HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-03-21, Page 25Page >to--zo€s* oar Marrcb 21,1984 • 3 ... CKVR Barrie 4D ... WJBK Detroit 5 ... CBC Toronto 5D ... WDIV Detroit 6 ... Global 7 ... WK13W Buffalo 70 ... WOK Detroit 8 ... CKNX Wingham 10 ".. CFPL London 11 ... CHCH Hamilton r • Weekday Mornings 5:00 lbws at Sunrise 5D 5:30 Morning Stretch 5D Jimmy Swaggart 6 5:50 Ontario Report 13 6:00 Seneca Telecollege 6, 57l 20 Minute Workout 7D, 4D Sonya 5D Frightenstein 10 News This Morning 7 Yoga 11 6:30 Early Morning News 7D, 4D Canada AM 13 It Figures 11 7:00 20 Minute Workout 57, 10 Today Show 5D 100 Huntley Street 3 Secret Railroad 6 Dale Harney's Magic Palace 11 Good Morning America 7 7:30 Rocket Robinhood 57 Camera on Canada 11 FYI - First Edition 10 Harrigan 8 Hammy Hamster 6 8:00 Size Small 6 Ed Allen 8 Lynsky & Co. 11 Forest Rangers 57 Morning Exercise 3 8:30 Do It For Yourself 8 Sesame Street 3 Carol Burnett 10 The 700 Club 6 Rocket Robinhood 57 Klara's Korners 11 8:45 NOTE: Wed. Only, From Now On 5 9:00 NOTE: Mon. & Wed. Only, Canadian Schools '8 Audubon Wildlife 8 Maude 7D, 4D -Family -5D Romper Room and Friends 13 Morning Exercise 11 ' Ed Allen 6 Donahue 7, 57, 10 •,9:15 Wok with Yan 5 9:30 Card Sharks 7D, 4D Fitness Break 3 Mad Dash 11 100 Huntley Street 6, 8, What's Cooking 13 9:45 Friendly Giant 5, 3 10:00 Ontario Schools 5, 3 Phil Donahue 7D, 4D Facts of Life 5D Micromagic 57 You're Beautiful 10 Trivia Company 13 Hour Magazine 11 AM Buffalo 7 10:30 NOTE: Mon. Only, Canadian Film Specials 57 Sale of the Century 5D Citypulse Tonight 57 Be My Guest 13 Do It For Yourself 10 Bonnie Prudden 6 Mr. Dressup 8, 3, 5 11:00 NOTE: World Vision Wed. & Thurs. Only 10 Fitness Break 10 Harrigan 3 Guess What 13 Benson 7 The Price Is Right 7D, 4D Wheel of Fortune 5D Cherington 11 Sesame Street 8, 5 Celebrity Cooks 6 11:15 Friendly Giant 10 11:30 Definition 13 Loving 7, 57 Tic Tac Dough 5D My Three Sons 3 That's Life 6 Mr. Dressup 10 Thur., Mar® 22, AFTERNOON 12:00 Barbara McL Show 5 Leave It To Beaver Flipper 10 Terrytunes 8 News 7, 6, 7D, 5D, 4D Batman 57 Flintstones 13 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 7, 57 The Young and the Restless 7D, 4D Tattletales 13 All in the Family 5 Super Pay Cards 11 News 3, 10, 8 1:00 Don Harron Show 13 Citylights 57 Let's Make a Deal 6 Days of Our Lives 5D, 11 All My Children 7, 8, 5, 3, 10 1:30 One Day at a Time 57 As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 6 2:00 One Life to Live 11, 7 Take 30 8, 5, 3, 10 Laverne & Shirley 57 Another World 5D, 13 2:30 Coronation Street 5 • It's Your Move 6 Capitol 7D, 4D City Life 57 Good Company 3 Wok with Yan 8, 10 3:00 More Real People 5D Three's Company 8 20 Minute Workout 10 All Creatures Great and Small 5 Soapbox 11 . Do It For Yourself 3 Quincy 57 Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 General Hospital 7, 13 3:30 Good Times 5D Jeffersons 8 -WC/lb-Tan 3 Happy Days 10 4:00 Beverly Hillbillies 3, 8 Happy Days 7 I Live Lucy 10 Eight is Enough 7D, 4D The Young and Restless 11 The Love Connection 13 Battle of the Planets 6 Jeffersons 5D 20 Minute Workout 57. Do It For Yourself 5. , 4:30 One Day at aTime 8 Toronto Rocks 57 Scooby Doo 6 Laugh In 13 All in the Family 5D Jeffersons 10, 3 ,What's New? 5 WKRP 7 5:00 Wheel of Fortune 13 Charlie's Angels 6 Family Feud 7D, 4D Barney Miller 5D Little House on the Prairie 11 Jeffersons 7 Happy Days 5 Three's Company 3 The Price Is Right 57, 8, 10 5:30 Newscope 7 W.K.R.P. 13 Three's Company 5 News 3, 7D, 4D, 5D • EVENING 6:00 News 13, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 5 Ripley's Believe It or Not 3 Citypulse 57 6:30 News 7, 7D, 4D, 6D 7:00 Love Connection 7D, 4D Joker's Wild 5D r SATELLITE TV A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF TV ENTERTAINMENT • Over 300 commercial -free movies, concerts & specials/month • Sports, Disney, Childrens Program • C&W Music, News & Women's Shows