HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-04-25, Page 9The Wftlgba Advatipe- ime April 25, 1984 --Page 9 .µC\:.. `' iia''•;ti.'S:•`.i^i:i,.;.::i,v,:'t; Sgs THE BELGRAVE PEE WEES, coached by Murray Shiell and Lloyd Michie, won the Wallace Pee Wee Tourna- ment and the Tri -County Pee Wee Championship this year. Members of the team are: (back) Greg Moffat, Jeff Scott, Jason Coultes, Brad Shiell, Stephen White and Andrew Campbell; (front) Steven Michie, Jeff McKee, Rick Johnston, Scott McFarlan, Shawn Camp- bell. Absent is Jeff Pletch. FERGUSON--Blake and Dana Ferguson of Ilderton are Pleased to announce the birth of• their first. -child, .gent *lap, on, April 11. Proud grandparents are Brian and Rita Met- calfe of Wingham and Jack and Alberta Ferguson, 'Listowel. BLACK -Mr. and Mrs. Keith Black -ef RR 1, Belgrave, are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Heather Marie April 12 at Victoria Hospital, London, eight pounds, eight ounces. Vicky isthrilled with her new sister and so are grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore, RR 5, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. William Black, Belgrave, and great grandparents Mrs. Mary Moore'of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Liebrock, Leamington. HORDYK-Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hordyk, RR 2, Gorrie, joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Jaclyn Rose, nine pounds, four ounces, on April 17 at Wingham and District Hospital. PEGG-Tom and Lori of RR 2, Lucknow, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Thomas Cody, who arrived April 18 at McMaster University Hospital in. HaMilton; weighing nine pounds, ,eight ounces. A little brother. for Reather. Fifteenth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Johnston of Ancaster and lOth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pegg, Millgrove. WEBER -John and Brenda (Kingsbury) of Belgrave are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Alicia Christine, eight pounds, 11 ounces, on April 22 at Wingham and District Hospital. Proud grandparents are Lloyd and Vera Weber and Ron and Gloria Kingsbury. MATHESON- Mark and Janice Matheson, RR 1, Listowel are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Lisa Diana, 61b. 9 oz. in Listowel Memorial Hospital on April 19, 1984. First grandchild for Bill and Muriel Coultes, Bel - grave and third grandchild for Dave and Muriel Matheson, Molesworth. First great-grandchild for Ken Davis, Belgrave and Robert Coultes, Wingham. Fifth great-grandchild for John Matheson, Moles- worth. UNRESTRICTED Cash Accounts receivable Taxes receivable Other current assets LIABILITIES Temporary loans Accounts payable Other liabilities TheTownship of 'Morris 1983 Financial Report AUDITORS' REPORT . To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of e Township of Morris: We have examined -the consolidated balance she of the Corporation of the Township of Morris as at December 31, 1983 and the consolidated. statement of operations for the ear then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with general- ly accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. • ' In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the . Township of Morris as at December 31, 1983 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with the. accounting principles prescribed for Ontario Municipalities applied, after giving retroactive effect to the changes in accounting policy as explained in note 9 to the financial statements, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Blyth, Ontari• o . A,.. l Or. 1 4.-_... - - ; Lentz and Jeffery Licence Number 826• �'taetereci iAccounfianis CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 1983 ASSETS 1983 $ 208, 547 76,987 . 55, $285,589 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES • FUND BALANCES at the end of the year to be used to offset taxation or user charges a' 145 10,246 Capital operations not yet permanently financed Reserves (Note 6) $111,077 106,326 1982 $22,215 74,427 79,340 "$175,982 $126,100 31,129, 32 157,261 (6,959) 75,000 • • $285,589 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For the year ended December 31, 1983 SOURCES OF FINANCING: Taxation and user charges (Note 2) Residential and farm taxation Commercial, industrial and business taxation Taxation from other governments - grants -in -lieu User charges - municipal drains Deduct: Amounts received or receivable for county and school boards Grants Government of Canada Province of Ontario - Unconditional - Road - Municipal drains - Other Other Prepaid special charges Interest income - own funds - municipal drains Other revenue (schedule 1) TOTAL REVENUE MUNICIPAL FUND BALANCES at the beginn- ing of the year to be used to offset taxation (Note 9) Capital operations not yet financed TOTAL FINANCING AVAILABLE DURING THE YEAR Budges 1983 (44,525) 53,000 $175,982 Actual. A�tual- 1983_ _ 1982 $485,879 31,667 882 13,977' 532,405 5530,019 $532,154 34,454 34,540 850 1,009 15,774 15,774 581,097 583,477 412,003 4,13,627 169,094• 169,850 7,500 7,538 91,965 92,618 292,200 284,333 16,293 2,260 391,665' . 