HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-05-30, Page 8ge 8 --'the Wifghami,., dvanc
Title#,, May 3q; 1964
:ITa all who donated articles
fir our annual auction sale,
f om baking, preserves, to
ipe,rymwruch. Senches,cial thank you
s epethanks to
atuctioneers, Bob Grih:npre
and Bill Boyd, and George
Keil for the use of his
linil ing,
' Howick Lions Club
With many thanks to our
latives, neighbors and
fiend who attended our
' edding reception at Bel -
ore, Friday evening. We
4rall always treasure your
ood wishes, beautiful gifts
nd corning, to make our day
a happy one.
i Sincerely,
Brian and Jill
(Strong) Welsh
Sincere thanks to friends
(Ind neighbors who sent
(lards, flowers and gifts, also•
visits while I was a patient in
$t. Josephs Hospital, Lon-
don and at home. Your kind-
riess was appreciated so
Florence Currah
I wish to say a sincere
(hank you to all of our many
friends who visited in the
hospital, for cards and treats
and all thoughts of concern
both for me and for my fam-
ily. Thanks also to all of
those special people in the
hospital, nurses, doctors and
Bob Perry
We would like to take this
opportunity to thank our
,Ltany friends and neighbors
r the kindness shown to us
m the recent passing of our
father and grandfather, Wil-
liam Lyon of Windsor. A spe-
cial thank you to Rev. Doug-
las Madge for his prayers
and words of encourage-
Carol and Mac
MacKay and family
. We would like to thank our
neighbors, friends and rela-
tives for the kindness which
was shown when my hus-
band, our father and grand-
father -passed away. A spe-
41a1 thanks for the flowers
and donations which were
received at the funeral home
and for the food that was
brought to our home. Thanks
to the Currie -Walker Funera
al Home.
Janie and Jim
Bev and Doug
Evans and
Ruth and Brian
I would like to say a sin-
cere thank you to friends and
relatives for the flowers,
aisits, calls,and cards I re-
ceived whilI was a patient
in Wingham and London
Hospitals. Your thoughtful-
fiess was gratefully appreci-
ated and it will be remem-
bered always. -
Sandra Morrison
We wish to extend special
-thanks to the many individu-
als, businesses and associa-
tions who contributed in any
way to the 1st annual Silver
Circle Tournament at River-
side Park on . Sunday. All
proceedsfrom this event go
to support the children at the
Silver Circle Nursery School.
Heartfelt thanks from the
staff at Zehrs of Wingham,
CHYM Radio and the staff
and children at Silver Circle.
I would like to thank the
ladies responsible for my
Community shower and
those who attended. Thanks
also for all the lovely gifts.
Janice Somers
Margaret Hastings and
family wish to thank friends,
neighbors and relatives for
the many cards and expres-
sions of sympathy received
–during the loss of a dear son
and brother.
I would like to thank my
many new neighbors and rel-
atives for the warm welcome
they have extended to me.
Special thanks to Mrs. Edith
Vincent for hosting a family
shower and Mrs. Gloria Dow
for hosting the neighborhood
shower in my honor. You
have made me feel welcome.
Joan Vincent
We wish to thank friends,
neighbors and relatives for
their many good wishes and
gifts on the occasion of our
marriage. We sincerely ap-
preciate your thoughtfulness
on making it a day we will
never forget.
Neil and
Joan Vincent
The Knights of "Coluntbtls
of Wingham would like to
thank Zehrs of Wingham for
allowing us to sell Arthritis
Car Tickets in their store.
We raised $800 for their
benefit, Also we would like to
thank Cullen's and Bridge
Motors for use of their cars.
The winning tickets were
from . Cornwall, Niagara
Falls, Raeth, Oakville and
Dalkeith, Ontario,
Gerald Belanger,
Grand Khight
We would like to thank our
friends and family who made
our social evening a success.
Special thanks to Doug, Ken,
Leo and anyone else who
helped in organizing this
evening for us. It was much
appreciated and will always
be remembered.
Brenda Haasnoot
and Calvin Quipp
MILLER—Passed 'away
suddenly at Peel Memorial
Hospital, Brampton, on
Wednesday, May 23, Mrs.
Gilbert (Lillian Bessie)
Miller of Brampton. She
was the beloved wife of Gil
Miller; dear mother of
Keith Lancaster of
Brampton, Donna (Lan-
caster) Bell of London and
Joan Burge, Oakville. She
was also dearly loved by
her six grandchildren.
