HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-05-23, Page 5• 4n nothing quite like ,4 • . koi • ,A•se---ei0h7 • Tough Honda Generators Great Honda Lawnmowers From Lawn Mowers to Riding Tractors to Rototillers to Generators to Water Pumps to Auxiliary Engines and even Outboard Motors, more and more people are coming to rely on the rugged - reliability and dependability of Honda power products. See them at Lynn Hoy Enterprises today and make the switch to Honda. You're not going to be disappointed. T.p„plyingtop Adyance-Tinlea. NOY .31984—Page 5 Whitechurch Personals This community extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore who recently quietly celebrated their 25th wedding an- niversary. Congratulations also to Cindy Moore who was a member of the graduation class of Registered Nursing Assistants at the Wingham and District Hospital ceremonies on Friday. Brian Falconer and friends of Sarnia spent the holiday with Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corey of Clinton visited Saturday with Mrs. Gary Rintoul, Kevin and Corey. The Whitechurch Women's Institute contributed $872 to the Canadian Cancer Society. This community learned Tuesday morning of the passing of Mrs. John Scat- terly, the former Annie Kennedy, of Harrow. She leaves to mourn her passing, four sons, a brother Dave of Kincardine and brother Will Hardworking Honda Tillers Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Highway 86, Wingham. 357 3435 TEST MEDAL WINNERS—Members of the Wingham Canadettes who passed their tests for medals this year are: bronze, Lana Thompson, Leya DeBruyn, Jennie Heinmiller, Shannon Robinson and Lisa hapman; gold, of Walkerton. Annie was the daughter of,the late Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kennedy whoae home was on the second concession of Kinloss, across from the Mirehouse home. The community extends sympathy to her familyand other relatives. The funeral will be held Thursday at Harrow. The 120th anniversary of Chalmers Presbyterian Church will be celebrated Sunday, May 27, with ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. Ivan Dambrowitz of Chalmers Church, London. The Reach Out Singers will be at the evening service doing a musical cantata, "Love and Kindness". This group of 20 or more singers from Chalmers will do the entire service in music and they have a delightful sound for congregational praise and worship. Leader is Tom Hunter. Lunch will be served after the service in the Sunday School room. Cottrills get contract to pave Lower Town Cottrill Paving of Kin- cardine was awarded the contract to pave a portion of Lower Town this July by Debbie Clark, and silver, Hailey Robertson. The girls Turnberry council at a received their medals during an awards dinner last meeting held last Tuesday week. evening. The Cottrill bid came in at $25,512 or $33.25 per metric tonne. Road Superintendent Ross Nicholson had estimated the cost of the project at $25,000. Council also instructed Mr. ' Nicholson to advertise for tenders for surface treat- ment of the B-line. In other business council went into committee -of -the - whole to discuss debenturing of the Fortune Drain, but no decision was reached. Deputy Reeve Doug Fortune declared a conflict of in- terest in the discussion since he is involved with the drain. Bryan cqHoward of the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority and James Milroy attended the cotoo* Ntis‘t.o,e7:30*P BULK FOODS, BULK BAKING GOODS DISCOUNT GROCERIES •Great Prices! And it's all under one roof. TOOLS, GIFTWARE, NEW AND USED GUNS, SPORTING GOODS CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR AT LOW, LOW PRICES NEW-&-LISED- FURNITURE; CARPETING AND NO WAX FLOORING ',3 & 4 Piece Living Room Sets eclining Chairs. Solid W6od able & Chair Sets. Buffets and utches. Chrome Suifes. edroom Furniture - Dressers, hests, Box Springs & Mat- resses. Carpets - A fine selec- ion of roll ends, remnants and omplete rolls, in various colours shades such as rown, rust, beige, ushroomi, arthtones with jute •r rubber. Buy in bulk and save! Hundreds of items to choose from. • • Bulkcookies. Bulk 'crackers. Bulk candies. Bulk spices. Bulk peanut butter. Bulk honey. Bulk, baking goods. Bulk .soaps. Produce: Potatoes by 50/1b. bag. Apples.. Oranges. Frozen Boxed Meats. Socket Sets. Axes. Hammers. Bench Grinders. Come a Longs: Wrench .Sets. Plier Sets. Extension Cords. Sanders, etc. Giftware: ' Brass & cobiper. Items. China Figurines. Wall Plaques Knives. Binocylars. Rifle Scopes. Fishing Rods arid Reels, . Coveralls tor Men and Boys. Work Pants. Shirts. Socks. Blue Jeans for Men,. Ladies and • • Children. Winter Jackets. 