HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-04-11, Page 35Page 10 A e * OSA IA ! ' x11• pend• in 2. In t 28 O� ung 1 84901Alk .1, I9lexn 24."-r,, ever se., 11 104y' in• > e1.. It4dget 112 ..'. rain'uIin Wit, - 2 wda 1 Quisling +nuddenly 28. Deliberate, 8. 'Solo tend; tlor0o. 27. Adventure 14.ExciLaMar Ipsrt. fully: 2 wds. tales 25' *lymph hn $. Steept�Ire 28. Finally: of ttiumph 7..Hornpipe 2 wds. 8. And: Latin 29. Feminine 9. Stick name together 31. Set ablaze 10. Stretches of 32. Excites land 33• Unsmiling 11. Zoo features 36. Tear into 12. One's past bits accomplish- 38. Promonlosy menta: 2 wds. 89. Philippine 17. Field archipelago creatures 41. Handle 18. "Worthless" roughly coin 42. Wander idly 20. Enthusiastic 44. Military review "boas": abbr. 16. Scoff (at) 11. Disguise 18. Dry, as wine 19. Compass abbreviation 20. Man's nickname 21. Stronghold 22. inept, bunging person: 2 wds. (slang) 24. 'The -, what Bessie Smith sang 26. Supervise 27. Social blunder 80. Panaceas 34. State: French 35. Dundee, native 36. Sticky substance: slang 37. Like a fox 88. Black - tongued dog 39. Ignore rudely 40. Tantalum's symbol 41. Baby salmon 42. Semblance 43. Got away 45. Change 46. Put away neatly 47. Joiner's expense w 0 R $ 1111 16 *11 1.1 ..•.. 12 ■..\r1 13 ..I. 14 ■■.I 15 . 16 ...._...17 ... 1R .1 19 ■. 20 ..■ 21 ... 1 23... �..�. 11111■......._.. 25 ■.■16 15 30 ...... ... 31 36 92 33 • ..■ 1�. 38 111 39 MI 41 43 .■... 4506 ■� 47 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates VG Annual Interest Rate subject 10 change '1iIRlA AND V E TRUST Since 1844 Listowel: Main St. E. 291-1450 Member. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation INTRODUCING .. i CHAPMAN'S ICE CREAM Always; Fresh 2 litres Assorted Flavours . . .. ... . .. . . . 1.79 SCHNEIDERS Chicken, Beef or Steak (125 gr. portions) Meat Pies . each .55 5 kg. box Beef Steakette i 20.75 Golden Basket • Chicken Breast Patties ...... :.... Ib. 2.99 , Schneiders Bacon Ends Ib 1.29 DRY GOODS, 2 kg. Table Salt .. ..59 Ib. - Ground Black Pepper 1.69 2 kg. Brown Sugar 1.79 2 kg. White Sugar ... 1.39 Sultana Raisins ......... Ib..99 2 kg. Icing Sugar . . _;.. , -. .:. L98 Monarch 2 kg. Pastry Flour ....1.69 Quaker (3 Varieties) 2. Ib. Muffin Mixes 2.07 Dare • Cookies Ib 1.69 These Products are Pre -Packaged MILLBANK CHEESE Mild Cheddar . . . . . . Ib. 2.88 100 gr Medium 'Cheddar . .. . . Ib. 2.89 100 gr Old ( bite) . Ib. 3.17 100 gr Mozrella . ...... Ib. 2.59 100 gr Marbled - Ib 2.69 100 gr Colby Ib 2.65 100 gr Curds Ib 2.75 100 gr Prices in effect until closing Tues. April 1 7th. .63 .63 .70 .57 .59 .58 .60 995 Wallace Ave.. N. Listowel. 291-4777 Mon. -Sat 9:30 am - 6 pm. Thurs. & Fri. Till 9 pm. • C CGS Score By BARBARA !IARTUNG Decorating room with sheets 4.1 would like to remod- el my bedroom and add some personality and drama. I have off-white walls and carpeting that I will keep. So I need to choose a new bedspread and draper- ies, I have a double bed, two end tables, two chests, and a small chair that needs recovering. I have thought about decorating with sheets. - R.B. A. Your idea to use sheets for 'decorating your bedroom is a good one - a decorating trick especially suited to those of us in the do-it-yourself category. Start with a sheet pat- tern that you especially like and which will look well with your carpeting and walls. A matching comforter and bolster pillows could take, the place of tradition- al bedspread - and make bed making much easier, too. Create your own draped and canopied bed to give lots of drama to your room. Build a plywood frame for the canopy and staple or glue the fabric di- rectly to the frame. Let yards of fabric fall from the frame at the head of the bed and around the cor- ners slightly to give an en- closed feeling. Purchase adequate fab- ric also for recovering your chair. The sheeting material also can give a coordinated look when used for the dra- peries - lined or unlined, depending on your needs. Or you could use draperies in a plain color, preferably the wail color. Q. We recently bought an older home that has exten- sive wood paneling. When we first looked at the home we were en- tranced by the cozy atmos- phere that the paneling created. However, now that we are in, the wood paneling seems dark and depressing on winter days. What can we do short of removing the paneling or refinishing it in a