HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1977-06-22, Page 3Listowel
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Rev. M Swan is -
inducted at St. Paul's
The importance of the Ministry
of the Word And Sacrainen
stressed by The Rev ' mes
Stevenson, rector of th Church
of the Epiphany, King ville, at
the induction of Rev. John T. M.
Swan in St. Paul's Anglican
Church, on Thursday evening.
Preaching before the induction,
Fr. Stevenson stressed the im-
portance of prayer, l3ibie study,
regular Eucharists, and preach-
Taking the Prayer Book Induc-
tion Service as a guide, he drew
attention to the,admbnitions and
promises made by the incumbent
at the font, prayer desk, lectern,
pulpit and the altar, and by the
people. Both priest and people
were reminded that the Ministry
of Word and Sacraments is a mu-
tual responsibility, taking St.
Paul's words as the test: "Bear
ye one another's burdens, and s,o
fulfil the law of Christ".
The impressive service began
with the singing of "Christ Is
Made the Sure Foundation", dur-
ing, which the choir entered the
church. The second procession,
led by Mike Milosevic, cross -
bearer, and Mike Beattie and
Craig Brydges, taperers, was the.
procession of the clergy. At the
end of the processional hymn the
people knelt for the singing of the
hymn, "Come Holy Ghost, Our
Souls Inspire" sung antiphonally,
the incumbent being the precen-
tor. The sermon 'followed this
hymn of invocation to God the
Holy Spirit.
The officiant at the Induction
was The Venerable Robert
Townshend, Archdeacon of the
Saugeen. Assisting was Rev. Reg
Warner, Rural Dean of South
Saugeen. The Mandate and Li-
cence having been read, and the
incumbent havng read the oaths,
the keys of the church were pre-
sented to him by Harry Brydges,
rector's warden and Don Farnell,
people's warden. The Archdea-
con and church wardens then in-
stalled the incumbent at the
prayer desk after which was
sung, everyone kneeling, the an-
cient Sarum prayer -hymn "God
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Be in My Head and in My Under-
During. the perambulations the
procession, led by the cross -bear-
er and taperers moved to the
various places in the church as-
sociated with the Ministry of the
Word and Sacraments: the. font,
the prayer desk, the lectern, the
pulpit, and the altar. During the
induction the incumbent was at-
tended by Rev. Jack King, rector
of Kincardine, and Rev. Orrance
Laramie, rector of Gorrie and
Fordwich. The Lessons at the
various stations were read by
Rev. Robert Crocker, rector of
Goderich, Rev. King, Rev. Stan-
ley Sharples, rector of Clinton
and Seaforth, Rev. Laramie, and
the Rural Dean.
During the receiving off the off -
ferings "Praise to the Lord, the
Almighty, the King of Creation"
was sung. After the final prayers
the newly -inducted incumbent
gave the blessing. The proces-
sional was "Thy Hand, 0 God,
has Guided Thy Flock from Age
to Age".'
The organist was Mrs. Marilyn
Brydges. Other clergy attending
the service were Rev. Barry
Passmore, Wingham I,Jnited
Church; Rev. R. Armstrong, St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church;
Rev. D. Aspinall, rector at St. An-
drew's Church, Harrow; Rev. A.
Sonderup, Sacred. Heart Church,
Wingham; and Rev. J. Roberts,
Belgrave United Church.
A reception followed in the par-
ish rooms 'with lunch being
served by the ladies of the Irish.
Sep." School boardy will
drop one superintendent
By Wilma Oke
The Huron -Perth Roman Cath-
olic Separate School Board will
eliminate the position of one of its
two academic. superintendents
this summer it was learned at the
board session in Dublin last
week. The decision for elimina-
tion was made in committee -of -
the -whole May 16. This will leave
the board with a director of edu-
cation, orie academic superinten-
dent and one superintendent of
Curinie Jamieson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jamie-
son, graduated from Fan-
shawe College in the Mental
Retardation Counsellor
course on June 15. Connie has
accepted a position .at the
Jack. Reavie Opportunity
Workshop, Wingham.
