HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-04-04, Page 7W Real. Estate for Sale ECONOMICAL living. Two bedroom bungalow on nig,ely treed lot featuring large rec room with airtight stove, sundeck, garden and wood sheds, low taxes. Asking $34,500. Phone 357-2621. No agents please. 14:2 DO YOU have listings to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb LUCKNOW. Highway loca- tion, 3 bedroom, 1/ storey home with attached garage, house completely redecor- ated, air -tight woodstove. Phone 528-3837. 28,4 WANTED TO RENT CROP and pasture Payment in advance. to Box 2305, c -o The ham Advance -Times, ham. land. Apply Wing- Wing - 4,11 AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Tools and Household Items For HANK CRETIER Lot 13, Con. 5 Turnberry Township, 4 Miles N.E. of Wingham, 1st Farm off the B Line on Sat., April 7 1:00 p.m. Massey Harris 22 tractor with loader; 2 wheel trailer; 4 section Diamond harrow; steel stone boat; sugar kettle; 3 prong hay forks; 2 en- silage forks; 4 logging chains; Homelite, 1 year old chain saw; J.D. chain saw, 2 years old; Pioneer chain saw, 2 years old; steel fence posts; 50 electric fence- stakes; insulators; 2 table saws; barb wire; 4 " rolls baler twine; eavestrough; scythe; numerous. wrenches and tools; 3/4 h.p. water pump motor; leather harness stitcher; grinder; vise; windows; old stove; 3 wringer washers; lamps; chrome table and chairs; electric heater; small articles. For information phone 357-1848. Terms: cash, property sold. Owner or auc- tioneer not responsible for accidents. Auctioneer: BRIAN RINTOUL POR RENT ONE and two bedroom apartments Lucknow and p is tp Teeswater, available im- mediately, fridge and stove. Phone 529-7030, at night. 28rrb FLOOR sanders. Phone 357- 1666, B & M Rentals and Sales. 9rrb SMALL ground floor apart- ment suitable for quiet couple, available in May, no dogs or cats, stove and fridge supplied. Apply to Box 2307 c -o The Wingham Advance - Times, Wingham, Ont., NOG 2W0. Sa WALTON'S SPRING SHOWCASE SALE e to • e e a a ton Sa Hre a vliie ' West of Durham on No. '4 Highway on: Thurs., Apr. 12, 1984 12:00 Noon 60 HEAD A fancy Sheik daughter born Jan. 1/83, her dam an (EX) show cow, 7 year (223M -232F), 2nd and 3rd dam (VG). Consigned by Stuart Gregson, Flesherton, Ontario. A show calf by Ultimate born May 29/83, her dam (EX), 8 year (137M -135F). Consigned by Jaclin Holsteins, Maxwell, Ontario. . • Full sisters by Glenafton Impact born March 22/83, dam (GP), 2 year (142M -147F), 2nd dam a (VG) show cow, 4 year (130M -142F). Consigned by David Beslea, Shelburne, On- tario. ntario. A 2 year old by Marquis, her (GP) dam 21,900 M lbs./3.6%, 2nd dam (VG) 17,680M lbs./3.6%, 3rd.dam (Ex) 19,720M lbs:/4.5%, selling fresh January 27th with a fancy heifer calf by Astronaut. Consigned by Cormdale Farms, Georgetown, Ontario. A Valian daughter born May 26/83, her dam (VG) (147M -165F). Consigned by David Gleghorn, Guelph, Ontario. This sale featuresyoung cows; bred heifers and club calves with -lull pedigrees. Sales Manager & Auctioneer: DONALD E. WALTON (519)369-3804 CLEARING Xc !D SALE Of Machinery, Livestock, Feed, Household and Misc. Items for • JOHN THORNBECK At the farm Lot 1 2, Con. 9, Wallace Twp., approx. 2 miles S.E. of Palmerston Wed., Apr. 11, 12:30 pm. EQUIPMENT: An International 504 tractor and loader; a 019 AC. tractor; an SC Case tractor; International No. 10 drill; International 540 spreader; International 46 baler; 3 flat rack wagons; A SIX COMPARTMENT FARMATIC MILL and a Patz stable cleaner and approx. 270 ft. of chain. FEED: Approx. 30 tons mixed grains; approx. 100 bales mixed -hay; approx. 350 bales of straw. MISCELLANEOUS: Hog feeder; farrowing crates; heat larnps; welder; air compressor; ce- ment mixer; etc. LIVESTOCK: Two cross bred boars, Ralph Henderson breeding; approx. 20 sows and bred gilts (some with litters); approx. 