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Researching your
family tree is a way to
travel through time
by Margaret Arbuckle
It seems that wherever you go these -days,
you run into people researching their family
trees. They start out innocently enough, just
trying to find out where great-grandfather
was born. But usually it becomes much
more than that as the researcher finds
himself transported back to a different
place and time.
My own interest was piqued with the
recent publication of a book detailing my
family history, The Arbuckles of East
Wawanosh. It was compiled and written by
my aunt, Doreen Menzies Arbuckle, and
contains genealogies of the Arbuckle,
Bannerman, MacKenzie and Robertson
It was this book that started me thinking
about those people of long ago and
hungering to know more about them.
A good place to start if you are compiling
a family tree is with 'a local genealogical
society. Most counties contain a branch of
the Ontario Genealogical Society and iitican
be contacted through the public library
Alison Lobb, head of the Huron County
Genealogical Society, said the branch
started almost five years ago with 10 or 12
members. Today it boasts a membership of
350, a good indication how popular it has
become to research genealogies.
Joining a genealogical society can be a
great boon to the beginning researcher
because seasoned ambers-: -can _offer
guidance. Also the local genealogical
societies have done extensive research in
their respective, counties and have that
information compiled already, saving a
beginner from having to wade through
mountains of material needlessly.
The Huron society has a large percentage
of members from the United States and the
Western provinces who want to know about
ancestors who emigrated there years ago.
These people from the U.S. and the 1J1est
,d,often run into stumbling blocks because they
just don't know "the lay of the land" in
Southwestern Ontario.
Mrs. Lobb said she is not sure what
precipitated this recent rush to delve into
genealogies, but she thinks it has a lot to do
with centennial year, 1967, and the great
upsurge of interest it produced in history.
The television drama "Root's" based on the
Alex Haley novel,, may have started the ball
rolling in the United States, but not here.
Elaine McKinnon of Fordwich, another
genealogical society member, said she feels
the interest has been aroused because we no
longer are living in a stationary society.
Years ago, she said, the information was
passed down like an heirloom from
generation to generation and you knew who
your ancestors were.
Today people grow up and leave the farm
or the small town for the cities or sometimes
even the other side of 'the Earth and
gradually lose touch with their "roots".
But somewhere along the line they come
full circle and decide to find out more about
those people who came before them.
As far as starting a family history, there is
no better time than the present. The people
at the genealogical society suggest com-
piling all the data you know about your
family on a five -generation "pedigree"
I know what you're saying: I'm not a
French poodle. But the pedigree chart is just
a starting point, it gives you an idea what
information you have and what you must
find out.
Older, family members often are a good
source of information, but the cautious
researcher always double checks his data.
Vital statistics, such as births, deaths and
marriages, were recorded in Ontario from
1869. The information can be obtained from
the Ontario office of the registrar general,
however it often is sketchy, depending upon
the accuracy of the person who did the
Census records are another source of
information, and once again, can be in-
valuable or sadly incomplete. A census has
been taken in Ontario from 1841 (1842 in
some areas) right up to the present. If you
have the name of an ancestor and where he
lived in a certain time period, you may be
able to find him listed, along with family
members, in the census.
These records are available on microfilm
through government archives and are
divided geographically. Unfortunately some
are illegible or have weathered badly. They
are only as accurateas the census taker
chose to be and some of the spellings of
names are imaginative to say the least.
County registry offices house an index of
wills registered in their jurisdiction as well
as records of chronological land ownership
per parcel of land.
The Genealogical Society of the Church of
Latter -Day Saints at Salt Lake City, Utah,
( the Mormons) has compiled what probably
is, the most comprehensive collection of
genealogical data in the world.
This information is housed at their library
at Utah, but copies can be viewed at branch
libraries in Toronto, Hamilton and London.
Parish records contain marriages, births,
baptisms and • _deaths. Naturally it is ex-
pensive and timeconsuming to travel across
the sea to look at them, so they can be or-
dered on microfilm.
Through extensive research of such
records, my aunt dated one of my ancestors
back to 1499 and found that another ancestor
was involved in a land transfer in 1511.
