HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-06-13, Page 12p page dg^-Tkte. Wingham Attvance-Titnes, ,lune 1.3;1984 Ir Tt Ce ci;is t over' . eommendation by member of .the Wingham Nor#-Profi .Houtsing Cor- poration that,the gropp be either SOW* fir dil anded. In a letterto council, Andrew McBride, chair :.ard,, of the corporation, reported that ,since demand, seniors' housing in Wingha is shrinking and- moneym for the projects is becomint more difficult to obtain, there is little left for the group to do. Council discussed the letter during its meeting last week, but could not decide whether it was better to wind up the corporation or just shelve it temporarily, in case the need increased later. As a result the matter was tabled until the July meeting. The non-profit housing corporation was set up in the fall of 1982 to. build and Manage additional housing for seniors in Wingham. However it has not been able to demonstrate sufficient need in the communityrto get money fol• a housing project. Of a $3,000 provincial grant obtained to start the cor- poration, all but $63.14 has been spent on surveys and incorporation fees. 0.0-0 The contract for recon- struction of Leopold and Shuter streets has been awarded to Lavis Con- struction of Clinton for the sum of $214,961.49., This was the lowest of eight bids received on the project. The contract calls for the reconstruction of two blocks of Leopold Street, from Victoria to Patrick, as well as straightening the railway crossing on Shuter Street and ring :g it , up to stan- dard. The work is expected' to start anytime. This is the TRAILERS Sales • Rentals , Parts • Service Your Headquarters For: • Hardtop tent trailers •.Travel trailers from Lightweights right up to P,urk Mollols • Truck campers and caps Dealer for Prowler, Golden Farlr.rin Baler Lionel .. Hwy. 8 W. Stratford 393-5938 9 PLlhCil i.hi.Tfl.s niajoirOtblie works project scheduled*this this year. 7049 A %'ppuaal by , the Winghaflt. '.Juniors fastball club to hos) a beer.garden on a Saturday and Sunday s during a tournament this August sparked a debate among councillors over the propriety of permitting a beer garden on Sunday. Councillor James A. Currie said he would not vote for it, since he feels Sunday is. not a day the people of Wingham would want for a beer garden; but he got little support from other coun- cillors. "I'm not a prude and I don't mind having a beer," Mr. Currie said, but a. beer garden is not an appropriate activity to encourage on a Sunday. Councillor Tom Miller told him that other towns)permit beer gardens on Sundays, but Mr. Currie replied, "I'm not sure the conscience of this community is dictated by the consciences of other communities." He got some support from Councillor Dot.tg Switzer, who suggested it is incon- sistent for the town to charge rent to groups using the Armouries or arena for beer gardens, while not charging rent for using the ball parks for the same purpose. However Councillor Jack Kopas noted that other licenced premises in the community are permitted to serve alcoholic beverages on Sunday, and Deputy Reeve Patricia Bailey said that while she does not drink, she thinks other people should be allowed a choice. Mr. Miller also pointed out the tour- nament in question is the OASA championship and a lot of people will come to town for the event. When it came to a vote, the motion approving the beer garden, subject to approval of the town police, passed easily. Council also approved a request for a beer garden at a slow -pitch tournament and earlier had approved a similar request by the Wingham BPs for their tournament. However neither of those groups proposed to operate the beer garden on a Sunday. • DANCE at HOWICK COMMUNITY CENTRE Featuring The Entertainers • Saturday, June 16 from 9 to 1 Admission $5 per person, lunch included. Tickets 'available at the door. The new fire hall in Wingham should be up this year, council was told. In his fire committee repast, Councillor W 11ia i Crump said° everything !is going well and he hopes the new hall will be up before winter. He also said he hoped to be able to • table preliminary plans for the•structure at the July meeting of council. The new hall will be owned by the Wingham Area Fire Board and will be funded jointly by the town and surrounding townships. It will be built on the old Gulf station lot near the corner of Josephine and Alfred streets. 