150 feeder pigs. HOUSEHOLD: A Heritage air tight stove; crib; play pen; assorted wooden chairs; TV; misc. Farm is sold. Terms: Cash or cheque with I.D. day of sale. Owner or .auctioneer not responsible for acci- dent or Toss of property day of sale. Auctioneer: COLONEL ROSS D. CLARK Neustadt (519) 799-5333 1 REAL ESTATE LTD. Phone 482-9371 Clinton WANTED FOR SERIOUS CLIENT - 100 acre dairy farm, must have good herd of Holsteins. HOMES BLYTH - Executive class, 2 storey, 4 bedroom, heated workshop, many ex- tras. BRUSSELS - 3 bedroom frame, neat, priced at $19,500. - make an offer. BLYTH - 4 bedroom home, 1 acre, many features, 1 floor barn. Great hobby farm. BLUEVALE - Heated garage and work- shop ACREAGE 40 ACRES - 4 miles south of Wingham, large brick home, cod -,bar, 95 ACRF®5p;ar Lon- desboi r o buildings. 2 ACRES - 4 bedroom home, likenew, insul- ated barn 32' x 64'. Morris Twp. 21/4 ACRES - 11/2 floor, 4 bedroom brick home, oil heat, 6th line Morris. 150 ACRES - 102 workable, 5 bedroom„ home near Auburn, 500Tidg capacity, liq- . uid cleanout. 94 ACP"®. Crop land, 1 S° iullett, no buildings. 2 ACRES - 5 bedroom brick home, custom finished, new garage, near Brussels. 91 ACRES - Close to • Belgrave, good home and general purpose barn. 20 ACRES - Good frame home, hog fin- ishing barn, liquid manure system, Mor- ris Twp. NOTICE TOR I -ITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GLADYS WEIR MacADAM ' ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Widow, whodied on March 12th, 1984, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned on or before the 21st day of April, 1984, after that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then havebadnotice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 22nd day of March, 1984. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 28,4,11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM CHARLES ,. ERRLNGTON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of William Charles Errington, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, and Pro- vince of Ontario, deceased, are required to send particu- lars of their claims, duly vertified to the undersigned on or before the •6th day of April, 1984, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said Estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 14th day of March, 1984. Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P-0)—Belt-730, Carcis:of Thanks We wish to thank everyone for cards, flowersand kind expressions of sympathy at the time of the passing of a dear mother and grand- mother Adeline Weppler. Eileen, Art, Tracey and Susanne Fischer The family of the late Ed- gar G. Gaunt would like to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy. Barbara, Jim and John Thank you to all mym friends in the Winghaarea, who sent messages of sympathy following,, the death of my father. Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated. Mary Marg Passmore MISCELLANEOUS SALES opportunity. The Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation has a limited number of openings for the position of enrollment repre- sentative. We are a non-pro- fit organization in the busi- ness of helping children to receive a post -secondary education through a registered education savings plan. The ideal candidate will be a representable ener- getic self starter who is able to utilize time to maximize income through commission sales. Interested applicant should send a personal resume, stating .qualifications and interest, in confi- dence to: Peter Jann, Per- sonnel recruiter, Canadian Scholarship Trust Founda- tion, P.O. Box 1656, Guelph, Ont., N1H6R7. 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 ' Soli'citotfior the Estate of William Charles Errington 21,284 ••••11•1111MM MN III II UM MIS ■ !BIRTHSI HEFFER—Gail and Paul Heffer of Wingham are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Ashley Louise, on March 27 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A wee sister for Rachel. Proud grand- parents are Mervin and Shirley McAllister and Cliff and Jean Heffer. LEE—Tom and Carolyn of Windsor welcome with love Gregory Charles, born March 29, weighing 7- 12, at the Metropolitan Hospital, Windsor. A wee brother for Marni. The Man To- See Is COUNTRY LIVING - - In this attractively renovated, 4 bedroom home near Wingham, spacious main floor lay -out features large kit- chen; family room and spacious dining/living . room with fireplace and sliding doors to sundeck, enclosed side porch and attached\ garage. AtI this on 1Y?. acres and only . $39,900. COZY, COMPACT 3 bedroom bungalow, low taxes and low heating costs. You can't beat it for economical living. Asking $27,900. ECONOMICAL LIVING - In this all electric 3 bedroom bungalow with sliding doors to patio, carpeted throughout, paved drive and attached garage. 