HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-06-13, Page 2•
]?'age 2—' he Winghialn Advalno(MOW June I
Guest tells:"
t Church, *Omen sand`
guests met e 0.0ch;h
Friday " eveningeYenrng,Jun
l!igbli .lit of the eveding vas;
the, jaoduction of the guest
speaker, "hiss. Lynn Earls, of
Toronto, by her aunt, Mira •
Archie Mi11eail3 LynnAught
at the • University in
Shanghai, China, for two
Lynn • showed slides off
Shanghai and various other
places in. China. Everyone
thoroughly enjoyed the
' slides, and excellent com-
mentary and Were grateful
to Lynn for coming'to speak
to the group. Mrs. Don
Adams thanked Lynn and
Presented her with a .small
gift appreciation.
Mrs. Paul Elgie, president•
of the UCWI welcomed
everyone. Mrs. Mad Allan
and Mrs. George Nichol of
the Friendship Unit Were in
charge of the worship.
Members of the:UCW served
a delicious lunch which,,,was
followedFbyl a social time,
'the next DOW meeting
will be September 12, , With
roll" -cal "AY sate. Ohl* a
bount ul plow harvest. .\
Memory On*.
is dedicated at;
special Senii0C
GORR1tlE' -- On Reitecost
Sunday in the Gorrie'Uniited
Church, a especial service of
dedication 9f .a memorial
window took ' pIaee. The
service'>had as guest soloist
Miss .Eleanor Gibson" of
Fordwich who played her
guitar and sang selected
favorite hymns of the
At the conclusion of the -service, the congregation
proceeded to the Sunday
School hall for. the
dedication. Mrs. Mel Greig,
Sunday School superin-
tendent, asked Rev. Lloyd
Martin to dedicate the
stained glass window` in
memory of Pamela Joy
Wilson, a former teacher in
the Sunday School. Mr.
Martin dedicated the window
to the glory of God and of-
fered comments about the
praying hands which are a
central part of the window.
Pamela Joy Wilson was
the daughter of Bonnie and
Bill Taylor:. The stained
glass window was made
possible through the
generous donations of family
and friends to a special
memorial fund of the Sunday
Following the dedication a
social hour was held with
refreshments provided by
the Sunday School.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Inglis
of Formosa, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis,
visited Saturday with Mrs.
Candace Frame in Welland.
John Ferguson and Mrs.
Ross MacGregor visited on
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie MacGregor and
family in Kemptville:
Lakelet and community
extend deepest sympathy to
Mrs. Glenn Johnston and
family on the loss of a dear
husband and father.
• a
s �f
.a '.s ,yid" - !IF!:1 L:G 7 _ p'3Vnrtt,19.3'i;
Notes from Fordwich
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller,
Darcy and Trevor, spent the
weekend in Brampton with
Mr. and Mrs. Al Cunningten
and attended the baptism of
the Millers' daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Pollock and family of
Caledon East visited Sunday
with Mrs. Jean Clarkson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lep-
pington and girls and Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Miller
visited Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Miller at
their cottage at Conestoga.
Mr. and Mrs.,Andy Miller,
Kevin and Kimberly, spent
the weekend with Garry
Miller and Tilly Hillier at
Mr, and Mrs. David
Schneider, Mark and Bar-
bara of Kitchener, spent the
weekend at their home here.
Mrs. Joan Longstaffe of
West Hill and Mrs. Elaine
Goldrick of Guelph visited
last Friday afternoon and
evening with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Mr. and Mrs. Barry
D'Arcey and Jeff and Jason
and Tom McClement spent
the weekend at Pine Echo.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Piercey of Elora spent a
couple of days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibson
of Flint, Michigan, visited
several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Gibson and Mr.
and Mrs. Garfield Gibson
and families,
Mr. and Mrs. Les Watkins
and Erin of Washington are
spending some time with
their mother, Mrs. Eva
Harris, and other relatives in
the area .
Friends of Mrs. Nellie
Simmons will be sorry to
learn she is a patient in
Listowel as is Mrs. Marjorie
Church Directo
Wingham Pentecostal Church
359 Centre Street
SUN., JUNE 17, 1984
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
1 1 :00 a:m. - Morning Worship Service
7:00 p.m. - Family Service •
217 Minnie St.
Sunday, June 17
9 45 a.m. - Sunday School
11 00 a.m. - Worship Service
Sacrament of Infant Baptism
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
B.A., M.Div.
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
Church - 357.2961
Manse 357-1072
Edward St.,
Sunday, June 17
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Family Worship
7:00 p.m. - Salvation Meeting
Everyone Welcome
Monday, June 18
S'00 p.m. - Home League
for Ladies
eriit age
deri ,That s
tee l ,' ►atned MMiss, Huron
Junior " er for 1,91144 even
tbeti olt„place
She ado'
w11Mer for
day, x'In
A ',rade, 13 student at
Listowel I)isiriet Secondary
School, M'tais Gibson was
attending,tI school's- annual
At Home dan'ee o>i the same.
night as a tne-;'Huron County
Junior Partner Queen
competition. per name was
entered in the competition by,
her home club, the Howick
Junior Farmers.
