HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-06-06, Page 14Page 2--Crossroad5---June 6, 1984 Shirley Whittington Negative thoughts from abroad The lady from Los Angeles sat framed in the decorative arch of an Alhambra Palace window in Spain. Her smile was fixed and she spoke to her husband through clen- ched teeth. "Take the lens cap off Honey," said she, and Honey did and, pressed the shutter. Then she clambered down off the window sill and the two of them scampered to catch up with the rest of the tour. In the glorious garden be- low, a vacationing photog- rapher crossly waved crowds aside so he could get an uninterrupted shot of a reflecting pool. We all com- plied, because we all recog- nized that in vacationland, the camera is king. Later, we had a Spanish guide who understood this North American obsession with film. "Now here I pre- sent you a beautiful view," he would say with great dig- nity. "Please make pictures. I wait." And a dozen cameras would click and flash, zip and grind. In' dim cathedrals hung with signs in four languages prohibiting flash photo- graphs, sudden patches of brilliance indicated the pre- sence of idiots who couldn't or wouldn't read. "Well here we are at the Royal Palace in Madrid, and we are all having just a real wonderful time," bubbled a lady as she strode across an ancient cobbled courtyard. Before her, walking peril- ously backward in the man- ner of a war correspondent filming the advance of foreign army was her hus- band, with his shoulder -held video camera and attached microphone. We waited for him to topple backward into the fountain. Would the missus slip out her pocket disc camera and get stills of Papa, festooned with water weeds and goldfish? A camera! Few travellers leave home without one, 'All Creatures Great and Small' "DISEASE FROM ANIMAL TO YOU" Toxoplasmosis, is caused by toxoplasma, a microsco- pic one cell parasitic crea- ture of the protozoan family. It is a . zoonotic disease (transmissable from animal to man) and poses a particu- lar threat to pregnant women. This disease is best known for its unfortunate ability to cause abortion in animals. It can also form cysts in the muscle, with no outward signs (subclinical). In humans, infection can be and usually is subclinical. However, it can also produce nervous disorders, respira- tory problems, or general malaise. If infection of a pregnant woman occurs, toxoplasma can be trans- mitted to the fetus, produc- ing a variety of birth defects. Cats are often implicated as the main source of infect- ion to humans because the sexual stage of the develop- ing toxoplasma organism takes place in the cat's intes- tinal tract. However, the in- cidence of toxoplasmosis in people who handle cats a great deal (e.g. veterin- arians) is no higher than in non -cat owners. Although children playing in sand box- es contaminated with feces from stray cats may be ex- posed, what little hazard to people that does exist from cats can be minimized by good sanitary habits, dispos- ing of litter daily and cover- ing sand boxeswhen not in use. Pregnant women may wish to leave the handling of the cat to another family member, or wear gloves. Studies have revealed Toxoplasma to be wide- spread as a low grade infect- ion in food producing ani - By Donald V. Martin sometimes two. The camera is as necessary as the pass- port, the travellers cheques, and the drip-dry underwear. When a traveller suddenly . finds himself in front of something he has only seen in pictures,two thoughts oc- cur. The first is, "Oh golly. There it is. The Eiffel Tower, just like the pictures." The second thought is, "I gotta getta shot of that." - Why? Most of us already have a couple of pictures of the Eiffel Tower at home. Having one's own personal shot of the upper or lower half of the Eiffel Tower with tourists' shoulders and lampposts rampant testifies that you were definitely there in Paris. It proves that when you disappeared for two weeks, you did indeed visit the City of Light. You did not go to Stockholm for a weird operation. We have just returned from a three week junket. We are unpacked. The jet lag has lapsed and we are get- ting used to Canadian coffee again. But we didn't feel as if the trip had been truly ac- complished until our pic- tures were developed. There were the usual tilted national monuments. There is the obligatory frieze of overseas friends, lined up on the steps of an historic building. There are several wide ex- panses of scenery which may have been awe-inspiring on location, but on film look dis- ° mayingly