painted finish? - C.R. A. Perhaps you can light- en and brighten the room BENCHWAQ •R 11�:. - �RiViA When Philadelphia Phillie's Mike Schmidt hit homers in first three at -bats against Giants on July 7, 1979 he became first major league player to ever do what? e ten, a Copley News Se Nf7- Armen: •b e:40N On000I 4D10W ui 4094 op JOAO 04 JOADId 4SJ!l 094 .... sun. 0woy GA14n -)asuo3 Jnof 419 soy 4plw9)s 0W!4 puo3as 094 p®3IJDW 41 'aJo;eq 4981u 094 4oq 40 4501 sly u1.1 0woy 0 4!9 Hu!A0f4 WE'VE GOT THAT BAMBOO BEA We beat -just about anyone else's price on bamboos. blinds. shades - any window. treatment! Before yotebbuy. compare. All it takes is a phone call! VENETIANS • VERTICALS • PULLSHADES • WOVEN WOODS • SHUTTERS • PLEATED BLINDS • BAMBOOS 21, IL_ 1®•r NA! rig low BLINDS 31 MANITOU DRIVE • KITCHENER • 893.4447 .,MON -WED 10-6 • THURS & FRI 10-9 • SAT. 9-5 100 WHARNCLIFFE RD SOUTH • LONDON • 434.162.4 EVERY WEEK NIGHT TILL 9 • SATURDAY 9-5 simply through the use of color. For example, give the ceiling a fresh coat of off-white paint. Lighten the floor color when the time comes to re- plaee the carpeting - a light tweedy beige might help. Use sun -toned slipcovers and draperies if you have dark -colored furniture. If some of your wood pieces are dark and. not of great value, consider repainting, lacquering or antiquing them a light color. Change opaque window treatment to Something that is sheer, to bring in as much natural light as is available. Supplement that with good artificial light with tracks or lamps or both. Use light accessories on the walls - large white or colorer mats for pictures, for example. Q. I've just moved into a small apartment that has three small windows in the living room. I purchased about two years ago a pair of floral printed sofas in navy blue, pumpkin and tan chintz. At the time I bought enough extra fabric to make a ta- blecloth for my dining table. Now I cannot get any more fabric although I tried because I'd liketo have matching draperies made from the fabric. he tablecloth material 1 475 LUXURIOUS AIR - Lavish use of a floral print fabric gives a luxurious air to this bedroom with its modified four-poster bed created with yards of fabric. Fabric is stapled to a plywood frame. Fabric is by Fieldcrest. isn't enough for the win- dows, even though the win- dows are small. What would be the next best choice? - T.P. A. If you have adequate tablecloth fabric, laminate it to three window shades. A plain box or frame for the top of the window would obscure the window IMainstream Canada Frankensteintax nipnster� By W. Roger Worth The Canadian Federation of Independent Business is far from happy with the way Revenue Canada operates. Indeed, more than 2,000 of the organization's 64,000 members have complained in no uncertain terms about specific reassessment and collection problems emanat- ing from Revenue Canada. "The horror stories about the way these Canadian tax- payers were treated by `civil servants' is appalling," says the CFIB's president John Bulloch. "What our mem- bers' stories reveal is a Frankenstein tax monster which is spreading fear and abuse throughout the coun- try." The result of tip uproar over Revenue Canada: an in- depth Federation brief to Fi- nance Minister Marc La- londe, and appearances be- fore the Progressive Con- servative Party's National Revenue Task Force. In both instances, the Federation outlined , the serious prob- lems that exist at Revenue Canada, as well as proposals that should help overcome the difficulties. Among the suggested solu- tions : That RevCan's basic as- sumption that taxpayers are guilty until proven innocent be reversed. The broad application of these powers is not only con- trary to the basic principles of justice, but it forces tax- payers to pay the depart- ment's tax assessment even before an appeal is heard. So even though the department may be wrong (and RevCan was proven wrong in more than 80 per cent of recent notice of objection cases), taxpayers," and particularly people operating smaller firms, are forced to tie up cash, lines of credit -or other assets. "RevCan is using this power to intimidate smaller firms, many times treating the honest entrepreneurs as crooks," says Bulloch. "Taking away this excessive power would place the two opposing sides on a more equal footing." Appointing a strong minister for the department, as well as a