding, Bruce Inn, London Old Timers, Wing - ham Sportsmen, Listowel Ideal Supply, Mitchell, London Free Press, Irish Rovers and London Service Master. Most of the games will be play- ed at the main ballpark, with some during the first round going to the new Riverside park. The first two rounds are sched- uled to be played Saturday, with the first game . starting„ at 8:30 a.m. The final rounds are on Sun- day, beginning at 2 p.m., with the championship final set for 7 p.m. Canadettes win '77 twirl championship have more money so hia lady - friend can live in the expensive manner she has come to expect and he also wants to show his ex - friend and rival psychiatrist, who has already had a manuscript published, that he is no•less bril- liant and successful. He has some great patients but the real lulu is a young man named Albert who is obsessed with sexual fantasies which come to life in his dreams, in sequence. He has written the dreams on paper which make extremely interesting reading and great material for a best-selling novel. They are, of course, for the psy- chiatrist's research only — until his scatterbrained nurse types the wrong manuscript and gives it to the piblisher. The comedy of errors continues with the doctor's lady friend accusing him of infidelity and threatening to leave him. A patient of the rival psychiatrist, who also happens to be Albert's grandmother, feels exposed when she recognizes herself in the case history. She "changes doctors and professional jealousy develops. A forward young neighbor looks as though she may be Albert's true love. But the dreams will end when he finds true love and the final chapter of the novel has yet to be written, so the psychiatrist keeps them apart by throwing himself into the neighbor's arms and, of course, is caught by his fiancee. Things eventually work out, with some surprises, of course. But one gets the feeling the psy- chiatrist will not live happily ever after 'because, in many ways, he eems to have more hangups than his patients. Like many dramatic produc- tions, the play begins slowly as the plot develops. Action picks up n the second act and the produc- ion then moves swiftly through the final curtain. Sandra Lee rected this production by the owne Players, with Jan Vander- orst as the psychiatrist, Diane tainton as her girlfriend, Steve urke as his rival, Marni Walsh s his secretary 'and Francis ahe as Albert. John Harris ayed the publisher; Joanne ood Was Albert's grandmother nd Ansley Currie was the neigh - r. All the cast performed well,. ough some lines were difficult hear and they didn't always' alt for audience reaction. ecial mention would have to be ade of Francis Mahe's Albert who seemed at times to prefer his earn world to a loveless reality of routine and loneliness; Marni h as the middle-aged secre- evidenced that 'the.shoe- aker's kids go barefoot' as -she tried in ain to cover all her dequacies and insecurities, all while believing she was little s to di T h S B a pl W a bo th to w Sp m dr Thanks to parents and inter- ested supporting citizens in and Wals - around Wingham, members of f ma the Wingham Canadettes Major- tr ette Club returned victorious from the 1977 Canadian National the Majorette Championships held over a three-day,period in Thorn- hill, Ontario. They won the 197T T Canadian -National Twirl Team Championship. The Canadettes represented to only town to have majorettes Th in competitien,. All' other groups W1 were front 'cities. They also cap- has tured fifth prize for Junior Dance with and Twirl Teams and placed fifth ing • hou acc will and hou Th ama It is • star wee will o proceed'with url.ing rink e steering committee of the Win Golf -and Curling Club received approval to proceed construction of a new curl - rink and addition to the club se. The building, which will ommodate' four sheets of ice, be built on the east side of joined to the present golf club se. e golf and curling clubs were Igamated a few months ago. expected that work will be tedon the new structure this k. A portion of the funding be met by a Wintario grant. in the Juvenile Dance and Twirl Team class. All the girls received beautiful bronze medals for competing in this gala eyent and recently re- ceived a • congratulatory note from MPP Murray Gaunt iri• recognition of their success. The group has been advised that next year the, Canadian Twirl Championships will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Work is afoot to girure out costs of such a \trip. more than 'chopped liver'; and Diane Stainton as the girlfriend, whose doubt was sometimes greater than her love but whose loyalty in the end covered all the hurt. Also worthy of mention wsla the set construction by Rick Currah, Kemp Currie, Paul Bennett, Dave Black and Eric Good. The Towne Players really seemed to be enjoying the pro- duction. There was no compe- tition evident, no attempt at stealing the spotlight. They passed on this enjoyment to an appreciative audience which re- sponded with frequent laughs and loud applause as the lights dimrned on each act. R was a fun evening, a welcome relief from tensions and pressures of a busy life. And, like Albert, I guess a lot of us analyzed where fantasies end and realities begin in our own lives. Man with a Load of Mischief by Ben Tarver . July 14, 16, 18, 20 [21 (2:00 p.m.) Artichoke by Joanna Glass July\141 (2:00) 15, 19, 21 All performances begin at 8;30 ip.m. unless otherwise noted. Tickets are Adults $3.50 Senior Citizens 13.00 and Children $2.50 For tickets call (519) 523-9300 or -write Box 291, Blyth, Ontario, or see the ticket' outlet In your town. DURHAM KINSMEN x,000 BINGO' Durham Arena 15 - $60.00 REGULAR GAMES $1,000.00 NOVELTY $100.00 REGULAR GAME $2,000.00 SPECIAL SHARE THE WEALTH $700.00 'BEAT THE KIN' FRIDAY NIGHTS STARTING AT 8:30 P.M. =JULY 15, 29 AUGUST 12, 26 Clip This Ad for 1 Free. Card in "Beat the Kin" The Stratford Festival presents Sylvia Tyson CONCERT Monday, July 18 8:30 pm Festival Theatre SStratfo rd TICKETS> -ON„ SALE NOW At the Festival Box Office or phone (519) 273-1600 To serve you better .. . CABLETV Now operated by COUNTRY CABLE LTD, has installed a new in -Watts telephone line effective June 3. Please dial 1-800-265-6321 ( No charge to calling party) For Cable TV installations, service or information THE WINGHAM CANADETTES won the 1977 Canadian National Twirl Team Championship at the competitions held in Thornhill recently: They,.also placed fifth in classes for Junior Dance and Twirl Teams and Juvenile Dance and Twirl Teams. Bottom, left to right, are Tlacey MacKay, Cheryl Beattie, Pam Cameron, Susan Brown; centre, Janice King, Kelly Hollenbeck, Kerrie Bray, Lisa Ritchie, Julie Nicholls, Heidi Robert- son; back, Joelle Reavie, Patti McDowell, Nancy Anderson, Trafey MacDonald, Kim McDowell, Jayne Phillips and Patti Robertson, club teacher and director. 0 0 oa 0 A 0 This Week July 11 - 16 Band Wagon July 21-23 Blue Chips July 25-30 . iarr: ng No•re Aug. 1-6 Plus Saturday Matinee Bobby K. 4 Food Available During Regular Hours