duncolored and dull. And there are some mystery shots. Here's one of an abandoned factory in Portugal; with two smoke- stacks poking up in the back- ground. "Great pic of the ... um ... abandoned factory," comments the Squire. I remind him somewhat testily, that there were storks nestling on top of the smoke stacks in the back- ground. You can't actually see the storks, of course. But I know they're there. There is similar confusion as we view a shot of railway tracks, concrete abutments and garbage strewn alleys. But if you look closely in the right hand corner you'll notice some ant -like specks which when greatly magni- fied become a troupe of colorful gypsies lolling about their cooking fire and plot- ting their next begging foray. And that speck there is a four-year-old gypsy boy wearing nothing but a pair of running shoes and climbing a wire fence and doing un- speakable things to passers- by on the other side. Here's a photo of an im- posing building. Monastery? Hotel? Royal Palace? Spain? Portugal? France? Who knows? This sort thing happens to all of us who simply cannot travel without a camera. Somewhere in Los Angeles tonight, a puzzled woman is looking at a picture of her torso, posed in the window of a Moorish -looking building. "Honey," she's saying. "Where was this? And how come you cut my head off?" There will be no answer from Honey. He will be thinking the thoughts of a rnan who has not only shot his wife, but beheaded her as well. mals. Eating raw or poorly cooked meat is the major source of infection to people. This can be remedied by freezing, curing, drying, smoke curing or thoroughly cooking meat before eating. A second source of infect- ion can occur from drinking unpasteurized milk, particu- larly from goats. Cats that consume raw meat may shed the parasite in their stool. Pregnant women should thus take precautions such as wearing gloves when work- ing with soil (e.g. garden- ing). It is important for expect- ant mothers to realize that the stress of worrying about the disease maty be more harmful to their unborn child than the disease itself. How- ever, the Ontario Veterinary Association warns that toxo- plasmosis can be serious and should be avoided. Those who are interested, may write to the Chief of Ob- stetrics and Gynecology Community Hospital, 183 West Street, Battle Creek, Michigan, USA 49016, to re- ceive a brochure called "Toxoplasmosis and Health". It is designed to ed- ucate the public on the po- tentia: dangers of the disease as well as alleviate the fears of owning a cat. This column has been brought to you by the Ontario Veterinary Asso- ciation. Elegant recipes Cooking experts consider Mrs. Elizabeth Raffald's "Experienced English Housekeeper" (1769) the best basic 18th century cook- book. In it she gave recipes for 50 -dish menus and such elegant desserts as spun - sugar webs and gilded cus- tards. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, Antiques for WILLIAM WIGGINS Dungannon and MEL & RITA MORRISON Lucknow Plus Additional Consignments of Household Articles, New Tools, Farm Machinery and Truck Friday, June 8 5:30 porno At Langside Auction Centre, 3 corners E. and 3 corners N. of Lucknow. Anyone wishing to consign articles please call 528-2186, 395-5142, 392=8240 crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance - Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun. Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association, and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled distri- . bution in Ariss, Arthur, Drayton, Harriston, Moorefield, Palmerston, Bloom- ingdale, Breslau, Conestogo, Elmira, Heidelberg, Linwood, Maryhill, St. Clements, St. Jacobs, Wallenstein, Wellesley and West Montrose. Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p.m. Thursday week prior to publication date. Advertising and Production The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N., P.O. Box 97, Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2 Accounting and Billing The Wingham Advance -Times Josephine St:, P.O_Box 390, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 The Listowel Banner 291-1660. The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2,320. The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550. The Milverton Sun 595-8921 AUCTION SALE Will be Held for BLAIR NEAL S.H. Lot 4, Concession 8, Arthur Township, 1 mile east and 11/2 mile south of Mount Forest on Fri., June 15 1:00 p.m. Sharp Consisting of Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Livestock REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 