Another excellent source of information is
fford, Wallenstein, Drayton, Moorefield and Arthur, Wednesday April 25, 1984
GATHERING OF THE CLAN—David Robertson and his wife Mary Ann -celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary in December of 1912 with their entire family drawn
round. Such auspicious occasions usually were marked by a trip to the local
photographer and these pictures help genealogy researchers today recreate a dif-
ferent time and place. Note the small boy sitting on his grandfather's knee, his wife
Mrs. Daniel Arbuckle, has compiled a family history which has been published. (Photo
courtesy of Edythe Coutles)
the microfilmed newspapers of the day. In they lived.
addition to providing invaluable genealog- The Arbuckles, for example, were
ical data such as births, deaths and mar- weavers from Lanarkshire, Scotland. They
riages, they also give a most vivid -and ac- gradually found themselves out of well as
curate description of the times. r the industrial revolution introduced such
FASCINATING HOBBY , inqi-Jaarlainven ons as the jennies and the flying
Genealogical research starts out as a neat 'Shutti .
packaging of facts, but often ends up being So in 1853 or 1854,' William and Janet
much more. The more you learn about -those Arbuckle, both 69 years of age, set off
relatives from long ago, the more you want aboard ship for Canada with four of their
to know about them and the times in which eight children and five grandchildren. A
sixth grandchild was borvoff the coast of
They settled in Minto Township near
aa.a_rriston, then moved to Zetland; a Turn -
berry Township settlement that is long gone,
and finally they moved to East Wawanosh
Township. Somewhere along the line one
branch of the family broke off and moved to
Entries in the family Bible tell of hard-
ships endured and the triumphs of these
early settlers. Probably the most poignant
entry comes from the pen of an early an-
cestor who wrote to his son in 1835: "You
were one month old 'when your mother
Researching your_ family tree probably
will not tell you why you are knock-kneed or
why you have brown eyes. But it will tell you
about those who came before you and it
opens up doors to an entirely different place
and time.
become a fascinating and all -consuming
hobby. Family Bibles often are in-
valuable sources of information for the
data they provide and for the pictures
which often are in them.
Cardston, Alberta
December 14, 1983
Dear Folks:
What a treat Bob and I have just had!
We just received our yearly "goody"
Christmas box from my mother, Dorothy
Allen of Listowel, and inside it, she included
some pages from The Fordwich Record sec-
tion of your paper, We have spent several
hours reading„ and reminiscing about the
good old days when we were growing„ up
"back home' ° .
We remember so many fun times, like
Saturday nights skating in the arena, and
the best skaters still stick in our minds as
Jennie Wilson and Maxine Ridley. They both
had that little bit of bounce and rhythm that
stood out in the crowd, and there were very
few nights that they missed being there.
Remember the hockey games when Joe
Higgins, the school tea cher, used to play on
the Fordwich team? At the slightest body
check from an opposing player, he'd throw
down his stick and his gloves and up with the
fists ready to do battle. Next day at school
he'd lay down the law whenever he caught
any of the kids fist -fighting.
And there was Harold Pollock, so patient
and even tempered — never raised his voice
nor got excited. I remember so well the day
World War 2 ended, and all the cars raced up
and down main street blowing their horns.
He never got excited, just went right on talk-
ing just as if nothing was goington out there.
I couldn't stand it, jumped up and looked
out the window, and he gave mea half-hour
detention, which by the way' I never did
serve. Someone was sent to Miss Lenore
Beswetherick's home to 'get a radio so we
could find out what was really happening.
and then we all went home early.
Remember the Fordwich Mill horseshed"
Best place in the world to catch pigeons in
the dark, put them in a sack and then loL'c
around for a likely closed -in front porch to
let them go.
I imagine the Beswetherick sisters would
remember the night they got a bunch in
their glassed -in front porch. (I didn't do it,
honest Mom.)
Then there were the Bellamy boys.
