HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-04-25, Page 12Page.12The Wingtiam Advauee-Tirnes , April 25. 1984
ME.at'prOcesSing plan#
to open the end of May
A new business will be
locating in the Wingham
area soon, a meat -
processing plant.
Hans Mayer and Klaus
Bloechinger; both of Ger-
many, have purchased the
former Canadian Vanities
building on the B-line of
Turnberry Township. " Cur-
rently the building is under-
going renovations to prepare
it for its opening in the last
week in May.
Mr. Mayer said he hopes to
employ four or five people at
the start and go from there,
rather than start on too big a
Corrie WI a
held at the
GORRIE — A delicious
buffet dinner at the home of
the president, Mrs. Cecil
Wilson, was enjoyed by 15
members of Gorrie Women's
Institute and one visitor on
Wednesday of last week.
After dinner Mrs. Robert
Strong took pictures of the
Institute members to be
entered in the Tweedsmuir
Book and possibly in the new
Huron County atlas. The
president opened the
meeting with the Ode and
Mary Stewart Collect.
Mrs. Mel Taylor gave an
excellent motto entitled "Do
not walk this year in last
year's rut". The roll call was
payment of fees and
suggestions for next year's
meetings. Pennies for
Friendship were collected
and Mrs. James, Gray,
secretary, read the, March
Mrs. Wilson reported on
the banquet served by the
Howick , Mothers' Auxiliary
to Minor Sports and thanked
all those who had helped.
The Mothers' Auxiliary had
presented Mrs. Wilson with a
members agreed to return to
the Auxiliary.. The District
Annual will beheld at Walton
on May 8, .with registration
at 9 a.m.An-invitation was received
from Fordwich Institute to
attend its May 16 meeting;
consequently, Gorrie WI will
hold its meeting one week
later on May 23. Members
agreed to donate $25. to the
Howick Fall Fair Board.
Mrs. Gray read last year's
There will be no killing of
animals at the new plant,`
only processing meat. Mr.
Mayer said they will
specialize in European -style
cuts, fresh meats, cured and
smoked meats and cold cuts.
Both men have left Ger- '
many because of stringent
government and economic
regulations: Canada is a
natural place to relocate
because Mr.' Mayer said he
feels it is a land of great
opportunity and resources.
The London area was
where Mr. Mayer originally
wanted to locate, but he said
he thought the comsetition
would be too -tough there.
So finally they chose the
Wingham area because they
feel it is central inplaces like
Kincardine, Goderich and
Owen Sound.
In addition to retail selling
of products, at the plant, they
also hope to get into
wholesale distribution to
butchers and grocers
throughout the area.
Mr. Bloechinger was a
cook in Germany and will
offer a deli and catering
service. Both men now are
living in the area.
nnual meeting
president's home
annual meeting minutes and
gave the financial report for
1.983-84. Mrs. William
Thornton ' gave the
nominating report and
Mrs.Glad Edgar installed
the officers and standing
committee conveners for
1984-85, as follows:
president, Mrs. Cecil
Wilson; first vice president,
Mrs. Robert Gibson; second
vice president, Mrs. Alvin
Grainger; secretary -treas-
urer, Mrs. James Gray;
alternate district director,
Mrs. Melvin Taylor; public
relations officer, Mrs. Joe
Simmons; branch directors,
Mrs. Glenn Johnston, Mrs.
Glad Edgar; curators, Mrs.
Melvin Tyalor, Mrs. Wilbur
Hogg; pianist, Mrs. Hogg;
auditors, Miss Jean Spar -
ling, Mrs. Robert Edgar;
Good Cheer, Mrs. Simmons.
Committee conveners are:
Agriculture and Canadian
Industries, Mrs. Robert
Elschner, Mrs. Alex Taylor;
Citizenship and World
Affairs, Mrs. William A.
Smith, Miss Margaret Dane;
Education and Cultural
Activities, Mrs. Alex
Graham, Mrs. Hogg; Family
and Consumer Affairs, Mrs.
Thornton, Mrs. Johnston;
Resolutions, Mrs. Graham;
community activities, Mrs.
Elschner, Mrs, Gibson, Mrs.
A. Taylor, Mrs. A. Grainger;
nominating committee, Mrs.
Graham, Mrs. Hogg.
New officers installed
for Howick Jr. Institute
w'.rFORDWICH — On April 19
.the Howick Junior Institute
held its monthly meeting at
the Howick Central School.
Twenty-three members and
alae -lid I T t�gaests were -present
Elly Emmerton and Helen
Smith showed,..the members
how to make. Easter tray
favors; each members had
' the pleasure of making a
couple of these favors and
taking one home. The rest of
the favors were taken to the
Fordwich nursing home for
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Large selection of
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Accessories for
Sunrise service
held at Fordwich
FORDWICH —, Easter
sunrise service was held
Sunday morning at 7:30 in
Trinity Anglican Church,
with members of St.