Funeral service was held
Friday at 11 o'clock at the
Ward Funeral Home,
McClure Chapel, Bramp-
ton, • followed by a
graveside service at
Rodney Cemetery at four
o'clock. Expressions of
sympathy may be directed
to the Ontario Heart
two of the youngsters from the Silver Circle Nursery
School in Wingham, posed with morning man George
Michaels, promotions manager Valerie Corcoran and
news director Don Grose from radio station CHYM prior
to the start of Sunday afternoon's benefit ball game
against staff from the local Zehrs supermarket. The
game and associated events, organized by Vicki Payne
and fellow staff at Zehrs, raised over $1.000 to help
support the work of the Silver Circle Nursery with han-
dicapped children in this area.
Whitechurch Personals
On Monday the After -Four
Class held its final meeting
Foundation. for this term at the manse in
MARTIN—Passed away at the form of a picnic. There
Wingham and District were four in attendance and
Hospital on Friday, May Rod Lamb taught the boys to
25, following a brief illness, play croquet. Mrs. Lamb and
Austin Martin of Lucknow, Mrs. Moore, the leaders,
in his 64th year. Left to served the boys a delicious
mourn his passing are his lunch. It is hoped the class
wife Joan, on the staff of will reorganize next fall
Wingham Public School; when school starts.
one daughter Marilyn of This community was
Toronto; one. son Richard, saddened, to learn Wed
Toronto; and one sister, n sday of last wVek'thaf Mrs.
Mrs. Alan T. MacDonald obeha Stewart . of Tees
water wife of the late
Toronto and Kincardine.
Funeral was held Monday
at two o'clock at the
MacKenzie and McCreath
Funeral Home, "'Lucknow,
Rev. Warren MacDougall
officiating. Final resting
place will be Greenhill
Cemetery, Lucknow.
LEDIET—Passed away
suddenly at Wingham on
Monday, May 28, Gordon
F. Lediet of 207 Victoria
Street West, Wingham, in
his 74th year. He was the
beloved husband of the
former Madeline McKel-
lar; father to Ron Jones of
Wingham; brother of Mrs.
Bill (Hazel) Danket of RR
2, Guelph, Mrs. Ken (Eva)
Simmons, RR 4, Wingham,
George of Florida, Bill and
Alvin, both of Wingham.
There are four grand-
children and two great
grandchildren. He was
predeceased by his
brothers, Preston (World
War II) and' Norman
(1980). Funeral service
was conducted by Pastor
Jack Kindred today
(Wednesday) at two
o'clock at The Currie -
Walker Funeral Home,
Wingham. Final resting
place will be Wingham
Cemetery. Donations to
the charity of one's choice
would be appreciated as
expressions of sympathy.
Robert Stewart, had passed
away at Wingham and
District Hospital. Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart and their
family, Velma, Eileen and
Donald, farmed for many
years on their farm at
Langside across from Mrs.
Roely deBoer. They were
well known in this com-
munity and friends here
extend their deepest sym-
pathy to Mrs. Lorne (Velma)
McAllister and her husband
of Teeswater, Donald and
Mrs. Stewart of Teeswater
and Mrs. Dave (Eileen)
Moffat and her husband, RR
3, Holyrood.
Those from here on the
Lucknow school band trip
were Kim Laidlaw, Karen
Pickard and Tony Falconer.
They played at Listowel,
Atwood, Brantford, Simcoe,
Woodstock and Port Dover.
They spent three nights at
Simcoe..All had an enjoyable
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson
were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Huffman of Lucan, Mrs.
Leroy Rintoul, Kimberley
and Debbie of St. Helens,
Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, Rod
Lamb, Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin
and Mrs. Farish Moffat,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Beecroft spent Saturday in
APPRECIATION AWARD—Craig Barclay of Zehrs
presented an appreciation award to Valerie Corcoran of
CH YM radio, Kitchener, following a benefit ball game
held at Riverside Park on Sunday afternoon. The game
and associated activities organized by Vicki Payne and
fellow staff from the local Zehrs store raised more than
$1 000 in donations from local individuals, groups and
businesses, the money going to support the work of the
Silver Circle Nursery School with handicapped children
in this area.