For excitement, someone, who shall be
nameless, put Roy inside an old tire and
rolled him down the east hill by the mill, and
he wedged in under the front loading ramp
of the 'feed mill: knocked himself silly.
Another time Bert got rolled down the same
hill, hit the fence and landed in the river be-
side the bridge.
Then on Hallowe'en and sometimes when
things were a bit 'boring the gang "bor..row-
ed" old Mr. Johnson's milk wagon, turned
the shafts straight up and set Bert up on the
top to steer it, and sent it tearing down that
same hill. Poor old Bert couldn't steer it
very well from up top and I think it landed in
the creek also, as well as being a little worse
forwear, and the poor old man had to go
looking for his milk wagon before he could
deliver milk the next morning.
Can you remember Anson Demerling's
ten -cent ice cream cones? Double ones and
filled right up and overflowing. And there
were Teena and Harvey McDermott and our
favorite restaurant hang-out.
Teena never got mad at us even when we
got a bit out of hand. She'd just laugh and
was a buddy to all.
Harvey's outhouse was the favorite target
to grace the main intersection on Hal-
lowe'en, except for the year he got smart
and moved it ahead early, and both Bob and
Bruce Williamson fell in, and headed.
straight for the river boots and all.
'Good s—, Gert'
And there was Ward and Gertie, Schaef-
fer's store.
Once a week my mom sent us kids in there
with a nickel to buyyeast so she could bake
bread, and he'd break some off a one -pound
How I remember the day I stood waiting
while Ward, and someone (whose name es-
capes me) tried to hang a large bunch of ba-
nanas from a ceiling hook. Everything went
fine until they let go, and then the ceiling
hook let go too, and the whole bunch hit „the
floor kersmack.
Ward had a favorite explosive expression
which he sometimes used, and I well re-
member his "Good s—, Gert! the hook
I was about ten or twelve at the time, but I
can still see his horrified face as he looked
down at all those mashed bananas.
I didn't dare laugh as bananas then cost a
fortune. Besides I was too afraid of his bust-
ed -in -nose Pekingese dog that always stood
guard on the front step and barked and yap-
ped at any kid who dared touch that door-
Nobody ever told Ward that dog was bad
for his business, I guess. Likely all the
adults knew his bark was worse than his
bite, but we kids sure didn't spend much
time getting in that front door when the dog
was on duty.
And there was the little library across
from Pat Patterson's hardware. Minnie
McElwain always picked out all the good
westerns for my dadto read, and I always
read everything Nellie McClung ever wrote.
And there was Archie Roberts' Printing
Shop where for years the Fordwich Record
was printed. It was immaculately kept and
smelled of printer's ink. Everyone got their
bristol board there for school projects.
Mr. Coates
And good old Ross Coates' Harness Shop
— the hang-out for all the men, old and
young. Especially at four o'clock when
school let out for the high schoolers.
And the day I was so mortified when both
feet went out from under me in a slippery
sleigh track, and I landed smack on my
fanny, books flying in all directions in the
snoW and all the guys laughing their heads
off and looking out the window. Bob still re-
members being in there and seeing that
spectacle, and that was over 35 years ago.
Mr Coates had bronchitis and was always
laughing, which made him cough, and he
would keep tossing handfuls of tacks into his
mouth, so he could spit them out faster to
nail into the soles of your shoes.
Maybe they stuck better when wet, I don't
know; but I do know he never ever charged
people enough for his work, and it's a mira-
cle he never choked to death on all those
tacks, as he just kept tacking away, and
then stopping to laugh and to cough and then
tacking away till he'd start to laugh again.
He was the biggest tease to all the girls, but
we just loved it:
The Bank
And the good old Bank of Commerce.
Many a fun day Lois Hambly Simmons
and 1 had in there. Especially the day I
dropped a whole roll of pennies and they
broke and ran down into the big register in
the floor and Johnnie Caldwell had to stand
on his head to get them out.
I couldn't resist his behind sticking up,
and gave him a push with my foot, and he
fell in. He came up out of there spitting bad
words and threatened to throw me down in
with the pennies and put the lid on.