The board is presently discuss-
ing the hiring of a director off edu-
cation to replace John Vintar
who resigned April 25, effective
July 31. Mr. Vintar has been with
board since it was formed in 1969.
Re' will take a position as superin-
tendent of schools with the Duf-'
ferin-Peel Roman Catholic Sep-
arate School Board.
The two academic superinten-
dents with the board now are Jo-
seph Mills, superintendent of spe-
cial services and William Eckert,
superintendent of program. Jack
Lane is the superintendent .of
business and finance.
The board will hold a special
meeting in- committee -of -the -
whole in camera to discuss the re-
organization of the administra-
tion staff and to finalize the de-
tails of advertising for a director,
such as the salary to offer.
The board has advertised in the
Huron -Perth system for a new di-
rector but to date no application
Has been received.
Ron Gladding, Stratford, co-
ordinator of the Family Life com-
mittee presented the grade 8
Family Life revised curriculum.
He was invited to speak at 9 p.m.
but was kept waiting along with
the.. press representative until
9:50 p.m. while the board met. in
committee -of -the -whole, having
started' at 8 p.m.
Mr. Gladding said his initial
preparation of a basic 'curricu-
lum, with input froin administra-
tion', was made to,a committee of
teachers and the religion consult-
ants who made a number of
changes, additions and deletions.
Then it was taken to a committee
of parents who represented the
two • counties. They made more
changes. Then it was presented to
the priests of the deanery who
also made changes and gave
their moral support of the curri-
culum. The board tabled the re-
port for the next meeting to give.
themselves time to study it be-
fore giving final approval.
READY FOR MARKET—This kindergarten class of Mrs.
Colleen Robertson pretended to be cattle ready for market
during their visit to their teacher's farm last Wedne f ay.
They are from Wingham Public School.
The Wingham Adv aatee Tin:00s. June 22, 1977—Page 8
MINISTER INDUCTED—Rev. John T.' M. Swan, L.Th.,
was inducted into -the St. Paul's Anglican Church;
Wingham, Thursday evening. 'Mr. Swan. comes from St.
Paul's Church, Essex, and Trinity Church, Cottam. Before
that he spent 12 years in Hanover. -
Seaforth students
run own cafeteria
Students at Seaforth District
High School found out first hand
this year what it is like to manage
.. and operate a cafeteria. The.stu-
' dents, were so successful at run-
ning their own high school cafe-
`teria in accordance with the
Huron County Board of Educa-
tion policy that they earned a net
profit of over $3,000.
• Superintendent of Education,
R. E. Smith said Thursday at the
board meeting that he is im-
pressed with the amount of
practical experience the students
•received and the improved
quality of food purchased and
made avail�lble by the students:
• Due tothe students' success,
the board decided the principal of
Seaforth District High ' School
should begranted permission,
under board policy, to provide for
the management and operation of
the schoolcafeteria until a
change is requested.
The student runcafeteria
began in September of 1976 on a
two year trial basis. Foods such
as nuts, fruits, sods ands
wishes, which had of-
fered in the past, were served
under the new nutritional guide of
.the ministry of health. • -
In addition, the students con-
sumed 10 gallons of milk a day
which had not been offered in the
past. Complete meals were ,
served frequently during the
year. A nutritionist sent to the
school by the ministry of health
was pleased with the menu.
• Throughout the year, the
family studies students helped to
prepare the complete meals, the
Grade 13 accounting students
kept the boons and paid the bills,
the marketing students , helped
with the displays and promotions,
and 30 students gave up Lunch
hours and free periods regularly
to prepare and serve meals.
A committee consisting" of
three students, three teachers.
and the principal organized the
purchases and approved the
expenditures. The committee
also set policy and suggested
Seaforth High School Principal
B. F. Shaw said the educational
and financial success of the cafe-
teria exceeded expectations.
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