Wingham with Ronald
Beecroft, Kevin, Shannon
and Heather.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tyndal
of St, Jacobs and Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Corey of Clinton
visited Sunday with Mrs.
Gary Rintoul, Kevin and
Corey of East Wawanosh.
Guests on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Elliott
and attending anniversary
services at Chalmers Pres-
byterian Church were Rev.
and Mrs. Ian Dambrowitz
and son Timothy, Mr.
and Mrs;_ Paul Laidlaw,
Michelle and Jason, all of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Elliott, Ryan and Kyle, Mr.
and Mrs. David Elliott,
Stratford, Mr.. and Mrs. Paul
Elliott, Jeffery, Leslie and
Matthew, Brussels, Mr. and
Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw.
The United Church an-
niversary services will be.
held June 10 at 11 a.m. and 8
p.m. Services will be con-
ducted by Rev. George Ball
and Jack Whytock.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Vincent
of Riverview, New Bruns-
wick, and their family,
Patrick, Angela and Aaron,
visited for ten days with Mr.
and Mrs. George Webster.
While here they attended the
wedding of his brother. They
left on Sunday for their home
at Riverview.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of
Wingham were Sunday
evening visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Brian Falconer and
friends of Sarnia visited
Saturday with Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Millan of Sarnia visited
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin and attended
the funeral of Mrs. Robena
Stewart at Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc-
Clenaghan and Mrs. Mary
McClenaghan went to the
home of Mr. arid Mrs. Harry
Moss of Plattsville on the
weekend. Mr. and Mrs.
McClenaghan continued on
to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Special service
held at Trinity
Jim Jones, Woodstock,
where a surprise 25th
wedding anniversary
celebration was held for Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Des
Roches. The McClenaghans
returned home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul,
Steven, Scott and Stuart of
West Wawanosh,, were
Sunday visitors With his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Rintoul, and atteri;Ied the
Chalmers anniversary serv-
BELGRAVE — A special
service was held at Trinity
Anglican Church on Sunday
afternoon when new hymn'
books were dedicated by the
rector, Rev. Douglas Madge,
in memory of Miss Nora Van
The choir, under the direc-
tion of the organist, Mrs.
Clare Van Camp, sang two
anthems. A floral arrange-
ment was placed in memory
of Mr. and Mrs. William Van
Camp by their family.
Those attending from a
distance were Mr. and Mrs.
John Evans, Sarnia, Mr. and
Mrs. Leen Zevenbergen and
boys, Hepworth, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Johnston,
Wingham, Mrs. Norma '
Davidson and Mary, Glen-
coe, Mrs. Kay Harris, Tees -
May 31
6:00 p.m.
Auction sale of con-
signments of home
furnishings & antiq-
ues including some
Limoges china at
Ripley Complex in
Sat., June 2
10:30 a.m.
Auction sale of horse
equipment, trailer & a
tractor for Mrs. Mar-
ion McLeod, Lot 64,
Con. A., Huron Twp.,
south of Kincardine
on Lakeshore Rd.
Sat., June 2
1:30 p.m.
Auction sale of farm
machinery & some
household effects for
Alex. Hackett, Lot 9,
Con. 10, Ashfield
Twp., approx. 3 mi.
south of Lucknow
then l'/2 mi. west.
Mon., June 4
5:30' p.m.
Sale of Real Estate for
the Estate of Miss
Wally Seger, at the
property on Railway
St., south end of
Mon.., June 4
6:00 p.m.
Sale of household fur-
nishings & antiques
for the Miss Wally
Seger Estate with ad-
ditional consignments
in the Teeswater Ar-
Sat., June 16
10:30 a.m.
Auction sale for Ross
MacKenzie, 1 mi.
east of Amberley, on
Hwy. 86, then south
'/2 mi. Farm equip-
Teeswater 392-6170
Ripley 395-5353
Decay not prevented
Paint does not prevent
wood from deterioration
due to decay. Paint pre-
vents the weathering of
wood; its main value is for
In 1983 St. John Ambu-
lance in Ontario. t,r, ><ed.,
nearly 120,00 penple tl
co,� es in first "aid, cardio
p Umonary
fanny health care, child
care, babysitting and health
care for seniors. For infor-
mation on any of those
courses, contact St. John
Ambulance locally, or at 46
Wellesley St. East, Toronto,
M4Y 1G5.
