HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-05-30, Page 20Page 8--Crossroads--May 30, 1984 4100r0 00• 410000000.4004.0000.040000000000 h �r• e fol/g It I �t���on. owing r► • 0 • • • • • • • • 3 ... CKVR Barrie 4D ... WJBK Detroit 5 ... CBC Toronto 5D ... WDIV Detroit 6 ... Global 7 ... WKBW Buffalo 7D ... WJBK Detroit 8 ... CKNX Wingham 10 ... CFPL London 11 ... CHCH Hamilton 13 ... CKCO Kitchener 57 ... City TV Toronto • ••••••••••••••• ••••••I••• r••• ID • ••• •• •••e0 ••••••• Weekday Mornings 5:00 News at Sunrise 5D 5:30 News 5D Jimmy Swaggart 6 5:50 Ontario Report 13 6:00 Seneca Telecollege 6, 57 20 Minute Workout 7D, 4D Sonya 5D News This Morning 7 Frightenstein 10 Yoga 11 6:30 Early Morning News 7D, 4D Canada AM 13 It Figures 11 7:00 20 Minute Workout 57, 10 Today Show 5D 100 Huntley Street 3 Captain Nemo 6 Dale Harney's Magic Palace 11 Good Morning America 7 7:30 Rocket Robinhood 57 Camera on Canada 11 FYI - First Edition 10 Hammy Hamster 6 7:45 Friendly Giant 8 8:00 Size Small 6 Ed Allen 8 Lynsky & Co. 11 Forest Rangers 57 Morning Exercise 3 8:30 Harrigan 8 Sesame Street 3 Carol Burnett 10 The 700 Club 6 Rocket Robinhood 57 Klara's Korners 11 9:00 Audubon Wildlife 8 The Muppet Show 7D, 4I) Family 5D Romper Room and Friends 13 Morning Exercise 11 Ed Allen 6 Donahue 7, 57. 10 9:30 Card Sharks 7D, 41) TBA 3 Mad Dash 11 100 Huntley Street 6, 8 ,What's Cooking 13. 10:00 Fitness Break 3 NOTE: Wed. Only D -Days News Special 5.3.8 • • • • • Phil Donahue 7D, 4D Facts of Life 5D Micromagic 57 You're Beautiful 10 Trivia Company 13 Hour Magazine 11 AM Buffalo 7 10:15 The Friendly Giant 5, 3 10:30 Sale of the Century 5D Citypulse Tonight 57 Be My Guest 13 Barbara McLeod Show 10 Bonnie Prudden 6 Mr. Dressup 8, 3, 5 11:00 Fitness Break 10 Harrigan 3 Guess What 13 Benson 7 The Price Is Right 7D, 4D Wheel of Fortune 5D Cherington 11 Sesame Street 8, 5 Celebrity ,Cooks 6 11:15 Friendly Giant 10 11:30 Definition 13 Loving 7, 57 Tic Tac Dough 5D My Three Solis 3 That's Life 6' Mr. Dressup 10 Thur., May 31 AFTERNOON 12:00 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Leave It To Beaver 3 Flipper 10 Terrytunes 8 News 7, 6, 7D, 5D., 4D Batman 57 Flintstones 13 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 7, 57 The Young and the Restless 71), 41) Tattletales 13 All in the Family 5 Super Pay Cards 11 News 3; 10, 8 1:00 Don Harron Show 13 "Citylights 57 Let's Make a Deal 6 Days of Our Lives 51), 11 All' My Children 7, 8, 5, 3, 10 . ••••d••••••••••••••••••••s • • • • T1 -141•S S I-1CW 1317 • • • • • !r • • • ti ...i By Vonnie Lee •••• • • There are many adjectives to de.Scribe Gordon Sinclair, He could be annoying, irritating, insulting and just plain rude But he always was interesting - and honest. lie seemed to know 'how to ruffle feathers and he enjoyed it immensely. The more controversial the topic, the more he enjoyed stating his feelings and opinions and very often these opinions were not very popular. But it was with a real sense of loss that Canadians learn d last week that Sinclair had passed away. He had suffered a serious heart attack in a' restaurant and . there had been irreversible brain damage The following day, his three sons agreed that life support systems should be discon- nected and he died that evening. Many felt that is what the