403,042 373,478 158,927 92,387 259,943 25,656 5,507 • 383,493 60,383 61,089 3,919 1,858 3,021 5,296 27,552 24,345 24,906 27,552 91,668 93,149 588,311 664,560 635,569 10,246 14 037 (44,525) (44,525) $554,032 $634,072 24.351 (40,120) $619,800 CONSQLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For the year ended December 31, 1983 .APPLIED TO: Current operations General,government (schedule 2) Protection to persons and property (schedule 3) . Transportation services Environmental services waste disposal Health services - grants • Social and family services' grants Recreation and cultural services - grants Planning and development Other Capital operations Municipal drains Blyth fire truck Walton sidewalks Grader Garniss bridge Mower and chain saw Net appropriations to reserves TOTAL APPLICATIONS MUNICIPAL FUND BALANCES at the end of the year to be used to offset taxation or user charges (Note 9) - Capital operations not yet financed Budget 1983 • $69,000 22,431 364,435 10,667 1-0,500 2.000 Actual 1983 $5.9,153 25.172 321,407 15,886 215 415 11.427 600 479,033 434,2 Actual 1982 $70,018 31.570. 333,681 11,180 4,153 650 9,496 600 5 ' "4.1,348 .54,884 9.750 7,050 • 12,000 10,541• 82,000 112,136 103,750 184 611 582.783 22,000 640,886 145 (28,751) (6,959) TOTAL APPLICATIONS DURING THE YEAR - $554,032 $634,072 RECREATION COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1983 1983 REVENUE. Grant from Township of Morris Wingham Recreation Board EXPENDITURE Wingham - Program Leadership Blyth Recreation Committee Belgrave Recreation Committee • Bluevale Recreation Committee Brussels Recreation Committee Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centres Board Bluevale Hall Board Brussels Minor Hockey Interest EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE 59,200 2,480 11 .680 3,307 1,500 800 500 5.000 $ 568 BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31. 1983 ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Opening balance January 1st Excess of revenue over expenditure ,SURPLUS $74 514 --$588 $20 568 5588 105.128 9,433 6.6,287 5,092 185,940 3,000 650.288 14.037 (44,525) $619.800 1982 $7,965 1.385 9,350 1.846 `• 1,500 250 500 5,000 250 5 9,351 (1) $20 $20 $21 (1) 520 BRUSSELS - The annual meeting of District 8 of the Ontario Horticultural Association was held April 14 in Melville Presbyterian Church with 181 members present, beating the 1983 record attendance of 154. The district director, Clarence -.Lange, called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. with the singing of "O Canada", accompanied by Mrs. Lula Kerr at the piano. Reeve Cal Krauter extended greetings from the village and the president of the Brussels society, Mrs. Alice McArter, welcomed the guests and visitors. After the minutes and reports were given, the roll call was answered by the ,secretary of each branch who told how many from each society were in at- tendance and giving the highlights of the branch activities during the year. Mrs. Norma Hesselop was Brookhaven events We are sorry to report the following residents are in hospital. Gus Renzetti is in. Victoria Hospital, London, and Mrs. Renwick and Mrs. Violet Whitfield are in Wingham hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. A birthday tea was held last Wednesday by the UCW, Unit Two, of the United Church in Wingham. Everyone joined in a singalong. The following residents were away over the Easter holiday: Viola Campbell, Jean Kelly, Ellen Walker and Florence Holmes, who went to Orangeville. The Easter Bunny arrived Easter morning with baskets filled with candy. Sports winners so far this month are: ball in cup, Margaret Carter; bean bag toss, Ellen Walker; horse- shoe toss, Gus Renzetti; and owest-lnr- ley Petteplace, • % - . • then called upon to introduce the guest speaker for the mor>fdng, - Bruce Wean of Brussels. He was "thanked following his address and presented with, a gift. Pauline Richards of London, a past president of the OHA, also poke briefly and another past president, Muriel Klie, brought official greetings from the OHA. A dinner was served by the Melville Church ladies and the Auburn branch members conducted a memorial period after lunch. The 1985 annual meeting will be held at Ripley and the 1986 annual is to be held at Owen Sound. The OHA convention will be held June 13 to 15 at Sudbury. The officers for 1984-85 are: district director, Clarence Lange, Chesley; assistant director, Don Hayes; secretary, Mrs. Florence Schmitt; treasur- er, Mrs. Ivy Gross; auditors, Mrs. Marjorie Stucliffe and Mrs. Jessie Bates; and nom- inating committee, Roy Ben- nett and Mrs. Maisie Bray. Mfrs. Ena Ritchie of Wingham was pre8:pated with a meritorious • .service award and a panel- discus- sion on the