See our 'High Performance TVRO system based on the Prodelin 10' dish. Visit oyr comfortable lounge for a demonstration today. VIDEO WORKS VI 56 Regina S° N. Waterloo SATELLITE SYSTEMS, 885-5800 MASH 57 One Day At A Time 10 FAME 5 Life's Most Embar- rassing Moments, Pt. 4 8 Family Feud 13 Wheel of Fortune 7 That's Life 6 Cagney & Lacey Entertainment Tonight 11 0 Family Feud 7 { Littlest Hobo 13 Three's Company 10 MASH 57 • Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D, 4D More Real People 6 Backstage 11 8:00 Gimme_ a Break 5D Movies "Getting Physical" 10; "Coward of the Coun- ty" 57 Dick Clark Salutes Lou Rawls 6 Magnum P.I. 7D, 4D, 13 Empire Inc. 5 Hardcastle and Mc- Cormick 8, 3 Lottery 11 Two Marriages 7 8:30 Family Ties 5D 9:00 Simon. and Simon 7D, 4D, 11 Hand and Eye 5 Hill Street Blues 8 Wintario 6 Cheers 5D Remington Steele 3 Lottery 7 Live It Up 13 9:30 On the Buses 6 Bizarre 13 Buffalo Bill 5D 19:00 Hill Street Blues 5D, 11 20/20 7 Citypulse Tonight 57 Krrot s Landing -7D, 12:30 Movie "Splendor" 6 Entertainment Tonight 5D Rockford Files 7D, 4D 1:00 Eye on Hollywood 7 Thicke of the Night 5D 1:30 Saturday Night 4D, 7D 3 News 7 2:00 Highlights 5 Nightwatch 7D, 4D, 13 Hawaii Five -O 11 2:30 Movie "TBA" 5D 3:00 Dick Van Dyke 11 ) 4:30 Lone Ranger 5D Fri., March 23 AFTERNOON 12:00 News 6, 7, 7D, 4D, 5D Batman 57 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Leave It To Beaver 3 Flintstones 13 • Terrytunes 10, 8 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 57, 7 Tattletales 13 The Young and the Restless 7D, 4D News 10, 3, 8 Happy Days 5 Super Pay Cards 11 1:00 Don Harron Show 13 Citylights 57. All My Children 8, 5, 3, 10, 7 Let's Make a Deal 6 Days of Our Lives 11, 5D 1:30 As the World Turns 7D,4D,6 - One Day at a Time 57 2:00 Laverne & Shirley 57 Another World 5D, 13 One Life to Live 11, 7 Take 30 8, 5, 3, 10 2:30 City Life 57 It's Your Move 6 Good Company 3 4D,6 1984 World, Figure Skating Champion- ships 13 National 8, 5, 3, 10 10:20 Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 11:00 Movie "Thirty -Nine Steps" 57 News 11, 8, 3, 5; 10, 13, 7D, 4D, 5D„6, 7 11:05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario 'Report 13 11:30 Nightline 7 Rising Damp 10 ' Entertainment Tonight 3 Movie "There's' a Girl in My Soup" 8 Sportsline 6 Tonight Snow 5D Taxi 7D, 4D Barney Miller 5 " Family Brown 11 12:00 Movies "Tin Star" 3; "Lawman Without a Gun" 11; "Angels with Dirty Faces" 5; "Kiss Meets the Phantom" 13 Mery Griffin 7 Chico and the Man 6 Kojak 10 Soap 7D, 4D All in the Family 5D Jeffersons 10, 3 Toronto Rocks 57 Grange Hills 5:00 The Price Is Right 57, 8, 10 Wheel of Fortune 13 Jeffersons 7 Family Feud 7D, 4D Barney Miller 5D Coming Attractions Movies 5 Three's Company 3 Charlie's Angels 6 Little House on the Prairie 11 Wheel of Fortune 13 5:30 Newscope 7 W.K.R.P. 13 Three's Company 5 News 3, 7D, 4D, 5D EVENING 6:00 Citypulse 57 News 11, 6, 7, 8, 5, 10, 13 Spy 3 6:30 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 Wheel of Fortune 7 Love Connection 7D, 4D Joker's Wild 5D MASH 57 Simon and Simon 3 The Muppet Show 5 Trapper John M.D. 8 Family Feud 13 One Day At A Time 10 Entertainment Tonight 11 That's Life 6 7:30 This Week in Ontario 5 Three's Company 10 MASH 57 Niagara Repertory Co. 11 More Real People 6 Wheel of Fortune 513. PM Magazine Detroit 7D, 4D Family Feud 7 Circus 13 Cor-oration'Street 5 8:011_ Capitol 7D, 4D Wok with Yan 8, 10 3:00 More Real People 5D Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 Quincy 57 Brideshead Revisited 5 20 Minute Workout 10 General Hospital 7, 13 Do It For Yourself 3 Soapbox 11 Three's Company 8 3:30 Jeffersons 8 Good Times 5D Wok With Yan 3 Coming Attractions 10 4:00 Beverly Hillbillies 3, 8 Happy Days 7 Eight is Enough 70, 4D'• Love Connection 13 Battle of the Planets 6 The Young and the Restless 11 I Love Lucy 10 Jeffersons 5D 20 Minute Workout 57 Do It For Yourself 5 4:30 One Day at•a Time 8 WKRP7 Scooby Doo 6 Laugh In 13 Movies on Channel 11 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT -"LAWMAN WITHOUT A GUN". Starring Lou Gossett, Clu Gulager. Reverend Tom Hay- wood, returning to California after attending Martin Lu- ther King's funeral in Atlanta, decides to visit his home- town of Carthage - a Southern town in a county "owned" by the white Tayman family, but with a black majority population. FRIDAY, 9:00 P.M.