HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1977-07-13, Page 5Ed's Siding and Roofing
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located in
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TRI-JUBILEE—Wingham Town Council rode in Goderich's
three-hour parade Saturday to celebrate that town's
tri -jubilee. Reeve Joe Kerr stands to the left and councillors
Institute visits
Wingham museum
WROXETER — The Women's
Institute members and several
friends enjoyed a visit to the
Wingham Museum on July 5. On
their return, they met in the
Wroxeter Park for a barbecue.
The president, Mrs. R. Mc-
Michael, conducted a short busi-
ness meeting.
Everyone enjoyed a picnic
lunch of barbecued hamburgers,
followed by dessert and coffee.
The August meeting will be a
quilting bee.
By -Law No. 9, 1977
Being a By -Law to prohibit the depositing of refuse or debris on municipal or private
WHEREAS It Is deemed expedient that a by-law be passed to prohibit the throwing,
placing or depositing of refuse or debris on municipal or private property,
THEREFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Turnberry ENACTS AS
(1) THAT no person shall throw, place or deposit refuse or debris of any description
on municipal or private property without authority from the Township Council,
owner or occupant of such property within the Township of Turnberry, County
of Huron
(2) THAT any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law shall be liable,
upon conviction to a fine of not Tess than $50.00 and not greater than $500.00.
All penalties herein are recoverable persuant to the provisions of the Summary
Convictions Act of Ontario..
Read a First, Second and Third time this 6th day of July, 1977.
Don Eadie, Reeve
Dorothy Kelly, Clerk
F 'ya i
Beware of home repair
"rip-off artists"!
Here are : s
you can do do protect
nY jig•:
If you are considering home repairs:
• Do not let someone talk you into doing work you weren't
planning to have done.
• Always obtain estimates from several reliable firms.
• Insist that all details be written into the contract before you
sign—including the type and amount of work to be done, any
extras, and the total cost.
• Keep the down payment to an absolute rririnimunn.
• Never pay in full until the work is finished to your complete
• If financing is necessary, arrange it yourself with a bank or
reputable finance company.
In addition, your Provincial government wants you to know
what your rights are under the Consumer Protection and
Business Practices Acts.
• The Consumer Protection Act allows you to cancel any
contract, to be performed and paid for in the future and signed
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ti c
Tom Deyell (middle) and David Cameron sit, in the bright
yellow jeep.
Change in county plan
advised for subdivision
A subdivision proposed in
Turnberry Township, on land
designated as agricultural, was
discussed at the council's July 5
Purchasers of the 19 lots,
Greenvest Holdings Ltd:, sent a
representative, Van Heemst, to
inquire about building permits on
the land. The Lots include 17-20,
42-46, 71-75, 90-94, Plan Two, Con.
14, the townplot of Wingham,
Turnberry Township. Single
family dwelling units are pro-
George Penfield, from the
County of Huron, told Mr.
Heemst the homes built on the
land would not conform to the
, county plan unless the plan was
amended. Tice property' owner
applies for the amendment.
When asked if buyers could get
services and build homes without
amending the plan, Mr. Penfield
said, "It's a gamble. For exam=
ple if a .house burned down, the
owner could run into problems of
not being able to' rebuild.
Mr. Heemst said the Health
Department approved individual
well and septic ,,tanks in .1974. He
decided to take the information to
Greenvest Holdings and return to
the Aug. 2 meeting to present the
proposed subdivision.
Councilis requesting an
itemized bill on the Abraham
Drain from 'E. W. Shifflett of
Ganisby and Mannerow and an
explanation for the long time
taken to complete the Fortune
Drain specifically and all other
Councillor Doug Fortune said,
"He (Shifflett) seems to go on
and on. He doesn't push contrac-
tors enough. The Fortune Drain
has been dug up for a year now."'
"We should have a completion
..date," Reeve Don Eadie said.
The Ministry of Transportation
has asked council for comments
on a contractor using the McGill
gravel pit, lot 15; con. 9. The pit is
on a list of bidders for resurfac-
ing contracts on. Highway 21.
• Council passed a motion that
stated it would be poor policy to
allow gravel to be taken out of the
township that could possibly be
needed In the future. Len Baird,
road superintendent, pointed out
that gravel is scarce and council
should buy the pit itself.
There was' another appeal on
the assessing. of the, Doerr Drain
by Cliff Helfer. Mr. Heffer at-
tended the council meeting and
said in the change of assessment,
he seemed .to get the major por-
tion of the cost. He was assessed
at $149 more. Council is contact-
ing the engineer to investigate.
Council passed a motion to bill
owners of the Bluevale Award
drain as presented at the meet-
ing, plus bill Elsie Smith's three-
quarter lot and that it be the last
bill with no further amendments
Two changes on tax bills are
in your home, if you send a registered letter within 48 hours of
signing—even though work has already started.
• The Business Practices Act provides fines and jail terms for
people who deliberately deceive, mislead or Ise to consumers.
For a free information kit , write to:
Ontario Consumer/Home Repair
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6
Sidney Handleman,
Minister of
Consumer and
William Davis,
Province of Ontario
required by council. Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority
was taxed for a house that was
removed and Lynn Hoy was bill-
, ed for business tax on a shed
where no business took place.
The assessment office advised
sending revised tax bills for 1977, •
The Ministry of Transportation
and Communications requested
council to send• a work schedule
on the replacement of , the Eadie
Bridge. The ministry agreed the
bridge is deficient but cannot ad-
vise when funds will be ready.
Work is acheduled for 1979. ,
Council approved general and
road accounts.