4 miles from Wingham. $37,900. 50 ACRE HOBBY FARM - With attractively renovated 3 bedroom brick home, living room features a natural cork bark wall, sliding glass doors and a fireplace, central vacuum system and elegant 4 piece bath are a housewife's dream. The bankbarn has 4 excellent horse stalls. A mile from Wingham, on a paved road. $74,600. ATTRACTIVE BLUEVALE LOTS - 2 lots each 66' x 165', $5,500, each, also one 115' x 132', asking $6,800. These lots have extra adjoining land which could also be purchased. COUNTRY VIEW - But in town location. 3 bedroom family home with separate living and • dining rooms and attractive, noise proof family room. $38,900. Contact: OFFICE 357-1344 STAN pHADWICK 357-2497 - MARGARET DAY 357-2196 The (aridly of the late Jean Skinn wish to express sin- cere appreciation to all those who offered prayers mass cards, memorial donations, flowers, food and moral sup- port during the recent loss of our mother. Special thanks to Father Strohmeyer, Cam- bridge; Father Marentette, Currie -Walker Funeral Home, the pallbearers, flow- er bearers and the Sacred Heart Catholic Women's League. Also we say a heart- felt "Thank You" to all mom's good neighbors on Leopold Street for their many acts of kindness shown to her and to us. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. I . wish to thank Rev. Paul Mills for his prayers and kind words, and my relatives and neighbors for their kind- ness in the sudden passing of my dear grandson at Willow - dale. Mrs. Harvey Niergarth Many thanks to Dr. McGregor and the obstetrics nurses for their care at the birth of our daughter Tabitha. Thanks to Grandma fer all herr help and to Grand- pa for letting her come. Also our appreciation to all those ewho sent cards, gifts or ex- pressed their best wishes. Annette and Bevan Lindsay I would like to express my thanks to Dr. Gear and the nurses in I.C.U. at the Wing - ham and District Hospital, also to Dr. Barr and his team and the nurses at University Hospital for the fine care I received while a patient there. Thanks too, to our re- , -1a-page. .e,,.guide la., e —►;.ci hrbnrs and - _of Bradley of Hythe, friends, who sem eyed— Alberta, Scot- of Med my wife and I in so many Hat, Alberta, Robert, thoughtful ways. Brent and Lisa, all at Wilfrid Congram home; grandmother of Twyla, Lionel, Derek and Jamie; dear sister of Mrs. The Wingham Advance-Th)3es, A <r8 4,1. age 7 HARMAN --Gordon Har- ‘ man, retired foreman at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, formerly of the Brussels area, passed away suddenly at his home on Sunday, March 25. He was the beloved husband of Dorothy; dear father of Stephen, Larry, Jerry and Mrs. Albert (Marlene) Lewis; grandfather of six grandchildren. He is also survived by two sisters, Margaret Nesbitt and Mrs. Harry Woods. He was predeceased by brothers William and John. Funeral service was held Wed- nesday, March 28, at one o'clock at the Trull Funeral Home. Interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. McCOSH—Passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, March 26, Kenneth Robert McCosh of RR 2, Goderich, in his 61st year. He was the beloved husband of Ruth MacKenna; dear father of Janice of Keswick, Mrs. David (Judy) Watson of London and Mrs. Paul (Joanne) Graf, Goderich. Also surviving are his father, Dr. Robert A. McCosh of Goderich; one sister, Mrs. Alan (Mary) Williams of Wingham, and six grandchildren. He was predeceased by his mother, Nora (Gomm) McCosh. Funeral service was held Wednesday, March 28, in Goderich with interment in Maitland Cemetery. CAMPBELL—Passed away suddenly at Victoria Hospital, South Street Campus, London, on Friday, March 30, Mrs. Marjorie Arlene Campbell of 811 Notre Dame Drive, London, in her 48th year The former Marjorie Elliott, she was the beloved wife of Donald Campbell; loving mother shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobss Granton In- stitute, 265 A Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 Horne, 'Wingham. Tuesday afternoon and evening until two o'clock today (Wednesday) when serv- ice was conducted by Rey. Paul L. Mills. Interment followed in Wingham Cemetery. A memorial service under the auspices of Maitland Lodge No. 119 IOOF was held Tuesday evening. Donations to the Huron -Perth Lung As- sociation would be appre- ciated by the family as ex- pressions of sympathy. MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE We have 20 mobile homes at bargain basement prices. Free delivery includ- ed. • 1-368-5179 Cormier Homes Ltd. Tiverton, Ont. VMOINT, LET'S SEE WIIAT '..... MIS HEAP WILL o' What it may "do" is put you in a wheelchairfor life. Drive with care. CANADIAN PARAPLEGIC ASSOCIATION Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD MORRIS TOWNSHIP - Executive 100 acre crop farm c/w large new home on beautiful set- ting. Must be seen to be appreciated. • McKILLOP TOWNSHIP - 420 acres. Excellent tiled level crop land available in smaller parcels or by the complete package. Call for details. Brian Potter, Wingham 357-3622 , or 348-8355 (Mitchell Office) HUTTON JUST NEWLY LISTED -This three bedroom bungalow rl Bluevale on a lot 66' x 160' in size, many new home features, family sized kitchen has Columbis cupboards, 4 piece bath, laundry room, living room, fully paved drive to carport. Taxes $260. per year. Offers considered. FOR RETIREMENT -Or for first time buyers, kine see nis�e • ed kitchen with Tots of .cupboards, large living roorn, laundry room: * Horne in best -of +aiindltfciiiia and must be sold to close an Estate. 'Financing available. . 18 ACRES -On a paved road half mile from Lucknow. Attractive eight. year old three bedroom brick bungalow with living room, din- ing room and spacious kitchen, finished base- ment has rec. room, • games roorn, one bedroom; attached garage, 7 year old 20' x 40' horse barn. Private financing available. An attractive property with river at back. REAL AFFORDABLE -3 bedroom brick Wrox- eter home, living room, dining room and kitchen with good cupboards, house well ,maintained, Targe attached ,garage, good sized lot. Ex- cellent financing available. Instead of renting try an offer on this and be a homeowner. LOT On Highway 86 west of Whitechurch with mature trees. • , 100 ACRE FARM - In Wingham area, check for details and price. MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM 357-3208 Representing Lloyd W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine 396-2061 today. I take this opportunity to thank the Lucknow doctors LEARN to earn. We will and the nurses in Wingham train you in your spare time. and District Hospital for the Electronics, automotive, ap- excellent care received pliance, building, television, while there. Thanks also to small engine. Monthly terms my good neighbors, my fam- 100 per cent tax deductible. ily and everyone for all the Free catalogue.- McGraw help, visits and cards. Hill -NRI, 330 Progress Ave., Sincerely Scarborough, Ont., M1P 2Z5. Rena A. Fisher Phone (416) 293-8787. HOUSECRUISER vaca- tions, 30,000 Islands area. Sleeps six, available May through October. Call or write for brochure. Box 122, Pointe Au Baril, Ont., POG 1KO. (705) 366-2511. EARN hundreds and hun- dreds in your spare time de- monstrating hot tubs, spas or saunas with friends and neighbors. California Cooperage, world's largest hot tubs manufacturer, of- fers exclusive dealerships in your area. Sell at retail for continuing profits. Write: Rural Dealer Division, Cali- fornia Cooperage, 149 River, side Dr. N., Vancouver, B.C., .V7H-.._1T6,--Phone --(604) 929 On behalf of Irene Young, Bob and family of Sarnia, Alex Young of Lucan and Mae Armitage of London, we wish to thank Doug McBur- ney and Doug Layton for their kindness and help dur- ing our loss of Bill Young. Thanks also for the floral tri- butes and to Rev. Paul Mills for his message of comfort and hope, pallbearers and the ladies of the Presbyter- ian Church for serving lunch after the service. Everything was much appreciated. Robena McBurney Words cannot express our sincere thanks to everyone that has helped us after our great loss. Special thanks to 8167. die commitwee that put on our benefit dance and to $10,000 SECOND income. Be a part-time representative selling and renting our line of high quality distillers for ., purifying drinking water in the home, office,and factory. Contact us today for more in- formation. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street, Burlington, Ont., L7R 2G6. Phone (416) 639-0503. LAKE HURON Camping. Seasonal rates available, 1600 ft. of sandy beach, pool, rec. hall, store, lake -front bush lots available, complete hook-ups, 5 miles north of Goderich on Hwy. 21. Phone 1-524-6438, Huron Cliff Park, Box 72, Goderich, 'Ont. N7A 3Y5. MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb everyone that donated in anyway. Many thanks, Rob and Kathy Burkholder and family Bill (Isabel) MacPherson and Walter Elliott, both of West Wawanosh Town- ship. She was predeceased by her parents, . Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Elliott, and one brother Mitchell. Funeral service was held Sunday at the McFarlane and Roberts Funeral Home, Lambeth. At the request of the deceased, her body has been donated to medical science. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society will be gratefully acknowledged by the family as ex- pressions of sympathy. BAIN—Passed away at Wingham and District Hospital on Monday, April 2, William G. Bain of Centre .Street, Wingham, in his 80th year. He was the beloved husband of Eva (Swanson); dear father of Mrs. Ken (Jean) Horton, RR 1; Clifford, William of Wingham and Jim, Lucknow----Also-surviving - are eight grandchildren and four great grand- children. He was predeceased by three brothers and one sister. Friends ,and at The Currie -Walker Funeral George 0. Elliott dies in hospital Family and friends were deeply grieved last week with the passing; after a brief illness, of George Orwood Elliott of Brussels at Listowel Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, March 27. He was in his 69th year. Left to mourn his passing are his wife, the former Helen Currie; two sons, Douglas of Toronto and John, Hanover; two daughters, Joan of Toronto and Barbara, London; and two grandchildren. There is one surviving brother, Richard Elliott of Pahner- ston. He was predeceased by one daughter, Mary; his par- ents, George and Hannah (Mills) Elliott, and one brother, Orwell. Friends paid their respects at the Brussels Chapel of M. L. Watts Funeral Homes until Saturday when service was conducted at two o'clock in the funeral home by Rev. Tom Duke. Final resting place will be Brussels Cemetery. Pallbearers were Fred Lewis, Tom Pletch, Tom MacFarlane, Gerald Gibson, Ed Hollinger and Matt Richardson. Donations to the Memorial Fund of Melville Presbyter- ian Church, Brussels, will be gratefully acknowledged by,. - the family as expressions of concern and sympathy. 5ROKER R E A L E._..9P r 199A JOSEPHINE ST., . 357- 1117 _ 1WIIINGHAM, ONTARIO. EXECUTIVE HOME Attractive 1 storey brick home is tastefully decorated and carpeted, modern kitchen with picture window, formal dining room, living room has 2 picture windows, den; 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, walk -out basement contains 3 finished rooms, laundry and bath. Quality construction, heavily insulated. Priced to sell as owner is moving. LATE MODEL BRICK Built 1976 and still in like new condition, 3 bedrooms, lunch area, 3 baths, private office or guest room, lovely family room with fireplace and built in wet bar, attached garage. Well located in a new subdivision. Make us an offer. MAITLAND RIVER VIEW Low priced family home on a doujle lot, has new addition with picture window and patio doors overlooking the river, 3 bedrooms up, full basement, 200 amp service. Asking only $29,500. BUSY CORNER VARIETY Well located in a densely populated residential area, close to 3 schools, two storey with large living quarters above, retail propane and gas pumps, well kept lot with ample customer park- ing and lots of space for expansion. Please call for an appointment. KEN DUCHARME, REPRESENTATIVE 570 Shuter St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2594 •