It wasn't until Sunday
afternoon when she went to
the Fordwich ball park fora
Junior Farmer team
practice that she found out
she had been named the
winner of the queen com-
petition defeating con-
testants from the South
Huron, .Clinton,: Seaforth and
Auburn Junior Farmer
"I think she's getting
excited about it now,” said
her mother when a
Sotheran. We wish them both
a speedy return to good
Louise Douglas of Kit-
chener spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Douglas.
We extend heartfelt
sympathy to Mrs: Glenn
Johnston in the sudden death
of her husband last Friday
and { Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Douglas and family and to
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ruttan
and family in the passing of a
father and grandfather.
Mrs. Doug Stewart of
Kitchener visited last
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Stewart.
Doug Wagler returned to.
Alberta Monday after
• spending a week's vacation
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Wagler.
Friends of Mrs. Edgar
Gedcke will be pleased .to
hear she was able to return
home last week from the
Listowel hospital after
halting undergone surgery.
We wish her a speedy return
to good health.
Mr's. Wellington Hargrave,
Mrs. Bill Sothern, Mrs. Jack
Reid, Mrs. Alex Wray, and
Mrs. Alex Reid were among
those who enjoyed a bus trip
last week to the Boat Farm
at Caledonia.
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre -Street
am. man cozens elate sereee. co. masiet, ',Wow ammo *memo
11:00 a.m. - Mattins
Sunday Schoollurgery
9:30 a.m. - Trinity, Belgrave
hevas a
tA whole
she .'.wasn't
the actual
photographer arrived
Tuesday Inght, June 5, to
take Eleauttetiticture
Eleanor is the daughter of
Mr; and Mrs. Harold Gibson
'or Rlr , I.; Fordwich. As Miss
110044u0l ,Farmer she
will herOguired to attend
1$01,04 matches, the Pork
Congress, agricultural fairs'
in Huron County and Junior
Farmer' dances and other
activities in the county.
"And I'm. xcited about the
fact that will be involved
plaanni ng the Participation
Award that is given- for
Junior Farmer activity,"
she said.
F. eaner,Gibson has been a
Junior Farmer member for
four years. Following
graduation from secondary
school she plans to take
nursing at Conestoga
*00 01 lb
Cay centre News
By,Pam Williams
This is Senior Citizens
Month, a time set aside
especially for sharing ideas
and celebrating being a part
of the older generation. The
Seniors Day Centre is
sponsoring an essay and
poetry contest which is open
to all senior citizens inthe
area. The topic for the
contest isto report on what it
is like being a senior citizen
in 1984. The deadline for
entries is June 29. Don't be
shy about creating a winning
Pinecrest will raise funds
for the Alzheimer Society
Much-needed research
into the degenerative brain
disease, Alzhe•imer's
Disease, will be aided by the
Pinecrest Manor Nursing
Home, Lucknow. During
Ontario Nursing Home
Week, June 17-23, Pinecrest
will participate in special
fund-raising activities to
support research into the
• causes and treatment of the
disease. The activities are
co-sponsored by the Ontario
Nursing Home Association,
its Members and the Alz-
heimer Society. Alzheimer's
is the fourth most common
cause of death among Can-
In 19'm the Ontario
Niir51 r r .x, ()Mario
andthe . to 'o. Heart
inti duced the
Heart Jamboree and many
nursing homes participated
in this special event for five
years. As in previous years
the week will be filled with
fun eventsfor residents,
staff, volunteers and friends,
but this year the money
raised will go to Alzheimer
research. Since it was first
introduced, approximately
$200,000. has been raised for
heart research. It is hoped
the same enthusiasm might
be shown for Alzheimer
The public is cordially
invited to attend the special
programs planned at
Pinecrest during the week.
On Tuesday, June 19, Geri -
Care Fashions will be at
Pinecrest from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. and a spring fashion
show will be held at 1:30. On
Wednesday, June 20, a
Wheel-a-walk-a-thon will . be
held with the Grade Six class
from Lucknow Central
Public School assisting. The
students will be requesting
pledges. On Sunday, June 24,
the week's activities, will end
with a family strawberry
social from 1 to 3 p.m:.
Various draws will also be
held throughout the week.
During Nursing Home
Week, the Ontario Nursing
Home—Association and its
members also salute the
many volunteers who give
their time for the benefit of
home residents. Their
participation in many
various activities throughout
the year is greatly ap-
All-round cords are
presented to Guides
The First Fordwich
Brownies, Guides and Path-
finders met recently for a
Mother -Daughter banquet to
bring the year to a special
closing. '
Brownies were presented
with several badges they had
worked on together as well
as at home.