And .who was the man who sold stainless
cookware and wore the motorcycle helmet
with ear lugs and chin strap?
He dropped a bill and went down under the
big heavy counter in front of the teller's
cage and came up and whacked his head so
hard he went cross-eyed. Lois and I looked
at each other and started to laugh and just
couldn't get stopped. Poor guy must have
had a ridge on his head for weeks.
Duffy's Pool Hall
And "Duffy's" pool hall! and Polly always
stealing his haircutting safety pins for
Billy's diapers. George (Duffy) spent more
time looking among the hair tonic bottles for
a pin. One day in desperation he sent the
whole row of bottles and brushes crashing
off the shelf and onto the floor in the corner.
/Still no pin, but turning around muttering
unprintables he saw Polly's mother stand-
ing meekly in the doorway looking at him.
Never mind — her chocolates were so
good they'd sweeten anyone up. She and
Polly always made homemade chocolates
every Christmas.
And one Sunday morning about church
time, seeing George sitting out front finish-
ing plucking a chicken for Sunday dinner,
and Milt Priess coming along and asking
him what he was doing, and George with a
straight face and serious voice, and looking
right up into his face and saying, "Well I
sure as H— ain't pluckin' no chicken'."
And the time my dad went into town early
on a Saturday night to get first in line for his
favorite snooker table, and there sat George
.on the front sidewalk, shirtless, and 'bare-
footed with a turban wrapped around his
head, playing his flute at some contraption
in a pot at his feet. Said he was "snake
What a riot he was.
.,Can you remember Harry Samson and his
little singing dog Pepper.? Every time they.
went downtown Harry would sing and the
dog would howl like crazy.
And my grandfather Billy Allen. They -
used to say he'd vote Liberal if a pig was
running. And the time the Tories sneaked in
one night and hung a huge "Vote Conserva-
tive" banner all across the north end of his
barn. Only time I ever saw him speechless.
Swimming Hole
And the old swimming hole at Crosby
Sotheran's, on the sixth, and the day the
boys stole Ruth Patterson's clothes while
she was swimming. She walked back into
town in her swim suit and saw her bra and
panties floating in the breeze on the cross -
arm of the main corner hydro pole.
She couldn't climb up to get them and the.
boys wouldn't, so she walked home in some-
one's rain coat.
The culprits? Bruce and Bert again.
We'll never forget the good old Fordwich
dances with John Gamble and his orchestra,
and the fun -loving Stewart brothers, Jim
and Carl.
Before the dance was over you could bet
that Roy Simmons and Doug Holt would put
on a good old step -dancing display, with
Wally Gibson sometimes joining in, or
Atchison Wallace. And they were good too.
It seems strange to see Fordwich phone
numbers with 335-6273. We remember them
as 34r1-1 or 2-2, and Tish or Lou Matthews
saying "Hello — Central."
Do you still go to sleep in summer with the
bull -frog serenade?
They were the best sleep inducers when
we were kids, with the big old grandfather
frog taking the solo part and the hundreds of
others joining in and then quiet for a second
till the little straggler squeakers finally shut
up. Then the old solo part again, with just
that same one voice, and then everyone join-
ing in — what a racket they made.
I would give a lot to import some to Alber-
ta to the river beside our ranch home here.
Alberta doesn't have bull -frogs. However,
we don't have turtles or crabs either and I
don't miss those.
Sometimes city people used to come out
and catch the frogs and eat them, and we
kids used to think that was just yuk! f'!
Next summer we hope to come back to
visit and if they are still there, I want to tape
the sounds for our grandkids. They've never
heard anything like that.
You know, you can go anywhere in the
world, but where you grew up will always be
",home". We have had lots of fun just read-
ing who is doing what, and who is marrying
whom, and who is still around and still going
strong back there. It brings back so many
fond memories.
As Bob just said "Fordwich will never be
the same as it was when we were growing up
there." I think he's right. To those of you
/ who still remember us, we hope you have
had a good, happy Christmas.
Bob and Nellie
(Allen) Holland,
Cardston, Alberta