HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1977-06-29, Page 10ItY q°�- 8 Win Il 4dvance-Times, June 29, 1977 Avery sincere, thank you to all Who Sept figwers, baking, cards of''Cowlolence and to those who helped ine in so many ways. Words cannot express your kind- ness. I will never forget. Mrs. Elizabeth (Beth) Procter The wife and family of the late Perry Pennington wish to ex- press their sincere appreciation to all their friends, relatives and neighbors for their many kind- nesses in the recent loss of husband and father. Thank you for all the lovely floral arrange- ments, donations to the Cancer fund, baking brought to the home and all who helped in any way to lighten the burden of sorrow. Special thanks to Rev. Barry Passmore, Doctors Ping and Mowbray and the nurses on second floor in Wingham and District Hospital. Mrs. Perry Pennington and family -I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for the cards and flowers I received during my recent surgery in St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener. Special thanks to Dr. J. S. Stephens and his ex- cellent staff for their wonderful care. Thanks also to Dr. Wilkins for his home visits and concern. To the organist who played the organ for half an hour for me in the chapel, it was deeply ap- preciated. Helen Merrick I would like to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts, visits and telephone inquiries while I was a patient in the Shouldice Hospital, Toronto, and during my convalescence at home. It was greatly appreciated. Bill Templeman 1 WINGHAM BODY SHOP SID ADAMS Complete RADIATOR SERVICE for Automobiles, Light Trucks, Form Tractors New Rad Cores Rodding Cleaning & Flushing 14 North St. 357-1102 Many happy returns to Canada The men of vision who founded this company eighty eight years ago were all witnesses to the birth of. Canada as a nation in 1867. If those men were with us now, heir message could only be as ours — "A happy birthday to Canada — long may she -prosper in peace and unity". YLCTO�LDI� and VG TrivST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Main Street East, Listowel D. N. Lefebvre, Manager) Thanks The family of the late Earl Edgar wish to express their thanks and appreciation to their friends, neighbors, and relatives for their many acts of kindness shown during the sudden passing of a dear husband, father, son and brother. Special thanks to Dr. John Conners, Rev. Frank Bennett, Davidson Funeral Home, the pallbearers, and all those who contributed to flowers and other donations.. Special thanks also to the ladies of the Molesworth Evening Auxiliary for their lovely lunch, and to all those who so kindly brought food to the house. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Verna Edgar and family, Stanley Edgar, Allan and Marg. Edgar and family, Stewart and Barb Edgar and family, Edith and Don Koch and family Many thanks for the flowers, cards, gifts and visits, while Karen was in War Memorial Children's Hospital, London, and for donations to the Childhood Cancer Research Association. Karen is glad to be back in Wingham and looking forward to seeing all her friends again. Art, Janet, Karen and Paul The Wingham PeeWees would like to thank the local Legion for the donation they made to enter us in the Legion Baseball Tournament in Clinton. They also gave each boy a gift of money so they could buy themselves a treat while at the games. It was great- ly appreciated by all of the team. Thanks again. Brophy PeeWees I would like to. express my ap- preciation to those who re- membered me and my family while I was a patient in the Wingham and District, Hospital. Thank you to Doctors Ping, Mow- bray and Watts. A special thank yqu to Father Sonderup. Mrs. Gerry Belanger • Thank you to all my visitors and well wishers, Rev. Brown, Re'v. Passmore, doctors and nurses, June Casemore and Marie Chittick for the care I re- ceived' while a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Thelma Corrigan ASSISTING AT LOCAL CHURCH As part of an 'on-the-job' training program, Neil Stirl- ing of Gorrie, former .guid; ance counsellor at F. E. Madill, will be assisting Pastor Ross Smith at the Wingham Baptist Church for the summer. The Stirlings have just graduated from the New Tribes Bible Institute in Jackson, Michigan. In Sept- ember they :will receive further training in prepar- ation for foreign missionary work at NeW Tribes Mission Boot and Training Camp, Centre in Ovedo, Florida. STEFFLER CONTRACTING INC. New Construction Int PWS to SURD rill T- 1 Complete Remodeling Telephone (519) 656-2022 Box 296, Wellesley, Ontario NOB 2T0 OIL BURNER SERVICE Cleaning and Servicing John D. Pennington Brussels 887-9233 Mrs. Irene Henning would like to thank everyone who remem- bered her in any way while she was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Armstrong for his visits and prayers, Doctors Ping and Mowbray, the nurses on second floor, the ambulance drivers to London, and the doctors and nurses on 5th floor west wing. It was appreciated more than words can tell. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all our family, friends and neighbors for the flowers, cards, gifts, visits and prayers for me while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Thanks to Doctors Mowbray and Ping, Dr. Butchey and- his staff in London. Thanks also to' the nurses and ambulance drivers, home care, VONs and Rev. R. Armstrong. Many thanks to all. Mrs. James E. Currie We wish to thank our daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Dave Curzon for the lovely party they held for us in honor of our 20th wedding anniversary, on Saturday evening, June. 25, Thanks also to all those who were present for their gifts and best wishes. It was a wonderful evening and will always be re- membered. Peter and Jean McKinnon We wish to thank our family for the surprise party and dinner held for our 45th wedding anniversary. A special thanks to Annabelle and Lynn at Whose home the party was geld. Thanks to our relatives and friends for the lovely cards and gifts received. It will be another happy memory for us. Wilfred and Jessie Hoy I would like to say thanks to everyone who visited, 'sent cards, gifts and flowers to me while a patient in the ..Wingham . and District .Hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Hanlon and Mc- Gregor, the nurses' on ° second floor, orderlies and ambulance attendants. • • . . Maureen McCrea Howick Lions install officers FORDWICH .— The Howick Lions Club installed their officers for the coming year at a meeting last Monday . night. Past presi- dent and prepdent will be Don Coghlin.• prep First vice-president is Bob Brown, second" vice-president is Wes Ball, and third vice-presi- dent is Terry Davidson. Secre- taiy is Howard Galbraith, treas- urer is Irwin (Butch) Stone and Don Watson is tail twister. Henry Lackner is the lion tamerand one year directors are Dave Dinsmore and ,Ken Edgar and two year directors are Hank Winkel and Pete Eskritt. Incoming deputy district offi- cer, governor Ron Finley of Orangeville installed the officers. The dinner meeting was held at Ranto lace, Palmerston with 41 ers and their wives and guests present. Members are planning a barbecue to end up the summer activities. 'The date is not fina- lized yet but it will be held at the Gorrie pool. Don Coghlin thanked all the members for the help they had given him in the past year and mentioned a few activities ttlat are planned for the coming year. SPONSORSHIP OF Adrian Keet's walk to the Festival for Life, in Ottawa, -earlier this year made possible $100 donations last week to the Wingham and District Association for the Mentally Retarded and Wingham and•District Hospital. Mr. Keet looks on as Mrs. Cathy Lubbers, representing Wingham Voice for Life, presents the cheques to William Stephenson of the. Association for the Mentally Retarded and Hospital Administrator Norman Hayes. Money raised by the walk was divided among the three organizations. TROUSSEAU TEA A Trousseau Tea will be held at the home' of Mrs. 'Merrill' Cantelon, RR 1, Kincardine, on July 2, 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. The tea is in honor .of her daugh- ter, Patricia Ann, who will be married in the K•incare Bap- tist Church, July 9 at 4 p.m. Friends and relatives are cordial- ly invited to attend. 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 'The family of Sven and. Mary (Robertson) Noren, Wish to invite all friends and relatives to an Open House on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, July 6 from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at their home in Tiverton. Your visit and best wishes. only please. 22-29 MEMORIAL SERVICE The annual memorial service will be held at Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave, Sunday, July 3 at 3 p.rn. ' The Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave will be in charge of the service. Rev. John Swan of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham will give the address. FETTES TOURS Space available ,on, many of our fully escorted tours., All tours • feature modern washroom equip- ped coaches, first class accom- modation, side -trips and admis- sions. Write or call for free descriptive brochures. Conven- ient pick-up points, ask us. 21 -day . Canadian West Coast, including Calgary, Vancouver, Banff, Jasper and more. Departs Aug. 15. East Coast, 42 -day .tour. features cruise on ocean liner and PEI. Departs July 31, and Aug. 9. 15 -day Eastern Canada tour featuring Old Quebec and Cabot Reunion held at Riverside Close to 80 members of the MacDonald farrlily met at ,• the Riverside Park, Wingham, on Saturday for the first annual MacDonald reunion. After a few games a picnic lunch was served. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Groh and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Doyle and. family, Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Bridge and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald and family, Mr. an'1 Mrs. Alex MacDonald and family. It was decided that another re- union will be held next year, at , Riverside Park on June 24. -, t Mfg. AND MRS. ROSS SMITH received a surprise and a sincere thank you from board vice-chairman Tom Shore and the congregation of the Wingham Baptist Church at Sunday's worship service. The gifts of a desk pen set for Mr. Smith and an -orchid for Mrs. Smith celebrated two year of service at Wingham Baptist. The scripture from Proverbs 28:20 was engraved on the gift: "A faithful man shall abound with blessings". Trail etc. Departs July 10 and Aug.,21.7-day tour departs Sept. 6 and Teatimes- overnight - ocean cruise. Around the Lakes; 6 days' of •scenery, featuring Thunder Bay, Old Fort William, Harbour Cruise. Departs July 25. • - - Moosoneie and Polar Bear Ex- press, featuring cruise on Chi- ' Cheemaun. 