man would have wanted; he would not have wanted to live as a mental cripple. Sinclair began his jour- nalism career with the Toronto Star and later became a radio broadcaster at CFRB. The day of his fatal heart attack he had presented his show as usual on the station, bragging that he had passed his driver's test and was able to drive for another year. In the 1950s he became one of the original panelists on television's Front Page Challenge and with that show he became known nationwide for his caustic barbs, prying questions about money and embittered attitudes about religion. Sinclair's first doubts about the love of God came when he was a journalist M working in India. He saw death and starvation all around and could not believe that a loving caring God could allow this to happen. -The bitterness was further entrenched when he lost his only• daughter and he became firmly self-reliant, having no need for a Higher Power in his life. In one of his last interviews, however, a mellower Gordon Sinclair claimed he always believed in his own strength, adding that, IF there is a com- passionate God, He'll forgive me for that, It was the closest he would ever come to admitting he ever gave a .thought to spiritual things. Sinclair was laid to rest after a private family ser- vice. A public memorial service was held at Toronto's City Hall where family, friends and fans gathered to remember this giant in the world of Canadian broad- casting. Besides his three sons, he is survived ,by his wife who has suffered ill health for years (1-- 0--0 With idiots like those in Edmonton who made the sweet victory of success for the Oilers a bittersweet aftermath of bottle -throwing and fist -bashing, we wonder if Canadians ' get too emotional about their sports heroes. We were all proud of the Oilers, though, and love to watch hockey at its best. Next Monday evening at 8, the NHL Awards Special will be telecast by the CBC Former hockey greats will present present stars with trophies signifying their greatness in the national sport. 1:30 Galloping Gourmet 57 As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 6 2:00 One'Life to Live 11, 7 Wok With Yan 5, 3, 8, 10 Laverne & Shirley 57 Another World 5D, 13 2:30 Coronation Street 5 It's Your Move 6 Capitol 713, 4D City Life 57 Good Company 3 Do It For Yourself 8, 10 3:00 More Real People 513 Three's Company 8 20 Minute Workout 10 All Creatures Great and Small 5 Soapbox 11 , Do It For Yourself 3 Quincy 57 Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 General Hospital 7, 13 3:30 Good Times 5D All in the Family 3 Carol Burnett 8 Happy Days 10 4:00 Beverly Hillbillies 3, 8. Happy Days 7 I Love Lucy 10 Charlie's Angels 7D, 4D The Young and Restless 11 The Love Connection 13 Hercules 6 Jeffersons 5D 20 Minute Workout 57 Do it For Yourself 5 4:30 One Day at a Time 8 Toronto Rocks 57 Gilligan's Island 6 Laugh in 13 All in the Family 5D Jeffersons 10, 3 What's New? 5 WKRP 7 5:00 Wheel of Fortune 13 Charlie's Angels 6 Family Feud 7D, 4D Barney Miller 5D • Eight is Enough 11 Jeffersons 7 Happy Days 5 Three's Company 3 The Price Is Right 57, 8, 10 5:30 Newscope 7 ' W.K.R.P. 13 Three's Company 5 News 3, 7D, 4D, 3D EVENING 6:00 News 13, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 5 Ripley's Believe It or Not 3 Citypulse 57 6:30 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D . 