Of farm machinery &
some household ef-
fects will be heldh/for
Lot 9, Con. 10, Ash-
field Twp., approx.
3 mi. south of
Lucknow, then 11/2
mi. west on:
Sat., June 2
1:30 p.m.
Tillage & haying equip-
ent; - iron kettle; 12
auge pump shot gun
.A.C. required); liv-
i . room and bed-
rom furnishings and
much more.
No reserve. Farm
sold. Terms: Cash
day of sale. Auction-
eers and owner not
responsible for injur-
ies, accidents or los-
ses connected in any
way with the sale.
Men's work clothing, -safety boots, jog-
ging shoes for the whole family, ladies'
tops,`jdtging" uits:and rtlggej p is dSg
Daily 9 am - 9 pm
Sat. 9 am - 6 pm
See our ad in
this week's
for more
details on
our super
Of real estate, household effects & antiques
will be held for The Estate of:
With additional consignments in the
Teeswater Arena on:
Mon., June 4 6:00 p.m.
Real Estate to be sold at 5:30 p.m.
REAL ESTATE: consists of insul brick house
on standard sized lot on Railway St. in
Teeswater. 2 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath and closet
space up, living room, dining room, kitchen and
porch down. Partial basement, gas furnace and
water heater. To be sold by public auction, sub-
ject to a reasonable reserve bid, at the location
at 5:30, June 4, 1984. For preview, call
392-6179. Terms on property: 15% down,
balance in 60 days.
SALE IN ARENA AT 6:00 P.M.: for Estate of
Miss Wally Seger with additional consignments.
Partial list includes: antique bed; dresser &
washstand; a number of beds; dressers;
washstands; chests of drawers; library tables;
antique parlour chairs and tables; reclining and
platform chairs; press back and bow back
chairs; press back high chair; antique child's
rocker.; desks; coffee tables; antique organ
stool; Victrola; antique foot stools; chester-
fields; Pfaff automatic electric sewing machine
and table; old Singer treadle sewing machine;
large quantity of sewing equipment and sup-
plies; remnants; quilt parts; upholstery sup-
plies; bedding; quilts; cushions; table cloths;
doilies; very large quantity of antique and con-
temporary glass and dishes; silverware; kit-
chenware; small appliances; large appliances;
willow clothes basket; wicker baskets; a large
number of dolls (unused); electric and oil
lamps; miniature oil lamp; Aladdin Tamp; quantity
of books; old magazines; full sets of Popular
Science back to 1963; number of crocks;
crockery churn; rugs; leaded stained glass win-
dows; copper kettle and boilers; snowmobile
helmets; garden tools; lawn mowers; 8 used
radial tires; table saw; and MUCH more.
Terms: Cash night of sale. Listings subject to
change without notice. Snack bar.
Teeswater 392.6170
Ripley 395-5353
Walton Sale ,
2 Mina West of Durham, on No. 4.'
Thurs., June 7
12:00 Noon
Complete Darilane Dispersal, owned py
Grand Valley, Ontario
70 Holsteins
40 Registered and Grade cows with quality ud-
ders sired by Rockman, Royalty, Man -O -War,
Royalstar, Perseus Admiral, and others. 22
cows are selling fresh or due sale time, balance
in various stages of lactation. 1 Registered
Jersey and her yearling daughter sells, plus 2
Brown Swiss cows.
30 Registered and Grade heifers, 5 bred for fall
calving, 18 breeding age, 12 calves. Herd has
been recently blood tested and eligible for
USA. Dairy Equipment offered day of sale.
De Laval Pipeline 180' of 2 inch milk and
vacuum line 4 units. Model 76. Vacuum Pump.
Bulk Cooler 600 gallon Model E600,
Automatic Washer.
Plan now to attend. Open for Consignments.
Sale Manager & Auctioneer
Phone 519-369-3804
Of household goods & furniture to be held at
Wingham Auction Centre on:
Sat., June 2, 1984 11:00 a.m.
