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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-04-04, Page 16
"Paige 2,-Crea$ril d --April 4, 1984 WHAT IS AN I.P.R.C.?. Dear Mr. Gore: Our son is in Grade 6. He has had difficulty in school every year but this year, he is going to fail. That is what this report, card said. His teacher has asked for an I.P.R.C. We have been invit- ed to attend but we don't know what this means. What is an I.P.R.C. and what should we do? Confused Dear Confused: I.P.R.C. stands for Identi- fication, Placement and Re- view Committee. This is part of the changes in the Educa- tion Act within Bill 82. The primary purpose of this committee is to decide if your son is an exceptional student. This term, excep- tional, applies to students who have learning difficul- ties in the regular program. Obviously your son's teacher feels that he is experiencing learning difficulties in the regular program, and that there is a need for extra help. After the I,P.R.C. identifies your son, it will recommend what placement and pro- gram will best meet the needs of your son. My advice to you is to go to the meeting and share any information, feelings and concerns you have with the I.P.R.C. The committee will put its recommendations in writing and you will have fif- teen (15) days to accept or appeal their decision. 0-0-0 Dear Mr. Gore: Yesterday, I met with my daughter's teacher for the fourth time this year. Every time it is the same thing ; HEY KIDS! LEARN TO DRAW WITH DANNY COUGHLAN oANuy n© • , 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. 2. Finish what Danny started. 3. Now try it yourself! ign Fred Gore she's doing fine and I'm ex- pecting too much. She's not doing fine! I listen to her try to read at home: and I know that she is .nowhere near a Grade 5 student. Her spelling is terrible and I can hardly read her writing. Every year she passes, but she gets fur- ther and further behind. I don't want her to fail, but I also don't want her to be pushed ahead every year. I'm tired of talking with the school and getting nowhere. I'm also tired of them saying I expect too much. My daughter needs help but I cannot convince her teacher. What do I do now? Frustrated Dear Frustrated: First, you must resolve the question of your expecta- tions for your daughter. Are they too high or not? You do this by having a person you trust complete a learning assessment with your daughter. The Ontario Asso- ciation for Children with Learning Disabilities (1-416- 487-4107) will be able to di- rect you to a person close to you. If, as a result of this assessment, it is confirmed that your daughter is experi- encing difficulty then write a letter to the principal of the school and request an I.P.R.C. meeting. Once you have requested this meeting, the school .s obligated by law to grant your request. This will not be just . anoo.ner meeting, because minutes will be kept and written re- commendations will be made; you will have the, right to accept or appeal the committee's decision. I strongly suggest that, not only do you present the find- ings of the assessment, but COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p,m. Thursday of vyeek prior to publication. FOR SALE POOL TABLES and acc- essories. Bob Tanner, phone 1-800-265-3228 or 291-3617 evenings. TF DAY OLD CHICKS! Agent for Parrish & Heinbecker. Phone Don Peel, RR 1, Wroxeter 335-3649. 28rrb 1975 MOBILE HOME 14' x 68'; deck 10' x 16'; shed 81,2' x 12', large driveway, Ford- wich Trailer Park. Phone 335-6307. 28,4,11 ONE USED 40' steel litter carrier with A frame, 150' track, 5 switches and 2 cars. Priced to sell. Phone 335- 3831. 28, 4 FOR guaranteed products and dependable service, call your local Amway distri- butor. Arthur 848-3044. 