HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1977-06-29, Page 4,be *bleu= ,.dvance-Times, June 29, 1977 Wrxeter Personals litolkert Westlake spent the wend at the home of his mother, Mrs. George Westlake. Mr- and Mrs. George Reeve aid son, Carman, of West Lorne. visited recently with George Lambert. Wallace Toman, New Ham- burg, and Elgin} Toman, Platts- ville, were Sunday visitors at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Toman, Over 75 attend gathering of Hetherington clan WROXETER — The Hether- ingtypicnic was held in Wroxe •er Community Hall on Sunday, June 26, with 75 in atten- dance. Relatives attending from a dis- tance were Dr. Harvey and Dr. Susan. J ishrnan and son, Adam ; Mr. and Mrs. William Hethering- ton, Susan and Scott; Dr. Evelyn Evanson, all of Baltimore, Mary- land, along with relatives from Hamilton, Toronto, Belleville, Kitchener, Mount Albert, Holy - rood, -'Teeswater, Brussels and Wroxeter. - Men's club hears conference report FORDWICH — The United Church Men's Club met last week in the church with 16 in atten- dance. Rich Hunt led in levo- tions. Reports were given by several who attended the men's confer- ence recently held at Honey Har- bour. Everyone felt • that much had been learned at the confer- ence and for the ones who did not attend, the reports were very in- teresting. All officers were returned for. another year. Rev. T. J. Fleetham closed the sleeting with prayer. Fordwich WI tours Hanover FORDWICH — The June meet- ing of the Women's Institute was highlighted by a bus trip to Han - ::over, Leaving Fordwich at-. 11 • atm•:144 members and guests tra- velled to Hanover to the home of Mrs. Jack Brown, a former member of the WI. A pot luck lunch was served' in the back yard and roll call, "Little known industries on our doorsteps" was well replied to by members.. - It was ,,announced that the WI will be sponsoring Janice Ruttan in the Howick Beauty Queen con- test. Mrs. Brown was thanked for her hospitality and a bus tour of Hanover was taken at 2 p.m. A guide from the Hanover Travel Agency pointed out places of interest to the ladies. The women stopped at the Chateau Gardens next to the Sau- geen Villa Nursing Home. Chat- eau Gardens is a retirement com- munity complex containing 71 apartment suites and rest home pplwhich are filled. The corn- has only been completed a short time, with the official open- ing June 26. They visited Smitty's Store of Fine Furniture and from there toured the Hanover Hospital. It has four floors and a bed capacity of 100. The women visited the dif- ferent departments from x-ray to the cafeteria. After passing two man made lakes and the home of "Butter - ball Turkeys", the women left for 'home. Arrival home was later than expected but the women were contented with the enjoy- able outing. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black and family, London, visited with her mother, Mrs. Harvey Coupland, on Sunday. Mrs. William Hart, Listowel; Mrs. George Griffith, Wroxeter South; Mr. and Mrs. George His- lop, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson, Rosetown, Saskatchewan were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Marks on Wednesday, the oc- casion being Mrs. Marks' birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Davey Marks and family, Brussels, visited at the same home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cathers and family, Belleville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Stan Gallaher, and attended the Hetherington picnic on Sunday. Miss Karen Edgar, George- town, is spending this week with her grandmother, Mrs. Harvey Coupland. Dick Allan, Toronto; visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allan, for the weekend. Robert Steurnol and daughter, Kathy, spent a week at the home of Mrs. George Westlake. Lloyd McMichael and Herb Hamilton visited Harvey Mc- Michael during the we k. Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson returned to their home in Rose - town, Saskatchewan, on Friday morning after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Marks and other relatives. • Rev. Wesley Ball inspires audiences at Carrick Camp WROXETER — Persons from Wingham, Wroxeter and Gerrie who travelled via Nicholson Bus to the Carrick United Church Camp meeting at the camp north of Mildmay Sunday evening, beard exceptionally inspiring messages from Rev. James Kirk - ton of Hanover, Rev. Wesley Ball, Gorrie, andiay preacher Lloyd Hutton of Kincardine. The camp. was packed to capacity with those from near and far to hear these wonderful words of Christ. The Channel Singers of .Palmers- ton provided several numbers in their usual exceptional style and all present also enjoyed thesing- ing of many wonderful hymns to- gether. Mr. Ball left with his family Monday morning fore a well- earned holiday after spending each evening at the camp last week delivering the word of God along with all his other commit- ments of regular church services, visitations, choir