CONSISTING OF: 4 piece bedroom suite; 3
chesterfields and chairs; pair twin beds; ext. dining
room table with 3 leaves; antique spool arm rocker;
ant. 3 shelf stand; solid wood coffee table; apt. size
drop leaf table with 2 chairs; chest freezer; elec.,
apt. size dryer; 2 good wringer washers; built -in --
dishwasher; kitchen utensils; toasters; can opener;
steam iron; pots; pans; odd dishes; etc.; RCA
stereo; Coalport sugar, cream, cups, saucers,
crystal; pressed glass; sm. musical Getman clock;
Rogark sm. Tarten dolls; other interesting items;
metronome; 2 press back 'Cameo' chairs; 2
chicken coop chairs; 14 wooden kitchen chairs;
sm. pine table; treadle sew. machine; hand made
baby bed with spool comers; maple medicine
cabinet; cream can; 4 oil lamps; 1 wall Tamp; sev.
collector's sealers; flat irons; 2 Northern intercom.
wall phones; milk scales; 6 Formosa Stout bottles;
2 blanket boxes; 2 old adding machines; cistern
pump; 23" horse collar; 4 heavy traces; yoke; new
3 h.p. bench grinder; new 1/4 h.p. motor; blow
torch; 2 metal fireproof receipt boxes; Targe shop
vacuum; port. freezer, operate on car, hydro, pro-
pane; Coleman lantern; 3/8 & 1/4" drills; 5 tool
boxes; clocks; lawn sprinkler; hammers; wrenches;
files, etc.; 2 step ladders; wash basin & pitcher; 4
large crocks, 2 with lids; garden tools; etc.; 63 Red
Rose tea miniatures. - -.•• - - --
PREVIEW: Friday June 1, 2 - 5 p.m. and 7 - 9
p.m., also Saturday, June 2, 10 a.m. to sale time'.'
Mobile lunch.
357-1011 and 357-1442
Of Machinery, 1977 Chev Truck, 29 Acres
of Standing Hay and Household Items -will be
held for
Lot El 9, Con. 13, West Wawanosh, 2
corners east of Lucknow then 1 corner
south, turn east to 1st farm on
Sat., June 9
10:00 a.m.
Case S tractor; tractor chains 13 x 6 x .28; 3
pth. tractor weight; John Deere 3 x 14 plow;
Int. No. 1150 mix mill; George White 36 ft.
elevator; Int. rake; Massey 28 plate disc; John
Deere 10 ft. 3 pth. cultivator; J.D. 24T baler;
Allis Chalmers B engine; Haban corn shelter;
J.D. 42 PTO combine pickup and reel;
Cockshutt 9 ft. pull type swather; 4" x 16'
grain auger has motor; 5" x 20' grain auger and
motor: Speed King 55 ft. x 6 inch grain auger
_on wheels with motor; 2 wagons and racks; 9
ton wagon has 220 bu. Killros gravity bin as
new; electric hammer mill and motor; Case
hammer mill has belt; Helm post hole digger;
Helm snow -blower; J.D. spreader for parts;
M.H. drill for parts; J.D. mower for parts; walk-
ing plow; fanning mill; hay fork; 3 pth. stook
fork; several scales; sap pan and pails; wooden
barrel; keg; cement mixer and forms; wooden
ladders; gate; 3 pth. buzz saw; sheep feeders;
portable sheep pens; loading chute; chicken
shelter; hen nests; egg washer; brooder stove;
chicken feeders; hen crates; ventilator; hog
feeders and troughs; heat lamps; farrow crate;
Blacksmith forge; anvil; emery and motor; Fort-
ney welder; grind stone; hand drill; vise and
stand; barn jacks; fence posts and rails; 6
cords of wood and lumber; lawn mower; rack
for 1/2 ton truck; 1977 Chev 1/2 ton truck has
62,000 miles, sells certified; 29 acres of stan-
ding hay, fresh seeded, to sell by acre.
HOUSEHOLD: Chesterfield and 2 chairs;
writing desk; school desk; magazine rack;
Boston rocker; chairs; wooden rockers; odd
tables; picture frames; chrome table; freezer;
fridge; barbecue; antique table; bottom of old
cupboard; wooden radio; oil burner stove; sew-
ing machine; crib; 2 bedroom suites; single
bed; couch; crocks and sealers; table cloth's;
cushions; mats; quilts and blankets; trunks;
blanket boxes; quilt and mat frames; clothes
horse; 2 butter churns; metronome; antique
clock; hall tree; ike cream maker; shoe maker
equipment; tailor's iron; old violin; toys and
games; doors.
For information phone 528-6844.
Terms - Cash. Lunch Booth.
Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for
NOTE: Household. Items sell at 10. a.m.