100 acre farm, 85 workable, 45 acres seeded down, 3 bedroom house, barn 50' x 65', spring creek running through property. To be sold subject to reserve bid. Terms 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days at which time you receive possession. MACHINERY: 1080 Massey Ferguson tractor with cab, 2135 Massey Ferguson Industrial tractor with loader, Massey Ferguson No. 72 self propelled combine with pickup, Massey Ferguson No. 12 baler, 880 Massey Ferguson plow, 4 furrow 16" bottoms, auto reset, New Idea 212 manure spreader, Massey Ferguson 9 ft. haybine, gravity bin, Papec forage harvester, Massey Ferguson 3 p.h. 32 plate disc, International vibra-shank 12 ft. cultivator, post hole auger, 36 ft. of pipe elevator, John Deere wagon, Cockshutt wagon, chain har- rows, Dion forage blower, feed cart, Viking cream separator. FEED: 15 tonne of 50-50 mixed'grain, 2 grain storage tanks - 1 500 bu.. capacity.) LIVESTOCK: 30 Holstein heifers, approx. 3 Months old, 10 B.W.F. calves, mixed, Holstein cow, milking and rebred, 15 milking nannies, 5 kids, 10 Arcona hens, 24 chicks. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Please plan to be on time as there are no small) articles. TERMS: Cash or Cheque with I.D. Owner or Auctioneers not Responsible for Any Accidents Day of Sale. Owner: BLAIR NEAL, 323-1159 Clerk: Allan R. Miller Cashier: Donna Cameron ° Sales Manager: LANGSIDE AUCTION SERVICE 392-8240 Auctioneer: JOE METZGER 395-5482 AUCTION AL Of Farm Machinery, Truck and Misc. Items WESTWELL FARMS S WM.4, Harriston ire/ M. COLIN, SMITH 4 miles west of Harriston, then 2 miles north of Highway 87 on Minto Howick town line or 3 miles south of Clifford - Lot 42, Con. 12, Minto Twp. on Mon®, June 11 12:00 Noon FARM MACHINERY: IH 1566 tractor cab/air 2200 hrs.; 20.8 x 38 snap on duals; IH 706 tractor 5400 hrs., new rubber and heat houser; IH 584 tractor 1450 hrs. with 2250 loader and quick attach buckets, new 1981; M.H. 44 hi -arch tractor; 1978 Gleaner F2 gas combine corn and soy special with 13 ft. direct cut and 430 cornhead; I.H. 45 cultivator 18'/2 ft., new in 1980; J.D. AW disc 44 blade, 6 section harrows with steel barn, new 1983; J.D. 145 4 - 14" semi mount plow; Cockshutt 466 5 - 16" semi mount plow; J.D.,145 3 -16" mounted plow; J.D. 495 A corn planter in ex- cellent condition; M.F., 43 grain drill, 22 run, new in 1983; Century 200 gal. 3 pth. sprayer 28', new in 1981; 12; Brillion packer, 2 sets 4 section harrows; I.H. 75 pto pull type swather 15', new in 1 981 ; 2 Killbros gravity boxes and extensions on J.D. 965 wagons; I.H. 45 10' 3 pth. cultivator; Dearborn 3 pth. 8' cultivator; N.H. 518 spreader with end gate; N,H. 512 spreader with top beater; Gehl 400 harvestor with pick up and 1 row corn head; Hesston 7' haybine; Dion right hand forage box 2 -speed on 8 ton Horst wagons with roof; Dion left hand forage box variable speed on 8 ton Martin wagon with roof; J.D. 65 forage blower; quanti- ty 9" pipe and clamps; silo hood; Cockshutt 520 baler; 2 flat racks with wagons; Oliver roll - a -bar rake; Case 4 ton running gear; Westfield 7" x 46' transport auger; quantity used steel siding; J.D. 7' scraper blade; 2 wheel trailer; electric grass seeder; quantity scrap iron; sap buckets and pan; George White 26' transport elevator; 32' Skeleton elevator; chain harrows 12'; antique scales; wheelbarrow; Homelite chain saw 22" blade; Model T axles and wheels; Model 55 Gehl mix mill; 7' snow blower; wagon load miscellaneous. TRUCK: 1979 Ford 150 pickup with racks, certified. TERMS: Cash or Cheque Day of Sale. 7 Per Cent Sales Tax in Effect. Lunch Booth. Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible, for Accidents Day of Sale. Any Announcements or Correc- tions Given Verbally Day of Sale. Proprietor: WM. K. & COLIN SMITH RR 4, Harriston 519-327-8640, 519-327-8620 . Auctioneer: CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE -RR 3, Listowel .519-291-2049 AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Machinery, Straw, Snow Machine & Misc. Items for MRS. DONNA LINSTEAD Lot 34, Con. 3, Wallace Twp. Located 1 mile north of Listowel on Hwy, 23 & 2 miles west Friday, June 15 1:00 . p.m. TRACTORS: Ford 6700 diesel tractor with cab, remotes, good cond.; Leyland 384 diesel tractor with remotes, complete with Dunham quick -tach' all hyd. loader with fork and bucket, good unit. MACHINERY: J.D. 8350 seed drill 18 disc with fert. grain, and grass attach. (good); J.D. 40 power spreader, 175 bu.; Fiskars semi - mount 4 furrow plow, 1 8" bottoms, adjustable with auto. resets (like new); Hydrien 3 pth. 4 furrow plow, 14" bottoms and depth wheel; Kongskilde 1 2' 3 pth. cultivator; J.D. 14' wheel disc; J.D. 1 4T hay baler; Calsa 3 pth. 100 gal. tank weed sprayer; New Holland 352 mix mill 1 8" mill with long unloading auger; Allied 36' portable pipe hay elevator with motor; New Idea 8' single auger snow blower; 7' 3 pth. scraper blade; McKee harvester with blower pipes; 1 2' chain harrows; 4 bar side rake; bale straw shredder (like new); King 4" 12' grain auger with motor; wagon with hay rack; V type 3 pth. snow blower; J.D. No. 4 semi -mount 7' hay power mower;Allied grain auger 5" x 20'; portable 3/4 h.p. motor. STRAW: Approx. 