28, 4 MORRY'S TRAILER pre- season sale. Prowler ST, Golden Falcon, Park Model, truck campers, truck caps, fifth wheel; parts, repairs, trailer rentals, consignment selling. Highway 4, Hanover - Walkerton. Phone 364-3748: 21 rrb USED LUMBER in various sizes; new tongue and groove 3" x 8" x 16 ft. dressed red pine. Large steel shop windows with swing open section, also one'large 6000 lion galvanized water in good condition. Apply Nelson 'B. Martin, RR 3, Wallenstein. 4,11,18, 25 you also have the person who BED wrought iron roses on tested yourlrirghter `welt te lhs-ef-ff fmmAeautiful head of single bed. One of a at this I,P,R:C. I . have, over the, last -two years, attended many I.P.R.C.'s. Just recently, I had the privilege of attend- ing .an I.P.R.C. at the Perth County Public School Board office. The parents had re- quested the meeting, and I presented the assessment. After the information shar- ing, the Superintendent of Special Education facilitated a discussion to best meet the needs of the student. What resulted was a practical ap- plication of the spirit of the new legislation, Bill 82: It was a beautiful example of a school system striving and succeeding to meet the indi- vidual needs of an exception- al student. Not all I.P,.R.C.'s are this productive, but it is comforting to know that leg- islation can be applied with understantling and creati- vity. 000 Fred Gore is the director of St. Jude's Special Educa- tion Private School and Learning Assessment Clinic. He is a qualified Special Ed- ucation specialist and an ed - 'motional therapist with 14 years' teaching experience in the field of learning dis- abilities. Letters requesting information should be mail- ed to "The Warning Signs", c -o Wingham Advance - Times, P.O. Box 390, Wing - ham, Ont. NOG 2W0. Such letters will be answered and reprinted without signatures to protect writers' identity. crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros.' Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance- , Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun. Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association• and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled distri- bution in Elmira, Palmerston. 'Harriston, Brussels, Millbank, Newton, Atwood, Clifford, Drayton. Wallenstein. Moorefield and Arthur Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p.m. Thursday week prior to publication date. Advertising and Production The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N P.O. Box 97, Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2 Accounting and Billing The •Wingham. Advance -Times Josephine St.. P, O. Box 390. Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 The Listowel Banner 291.1660. The Wingham Advance -Times 357.2320. The Mount Forest Confederate 323.1550. The Milverton Sun 595-8921 FOR SALE TEMPERED GLASS (28" x 76' j Regular $95.00 SPECIAL $25.00 Perfect greenhouse, sunroom solar panels. THE WOODWORKS Hwy. ss2 West Woodstock, Ont. 1-53J-1598 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1975 CHEV one ton, cab and chassis, duals, power steer- ing, four speed, new body and paint. Certified. Phone 528-2249. 4, 11, 18 1979 CADILLAC Sedan De - Ville, new tires and exhaust system. Excellent condition. $8,500.1-519.291-4143. 1948 DODGE 1/2 ton pick-up, Chev 283 CID 2 speed, auto- matic, new brakes, exhaust, rims, windshield etc., body very good. Priced to sell $1,800 or best offer, or will trade for motorcycle. 334- 3527. - NE BOUNTY HUNTER WANTED Used cars - trucks -motorcycles - motor homes • estate vehicies -repossessions - con- signments - etc. ' REWARD On the spot cash (bonus. money paid for clean, low mileage vehicles of any ,year) NOTE 20 - 30 cars and trucks in stock for immediate release from $150 as is (dead) or $1.000 and up (alive). Allan Caudle 343-2803 Used Car Country Highway 23 N. between Listowel and Palmerston. Bonded and Licensed Dealer for 18 Years. 