HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-04-25, Page 239R ., „ ..., : r r : 2 COLURC OP SCOTTIES - FACIAL TISSUES 200 SH. SIDE89 _ . R. . HLIc1RH D WHI• tT 4), . , . ' 0 .wHgAT �� WE7:rr* �. ,,,„ y- FOR 67:5 g LOAVES •' A.... krYTISSUE „"'.Y' I', �� a r t qo '" �« sly 'B q .. °� tills Cr *ROLL. rt. , Mitt PKG. C, " ,... , , .„ , :„. SAVE! C : SAVE! '' ; SAVE! SAVE! U PEPIA• 1.06 .„ `t.tiM if pl �r.e '1 PY eigirOMEMIX �snir;rr a.e r it raKET(Rop BEllNNIE. r APIAACt-Or S ' •••,,...*:•,,w4M * OR CHUNKY KIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 500 g JAR 1.9 ®1 •h A,, fresh Lessiverr i bright fraiche, ..<� �, LARGE 4.S KB SUNLIGHT LAUNDRY DETERGENT— 12 LITRE CTN. 6.99€ 1. ��� :�� � x .>.. TOM ATO K E Tic•• H U t Aux .,,„..,:,,,,.„,:,,,:, ............... „.....,...„,,,, LARGE-1 ARGE-t LITRECREAMY HEINZ PURE��.. KETCHUP - ..,,-,9 . -. .. .:„„,::.„::,,,,,,:::,:,,,,....."....„..:::..,:,:::::::,.,.,.,::,..:,,,,,,„ . ::::::.:,:,:i:::,::::,,:.,.,:,. . ..... . ,:.:::::,:",:,,,:::,:: . ::...:::,,..,..,.....::, AVE. ,;. UP T® .. ...... , PER S PE GPEti. SAVE! SAVE!. ...<:... ., • . 70 1..00 �► x a' ^99 ;, 1AUAFRESH - -TOOTHPASTE REGULAR OR MINT 100 mL TUBE 1.50 SCHNEIDERS NEILSONS . �` GOLDEN BASKET �� �..,! r•y JERSEY MILK CHOCOLATE ., BREASTS . CUTLET,'STICKS, BALLS OR CUTLETS WITH DRESSING " t xW: F0 MILK aded fried ..,,,,,,,........,.,,,...t„,...,,..::,, : f,:411:. ,4 .,,,1 b` 350 g CTN. 2.99 . .itt ,�:...Moto k x . Dia,„,,a „.. •.... Mims { . ONE LITRE 0 99. , i • 3 IL11RC Nterwb LPE r �, SAVE! .....:r...: ..:, ..::,:.,;: SAVE! bf V :,. • :.. ... R: v'�PR�I:��...., SAVE! " r ..•.�..';,''�A�. 7® • ,,,ti � :, . ..:{: ' its 4�,ti', tFILLET THIN SINGLE KR CHEESE 60 K w; 'FLAKA.- , ^ � .. • ,� .r . LAW KEGStx. , 5 t. Box 1.50 1. t y • olden 4 '''' Y 3 � GOLDS CHICKEN SCNNEIDERS -BASKET ,r " �: I ...... ' ' ���{ wwc�"^ �' . ,,e,ri. "YQb � � i ;1/tf' S .............. ... SLICES3a.:: 24 500 PKG. 1.99,-,2'y �:: '. C: •, nyl n i z.,rb' �':.: w y � .�" :: ii,,,,, ,g� '. 'WGe ,g• T °" b?", L - 1.49 � rt.sA � '� F � a4�'t. 1 i� � ,may ,,+. t ; �r`.2y ,, . {., T,,i. SKtC 9 :<' �� 350 g CTN. , {,�•T .bw. r ,�y ' t i Xj, ,,Spy 349 *9 . "�I yi 9 �;�g z' y- gip 11111K-1',1114.0.M4111.1.''1�^ �" I,,,�p '°�' .�-�"�gr�'��Yy1�11II111111i ^ CAM �" � ,�+� "E 9 e f�� , r �r.3: .'"4Emni a 11111111e TWO VARIETIES q& LIQUID. / SAVEISPE: '' EVAPORATED McCAINS 2 VARIETIES HEAD 8 SHOULDERS SHAMPOO 450 mL 3..99 BRAVO VEGETABLE OIL 3 L PLASTIC 399 WISK DETERGENT 2 LITRE 4.99 -./ 9%-- HERE `�s'.';r''���': qr�' r153fi N/ r ::y<', /fir ,%'� s.. � . 'y. )' s:: �����F .r �'� �,jN,��FROSTSICLES " {`y. ,, :"ITTY -:; sr :,��', . „Y !r •• TAKE ME TO BED WITH Y ou,•CARNATION THE . BITTY" ' '`MILK. 385 �:» 69 mL TIN LITE DELlTE PIZZAS 375 9 2.49 NEILSONS FUDGESICLES r 12's f99 P PEVA:: .V. -- -- _- _ ' BOOK LIGHT iII�:.:41Lp 1111111-ta,401111.1111 INIIIIFT:t.4EANDI Y & S BRAND RED OR BUCK TWIZZLERS ®R LIC. GOODIES g 99? 3 VARIETIES LANCIA PASTAS 750 q990 5 COLOURS• DIAL BATH SOAP 390g 3s2.19 m ,sta4� `r Nny Ayr/r 5r u. IDEAL FOR MOTHER'S DAY EACH 3 VARIETIES VAN1699, CAMP BEANS 14 OZ. 69 WESTONS : ENGLISH MUFFINS �'S 79? • SOFT STYLE PARKAY MARGARINE ..grallilli '.. . .. w.,, l .w... .... t...EIIIIIL.lJ..i✓. , ^.brIIU IAL. _. ''. AU. VARIETIES PEPSI COLAoR BRAVO PLAIN SPAGHETTI ALL PURPOSE FIVE ROSES GLAD BRAND 50's SANDWICH BAGS 79t STOKELYS KIDNEY 2 VARIETIES 94 oz BEANS 69' PEA OR PEA & HAM HABITANT GRANNYS BUTTER GAY LEA SOUR MTN. DEW mL° SAUCE 79" FLOURMOUNTAIN Sky 4.99 DEW OR 24 x leo OFTINS ALL VARIETIES PEPSICOLA s99 DISHWASHER ALL 1.4K i�791os SOUPS 14oz.$� TARTS 129 CREAM 50059?Fus mL 159 DEP. 14 oz. 3So q R +TOM.°`'i �' REGULAR BAR SOAP igFon' HIGHLINER COD 2,573 r^ a."d. SP I' :. L SPECIAL' .. VARIETIES WITH MEAT COUNTRY HARVESTBLUEWATER SHIELD 95 9,. FISH STICKS DIMPFLMEIER ' NEILSONS CLARKS STEWS OR MuSHRocros BRAVO SPAG. SAUCE CRACKERS 5 VARIETIES BADEN FRESH 227 g COLBY CHEESE to 99 BCU ER,BOSNON BATTER 350 g'• 99 MINCED COD HIPS FISH C MUNICH CITY BREAD WHIPPING CREAM M 680 g 179 14 Oz. : 99?_____1019opi 250 g PKG. NEILSONS 2°i® COTTAGE 500 9 CHEESE 1®'9 WESTONS OR LEMON Bu TTERHORNS RASP. 6's LifY 400' g 1.19 16 oz. 6 500 rTiL .f9 ,.MM.E :.. _ �-.fi�r'-.p•• ..b•S`p"t` ,.. IN OIL OR WATER CLOVER LEAF L7GuHNTK TUNA oa 119 TIN _ M .._ . _ . ... ...... .... 