5 days departing July 18 and Aug. 28. 1,000 Islands and Ottawa, 3 -day tour departs July 22, Aug. 12 and Sept. 2. Pennsylvania Ditch, 5 -day• tour featuring Corning etc. Departs Aug. 22, Sept. 5. Europe-, 23 -day tour of 8 Euro- pean Countries, fully guided by English speaking.guide. Reserve now and save money. All these tours are exclusive with Fettes Tours. Phone Mount Forest 323-1545 or Mitchell 348-8492. • 29-6 WEDDING RECEPTION An open wedding reception will beheld lot Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Thompson, RR 3, Ripley, (Marg- aret. Sach, Gorrie), in the Ripley Arena complex on Saturday, July 9, 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ian Wilbee's orchestra. Lunch will be served. Everyone welcome. 29-6 RUMMAGE SALE c -On Saturday, July 2, 2 to 4 p.m. in' the Orange Hall, Edward Street, Wingham. Sponsored by the Sal- vation Army. - BINGO. Bingo every Friday evening at - the Vanastra Centre,,, RR, 5, Clin ton, at 8 p.m. 15 Regular games at $12; 3 share the wealth. Jack- pot $200, mustgo. Door prizes and many other 'specials. Admission. restricted to 16 years or over. rrb Cancer is not one disease but a group of diseases characterized by the disorganized and un- regulated growth of abnormal body cells. In many cases, there is a favorable response to modern methods of treatment if diagnosis is made before signs of spread are evident. Your contribution to the Canadian Cancer Society is vital to the work of cancer re- search teams battling to defeat cancer. Ed's Siding and Roofing *Vinyl and Aluminum Siding *Aluminum Windows and Doors *Aluminum Seamless Eavestrough For a free estimate on remodeling the exterior of your home this year, Call 33:-6341® Wroxeter Business and Professional Directory BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 KARL C. LENTZ Chartered Accountant Wingham, Ontario Telephone (519) 357-1087 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTE1 D GRANITE$ CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES t' , Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E.. Hornuth, Q.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists HARRISTON Ontario ,. 33$-2712 REID AND PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W. Reid; C.A. ervice Directory :. SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Ho► Enterprises Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy 86 east r`f Wingham Phi ne 519 35.7 3135 r � LISTOWEL'S EXCLUSIVE SPORTING GOODS STORE SPORPIROT S 291 -2333 177 Main St Listowel, Oratorio AUTOMOTIVE WINGHAM SUNOCO SERVICE LI(1:NSF:I) MF:('IIANI(' UNDERCOATING & Rl'STPR.00F'ING ('OMPI.F:TF: ('AR & TRUCK -SERVICE Prop. Ken Leitch Phone 357-I.i5L \I(4IT':337-35t15 CONSTRUCTION T. M. & T. CONSTRUCTION (eneraLContractors All types of concrete work Pit Silos Home and farm building (',11.I. BOB THOM'PSON' BLUEvA1.E; ONTARIO • :157-3493 Askes Brothers CONSTRUCTION Cottages, Homes Additions 8, Renovations 357-3053 Wingham Ph: 528-2726 Box 122, Lucknow POOLS, ETC. Swimming Pools Above and Below Ground Complete Line of Pool, Chemicals ARMSTRONG CHEMICALS Box 56 Walkerton VANSCAPING Our services include: • Complete personalized interiors • Pioneer and Audiovox sound systems • Sales and Installation of Van parts • Custom Airbrush murals and striping J. E. Schinbein (Ted), Proprietor Mitchell, Ont. (edge of town, Hwy. 23 north) 341.5169 QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP GUARANTEED 11 i�oiii Business Is Service 351-2320 FUELS BILL TIFFIN Imperial Esso Agent For all your Home and a Farm Fuel and . , Lubricating Needs 357-1032 PLUMBING HEATING Leroy Jackson —Plumbing . —Heating —Tinsmithing 191Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 FLOWERS . Wedding Arrangements . Cut flowers . Plants Flowers by Wire Service LEWIS FLOWERS 135 Frances Phone 357-3880 AUCTION HOUSE AND FARM SALES ESTATES - LIQUIDATIONS LEONARD LEONARD METCALFE AUCTIONEER PHONE [519] 367-2791 MILDMAY, ONTARIO SIGNS 1 SIGNWRITING "Dunn By Torn" Thomas E. Dunn RR 1 Bluevale 335-6395 INSURANCE. h!iiiINsuRANCE All Types o f. Insurance .: 335-3525 357-2636 GORRIE WINGHAM ELECTRICAL BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractors Motor"Rewind and Sales Household Appliances Josephine St. - 357.2450 Emergency Service - See the Yellow Pages Pl:etch Electric Winqham INDUSTRIAL or COMMERCIAL WIRING Also Rural and Domestic Phone 357-1583 Russel J. Lockwood Electric Residential Farm Commercial Wroxeter Business or Lorne Edwards 335-3401 357-1287 TOP SOIL&GRAVEL 1 OP SOIL AND GRAVEL Crushed Gravel Top Soil Cement Gravel Sand Fill Gravel . '/, Stone John fox u Bryan Hogg 357-1297 357-3206 WINGHAM