11 Years Same Location. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE . 1981 SUZUKI GS 400, excell- ent condition, 4900 km. Phone 291-1110 Listowel. SERVICES PIANO Tuning, Please call John, L. Finlayson, 821-2574, Guelph. *Rill L* Takaberry�ue and Tree 744-4157 or 653-5707 Cali an '.hue ANNOUNCEMENT Leon Russell Former serviceman for local well-known appliance store for the past 8 yrs., is pleased to announce that he is starting up his own service business April 3, 1984 for Appliance & Refrigeration Service Phone Wingham 357-3773 ,==cut out kind. custom-made. Feather mattress,. spotlesSr. box spring, steel frame, eyelet ruffle and some bedding, included in price of $150. Feather tick $50 extra. 338- 2388. 1" OR 11.4" TUBING gates, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18' gates in stock. Feed carts 10, 12 and 16 bushel. Self locking cattle head rails. E. S. Martin Welding, RR 1, Linwood, Ontario. 519-698-2283. Mar. 7 -May 30 WORLD FAMOUS, Cana- dian made Vacuum Cleaners •with or without power noz- zles. Reconditioned fully guaranteed used cleaners. No obligation shampoo dem- onstration. Over twenty years with the same 'com- pany. Elrnor Parrish 291- 3212. A18 WE HAVE Progressive Euchre score cards; Court Whist tally cards; and Bridge score pads at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel, TF 1982 450 HPNDA Night Hawk, windshield, engine guard, excellent shape -,-2500 km'. Phone 35`4=4633. 1981 HONDA CR8OR, good shape, just rebuilt, $450 or best offer. Phone 357-1828 after 6 p.m. WANTED' MUSICIANS to join Wing - ham Optimist Community Band. Phone 357-3762. 4,11 GOOD BARNS for wrecking. Apply Nelson B. Martin, Wallenstein, Ont. NOB 2S0. 4,11 WANTED TO BUY HELP. Sales are booming. We need more of your pick- ups, vans and light trucks for, wrecking and salvage. Mini- mum of $50 paid for com- plete units. Call Dan at Country Choice Light Trucks Ltd., St. Jacobs, 664-2889. 14,21,28,4 WILL BUY used pianos for cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano Tuning and Repairs. Phone 357-1049 rrb Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD Call Culligan for selection and reliable handling of your farm property needs. * * * * * * * t* * MONEY MAKERS - Catch the rising hog market with one of these farrow to finish farms. No. 1 - 50 ACRES - New home and finishing barn, 75 sow farrowing: $155,000 plus stock. No. 2 - 100 ACRES - New 1800 sq. ft. home, new 80 sow farrowing and finish barns on farm feed system. All offers considered. No. 3 -100 ACRES - Large brick home, new 40 sow barn, conventional finishing. $125,000. No.'4 100 ACRES - Tasteful stone home, 60 sow farroyv to finish, harvestore and mill. $240,000 plus stock. No. 5-100 ACRES - Frame home, 60 sow far- row to finish. liquid manure. $1 75,000. CROP LAND - Turnberry - 200 acres, 180 workable, $185,000; Turnberry - 91 acres, 50 workable, $53,000; Howick - 100 acres, 90 workable, $120,000; Grey - 100 acres, 75 workable, offers accepted; Grey - 100 acres, 60 workable, $100,000. HORSE SPECIALIST - Stately 2 storey brick home, attached garage, white board fences, barn set up for horses, 162 acres, highway location. $1.85,000. Brian Potter, Wingham 357-3622 Or 348-8355 (Mitchell Office) • AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects & Garden Tools for MR. & MRS. NORMAN WALKER At Listowel Livestock Ltd. Sat., April 7 1:00 p.m. SELLING: Good assortment of glassware, dishes, cups and saucers, etc., stacking, stools, knick knack stand, smoking stand, crib board on legs, Tupperware, lead crystal pieces, picture and frames, hall trees, milk can, step stool, utility tables, lamps, box books, orange crate, assorted jars, clothes horse, pole lamp. FURNITURE: Andrew Malcolm dining table, 5 dining chairs, 1 arm chair, buffet with mirror, swivel rockers, Andrew Malcolm vanity, two good wardrobes, trunk, dresser and mirror, dresser and single bed, desk, night tables,, three. wooden chairs, end tables, occasional chairs, wooden playpen. MISC. & GARDEN: B&W TV, colour TV and radio, humidifier, two sets golf clubs and cart, two bicycles, garden tools; step ladder, exten- sion cords, coal oil lamp, garden hose, new he�c. ge trimmers, lawn chairs, gas lawn mower, assorted items. .' 