Some of the girls provided
musical entertainment dur-
ing the evening.
The new "tenderfoot"
Guides were enrolled.
Guides were presented with
several badges. Citizenship
and first aid badges were
worked on at company meet-
Pathfinders had earned
several emblems and two
girls were enrolled.
Peggy Hohenadel, a Path-
finder, was chosen to go to
Mitten Bay, Mich. She was
presented with a cheque
from the District as well as
from her company.
The highlight of the even-
ing was the presentation of
four all-round cords by Mrs.
Lynn Hodgins, District Com-
missioner. Recipients are
Kim Wettlaufer, Tracy Har-
grave, Peggy Hohenadel,
Margaret Lockie.
Other visitors enjoying the
fellowship of Guiding were
Mrs. Lil Seifried, public re-
lations advisor; Mrs. Myrna
Penney, District Guider, and
Mrs. Jean Wilson, a tester
for the Brownies.
A turkey dinner was ser-
ved by the United Church
Women of Trinity Church,
We are looking for people
who are interested in
demonstrating crafts to the
senior citizens who attend
the centre. New craft ideas
are welcome at any time of
the year. New volunteers
also are most welcome to
come, and while away the
summer hours at the centre.
We use volunteer piano
players, kitchen helpers,
craft helpers and volunteers
in any other program areas
to benefit the centre. Call
357-1440 for, more in-
The next foot clinic will be
on Thursday, June 28, from "-
10 a.m. to 12 noon. The same
day our guest speaker will
Mrs. Marian Zinn. She will
be showing her colorful
slides of Ashfield Township.
Please keep this date in
Don't forget about our
annual meeting next Thurs-
day, June 21. In the morning,
a director's report, a
chairman's report, a
financial audit and greetings
from area dignitaries will be
presented. At noon we will
have our potluck dinner
followed by a speech by our
special guest speaker, Mrs.
Louise Merritt, one of the
founders of the day centre.
The afternoon session will
be filled with displays, a
social time and a chance to
see our videotape "4gingiin
lowedRl;i.Envire, ent ,
ik1 :refresh nts, let
us knowif you plan to attend.
A thought for this week is:
"There's nothing so rare as a
day in June." Enjoy the
great weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bray
have returned home after.
visiting in England with
Rev. John Crawford of
Eston, Sask., has been
visiting with his parents,
Harley and Bernice Craw-
Granny 10's
Butter Tarts
New White 10 lb.
Maple Leaf 73/4 oz. Red Sockeye
Salmon 1.99
Kraft 500 gr. Smooth or Crunchy
Peanut Butter 1.89
Weston 300 gr. Caramel or Coconut
Ceylons 1.39
Face le Royale White or Almond
Florelle Box 200 Sheets
Facial Tissue .99
Redpath 2 kg.
White Sugar 1.19
Store Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.,rn.
Sat. 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Phone 357-2240. We Deliver.
Wingham and District
Hospital Corporation
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting
of the Wingham 'and District Hospital Corpora-
tion will be held at the Nursing Assistant Train-
ing Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on
Thursday, June 21, 1984 at the hour,of eight
o'clock p.m. for the reception and considera-
Repc fte;'`f* th*,defeside'rat an
fj �v —
Fh tenfr lR � b�4 �}re K�.
tng duties f e C rrtmunify rvice i
son Committee, for the election of Governors,
for the appointment of Auditors,and. for the
transaction of such other things as may proper-
ly come before themeeting.
Copies of the proposed new bylaw may be'
examined in the office of the Executive Director
of the Wingham and District Hospital prior to
three o'clock p.rri: Thursday, June 21, 1984.
Memberships granting voting privileges may be
purchased at the front desk of 'the hospital for
one dollar ($.1.00) prior to five o'clock p.m.
Wednesday, June 6, .1984. No membership
sold after that time, on that date, will entitle the
purchaser to a vote.
Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this sixteenth day,
of May, 1984.
By order of the Board of Governors.
N. M. Hayes,
is opening on
June 19, 1984. -
Chauncey's is offering a
perm special .
June 19th June 30th
ALL ROUND CORDS—A number of Girl Guides received their All Round cords the
Mother -Daughter banquet held recently In Fordwich for First Fordwich Brownies,
Guides and Pathfinders. From left aro: front row — Kim Wettlaufer, Tracy Hargrave,
Peggy Hohenadel, and Margaret Lockie; back row — Mrs. Faye dotnorling,
Pathfinder leader; Mrs. Lynn Hodgins, Gopha District Commissioner; and Mrs. Nancy
Seip, Guide leader. (Photo courtesy of Mrs. Donna Bennett)
includes cut. perm and
styling. '
At Chauncey`s
you get what you Want!
Exercise classes and mini gym starting soon.
Watch for our advertisement.
Booking appointrhenta now at 523.9679 or 828.9712.
Queen St., Blyth, Ontario. NOM 114 0.