practices, etc. May God continue to bless him and give him strength to carry on his wonderful work. Couple honored by anniversary party Fifty-five relatives, and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Curzon to honor Mr. apd Mrs. Peter McKinnon on the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary. Honored guests at the event were mothers of the guests of honor, Mrs. Peter Mac- Leod of Wingham and Mrs. Nellie McKinnon of Kincardine. The table was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake made by Mrs. Peg Ott of St. Clair Shores, Michigan, and decorated by Mrs. McKinnon's sister, Mrs, Lloyd Keeler of Mitchell, who was also the only attendant at the wedding. Guests were present from Kin- cardine, Lucknow; Kitchener and Toronto.' NURSES RETIRE—„A banquet was held at Wingham and District Hospital last Wednes- day for three retiring nurses. Muriel Thompson (left) has nursed at Wingham for 11 years having graduated in 1951. Janice Marks (centre) gradated in 1948 and has nursed in Wingham for 19 years. Dorothy Finlayson, Wingham nurse for 13 years graduated in 1940. Never stop 'learning students are advised "It's not what you learn so much as how you learn to learn," guest speaker Kenneth Wood told grade eight students at Wingham Public School last week. "You have to decide what school means to you," .he said. Hopefully, he added, it will be a place to prepare you for life. Speaking at theirgraduation banquet, Mr. Wood, vice-princi- pal of F. E. Madill Secondary School, told the students learning Fordwic h Mr. and Mrs. Les Loughran, accompanied by Mr: and Mrs,. Les Btown of Newmarket left Saturday on a vacation through • the Western. Provinces. Mr. and' Mrs. Glenn Martin, Brenda and Donna spent the weekend With. Mr. and Mrs. George Lillie ••in Pennilton, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Don King were entertained Friday evening alt,he community centre by their family, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Music was provided by Don Cpghlin, . Lorne Lambkin and Lisa, Lorne Mann and Bill Simmermaker. Mrs. Phoebe Haverfield of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haver- field. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McInnes spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Weekin at Pine Echo. • • Misses Carolyn and Lorraine Dinsmore are on a 4=H exchange to Hamilton, Ohio. They left Sun- day by charter bus from Clinton and will return on Saturday.. • Mrs. Clayton Edwards of Lis- towel visited Tuesday with Miss Louise Matthews. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Walkom of Paris called at the same home: Mr, and Mrs. Terry Clarkson of. Nobleton spent tire weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clarkson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of Guelph spent Sunday with Mrs. Verna Galbraith and Mrs. Elsie Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Bill- Magill of,' London were Sunday guests with\ Mrs. "Crosby Sotheran. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goldrich, Grant and Paula of Guelph were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Doyle of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Harold Doig. Other can be fun; that there is a chal- lenge in conquering something you must work at. He reminded them high marks are not the "end all and be all", noting a student has the right to be proud of any mar$ • if it rep- resents the best he or she an achieve. Mr. Wood also told the stud nts completing grade, eight marks a plateau in their lives. They will be moving into a larger school and a different routine now, with Personals guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Nicoll of Palmerston. • • Mrs..Dora Ridley was able to return home Saturday from the Listowel Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson re- turned home Friday after spend- ing several weeks visiting rela- tives in the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer and Mr.•and M.s. Bruce Sothern at- tended the funeral Thursday in Stratford of Miss Eleanor Cruick- shank. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Arden Bridge who were married Saturday at the Lutheran Church, Walkerton. Several ladies from Trinity Church were at Midwestern Re- gional Centre Thursday night where they - helped to make several children happy who were celebrating birthdays. Best wishes to Mr.. and Mrs. Don King who • on Friday cele- brated their 25th wedding anni- versary at the community cen- tre; where their family had arranged a surprise party in their honor.' Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Dege- month here with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen returned to their home in Germany last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Klaassen accompanied them to the airport. Several from here were guests Saturday at the Bridge -Weber wedding in the Lutheran -Church, Walkerton, and the rec.eption which followed inthe community centre, Walkerton. Mrs. Marian Kirby isspending several days with relatives at Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Al Amerlinch of Stratford were weekend guests with Mr. and Mit. Don Coghlin. Frank Leppington is a patient in Palmerston Hospital. Douglas W. Kerr received the degree of Bachelor of Science (Occupational Ther- apy) from the Faculty of Medicine at the spring convo- cation of the University of Western Ontario, June 10. He is interning at Chedoke Hos- pital, Hamilton, and Univer- sity Hospital, London. Doug is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr of Peter- borough and grandson of Mrs. s). .L Kerr Sr s Leopold Street,. Wingham. a regimented schedule and many different teachers, he said. In a toast to the graduates, Mrs. W. B. Cruikshank advised them to be flexible in times of change., but always to remember that the values they' have been. taught are wgrth holding onto -.ter Learn where the goal posts of . life are and move toward them, she said. Don't skate in circles. Principal John Mann told the students they are very fortunate to live in a time when an educa- tion is readily available, inviting ' them to think about "all 'the wonderful things you caf do be- cause you can read and write. Never stop learning, he ad- vised, and always strive to im- prove ypurself. - He added that the secondary schooLyears will be "the' most en- joyabl&and exciting of your life". "The future is yours to shape," he said, "it's up to you." The banquet also featured a tri- bute to school staff in the form of. a poem, "A Friend for Always", -written and read by pupil. Shelly Jones. ' Entertainment, was provided by the school's grade seven stu- dents, with songs and a baton - twirling routine. Two awards were presented, the -Marion Inglis medal and a $25 cheque from the Wingham Home and School Association going to Karen Wood' or achieving the highest marks and a general pro- ficiency award, including 25 silver. dollars from the Wingharn Lions Club, going to . Vaughn Passmore. Vaughn also won a Huron County Board of Educa- tion crest for placing in the top 10 in the Gauss.. mathematics con- test. Awards given at graduation The grade eight class at Turn - berry Central School graduated last Thursday night in a cere- mony held at the school audi- torium. The grade seven class provided entertainment for the graduates and their families and friends present. Aileen Underwood received the proficiency award and Nancy •Darling received the citizenship award. David Eadie was valedic- torian. Pastor Ron Baker of the Wing - ham Pentecostal Church was guest speaker. TURNBERRY GRADE EIGHT—Turnberry Central School held its grade eight graduation Thursday night. Graduates in the front row from left are Connie Haugh, Corey McInnes, Sandra Hogg, Carol Ann Rutter, Caroline Lubbers, Donna Lamont, Vicki Jeffray and Corey Wallace. Middle row, Bonnie Matthews, Aileen Underwood (proficiency winner), Wendy Armstrong, Nathan Peel, Lyle Campbell, Kerry Hopkins,, Steven Walker, DavitFear, Kevin Carter, Randy Greenaway, Julie Stacey, Sally MacDon- ald and Nancy Darling (citizenship award). Back rbw, Jackie Lamont, David Eadie (valedictorian), Bobby Funk, Leonard Stamper, Brian Hoy, Terry ,Funk and Jeff Alden. e � HANOVER HOLIDAY ? URS ® Jamboree In The Hills 2or3days Departs July 15 ® Alaska - Air,,6us, Ferry 14 or 20 days Departs July 24 ® Mini -Maritimes Cruise 7 days Departs July 25 ® Western Canada & San Francisco & Motor Coach ro days Departs July 29 For further information contact Hanover Travel Service, 290 - 10th St, Hanover 364.3270 or 1-800-265-3007 Kincardine Travel Service - 831 Queen St., Kincardine - 396-3477 [Wingham pick-up] FARM - (HARDWARE 6 AUTO SUPPLIES 1 16 H.P. MTD Tractor with 50" mower TAG SPECIALS SOME ITEMS ARE IN LIMITED SUPPLY. 5 H.P. CHAIN DRIVE TILLER (Shown) WITH POWER REVERSE • Controls on handle • Deodmon reverse control returns to neutral when released • 5 HP Briggs & Stratton Engine • Adjustable 26; tilling width Reg. 5259 00 ALSO AVAILABLE: 2 HP Chain Drive Tiller - Reg. $159 5 HP Gear Drive Tiller - Reg. $239 22" SELF-PROPELLED ROTARY MOWER 3'-'2 HP.4 CYCLE (Shown) • 3 5 HP 4 Cycle Briggs & Stratton Engine • Remote Throttle Control • Full Baffles • Front Wheel Drive ALSO AVAILABLE: Reg. $189.00 $1 4999 20" 3'/2 HP 4 CYCLE LAWN MOWER - Reg. $99.00 .22" 3'/2 HP 4 CYCLE LAWN MO1IyER - Reg. $129.00 22" 4 HP 4 CYCLE LAWN MOWER - Reg. $149.00 $8888 $10999 $12999 GRASS CATCHER For above mowers each $1695 10 HP AMF DYNAMARK/LAWN STAR TRACTOR With 36- rear or side discharge li• • Rear Discharge for Increased Efficiency and Maneuverability S Deck Wheels Float with Shape of Your Lawn to Reduce Scalping of Grass • Twin Blades Reduce Vibration for Increased Riding Comfort FARM USE $79900 NON-FARM USE $84900 PRICES IN EFFECT TILL JULY 30, 1977 TSC Stores Ltd. 190 Mitchell Road South Listowel, Ontario Telephone 291-1882 Store Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. FAUN) - NARDWAI it AUTO SUPPUES 1