79/0 =Sales Tax in Effect. Lunch Booth. Not Responsible for Accidents or Injury Auctioneer: DON REA Listowel; 291-2600 "For Service That Sells" on por. „ ds, coal oil lamp, garde Of Farm Land Rent, Fatmf C finery. Truck & Misc..itam� ERNEST EIROCKLEI3ANK Lot 14, Con. 15, Elma Twpl 1..ocated 2 miles north of Monkton on Hwy 23and west first farm on • Sat., April 144th 12:30 p.m. • FARM -LAND RENTING: Consists,.Of 47 acl s all workable, good productive, drained. land, .,;: renting without buildings, "south ;half 'of Lot 14, Con. 15, Elma Twp:. Property rent will be auc- tioned at approx. 2 p.m. TERMS ON RENT; Rent will be. yearly from Jan. 1984 to Jan. 1985. Half total rent paid April 14th sale day and half paid Dec." 1, 1984. MACHINERY: Deutz D6006 diesel tractor, dual remotes, front weights, approx. 66 h.p., only 1500 hours (good cond.); Int, Farmall H gas tractor, pully, hyd. complete with Freeman loader; M. Harris 102 row -crop gas tractor; Int. 93 planetary self prop. combine, 10' cut bar, pickup, scour clean (good cond.); Int. 201 self prop. swather 12' cut, pickup reel, hay condi- tioner ,(good cond.); M.F. 33 grain, fert. and grass seed -drill (good); New Holland 268 baler with N.H. bale thrower; two Martin wagons with all wood bale thrower racks, 16' and 18'; Allied 41' 6" PTO drive, portable grain auger; Martin gravity grain box and wagon; Int. 46 plow, 3 pt. h. 4 furrow, 14" bottoms; Kvernelands 3 pt. h. 4 section cultivator; 3 pt. h. weed sprayer, 90 gal. tank; Cockshutt 135 R.M. 2 row corn - planter; M.F. 3 pt. h. 32 plate double disc; Int. 135 bu. power spreader; Case 3 bar side rake;" 6 section of harrows with stretcher; Zero graz- ing wagon feeder; Gehl forage harvester pickup 1 row corn head (needs repair); oat roller with 11/2 h.p. electric motor (Champion). TRUCK: 1967 Dodge 300, state truck with hoist, loading chute, tarp, 64,000 miles, selling as is. MISC. ITEMS: Dewalt 740 radial -arm 10" saw and steel stand (good); Craftsman 180 amp. electric welder; oak timber 20' long 3'/2" x 8"; 23 cu. ft. chest freezer; plus wagon load of misc. items. TERMS: Cash or Cheque with Proper I.D. Sale Day. Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for - Accidents or Loss of Property Sale Day. Proprietor: ERNEST BROCKLEBANK Phone 347-2607 Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE Phone 291-3489 AUCTION SALE Of 4 Tractors 3 Farm Machinery for DOUG BUNKER • Lot 29, Twp. of Howick, County of Huron, 6 miles west of Harriston and 2 miles east of Fordwich on Hwy: 87 Sat.,' April 7 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS: Nuffield 1060 diesel, power steering; 520 Belarus 70 h.p. d. with power assist; 'Ford 5000 Super Major diesel; Ford 1 arm loader for Ford Major; Fordson, small Ford tractor with front distributor, hyd. bucket sold separately; Model T.E. Minneapolis with Wisconsin engine, cult. and 1 furrow plow. EQUIPMENT: J.D. :17 run drill; J.D. 494A corn planter; 3 P.H. Kneverland 14" trip plow, 4 fur- row; M.F. 9 plate 1 way disc; 2 sets harrows; 3 P.H. "3N furrow I.H. plow; 10' and 12' 3 P.H. Bissel silt. and levellers; S676 N.H. 2 beater spreader; Case 1010 self prop. combine; N.H. 404 crimper; J.D..14T baler; NJ.. trail mower: bale stooker; 2' flat racks and 16' wagons; 2 Dion 16' self -unloading boxes and 10 ton dou- ble reach wagons - left side unload; Turnoo gravity