7:00 Love Connection 7D, 41) Joker's Wild 5D SCTV 57 That's Life 6 Inside Baseball 5, 3 Smith and Smith 8 One Day at a Time 10 Family Feud 13 Wheel of Fortune 7 - Entertainment Tonight 11 7:30 Baseball: Montreal at Pittsburgh 5, 3, 8, 10 ' MASH 57 Family Feud 7 'Littlest Hobo 13 More Real People 6 Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D, 41) Backstage 11 8.00 Gimme a Break 5I) Magnum P.I. 7D, 4D,. 13 Movie "Brannigan" 57 The Volunteer Jam 11, 7 More Real People 6 8:30 Family Ties 3D 9:00 Simon and Simon 7D, ' 4D Wintario 6 Cheers 3D Live it Up 13 9:30 Bizarre 13 Night Court 6 The Duck Factory 5D 10:00 Hill Street Blues 5D. 11 20/207 Citypulse Tonight 57 National 5, 3, 8, 10 Love Boat 6 Knot's Landing 7D. 4D The Yellow Rose 13 10:20 Journal 5, 3, 8, 10 11.00 20 Minute Workout 57 News 11. 71). 41), 5D, 6, 7, 13, 5, 3, 8. 10 11 05 Newsfinal 5 11 •2n The Ontario Report 13 11:30 Nightline 7 Sportsline 6 Tonight Snow 5D Taxi 71), 4D Rising Damp 10 Entertainment Tonight 3 Barney Miller 5 Movies "Enchanted Island" 8; "Jet Pilot" 57 Family Brown 11 12:00 Movies "The Sea Wolf" 5: "More Wild, Wild West" 3; "Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones" 11; "Little Lord Fauntleroy" 13 Kojak 10 Mery Griffin 7 Chico and the Man 6 Soap 7D, 4D 12:30 Movie "Wonder Woman" 6 Entertainment Tonight 5D Rockford Files 7D, 4D 1:00 Eye on Hollywood 7 Thicke of the Night 5D 1:30 Saturday Night 4D, 7D Highlights 5 News 7 2:00 Nightwatch 7D, 4D, 13 Hawaii Five -O 11 2:30 Movie "TBA" 51) 3:00 The Dick Van Dyke . Show 11 4:30 Lone Ranger 5D Fri., June 1 . AFTERNOON 12:00 News 6, 7, 7D, 4D, 5D Batman 57 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Leave It To Beaver 3 Flintstones 1:3 Terrytunes 10 Charlie.'Brown 8 Camera on Canada 11 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 57, 7 Tattletales 13 • The Young and the Restless 7D, 41) News 10, 3,8 All in the Family 5 Super Pay Cards 11 1:00 Don Harron Show 13 Citylights 57 All My Children 5, 3,. 7, 8, 10 Let's Make a Deal 6 Days of Our Lives 11, 5D 1:30 As the World Turns 7D, 41). 6 Galloping' Gourmet 57 2:00 Laverne & Shirley 57 Another World 5D, 13 One Life to Live 11, 7 Wok With Yan 5, 3, 8. 10 2:30 City. Life 57 It's Your Move 6 Capitol 7D, 41) Coronation Streets Good Company :3 Do it For Yourself 8. 10. 3:00 20 Minute Workout 10 Three's Company '8 A Town Like Alice 5 More Real People 5D Guiding Light 7D; 4D, 6 Quincy 57 • General Hospital 7. 13 Do it For Yourself :3 Soapbox 11 3:3(1 Good Times 51) All in the Family 3 Carol Burnett 8 Coming Attractions 10 4:00 I Love Lucy 10 Beverly Hillbillies 3, 8 Happy Days 7 Charlie's Angels 71). 41) Love Connection 13 Hercules 6 Do it For Yourself 5 The Young and the' Restless 11 Jeffersons 5I) 20 Minute Workout 57 4:30 One Day at a Time 8 WKRP 7 Gilligan's island 6 Laugh In 13 All in the Family 5D Jeffersons 10, 3 Toronto Rocks 57 Amateur Naturalist 5 5:00 Three's Company :3 Happy Days 5 The Price is Right 57. 8, 10 Wheel of Fortune 13 Jeffersons 7 Family Fend 71). 41) Barney Miller 51) Charlie's Angels 6 Eight is Enough 11 5:30 Newscope 7 W.K.R.P. 1:3 Three's Company 5 NewS 3, 7D, 4D, 51) EVF.,N13?JG 6:00 Citypulse 57 News 11, 6. 