2 -Piece Snowsuits. Rugby Pants. Sweat Suits. • Footwear - CSA. Approved Insulated Safety Work Shoes. Winter Lined Boots. Rubber" Boots, Gym Shoes, etc. Visit the Wingham Sales Arena 357-1730 • 680 Josephine St. Just north of Wingham on Hwy: No. 4. ' Open Monday - Saturday 9 am • 6 pm 'Friday nights till 9 pm Cash. Cheque. VISA. Mastercard accepted meeting to see if council would agree to close Alice Street in Lower ToWn since one of Mr. Milroy's buildings is located on the old road allowance. Mr. Milroy also asked if it would be possible to close a section of John Street. Council and Mr. Howard agreed on both counts and gave Mr. Milroy the go ahead to proceed with the road closings with the un- derstanding that Mr. Milroy will pay all legal and ad- vertising costs. Turnberry has received its order of 1,000 com- memorative pins bearing the township logo. Ordering the pins was a bicentennial project taken on by council and the pins are on sale now at the municipal office in Bluevale for $1.50 apiece. The next • meeting of Turnberry 'council is • scheduled for June 5 at 7:30 p.m. TIN 5011AIII CANADETTE TROPHY WINNERS—Progress awards were presented last week to the girl in each class of the Wingharn Canadettes who had made the most progress during the past year. The awards, presented by Patti Robertson, each had a story behind them. They went to (back) Debbie Clark, senior; Jennie Heinmiller, in- termediate; (front) Margaret Skinn, juvenile; Kendra Merkley, junior, and Sarah Fox - ton, Tiny Tot. le :* ;(0 0 1• is • e • • • PARKT ETRE GOOTEICII 5244111 WED. - THURS. at 8:00 P.M. FOR THE BREAK OF YOUR LIFE! rittfaTti- STARTS FRIDAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY 7 & SUNDAY - THURSDAY S:00 P.M. lICHR l(M}Ilca ce ForWornenWho Live Alone. Womenwho live alone are sometimes inclined to neglect insurance—feeling that their self-sufficiency doesn't require it or it has been "taken care of:' The fad is, single women and men have just as much to protect as interests are professionally anyone else and that represented when you protection is even more need to make a claim. critical when losses can't So call your broker and ask if he or she is a member of the I.B.A.O. insurance company. An I.B.A.O. broker is indepen- dent and unbiased. Your I.BAO. broker shops around for value, recommends the, right 'coverage at the right price and makes sure your be shared. For your own peace of mind talk to an indepen- dent consultant, talk to one of the I.B.A.O. insurance brokers listed below. Is there a difference between an I.BAO. broker and an agent? Yes there is. An agent works directly for one • '0 TUESDAY ONLY ADULT & YOUTH 2:00 SORRY NO PASSES TUESDAY NIGHT frinfareeemn THE DAY WE BOMBED UTAH by John Fuller This book is a powerful, stinging indictment of government callousness and •willingness to sacrifice the safety and lives of American citizens in the supposed interest of national security. It tells of the filming of "The Conqueror" in Utah's radioactive dessert sands when all four superstars — John Wayne, Susan Hayward, Dick Powell and Agnes Moorehead — sub- sequently died of cancer. It is, above all, a grim reminder of how a govern- ment can err and then cover up. INSURANCE BROKERS ASSOCIATION ONTARIO ere's More To Insurance Th WINGHAM KEIL INS. BROKERS 1 82 Josephine St. 357-2636 GORRIE KEIL INS. BROKERS Gorrie 335-3525 ThanJust a Policy Call the I.B.A.O. broker in your neighbourhood. GORRIE WYLIE INS. Corner George & Princess 335-3193 • • 0 • • • • • ,0 • 0 OCCASIONAL VIOLINCS 24 HOUR MOVIE LINE 524-712111 utpumEran COMMUNTIY CALENDAR Pfeil INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Insurance - All types. Home, business, auto, farm, life, WINGHAM 357-2636 GORRIE 335-3525 Thurs., Thurs. May 24 Fri. May 25 BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS by Barbara B. Brown This is not a book on stress, it is a book that describes previously undescribed areas of underhealth and how their causes operate surreptiously within quite normal minds. It also describes exactly how various techniques can relieve the unease of mind and body caused by the stresses of life, as well as enriching the native in- telligence of the human mind. Diminished well being is the social Pac-Man that devours coping and psychic energy and inner strength. Betore it wins the game at our lives, it needs some serious, sober attention, That's what this book is all about. Sat. May 26 Sun. May 27 Mon. May 28 Tues, May 29 Wed. May 30 May 24 to Wed. May 30 Noon Luncheon, Roast Beef, St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Gorrie, 11:45 a.m. Variety Concert, Howick Agricultural Socie- ty 125th Anniversary Celebrations, Howick Central School, 8 p.m. Dance, Sponsored by Senior Citizens "Happy Gang", at the Wingham Ar- mouries, 8:30 p.m. Dance; Scouts Appreciation Night, Wingham Armouries, 9 p.m. Tickets from Wingham Kinsmen., Rummage Sale, Salvation Army, Orange Hall, Wingham, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Flea Market, Branch 180 Wingham Legion, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 357-1190. Used Book Sale, Proceeds Blyth Festival, Blyth Memorial Hall, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Tomorrow 12 to 5 p.m. 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baier, formerly of Belmore, at Grace Lutheran Church, Mit- chell, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Benefit Baseball Game, Riverside Park, 2 p.m., Zehrs vs. CHYM, Proceeds to Silver Circle Nursery, Refreshments & Games for Children. Hunter Safety Training, Wingham Sport- smen Club, 7 p.m. Monthly Meeting, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 180, Wingham, 8 p.m. Cold Plate Supper, Mclntosh United Church, 4:30 to 8 p.m. ROXY HOME VIDEO Great Family Entertainment 241 Josephine St., Wingham Phone 357-3373 cm et= masa moon ema earn moles Lea. OP= b% emrxe nem. arena ere=al e.t.a ca emu •