box; Turnco gravity box and, wagon; Hesston No. 10 stack hand;• Hesston 1OW stack mover; 6" heel auger 32'; 12 Danhauser post ole auger 3 grain augers 3"; 15 run , Cockshu rill for parts; 32' pipe elevator; 2 pipe bl vators 2,0"; N.H. Super 717' harvester with 2' row corn head and new 717 pickup; N.H. No. 27 Whirl a Feed blower; I.H. 4 bar wheel rake; 3/4/ yd. cement mixer with skip: 3 P.H. blade; Little Beaver electric ham mer mill; oat roller and motor. MISC.: 8 pc. 3x6 H steel beam 1 1 '; 8 rolls barb wire; woven wire stretcher;. assortment electric wire; dehornec,s; 2 castrators; ear notchers; 25 sap buckets; misc. tools; bag scales; buzz saw; sausage maker; grape and apple press; butter churn; tires; 2 wooden wall phones; lights; 1970 truck with 4' side racks; mllsc. chicken feeder.; automatic chicken waterers; 8 H.P. No. 34 Lawnflite garden tractor. Lunch Booth TERMS: Cash or Cheque with Proper I,D. Day of Sale. Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for Accidents Day of Sale. Any Announcements or Corrections Given Verbally Day of Sale. Farm Sold. Proprietor: DOUG BUNKER Phone (519) 335-3005 t Auctioneers: BARRY & KEITH GRAY Harriston (519) 338-3722' or 343-3607 - CLEARING.; Of 2 Tractors, Mdchiriery, Truck, Livestock, Misc., etc. kir', - JOHN & JANET • ROELOFSEN Lot 3, Con. 5, West Luther Twp. Go ,north of Arthur on Conn -Arthur Rd. to Con. 5 east, approx. 11/2 miles to farm on Sat., April 7- 1:00 p.m. Sharp ,,PIGS: 18 good cross -bred sows, all due in next '2' Months, pregnancy checked; Landrace Duroc boar, 1 year old. MACHINERY: Cockshutt 1850 diesel tractor, with cab, PS hydra power shift, remotes, com- plete motor rebuilt in 1983, good. clean cond.; L.A. Case tractor with valves, done last sum- mer, in good clean cond.; A.C. GleanOr C. 2 gas SP combine with cab, pickup, good cond.; M.F: No. 36 10' SP swather, good shape; New: Holland 355 mixmill, 3 years old,' real good cond.; New Idea 200 bus. manure spreader, top beater, good; J.D. 14' wheel ciilt., good;. Melrose' 4 , furrow Semi mount' 16" bottom plow, automatic resets; J.D. 3 pt. hitch back hole, 3 buckets, good cond.; J.D. 14' wheel. disc on rubber; M.F. 14' 3 pt. hitch cult.; M.F. No. 10 hay baler; Fox forage harvester, grass head only; self unloadingforage box, good cond. with wagon gear; Allis Chalmers 4 furrow semi mount plow; Case 16 run seed drill on, rubber, good working order; Burns gravity grain 'box, no gear; gravity grain box and wagon -gear; Case 12" 3 furrow 3 pt. hitch plow; 7 sebtions of drag harrows, new last spring; homemade 3 pt. hitch tooth for water furrows. TRUCK: 1966 Mercury 350 1 ton truck, 6 cylinder with 7 `x 9 plywood rack, 4 speed transmission, 74,000 miles, sells as is, real good condition. MISC., TOOLS, ETC.: Custom made 10 ton hopper bottom feed bin; 2 galv. farrowing crates; 6 dry sow stall; 2 good 24" feed carts; 3 farm jets and air bags, 12", 18"; Nasco sow breeding wheel; good rubber tired cement wheel barrow; B&D 8" skit saw, realood cond.; 3 pt. hitch and PTO cement mixer; single axle car trailer, 4 x 6 rack; 28' alu'm,`ext. ladder; approx. 11/2 tons fertilizer;,3-4" grain` augers, 12', 16' with motors; air carrying tank; Teco Master 230 amp. electric welder; approx 12 - 10' new hog partitions; quantity of new gatv. pipe; J.D. 2 way cylinder, top cond..aip= prox. 20 heat (amps; approx. 20 'c cep feeders; good ext. cords; good rope; stone hammers; small wagon of misc. items. TERMS: Cash Sale Day. Cheques with I.D. Sale Order - 1 p.m. Wagon Load, Misc., Machinery sells approx. 2:30 then Pigs.. , Everything to,be removed in 1 week's time; Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for Accidents, Injury, Deletions or. Loss of , Property Sale Daly. Proprietors: JOHN & JANET ROELOFSEN 848-5563 Auctioneer: JOHN i m McPHEE haunt Forest' X323-4058-