2000 bales of straw (square bales); approx. 500 bales of hay (square bales). SNOW MACHINE: 1982 Yamaha XL5 with on- ly 1 200 km., 540 cc, with cover, like new. MISC.: Some farm misc. items. NOTE: Only a few misc. items, so plan to be on time for machinery at approx. 1:30. Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for Accidents or Loss of Property Sale Day. Terms - Cash or Cheque with Proper I.D. Sale Day. Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE 485 Victoria Ave. S. Listowel 291-3489 AUCTION SALE Of appliances, furniture, antiques & 1978 Chev Impala car for FRIEDA D'ARCEY Fordwich with additions. At Gray's Auction Centre, corner hwys. 87 & 89, 1 mi. w. of Harriston on: Sat,, June 9 10:30 a.m. APPLIANCES: Viscount 15 cu. ft. freezer; G.E. washer with suds saver; G.E. dryer; small Norris fridge; 30" propane stove; Beatty dryer; h.d. Inglis dryer; Westinghouse washer; wr- inger washing machine; Electrohome humidifier; Kelvinator built in dishwasher; Ken- more convection broiler oven. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: dining room table & 4 leaves; 6 pressback chairs; new style corner cupboard with 2 doors in bottom & 2 glass doors in top; drop leaf table; 6 wooden chairs; wooden wardrobe; hall table with drawer; large old chest of drawers; old record cabinet; washstand; flat to wall filing cupboard; large wooden file cabinet with small drawers; old doctor's cupboard; dentist's cupboard with . marble top; bake table with metal top; 2 chrome tables & chairs; child's wooden rocker; spooled rocking chair; plant stand; small china cabinet; end tables & coffee table; dressing table; dressers; small table with drawer; single ped. wooden desk; cast iron bed with brass trim; 2 sets bunk beds; dressers & mirrors; chest of drawers; occ, chairs; chesterfield & chair; 5 pce. bedroom suite; wooden sewing box; book case; old radio cabinet; cane baby basket & stand; sewing machine cabinet; cabinet with glass door (rough); pool table; single bed; small desk (rough); trunks; 1907 Clinton organ; small couch. CLOCK: New Haven school house clock. MISC.: odd dishes; pots & pans; lamps; floor lamps; large selection of picture frames; por- table Viking sewing machine; brass wood box; G.M. baby love seat (up to 40 lbs.); Como child's guitar; telescope & stand; old brass chandelier; mangle iron; girl's & boy's bikes; 5 speed bike; dough board; wooden tool chest; Fisher Price toys & other toys; books; old pic- ture albums; book - 1950 Life's Picture History of World War 2; kerosene heater; fan; lawn mower; garden tools; 3.5 h.p. roto tiller; wheelbarrow; 4 lid ice cream cooler; crocks: 91/2' x 12' brown carpet; many other misc items too numerous to mention; Gestetner. CAR: 1978 Chev Impala, 4 door, V8, 305, p.s., p.b., 124,000 km., selling certified. For Dorothy Rawn, Mount Forest, 323-2747. Lunch booth. Terms: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. day of sale. Owner or auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Any announcements or corrections given verbally day of sale. Auctioneers: BARRY & KEITH GRAY Harriston (519) 338-3722 or 343-3607 AUCTION SASALE Of appliances, furniture, antiques, dishes & misc. items for the Estate of STANLEY MACHAN 430 Main St. E., Listowel. Sale will be held in the Kurtzville Community Centre located 3 miles north of Listowel on Hwy. 23, turn west at Gowanstown, go 4 miles, on: Wednesday Evening June 13 5:30 p.m. APPLIANCES: G.E. refrigerator (older style, good); McClary, Easy 30" electric stove; small electrical appliances. FURNITURE: chesterfield & chair; swivel rocker (high back, brown velvet); french prov. 2 drawer end table; cotfe and end tables; bronze kitchen table & 6 chairs; chrome table & 4 chairs; 2 book shelves; Zenith 26" color TV, console model; hall set with mirror, shelf & candles; wall mirror; pictures; wall hanging; brass table lamp; floor & swag