HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1977-06-22, Page 22• 0 441.• • Wingham Advance-Tiznes, June 22. 1977 impressive service Marks anniversary BELGRAVE — Many former Sun* School members and as- sociates of the Knox United Churcji, congregated on Sunday to celebrate the anniversary of the Sunday School. This was cer- tainly a "happy birthday" occa- sion and flower service. The auditorium was filled to capacity, many returning from distant areas to join in the service. Mrs. Lynda Lentz, organist of the church, presided and con- ducted the choir. She was assisted by guitarists Alison Roberts and Dianne Scott. The entry to the church and the sanc- tuary were beautified with baskets of multicolored flowers. As an introduction to the service the Sunday School and Hi -C led in a processional singing "Hey ! Hey! Anybody Listenin?" "Scripture Sentences" were read by the superintendent, George Procter, who, with, Julie Gnay, Ross Anderson, Robert Gordon and Clifford Coulees as- sisted the Rev. John Roberts with the devotions. New hymn and service books were dedicated in memory of the late Margaret Michie and Mr. and Mrs. James Michie by the Michie family. The junior choir sang as its number, "Yesterday, Today and TomorroW", the offer- ing anthem, "Clap )(Our Hands", and the Doxology. Attendance seal awards were presented too -15 Sunday School members and 100 per cent recognition to Janice Coultes, Ruth Higgins,. Joan Higgins, Andrea Coultes, Donna and Bruce Higgins. Clifford Qoultes, assistant superintendent, made the presentations. The sermon "Hands" was de- livered by the minister. He illus- trated 15 uses of hands with large pictures which depicted: evil, cutting out, eating, expressing joy, sports, breaking bread to feed birds, construction by hand, Canadian Boy Scouts who were clapping hands, helping hands, baptizing, sacrament of breaking bread, Confirmation — the laying on of hands and a hand shake — denote peace or welcome. The speaker demonstrated the origin of "hand shaking", with George Procter. Legend reveals that many thousands of years ago strangers who roamed the forest were each armed with a shield and sword, The left hand sup- ported the shield, while the right held a sword, Upon meeting each man sheathed his sword and grasped the other's right to save himself from injury ;. thus the beginning of our custom of shak- ing hands with strangers. The Hi -C, accompanied by guitarists Alison Roberts and WINGHAM 357-1020 Dianne Scott, sang "Feelin" and the recessional, "To Be Alive". Mr. Roberts gratefully acknowl- edged the gift to the church of candelabra by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna He also ex- pressed regret that Mrs. Lentz has resigned her position . as church organist after four years of faithful efforts with the choir; especially her deep interest shown in the junior choir which has been formed since her work here began, Thanks were ex- tended to all who helped with work done before, during and after the service. Suitable hymns were sung, using newly dedicated books. Following the recessional a chicken. barbecue was enjoyed on the church lawn. The ' targe congregation was a tokenof ap- preciation of a very uplifting service which seemed unsur- passable. 8,4 .1, ;sq., •k 4,1 OFFICERS FOR 1978—The\\\Wingham Lions Club installed its new officers at a meeting' June 14. They are Nick 0' Donohue, vice president; Rev. Robert Armstrong, past president; Archie Hill, president; William Cruikshank, D FROPIT GROCERY LIMITED oPle Quotterpeef Fresh r 4-4 riyairj; • .70,ANk AggWeit' AA Ycl apie Leaf - Sliced- 16 oz, ri"Bologna MapleLeaf - Chunk - 5 Varieties - Ib. Maple Leaf - Sweet Pickled - Ib. $119 Cottage Roll Maple Leaf - Ib. Wieners 831 Maple Leaf - 6 oz. Ham Steaks $1°5 Stokely - Fancy Honey Pod - 14 oz. Peas 891 Luncheon Meats $1 13 Peameal - By the Piece - Ib. Bacon $185 right vice president; front Arun Ghosh, treasurer; and Casey Casemore, secretary. Standing to Mr. Hill's left is Grant Chisholm of Lucknow, past governor of A-9 district Lions Clubs, who officiated at the installation.- ... Schneider's - Pack of 8 - 10 oz. Wieners OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Schneider's - Mini Sizzler - Ib. Sausage Schneider's - Sliced -8 Varieties - 6 oz. Cooked Meats 2/891 Schneider's - Broken Cooked - 6 oz. Ham Slices $ 1 05 Schneider's - Ready to Serve - Ib. Dinner Picnics Fresh - lb. Pork Riblets 591 3 / $1" Van Camp - 28 oz. Beans with Pork 2/$100 Carnation - Instant- 3 Ib: Milk Powder Stokely Fancy - 14 oz. Applesauce 3/$100 Carnation - 2% - 16 oz. Evaporated Milk 3/$10o Carnation - Instant 16 oz. $ 2 2 9 Coffee Mate Carnation - Instant - 6.2 oz. Sccilloped Potatoes 2/99' Utopia - 19 oz. Tinned Tomatoes 2/89( Clover Leaf - Flaked - 6 oz. White Tuna Husky - Outdoor - 10's Garbage Bags 79' Heinz - Strained - Meatless Varieties - 41/a oz. Baby Foods 20' Bayer - Tablets - 100's Catelli Dinner - 7% oz. Macaroni & Cheese 4/$100 Lucky Whip Mix - 6 oz. Dessert Topping 794 Glad- 50's Sandwich Bags 2/99' For Automatic Dish Washers- 65 oz. Cascade $259 Heinz - Meatless Varieties - 71/2 oz. Junior Foods 304 flicks - Table Jar - 4 varieties - 12 oz. Relishes 1/99' 0 Weston's - 20' off - 8's 'CHELSEA BUNS rt .114 114.1.1 k 65' Weston's - Granny --30' off - 12's BUTTER TARTS$1°9 Wittich's - 30' off - 15 oz. ANGEL FOOD CAKES - 894 Dare - Cream Filled - 3 Varieties - 1 Ib. COOKIES . 79' Beres - Blanched or Spanish - 12 oz. PEANUTS 794 McCormick's - Plain or Salted - 400 gm. SODA BISCUITS., , . , DAIRY Kraft - Regular Process - 8 oz. CHEESE SLICES 831 Carnival - 1 Ib. tub SOFT MARGARINE 591 YOU GET LITTLE EXTRAS HERE US No. 1 Whole - each $ Watermelons 1" McCain - Deep 8. Delicious Strawberry - Appy) eh®r Rhubarb Pies The Wingham Advance -Times, June 22, 1977