Stephen's Church also at-
tending. Rev. William Gray
was in charge of the service,
Mrs. Hugh Douglas was
pianist and Mrs. .,Jean Un-
derwood of Gorrie was
soloist. The choir sang the
anthem, "Arise, Come Sing
in the Morning".
Following the service,
breakfast was served in the
basement parish hall. Easter
Holy Communion was
shared at the regular wor-
ship time, 9:45 a.m., also in
Trinity Church. Mrs. Irene
Judge and Miss Elva Foster
sang a duet with Mrs.
Douglas at the organ.
4,0 oc,
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The town will advance to
Daylight Saving Time
on Sunday, April 29th at 2 a.m.
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the residents to enjoy.
Mrs. Charles Mathers, a
provincial board member,
installed the 'executive for
the 1984-85 year: past
president, • Esther $uck,l_
presi dent,--Gat-hers ne—S.taeiv-
art; first vice 'president,
Leone Foerter; second vice
president, Darlene Harding;
secretary -treasurer, Bev
Woodley; district director,
Rona Lee, Johnson; branch
directors, Elly Emmerton,
Winnie Winkel; public
relations officer, Cathy
Weber; Good Cheer, Trix
Denny; auditors, Bonnie
Wilson, Myrna Penney.
The Junior Institute has *a
busy and exciting few
months ahead. On April 26 at
8 p.m. at the Howick Central
School, they will hold a
fashion show, "Spring Into
Summer". As part of the
bicentennial celebrations,
the members are selling
tickets for a dance Friday,
June 8, at the Howick Com-
munity Centre, featuring
Lowdown. The magician,
The Great Gerard, will be at
the community centre June 9
at 1 p.m. and tickets are
available from Institute
members. Also, a senior
citizens' tea is in the plan-
ning stage.
The next meeting will be
held Thursday, May 10, at
8:30 in Howick Central
School. The topic will be
Cancer and: Breast Self -
Examination. The meeting
closed with the Mary
Stewart Collect and lunch
was served by Pauline Atton
and Susi Kym.
Institute holds
annual meet
BELMOf E — The mem-
bers of the Women's Insti-
tute began their annual
meeting last Thursday with
a potluck dinner. Mrs. Elmer
Jeffray then reported on the
district directors' meeting
held recently at Pine River.
The quilt which was
donated to the Belmore
Maple Syrup Festival was
won by David Lang of RR 1,
Elmwood, and Mrs. Audrey
Fitch of Listowel won the
It was decided to begin
work on a new cookbook
which will include some
metric recipes and special
recipes for dieters.
Committee conveners then
gave their annual reports.
All offices except for the
office of vice president were
filled: president, Mrs. Ken
Dickson; secretary -treasur-
er, Mrs. John Dickson; pub-
lic relations officer, Mrs.
Hendrick Bos; pianist, Mrs.
Eileen Johann; curator,
Mrs. Norman Newans; as-
sistant curators, Mrs. Myrtle
Weir and Mrs. Helen Eadie;
nominating committee, Mrs.
Helen Eadie and Mrs. Doris
DARTS CHAMPS—The Friday mixed darts
at the Wingham Legion ended the 1983-84
last Friday night. The team of Moe and Joyce
Brenda Phillips and Les Thompsori, all of
Wingham, won the Legion trophy presented by Bruce
Anger. The champs narrowly defeated the team of Mur-
ray and Joanne Thompson, Margaret Arbuckle and Rick
Stapleton for top honors.
Fordwich Personals
Among those from here
who attended the 25th
wedding anniversary last
Saturday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanna of
Orangeville, held in the
Harriston Legion, were Mr.
and Mrs. Randy King, Mr.
and Mrs. Don King, Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Brunarski, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter King, Mr.
.and Mrs. Raymond Baylor
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Stewart and Jason, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack King of
Listowel and Mr. and Mrs.
Roger King of Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. Winston
McGrath off Toronto visited
on Good Friday and last
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mundt and Mr.' and,
Mrs. Bruce Armstrong.
andiitimDave Snider,
Mark and Barbara of Kit-
chener, spent the holiday
weekend at their home here.
Friends of Mrs. Sam
Johnston will be pleased to
hear she. was able to be
moved to Listowel hospital
from K -W Hospital, Kit-
chener, where . she had been
confined' for some time as
the result of a fall at her
Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Simmons
were Mr. and Mrs: Ken Kaye
and family of .Palmerston.