7, 8, 5, 10, 13 Bigger and Better Television's Greatest Commercials 3 6:30 News 7, 71), 4D, 5D 7:00 Wheel of Fortune 7 Love Connection 7D, 41) Joker's Wild 5D SCTV 57 Simon and Simon 3 The -Facts of Life 5 Family Feud 13 Entertainment Tonight 11 That's Life 6 Trapper John M.D. 8 One Day At A Time 10 7:30 Huckleberry Finn and His Friends 11 Flying High 10 The Toronto Interna- tional Festival 5' MASH 57 More Real People 6 Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D,4D . Family Feud 7 Circus 13 8:00 The Master 5D Dukes of Hazzard 7D, 4D, 13 Family Ties 11 The A -Team :3 • Olympic Journey 5 Movie "Phobia" 57 Simon and Simon 8 T. J. Hooker 10 People Are Funny 6 Benson 7 8::30 Webster 7, 11 The Joke's On Us 6 Search' Tor Stars 5 9:00 Dallas 7D, 4D, 8 ' Movies "Columbo: Lady in Waiting" 6; "Saturn 3" 11; "City on Fire" 1:3; "TBA" 5D TBA 5, 10 Johnny Blue 3 Blue Thunder 7 10:00 Citypulse Tonight 57 National `.3, 10, 5, 8- F• Icon Crest 71), 41) M:tt Houston 7 10:20 Ttie Journal 3, 10, 5. 8 Jones 6 10:30 11:00 20 to Worklout 57 News 13. , 4D'51�. 6,11,7,:3,1,5,8 11:05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 1:3 11:30 Family Brown'll Movies "Stage Struck" 8; "What Became of Jack•a•nd Jill" 57 Good 'Rockin' Tonight 5 Look Out World, Here We Come 10 Entertainment Tonight 3 Nightline 7' Taxi 7D, 4D Tonight Show 51) Sportsline 6 12:00 Movies "Doing Time" 3: "The Last Day" 10: "Rogue Male" 11: "The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh" 1:3 Mery Griffin 7 Soap 7D, 4D Chico and the Man 6 12::30 Movie "The Killer Who Wouldn't Die" 6 The Best of Midnight Specials 5, Tonight 5D Rockford Files 4D, 7D 1 00 Eye on Hollywood 7 Thicke of the Night 51) 1.30 Saturday Night 41), 7D Citylimits 57 Movie "'The Story of Louis Pasteur" 5 News 7 2:00 Movies "TBA" 7D. 4D , "Three's a ('roved" 13 • Twilight. Zone :3 Hee Haw 11 2.30 Rawhide :3 Movie "TBA" 5D 3:00 The Dick Van Dyke Show 11 Highlights 5 3::30 i Love Lucy :3 in Search ()f . . 13 4:00 Movies "TBA" 71), 4D; "Sunflower" 3 Six Million Dollar Man 13 5 00 The Waltons 13 Movies on Channel 11 THURSDAY, 12:00 MIDNIGHT -"MR. AND MRS. BO JOp JONES". Desi Arnez, Dan Dailey, Dina Merrill. Set in 1956, "Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones" is a sensitive tale about a teenage couple forced into marriage by an unexpected pregnancy. FRIDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"SATURN 3". 'Farrah Fawcett - Majors, Kirk Douglas. Saturn 3 is set in the distant future and Farrah Fawcett -Majors and Kirk Douglas play two research chemists who have rejected the decadent society of the period in favour off a solitary life in a subterranean ,. laboratory on the edge of the solar system. Their space age love story develops into a horror story when a "robot helper" - sent to them by space shuttle from the Saturn Survey Team - arrives in charge of a psychotic killer, played by Harvey Keitel. They are forced to do lonely battle for survival against the killer and his rogue robot as Saturn plunges into a 22 day eclipse, cutting them off from the rest of mankind. FRIDAY, 12:00 MIDNIGHT -"ROGUE MALE". Peter • O'Toole, Alistair Sim. English big game hunter decides to stalk Hitler for a quarry and finds himself being'hunted. SATURDAY, 12:00 MIDNIGHT -"LIFE GOES TO THE MOVIES"..Hosted by Liza Minnelli, Shirley MacLaine, Henry Fonda. Spans 36 years of Hollywood