The Wingham Advance -Times, July 13, 1977—Page 5
Retiring po
honored by friends area
BLUEVALE - Friends in the ning. George Thompson, in a few
village and from the surrounding kind words of appreciation, gave
community met in Knox Presby- Mrs. Smith a generous purse of
terian Church, to honor the retir- money. In her reply, Mrs. Smith
ing postmistress, Mrs. Elsie stressed the good relationship she
Smith. has had throughout the years
After each guest had signed the with the public and wished her
guest book in the lobby, which successor, Miss Marie 'Walker,
was presided over by Mrs. the same good fortune.
Evelyn Lillow and Mrs. Mary Following this presen4..tieh the
Lowis, the guests proceeded to reeve of Turnberryhip,
the basement where a long table Donald Eadie, gave Mrs. Smith
was set. Mrs, Harry Elliott wel- the council's gift, a lovely crystal
corned everyone and invited and silver vase.
them to partake of the varieties Her many friends were pleased
of dainties and beverages. to have the opportunity to ex -
Mrs. Leslie Greenaway pre- press their good wishes in person
sented Mrs. Smith with a cor- to Mrs. Smith and to have a
sage. Midway through the eve- pleasant social gathering.
Wroxeter Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Setchell,
Toronto, visited their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Douglas, at the weekend when
they brought little Corinne Doug-
las home after a week's visit with
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Willys Kalish were Frank
Moore and Miss Ruth Franklin of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith
visited Thursday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hayden in
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement
spent a few days in Toronto with
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Isabelle and
other members of their family
and brought their granddaugh-
ter, Miss Sandy Isabelle, home
with them for vacation.
Mrs. Janet Brophy and Mrs.
Nora Moffatt attended the piano
workshop at University of
Western Ontario m London last
Mrs. Clarence White and Miss
Lucelle White have been vaca-
tioning at their home here.
Mrs. Ross Toman attended the
'Sage reunion in .Listowel Memo-
rial Park on Sunday afternoon for
atives. couple hours, visiting with rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Allan and
Heather of 'Toronto' were week-
end guests with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mac Allan.
Mrs. Bonnie MacDougall, Bur-
lington, is spending a week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith
visited Saturday with Mrs. Angus
Carmichael and Mr. and Mrs.
James Robertson in Goderich
and attended the 150th Jubilee
Parade which was exceptional
with over•300•entries.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Toman were Elgin
Toman of Plattsville, Wallace
Toman, New Hamburg and Mrs.
Ivan Sararas, New Dundee.
Miss Amelia Olheiser of Wind-
sor is vacationing with Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Allan,
Cathy and Shane Steurnol of
Kitchener are visiting their
grandmother, Mrs. George West-
lake this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff 'Marks were,
in Lucan Sunday Where they
visited at the home of the latter's
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
&successful auction sale was
held for Miss Gertrude Bush last
week with a good crowd in at-
tendance and a co-operative
weather man.
The new. Wroxeter Park is a
busy place these days with the
kiddies enjoying the playground
equipment, ball games and a ball
tournament corning up this week-
Fordwich Personal Notes,
Lorne Siefert is presently eon -
fined to Wingham and District
Hospital. .
Mrs. Stanley Bride was among
those entertained at a reception
in honor of Mrs. A. Hackett -Pain,
honorary treasurer of ACWW,
London, England, at the home of .
Mrs. F. Diamond, New Hamburg
on Sunday, July 10. Mrs. Hackett -
Pain will bethe guest speaker at
the 80th anniversary party of the
FWIO held at Bingeman Park,
Kitchener, on July 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston,
Mrs. Jim Douglas, Gary, Paul
and Greg attended the annual
Commercial Horse Association
•.picnic at Shelburne on Sunday,
held at Maple Del Park.
Mrs. Ted Klaassen is• in
Walkerton Hospital where last
week she underwent major sur-
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang,
Brian and Paul of -Mississauga
spent a few days with Mrs. Roy
Simmons and visited with Mr.
Simmons in Listowel Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Douglas and
Greg returned home over the
weekend after a . week's holiday
at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs Bill Sothern
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Sothern and family in
Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mulvey, Cindy, and Jeff of Bel -
more were also visitors 'at the
same home.
Mr, and Mrs. Lenwood Edgar
and Tanji of Mount Forest were
Sunday visitors with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Graham of
Toronto spent a few days last
week at their home here.
Roy Simmons is in Listowel
Memorial Hospital suffering
from a fall at his home last week..
Bonnie D'Arcey had the mis-
fortune to fall and crack a bone in
her wrist while riding a bicyle at
Pine Echo last week.
Mr: and Mrs. Bill Johnston and
family of Toronto spelit the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, .Jam War-
rell and all attended the Lind
reunion in Hanover Park Sunday
Rev. Robert and Mrs. McMul-
len of Borestown, N.B., visited
Monday with Mr. and Mrs, War-
Mrs. Harry Parson and Miss
Sandra Gauthier of New Bruns-
wick are holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Stone.
Mr. and Mrs.' Bert Stinson of
Harriston were Sunday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pringle of
Toronto visited this week with
her mother, Mrs. C. Cooper.
Mrs. Cecil Cooper, Everitt and
Miss Louise Matthews were
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Nethery in Blyth.
Paul and
spent a few days last week at
Port Elgin. •
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin, '
Donna and Brenda spent the
weekend at Lion's Head.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson of
Toronto spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and
other relatives.
Mrs. Scott Clarkson and Mrs.
Stanley Bride from the Fordwich
WI attended the anniversary of
the F\WIO held in Kitchener July
GQDERICH PARADE—Wingham Town Council took greetings to Goderich Saturday a to
ride in a parade there. Goderich celebrated their trijubileewith a three-hour parade.
From left are Ray Walker, (Mayor William Walden, Angus Mowbray and Reeve Joe Kerr.