Ken' Simmons of Listowel
and Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Wildfang of Mississauga and
Mrs. Roy Simmons also
visited at the same home.
The sympathy .of the
community goes to Mrs.
•Anson Ruttan in the death of
her mother, Mrs. Robert
Montgomery, who passed
away last Thursday at the
Wingham and District
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Haverfield spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Lynn at Orillia.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Hambly of Ingersoll spent a
couple of days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern
and Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Sothern, Tim and Tracy of
Palmerston, were Easter
Sundasy -guests--with - Mr, -a nd-
Mrs. Bill Mulvey and Cindy
at Belmore.
Easter Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Randy
King were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack King of Listowel and
Mr. and Mrs. Roger King off
Weekend visitors with
Mrs. Florence Wilson were
Sherry and Steve Gibson of
Willow Beach, Lake Simcoe,
and Mrs. Joan Dunbar, Tim
and Tierney of West Hill.
Friends of Don Bridge will
be pleased to hear he has
'returned home after being a
patient at St. Joseph's
Hospital, Guelph, for some
time, following major
surgery. We wish him a
speedy recovery.
Weekend and- Sunday
visitors ' with Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Foerter wer Mr,. end—
Mrs. Lorne Foerter,
Shannon and Dean of Paris,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mehring
and girls of Listowel, Dale
Ersman and Jean Koehler of
Clifford, Mr. aiid Mrs. Bruce •
Ersman of • Clifford, Kim
Rouw of Hanover, Shelley
McLoud of Toronto, Trent
and Dwaine Foerter of
Toronto and Doran of
Waterloo who is home for the
Mrs. Crosby Sotheran and
Mrs. Bill Magill spent last
Saturday with relatives at
Seaforth and Blyth:
Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Demerling spent Easter
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Goldrich at Guelph.
We are sorry to .hear that
Greg Gibson who. just'
recently returned home from
Listowel hospital had to
return to hospital last week.
.He was injured recently in a
motorcycle accident.
Friends here wish 'him a
speedy return to his home.
Mrs. Lois Siefert of
Cambridge and Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Siefert, also of
Cambridge, visited Good
Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Kennedy. On Easter
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John
Siefert and family of
Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Siefert and family of
Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs.
Brian Siefert -and family of
Harriston and Mr. and Mrs. -
By Tammy Kieffer
and Bill Kinahan
Kindergarten—They have
planted seeds for Mother's
Day. They went to the circus
as a class trip and enjoyed it.
They made circus and
Easter rabbit coloring
books. Also they made
Easter baskets. Most of
them know their color words.
They are proud to announce
that they have got their
pictures taken.
Grades 1 and 2—Grades 1,
2, 3 and 4 had a Seder Meal
last Thursday to celebrate
the Passover. Last Thursday
afternoon we made Easter
bunnies out of bread and
coconut. Afterward we
baked them and then ate
them for a delicious snack.
Grades 1 and 2 wish
everyone a happy Easter!
Grades 3 and 4—We are
busy preparing our projects
for the science fair which is
being held the week
following Easter. Our Lenten
theme has been "trying to be
what God wants me to be".
We designed posters, "Lent
is..." to illustrate this theme.
Easter bunny cards were
made for our parents. In
health, we are' studying the
eye, its structure and care.
Grades 5 and 6—We have
had a chance to tour the new
part of the school. It seems to
be coming along very well.
Last Wednesday, we had our
pictures taken for the class
photos. We are rocketing off
with starmania which is a
project we are doing for art.
Grades 7 and 8—As per
usual, we are hard at work
with our science fair projects
and class subjects. We are
practising two -pitch baseball
in physical education for a
tournament sometime in late
May. We also are working on
something new in. art called
Pysanky Eggs for Easter.
We wish everyone a Happy
Wayne Lockie of Cambridge
were guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Goosen
Winkel arrived home last
week after spending the
winter months in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magill of
London spent the Easter
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Crosby Sotheran.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollock of
Stratford spent a few days
ast week at their home here.
Mrs. Harvey Bride of Don
Mills spent Good Friday with
her mother, Mrs. Harold
Easter Sunday guests with
Mrs. Freida D'Arcey were
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D'Arcey
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald D'Arcey and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D'Arcey
and family and Norman
Ettinger of Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor
and Courtney and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Ettinger of
Listowel visited Good Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Miller, Kevin and Kim-
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Zim-
merman and family of
Neustadt visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Les
OTTAWA . Chinese
optnni pipes and Tibetan
egomaniac vessels hi silver
and gold were donated last
year: to the Canadiap Centro
for Folk Culture StOdies of
the Natfional Museum :of '
Man, Seventeen different
ethnic grow W ,repre-
sented in the year's folk cul-
ture acquisitions,..
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