history from the inception of Life Magazine in 1936 until its final pub- lication in 1972. TUESDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"THE TWO LIVES OF CAROL LETNER", Meredith Baxter Birney. A contemporary drama about a former call girl who is, manipulated by the. police into resuming her old profession. Movies on Channel' 6 Bennett Sens for Less en nett Pontiac • li.uieh ^ GMC 810 10th St. -IANOVER Open Mon. -Wed 9.6p.m . Thurs.'Fri, 9 - 9 Sat. 9 - 5 p m. 364.2140 SAVE AT CAR CITY CHRYSLER SAVE AT CAR CITY CHRYSLER Trust Listowel Chrysler To Repair Your Car "WE'RE EXPERTS AT REPAIRING" • Scratches • Dents and Complete Collision end Painting FREE ESTIMAT Comein today and talk over your ttroll II repairs with ... LLOYD McLAUGHLIN Body Shop Manager "You Really Mattel To Us" LISTOWEL CHRYSLER 2914350 Mon. to Fri. OPEN 8a.m. to 5:30 p.m SAVE AT CAR CITY CHRYSLER 1:131SAHH3 AJ J3 dV3 IV 3AVS, THURSDAY, 12:30 A.M.-"WONDER WOMAN". Wonder Woman leaves her home on Paradise Island to undertake a special mission to assist the CIA. Cathy Lee Crosby, Ricardo 'Montalban, Andrew Prine. FRIDAY, 12:30 A.M.-"THE KILLER WHO WOULDN'T DIE". A former homicide policeman returns to the job after a friend's husband is found murdered. The man had been working as an undercover agent at the time of his death. Mike Connors, Mariette Hartley, Patrick O'Neal. SATURDAY, 12:00 MIDNIGHT -"LAW ANDORDER". Based on a novel by, Dorothy Uhnak about three genera- ,, tions of an Irish -American family who. have all joined the police force in New York. City. Darren McGavin, Keir Du11ea, Robert Reed, Teri Garr. SATURDAY, 3;00 A.M.--"THE SECRET LIFE OF JOHN CHAPMAN". A college president quits his prestigious job to try•his hand at manual labour and to see how the `other half' lives,. Ralph Waite, Susan Anspach, Brad Davis, Pat Hingle. SUNDAY, 12:00 MIDNIGHT -"I LOVE YOU, GOODBYE". A frustrated suburban housewife rejects the roles that society has forced on her and leaves her home and family to discover a more challenging and fulfilling life. Hope Lange, Earl Holliman, Michael Murphy, Patricia Smith. MONDAY, 9:00 P.M.-"McMILLAN AND WIFE: THE GAME OF SURVIVAL". A hot-tempered tennis pro is sus-. pected of slaying a wealthy businessman. The man's son. uses the family newspaper to put pressure on Commission- - er McMillan to find the killer. Rock Hudson, Stefanie Powers, George Maharis, William Windom, Bobby Riggs, Susan Saint James. WEDNESDAY, 1:30 A.M.-"McCLOUD: THE NEW MEXI- CAN CONNECTION". After Marshall McCloud arrests a murder suspect from New Mexico in New York City, he becomes the primary victim of a television campaign against police brutality. Dennis Weaver, Diana Muldaur, Rick Nelson, Jackie Cooper, Sharon Gless, Gilbert Roland. NEVER AGAIN . J WILL YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR INSURANCE WITH SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. You don't need us to tell you that lump sum insurance payments can keep you awake with worry. That's why The Dominion lets you pay your premium in twelve monthly instalments. With our Ideal Monthly Payment Plan, you'll know how much your home or car insurance will cost each month and be able to budget accordingly. F'OR EXAMPLE . IF YOUR ANNUAL PREMIUM 15,.. 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