lamps; TV snack tables; bedroom chair; kitchen stooi;'wo9den cabinet; cupboard unit; clothes hamper; record cabinet; door mirror; small radios; smoker stand; foot stools; canister vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; electric broom; luggage; 2 kit- chen cupboard units; child's table & 2 chairs; space saver; magazine table; telephone bench; 2 easy chairs; dehumidifier; bedroom suite with bed; chest of drawers; desk & bench; book case bed; 2 night tables; wooden wardrobe; 4 piece bedroom suite with bed; 2 chest of 'drawers; double dresser with mirror (good); books, card table. ANTIQUES: oak buffet with lion heads, lion claw feet, 2 leaded doors & top mirror (good); oak buffet with top mirror; oak library table with drawer; wooden hall tree; coffee grinder; apple peeler; sad iron with handle; flat top trunk; wooden arm chair; 5 oak dining room side chairs & arm chair; bonnett chest; low double dresser with large mirror, matching wash stand. DISHES: 2 partial dinner sets of dishes, variety of good & everyday dishes, crocks, pots & pans. MISC. ITEMS: small fireproof safe; baseboard heater; fan electric heater; steel patio table; umbrella; lawn chairs; wooden picnic table; roto -tiller; garden tools; G.E. electric lawn. mower; 3/8" electric drill; skill saw; grindr & motor; rachet pipe dies; alum. 20' ext. Iabder; saw horses; plus hand tools & misrr. it s. Executors or Auctioneer not Responsible for Accidents or Loss of Property Sale Day. Terms: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE 485 Victoria Ave. S. Listowel Phone: 291-3489 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects; Antiques, Dishes, Garden & Hand Tools, etc. for ELMER SHA,NN,ON � Lot -14,. Con.. 12, Arthur Twp. on.Arthur Minto Townline, 5 miles north of No. 9 Highway or 7 miles southwest of Mount Forest on Sat., June 9 12:30 Noon ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Oak hall seat and mirror with claw feet, brass hooks, umbrella bracket, real good cond.; round oak dining room table, 3 folding • leaves, 6 oak • upholstered chairs and matching buffet, all in good cond.; cherry chest of drawers, good cond.; Boston pump organ, working order, good cond.; kitchen cabinet with flour bin, refinished; 2 washstands, 1 with towel bar; large double wooden bed with matching dresser and mirror, both in good cond.; 3/4 size poster type bed, good cond.; double wooden bed, good shape; oak library desk, good cond.; 2 antique lamp type tables, good; 3 blanket type boxes; arrow back rocker; 2 trunks, 1 round top; good copper boiler and lid; Enter= prise cook stove, good shape; small antique fancy mirror; good antique upholstered chairs; oak dresser with bevelled mirror; small wooden desk; 2 small chest of drawers; New Ray sew- ing machine with good oak cabinet; small organ stool; 2 leather upholstered rockers; old nurser rocker; small covered rocker; odd wooden chairs; chrome table and 4 chairs; small drop leaf table for repairs; dresser and mirror, good; small bar cabinet; Electrohome 8000 BTU air conditioner, good; air purifier; humidifier, work- ing order; dehumidifier, good size, good cond.; metal desk and chair; 3 glass top end tables with rnatching coffee table; foot stools; electric lamps; good picture frames, large and small; old photo album; bedding, pillows, feather tick; crocks and jugs; old cheese boxes; small wooden wares; 3 chambers; 2 toilet • set basins; bee hive qt. sealer; cups and saucers; old candy jar; good water pitcher; water glasses; depression glass pcs.; old fruit bowls; old dutch oven; everyday dishes; pottery pcs.; pots and • pans; small appliances; everyday silverware; salt and peppers; sealers; 2 nickel plated kettles; 9 x 12 rug with underlay; orange coloured rug 14 x 15, good shape; other small items not listed. GARDEN & HAND TOOLS, ETC.: Beatty water pump, good; bench vise; hand saws; bits, wrenches, sockets; horse shoes; 2 small rope block and tackles; 8' wooden step ladder; 3 milk cans; wash tubs; 8' alum. awning.; old bench; push lawn mower; forks, shovels, garden tools, etc.; 4 h.p. Teco Master riding lawn mower, runs good; homemade 3 h.p. garden tractor, plow and cult., runs good; 3 h.p. 22" SP fine turf lawn mower, good cond.; alum. truck cap for .'/2 ton truck; small portable • clothes dryer. TERMS: Cash Sale Day. Cheques with I.D. On-, ly. A good clean tidy Sale. Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for Accidents, Injury, Dele- tions or Loss of Property Sale Day. Proprietor: ELMER SHANNON 338-5620 Auctioneer: JOHN D. McPHEE Mount Forest 323-4058.