0-0-0 There could be some fireworks at the July meeting of council as the result of a challenge issued to Deputy Reeve Patricia Bailey to substantiate claims she 'made about the town police in a letter to the editor earlier this spring. Mrs. Bailey, who wrote the letter after resigning from council, before withdrawing her resignation at the next meeting} t` ras challenged by Councillor Currie to clear the record. "There is definte mis- information here," he .de- clared, adding that he takes issue with virtually every- thing in the letter. He also asked Councillor Miller, the chairman of the police committee, to explain his comments made following the vote on a police commission at the May ouncil meeting. ecause of the length of e meeting last Monday night, there was not time to pursue the matter further, but council agreed to place it on the agenda for the July meeting. Mrs. Bailey told Mr. Currie shewould be pleased to reply to hiS questions. V1it�churchPersoflaIs Mrs. Frances Wright of Alliston, sister of Mrs. Russell Chapman, and ,her niece, Mrs. Jerry. Cober of Kincardine, were Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. The Whitechurch and Kinloss ladies played ball ori the Whitechurch diamond June 5 with a score of 19-5 in favor of Whitechurch. Last Monday, Timmy Falconer won first prize in the intermediate class in the bicycle rodeo sponsored by the Lucknow, Kinsmen and received a trophy. Mark Schneller received second prize in the junior division. A policeman conducted the individual tests. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McBurney of Ajax, after spending a week visiting with friends, left for home on Friday. Mark Wickhorst of Wing- hamspent Sunday with Hugh Sinnamon. Mr. and Mrs. John deBoer and Mr. and Mrs. Jim deBoer attended the wedding of Simon Logtenberg of Dungannon and Jan Waren- ton of Kitchener on Satur- day. Residents of the com- munity are being canvassed by Kevin Springer and Mark Schneller from Lucknow Public School for sponsor support for a wheel-a-thon on June 20 to raise money for research into Alzheimer's Disease. - Jamie, Shannon and Jerry and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Grimes of Kitchener, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schneller. On Friday many schools took Grades 1-4 students to Metro Toronto Zoo. Among those attending from here were Tim Falconer, Dean Tiffin, Karen, Brian and Dennis Lubbers and their Happy Gang holds monthly meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Wingham seniors' Happy Gang was held in the Armouries last Friday, starting with a pot- luck luncheon at 12:30, which was excellent as usual. The business meeting• was chaired by President Jean McGuire, who read a very interesting item on the origins ,of Father's Day. June is again designated as Senior Citizen Month and members were advised to look for activities along this line. The report from= the convener for sick .and shut- ins has been quite lengthy recently as several members have been in hospital. Another item of interest was an invitation to attend the fifth anniversary of the Day Centre for the Homebound. Mrs. McGuire gave a reading about a new-born calf, as seen from its Get ready for a hot summer. HAVE YOUR CAR'S' AIR ' CONDITIONING CHECKED o AND RECHARGED! We will check: • All belts • All air conditioning hoses • Freon leaks •Compressor operation • Recharge air conditioning system 1 95 pAllartas andir condtreonitioning extra at 15% discount Offer expires June 20, 1984 John Cullen Chev-OIds 1 1 5 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2323 "The People Pleasers" Guaranteed Service Guaranteed GM Parts Guaranteed Price viewpoint and following a good sing -along Jean Rintoul reported on the zone rally at Arthur. Many were sad- dened by the sudden passing of the zone secretary during the past week. An interesting and in- formative talk was given by Lloyd and Sadie Faust of Gorrie on their work tour to Brazil. This was the last regular meeting until September. Mark Sept. 14 on your calendar and look for another pot -luck lunch. A sports weekend for seniors is to be held at Kincardine Aug. 17 to 19, with shuffleboard and euchre on Saturday at 10 a.m. For further information. call the Day Centre for the Homebound. WMS holds home helpers meeting The Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Wingham, held its home helpers' meet- '-` ing June 5 in the Upper Room. Mrs. D. Eadie opened the meeting with a reading from an old reader entitled "What Is So Rare As a Day in June?". Mrs. W. Woods gave the scripture reading and meditation on a garden theme, clasing with prayer. Mrs. H. Bateman played a piano solo. Mrs. Eadie introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Ira Dickie, who spoke on the many different duties of the WMS. Mrs. W. Congram thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. The offering was received by Mrs. Eadie and Mrs. J. McKague and dedicated by Mrs. William McKenzie. The president, Mrs. Bateman, conducted the 'business session and presented Mrs. T. Currie with a life membership pin. Mrs. Congram presented the St. Andrew's WMS group with two Victoria' plates of a church in the Peace River - district from Mrs. Donna Cornwall in memory of the late Mrs. Gordon Ard. The meeting closed with praYer. Mrs. W. Conn presided at the piano for the singing of hymns. A social hour followed with Mrs. C. Tiffin and Mrs. L. Schickluna as hostesses. mother and members of the Kikkert fa'm ly. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Falconer, Aaron and Sara of slights Grove, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Mrs. Ed Carey of Kit- chener and her friend, Margaret Speiran of New Hamburg, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon. George McQuillin of Toronto also visited with them. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.' Alan Falconer were Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes, Blyth. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Irwin and Cody, Lucknow, Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Glover, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer, Amy, Tim and Tony. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon, Strathroy, spent the weekend with Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Mrs. George Tiffin and Mrs. Clara Cleghorn also visited with Mrs. Mowbray. This community extends sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Rev. Angus MacKay who passed away Friday in K -W Hospital, aged 83 years. He was born in `Whitechurch in 1901 and was called to missionary service in 1927, serving under the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada for 43 years in India prior to his re- tirement in 1970. Mr. and Mrs. Watlter Elliott and Karen attended the 78th annual Elliott family reunion held Sunday at Woodstock. Little Courtney Rutledge of Auburn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.- George Webster. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul were at Blyth where Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Scott held a family reunion of first cousins to honor Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn of Manitoba. About 35 gathered to welcome the cousins from Manitoba. Mrs. Rod Lamb was a member of the Blyth Festi- val Singers who presented afternoon and evening con- certs Sunday in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DesRoches of London and Mrs. Eileen Parker of Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and Mrs. Mary McClenaghan. `Faith' is theme for unit devotions The theme of the devotional service was "Faith" when the afternoon unit of the Wingham United Church Women met in the fellowship room on June 5. Mrs. Len James was the leader and she was assisted by Mrs. Herb Clayton and Mrs. Charles Shiell. Mrs. George Underwood played the piano for the hymns, "Faith of Our Fathers", "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus". The scripture reading was Hebrews, chapter 11, verses 1-10. - The members were told about the great faith of Rev. Kim ChunV Hee, .woman minister of 'the hepublic of Korea. She is building the first halfway house for women released from prison. The poem, "No Time for God", was read, ending the devotional portion of the meeting. Mrs. James then con- ducted the business. Eighteen members an- swered roll call and 60 visits had been ' made. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Denis Langridge and the card report by Mrs. E. Edigheffer. Thank -you cards were read. Arrangements were finalized for the UCW pot luck supper on the llth. Some members will be going to the Camp Bimini Ex- perience on the 14th. The members went to Brook- haven Nursing Home on the 6th for the June birthday party. Volunteer names were ,noted for greeting at the church doors.for.July, August and September. ' Following the Mizpah Benediction tea was served by Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. H. Bartley. The next regular. unit meeting will be Sep- tember 4. Whitechurch United Church marks 102nd anniversary Whitechurch—The 102nd anniversary of the United Church was celebrated Sunday with the minister, Rev. George Ball, and Jack Whytock in charge. Organist was Mrs. Garnet Farrier, pianist Miss Janet Laidlaw, clarinetist Hugh Sinnamon and guest clarinetist Mrs. Mary McIntosh. Mrs. Kenneth Alton was guest soloist. Mr. Ball spoke at the morning service, basing his sermon on scripture from St. Luke's Gospel and Paul's first letter to the Corin- thians. His sermon title was "Looking Three Ways". The choir sang an anthem and special music was provided by clarinets, violin and piano. At the evening service, Mrs. Alton sang two solos. Mr. Whytock entitled his sermon "The Summons Stands — Occupy Til I Come" and chose scripture