4 , 3 VARIETIES E.D. SMITH PURE JAMS 250 129 mL60's r,„ tf ' ." .... COCONUT CHIPSAHOY MS GRASSHOPPER MINT CREAMS CHRISTIES COOKIES 4OC') 9 199 . a-. �'w .. E., , _.. i CONVERTED UNCLE BENS RICE Kg2.99 aiVinimio ORANGE SALADA TEA 227 t.. PEKOE BAGS ® 19 N1�p PE 'N`'PE HUNTS TOMATO SAUCE 796 mL f ti."ib FAL FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 12 oz. ®f TAX , 5 VARIETIES SUPREME ICE CREAM LITRE ZEIIRS ASSTED VARIETIES CHEDDAR CHEESES 3.54 Ib. 779/k9 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REOIIIREMEN'TS WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: 832 loth Street Open 6 nighty a week till 9:30 HANOVER ELMIRA 232 Arthur St. S. Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. evenings LISTOWEL 975 Wallace Ave N. Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. evenings FERGUS 736 Tower S4. S. Open We'd.,,Thurs. and Fri. evening's WINGHAM •• Corner of No. 4 and 86 Hwys. Open Thurs., Fri. evenirtgs • • crossroads—Apri125,19 4—Page lI s 'Mainstream Cense By W. RoMfx WoO A breath of fresh air across the land Somehow, many Cana- dians discount small busi- ness. They tend to think of • the little companies and in- dividuals that produce, buy, sell, import, export and mar- ket products as being small timers. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A few well chosen thoughts may help dispel such drivel: The major department store chains have been lay- ing off employees, down- grading service and cutting costs as they attempt to maintain profit levels or limit losses. The reason? Smaller firms with topnotch service have been openly competing with the conglom- erates on price, quality and service. The nation's big manufac- turers have for years been paring staff and eliminating Canadian employment, par- ticularly during the reces- sion. Yet big companies such as Chrysler, Massey -Fer- guson, y assay guson, Maislin Transport and a great many other con- glomerates easily accepted, government subsidies and support to offset huge losses. Indeed, many of the com- panies actually fought for the taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile, smaller firms that were forced into bank- ruptcy or receivership got little support from govern- ments. Suddenly, though, over the last year or so the bureau- crats and politicians who had little time for small business have been forced to change their ways. The reason: a study by the 64,006 -member Canadian Federation of In- dependent Business indicat- ed that all the country's net new jobs were being created by smaller firms. The in- formation vas. backed.by re- spe ,ted : econ'onnists and other business organiza- tions. The effect of the new.infor- mat'ion? Politicians asked bureaucrats whether it was true, and the mandarins were forced to concur. So, gradually,. the politicians started to ask for policies that would let them spend money on the small business job creators, rather than bailing out their big business • counterparts. Among the sudden policy shifts: In its latest budget, New- foundland lowered the pro- vincial corporate tax on' smaller firms to 10 per cent from 12 per cent. British Columbia has set up a task force to investigate the detrimental effects of payroll and" 'other taxes on small companies. Saskatchewan increased the corporate tax on large companies, while maintain- ing a lesser level of taxation for smaller firms. In addi- tion, the provincial govern- ment announced plans to provide a variety of other programs that will help the province's small firms. In Ontario, the govern- ment continues its corporate tax holiday for smaller firms. In Nova Scotia, a sectorial study outlines the problems faced by smaller firms, and assistance will hopefully be forthcoming. • In Alberta there are no major tax increases for the sector. The federal government also seems to have gone out of its way to be more even- handed with the million or more firms that are in- volved. What's more important than anything, perhaps, is the fact that more govern- ments now seem to recognize that our smaller companies are not only important, but the key to a more pros- perous, full -employment future.