propogation of plants was held. Since the Brussels branch is celebrating its 30th an- niversary this year, a break for tea and coffee was held to celebrate. After break 100 slides entered in a photography competition were shown. Mrs. Bruce McCall of Brussels won a prize, but all societies in the district were represented. The meeting was ad- journed to the horticultural park for a tree -planting ceremony. George Pearson donated a white pine for the ceremony and Mr. Lange and Don Hays wielded the silver spade. The next meeting of the Brussels branch will be held May 21 at 8 p.m. at the library. The Seaforth, Blyth and Wingham societies have been asked to attend. The speaker will be Mr. Langdon of Clinton on wild flowers. Officers installed at WI annual meeting The Wingham branch of the Women's Institute held its annual meeting recently in the court room at the town hall following a potluck luncheon. Mrs. Margaret Foxton presided and Mrs. Helen McBurney, secretary - treasurer, read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the roll call which was responded to by the payment of dues. The committee conveers gave their reports: Education and Cultural Affairs, Mrs. Pearl Shiell; Family and Consumer Af- fairs, Mrs. Uldene McKenzie; Education and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Kathleen Lockridge for. Mrs. Myra Pennington; Citizenship and World Af- curator --firs. Ena Ritchie; Seniors club 'hosts ninth spring -rally BRUSSELS - The Senior Citizens Club of Brussels and Blyth hosted the ninth spring rally pf Zone 8 of the United Senior 'Citizens of Ontario April 12 with 108 members present at the Brussels Legion. The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Percy Blundell, president of the zone. "0 Canada" was sung, the Lord's Prayer repeated and a minute's silence was observed for departed members. Rev. Douglas Zehr of the Brussels Mennonite Church conducted the devotions: Reeve Cal Krauter welcomed the members to the town. Reports from the zone secretary, zone treasurer and the 16 clubs in the zone followed. After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Alf Sutton led in a sing song. 'Mrs. Joyce King, first vice reported a building has been purchased on Lakeshore Road in Toronto as a per- manent home for the offices of the USCO. Clubs for seniors have grown . from a few to the present 1,186 clubs throughout the 44 zones 'in Ontario. The 1984 convention will be held this August in Windsor. Mrs. Pike and Mrs.. Mit- chell played some very toe - tapping melodies on the piano and violin and Jim Laurie sang one Scottish and one Irish song. The new officers for Zone 8 in 1984-85 are: president,. Mrs. Irene Davis, Hensall; past president, Mr. Blundell; first vice, Barry Gandier, Zurich; second vice, Gerald Exel, Brussels; treasurer, Mr. Deeves; Clinton; assistant treasurer, Bert Fear, Blyth; secretary, Mrs. president of the USCO, gave Irene Johns, Exter; and a very ...niteresiingandira--cstan-t- secretary, Mra formative report. She Bertha McGregor of Hensell. ts public relations officer, Mrs. McKenzie. Mrs. Leslie Jacklin, president of the district, was guest and installed the following officers: past president, Mrs. Foxton; president, Mrs. McBurney; first vice, Mrs. Shiell; second vice, Mrs. Ritchie; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Hardie; alternate secretary, Mrs. McKenzie; public relations, 1 rs. John L. Currie; district director, Mrs. Foxton,; alternate. district director, Mrs. Edith Powell; branch directors, Mrs: Lockridge, Mrs. Pennington, Rachael Currie; curator, Mrs. W. Lapp; and pianist, Mrs. Ritchie. Following the installation. of officers, Mrs. Jacklin -adt-ess e e -sad--=- gave a very inspiring and informative address. She was presented with an Easter lily, . a gift of ap- preciation from the branch. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the Queen". Three Ms Club holds meeting at St. Andrew's On Wednesday evening, April 18, the Three Ms met in ' the upper room of St. Andrew's Presbyterian. Church, with 21 present. Alex Robertson chaired the meeting and Mrs. Robertson read scripture and medita- tion: Eileen Niergarth led in prayer. Musical numbers were played by Gordon Wall, Mrs. Don Robertson and Alex Robertson and were en- joyed by all. Mrs. John Donaldson, the president, conducted the business. The next meeting will be held May 30,and the June meeting on the 20th. James Wilson read the minutes owing to the ab- sence of the secretary. Crokinole was then enjoyed. T_hehostesseaseritedlinich and a social time was spent. RED SHIELD APPEAL -Doug McBurney, chairman of this year's Red shield Appeal blitz, Captain Borden Linkletter of the Wingham Salvation Army and Mayor Bill Harris were on hand for last Wednesday's proclamation by the mayor which designates the month of May for the Red Shield. A one -day blitz of Wingham and its outlying com- munities will be held May 9 and a target of $10,000 has been set.