from St. Luke's Gospel. A fellowship hour was held following the evening ser- vice. During the holiday months, the Whitechurch congregations will worship together. In July the services will be held at 11 a.m. at Chalmers Presbyterian Church, .Rod Lamb in charge. August services will be in the United Church at 10 a.m., Rev. George Ball conducting. Speaker tells about work in Honduras BLUEVALE — On Wed- nesday, June 6, Mrs. Keith Moffatt was hostess to 15 ladies for the associate members' meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church. President Mrs. Glenn Golley opened ,the meeting by reading a poem, "He Hath Made Everything Beautiful", followed by a hymn. Mrs. Moffatt read scrip- ture, with comments entitled "Bright Moments". She told the ladies how much each person can brighten another's day with a friendly greeting and a smile. A little praise and a few words of encouragement go a long way too. She closed with a poem, "Precious Thing" Mrs. Joe Walker read a prayer which was written by Mrs. Alvin Mundell. All ladies answered the roll call which was to give a verse pertaining to "fruit". Mrs. Jack Jenkins gave the treasurer's report and ac- cepted the offering, with prayer by Mrs. Golley. Mrs. Moffatt then in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Kathryn Golley, who told of her trip to Honduras. She travelled with other Christian mission workers from Canada and found that her hosts speak mostly German and a little English. Mrs. Golley was selected to work on the surgical team and said that patients there receive no food unless their families bring it to them and often go home 24 hours after major surgery. Her films showed very poor hospital conditions, extremely small rooms which need painting and overcrowding. Water is unsafe to drink but they do have fresh fruits which they export for their livelihood. The speaker closed by telling the ladies to do good deeds not because they feel they should but because they want to follow the example of Jesus who went forth to serve. Mrs. Moffatt thanked Mrs. Golley for a very en- joyable account of her work and presented her with a token of appreciation. 7th Annual Winghaiit BPs Fri. June 15 7:00 (J) (1 Loser to A Palmerston h FastbaH Tourney Julie 15 - 17 Double Elimination - 8 Tea -vva. Sat. June 16 10:30 (J) Loser to F Wingham Jrs. Fri. June 15 8:30 (J) (2 Loser to Fi Waterloo Jrs. (5 Winners' Bracket Port Elgin Sat. June 16 9:00 a.m. (J) (3 Loser to C Caledonia St. Pauls Sat. June 16 9:00 a.m. (R) (4 Loser to D Otterville Sat. June 16. 12:00 (J) (6 Loser to E Sat. June 16 7:00 p.m. (J) Loser to G (11 Losers' Bracket A Loser 1 • Sat. June 16 10:30 a.m. (R) Loser 2 7 Loser 6 • (9 Sat. June 16 3:30 (J) Loser to H if 1st Loss (14 Sun. June 17 4:00 (J) Loser 11 Sun. June 17 2:30 (J) (13 Sun. June 17 (12 1:00 (J) Loser 3 Sat. June 16) 200 (J) Loser 4 Loser 5 (10 Sat. June 16 5:00 (J) (J) Josephine St. Park (R) Riverside Park H Winner or (15 Sun. June 17 '5:30 (J) Loser of 14 if 1st Loss Winner Mrs. Fred Tiffin hosts UCW rWhatechurch-Thc Vtuteld Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Fred Tiffin last Wednesday. Mrs. Agnes Farrier gave the call to worship and all sang a hymn, followed by the reading of a Psalm. Mrs. Pauline Adams gave a reading on our responsibility to serve others so they may know the gospel, Mrs. Farrier gave a reading, "The Bottom Line" and led in prayer. She also read a story about a Presbyterian lady minister in Korea who worked to build a half -way house for women when they get out of prison. The roll call was answered by nine with a Bible verse and the Least Coin and of- fering were received. Mrs. Farrier gave a vote of thanks' to all who' took part and the hostess for the Birth- day Tea. *1k******************* ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 8 West, Clinton Coming this Weekend' June 14, 15&16 "RUCKUS" Wed. June 20 "TORONTO" Tickets are now available at $6.00 per person. ******************** Lake Huron Zone Recreationists Association SPORTSFEST '84 Kincardine w August 17, 18, 19 36 EVENTS EVENTS NEW EVENTS Men's Basketball Ladies' Softball Ladiec SlowPitch Men's Bali- Hockey Boys' Soccer Tennis T -Ball Girls' Softball Youth Swim Meet Seniors' Euchre Grass Volleyball Men's SloviPitch Lawn Bowling Badminton Darts Horseshoes Fun Run Seniors' Shuffleboard Girls' Gymnastics Developmentally Co -Ed 2 Pitch Ladies' Soccer Youth Judo Rugger Karate Lawn Darts Oldtimers' Soccer Girls' Soccer Cycling Boys' Ball Hockey Canoe Races Board Sailing Handicapped Events Sailing Archery Long Distance Swim Flag Football Fun, Fellowship & Participation 3 DANCES SATURDAY NIGHT For Information Call: 396-2421 Kincardine OR Contact Your Local Recreation Department 357-1208