deputy minister with technical expertise in tax matters. RevCan has had 12 minis- ters since 1968, with each serving an average of 15 months. To make matters worse, deputy ministers with no knowledge of the Income Tax Act have headed up the government mandarins run- ningthe department. "There's no consistent ad- ministration; so there's little wonder the department isa mess," says Bulloch. That assessment quotas forced on RevCan employees be eliminated. That taxpayers be awarded full costs where ap- peals. to the courts are won, or the department decides to drop its case. That the administrative function be overhauled and upgraded so that all tax- payers do not have to wait months before they get re- funds from the department. That RevCan stop "pro- moting" the names of people who have been charged under the Act.. On a positive note, Bulloch said it is only fair to give full credit to Lalonde for the tax simplification measures he introduced in his recent bud- get. The business leader also said that Lalonde gave the CFIB a good hearing on the proposed changes, and showed good faith by meet- ing with CFIB officials. "At this point the ball is in the minister's court," said Bulloch, "hopefully he'll take action to remedy this serious situation." U.N. WARNING The U.N. Commission warned on Sept. 2, 1949, of the danger of civil war in Korea. mma ROT CIETZE 0 u�1 OMAN IRAQ EGYPT CYPRUS 0©00 ODODUO 00000 0100019100 000610 OOOEJ On 0000 ODOR. moo rum ©©MO I00FD 011000180 . mime 01110110013., ©I7®0. 0E1010000DODD MEMO LOQ D©0; baro UMW MOM nn•IFnri©n• i halo l ©©©OGIwi 19111110111 shade mechanism. This box could be covered in a plain fabric and trimmed with the colors in the fabric. Or if there would be enough print fabric, you might use that to cover the box. Boxes or frames can be as decorative or as plain as you like. They could be scalloped or geometric and they can be trimmed with tassels, braid or gimp'. Or if you don't care for window shades, you could use the fabric to cover the boxes and install plain -col- ored draperies, edged in the printed fabric. Either solution could be attractive and allow you to use your extra fabric. From Harvey Kroft Ford Our skilled technicians will: • Replace Oil & Filter • Inspect all Hoses & Belts • Check Battery & Clean Terminals • Check Ignition System •.Check High Tension Lead • Check Starter Circuit • Check Charging Circuit • Check Distributor Cap & Rotor • Check Exhaust System • Check Air & Fuel Filters • Check all Exterior Lights • Adjust Timing & Carburetor • Replace Spark Plugs if needed • Road Test All for one low price 4 Cyl. 6 Cyl. 8 Cyl. 99544954995 (PARTS NOT INCLUDED - TAX EXTRA) Call for an appointment now - Harvey Krotz Ltd., Hwy. 23 North, , Listowel. CaII: 291-3520 MERCURY LI NCOLN. - :253 Enjoy a savoury tast of the past. We'd like you to enjoy yesterday's prices during our 8th • RSARY SPECIALS AVAILABLE 4 DAYS ONLY - APRIL 11 TO 14 CLOSING Renew your acquaintance with us and enjoy a marvelous DINNER EXPERIENCE A complete meal in the famous Waterloo County tradition! Popular family -style dining at our St. Jacobs location, or our scrurnptuous buffet at our Elmira location. You'll enjoy tantalizing wholesome goodness Waterloo County style! Dessert and beverage included. Only ONE PRICE FOR OOMPLEPE DINNER AT btTfte 8 B'r, JACOB$ OR ELMIRA LOCATION! jCOME AND CELEBRATE OUR 8TH ANNIVERBARYIk J MEAT & CHEESE SHOP SUMMER, PURE PORK SAUSAGE. SAITSAPlain or GE Regular 3.99 Ib. m 293 9 Regular 2.091b. 1§9 r 50 per person FOLLOW THE AROMA TO OUR VILLAGE BAKERY! SUPER SPECIAL! - 26 oz. Whole Wheat or White BREAD Regular 1.09 BAKER'S DOZEN PRICES IN E1'TJt1CT! JBe sure to take time to visit our UNIQUE GIFT SHOP! Enjoy a unique•experienoe .. MEET BEATRICE SNYDER Well known Waterloo County writer Beatrice Snyder will autograph her book "CANADIAN -PENNSYLVANIAN -GERMAN CUSTOMS and COOKERY" and will also demonstrate BUTTER SCULPTING. J Thursday - 5 to 8 p.m. - 8t. Jaoobn Friday - S to 8 p.m. - Elmira taste We thank you To show our appreciation for your patronage Over the past eight years, we are offering old- fashioned prices on outstanding quality. Come in and say "hello."Browse through our Gift. Shop; spend some time in our Meat Shop and Bakery! A savoury taste of the past STONE K Restaurant and Gift Shop ST. JACOBS: 41 King Street - 664-2286 ELMIRA: 59 Church Street West - 669-1521