-"PACKIN° IT IN". Starring Paula Prentiss, Richard Benjamin. In this wacky sobering com- edy, the vissitudes of modern life seem to have ganged up on Gary and Diana Webber, an attractive L.A. couple struggling to cope with big city problems such as inflation, smog, traffic and crime. The Webbers decide to pack it in and follow their neighbors, Charlie and Rita to the simplic- ity of wilderness living in Oregon. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT -"HARVEST HOME". Pt. 1 of 2. Star- ring Bette Davis, David Ackroyd. A suspense drama, about the horror a New York commercial artist faces after he moves his family to a New England farming village that is frighteningly out of touch with contemporary society. SUNDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"TIME BOMB". Starring Billy Dee Williams, Morgan Fairchild. A world premiere movie about an electrifying hijack attempt involving a super -so- phisticated armored vehicle carrying "the deadliest cargo in the world" - nuclear weapons-grade,plutonium. MONDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"BEST KEPT SECRETS". Starring Patty Duke Astin, Frederic Forrest. A powerful drama out of today's headlines that focuses on the expanded surveil- lance of individuals by a southwestern police department. When the force turns its° questionable techniques on one of its own, the concerned wife of an ambitious officer is thrust into an emotional maelstrom'that threatens the sur- vival of her marriage, friendships and moral convictions. TUESDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"AMAZONS". Starring Jack Scallia, Madelline Stoe. Story of a race of super women who, over thousands of years, have remained out of sight and have reemerged into modern times to take vengence through murder. Blue Thunder 7, 13 The Master 5D 10:00 National 8, 5, 3, 10 Matt Houston 7 The New Show 5D ," Falcon Crest 7D, 4D 1984 World Figure Skating Champion- ships 13 Citypulse Tonight 57 10:20 Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 19:30 Tom Jones 6 11:00 News 10, 8, 5, 3, 13, 7D, 4D, 5D, 6, 11, 7 Movie "The Werewolf of Washington" 57 11:05 Newsfinal5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Family Brown 11 Movie "Fahrenheit 451" 8 Good Rockin' Tonight 5 Entertainment Tonight 3 Look Out World .. . Here We Come 10 Nightline 7 Taxi 7D, 4D Tonight Show 5D Sportsline 6 12:00 Movies "The Sand- piper" 3; "To Kill a Clown" 10; "Harvest Home" (Pt. 1) 11; "Little Moon and Jud McGraw" 13 Mery Griffin 7 Soap 7D, 4D Chico and the Man 6 12:30 The Best of Midnight Specials 5 Movie "WUSA" 6 Entertainment Tonight 5D Rockford Files 4D, 7D 1:00 Eye on Hollywood 7 Citylimits 57 Thicke of the Night 5D 1:30 Saturday Night 4D, 7D - Simland Simon 8 • Movie "The Washington Affair" 57 T. J. Hooker 10 Legmen 5D Tommy Hunter 5 Party with the Rovers 6 Dukes of Hazzard 7D, 4D Family Ties 11 The A -Team 3 Falcon Crest 13 Benson 7, 8:30 Webster 7, 1.1 The Joke's On Us 6 9:00 Dallas 7D, 4D, 5, 8, 3, 10 Movies "Packin' It In" 11; "Columbo: Suitable for Framing" 6 Movie "Walk Softly, Stranger" 5 News 7 2:00 Movies "TBA" 7D, 4D; "Pretty Boy Floyd" 13 Hawaii Five -0 11 2:30 Rawhide 3 Movie "TBA" 5D 3:00 The Dick Van Dyke Show 11 Highlights 5 ' 3:30 In Search Of ... 13 I Love Lucy 3 4:00 Movies "TBA" 7D, 4D; "The Naked Kiss" 3 . ' Six Million Dollar Man 13 5:00 The Waltons 13 Movies on Channel 57 THURSDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"COWARD OF THE COUNTY". Starring Kenny Rogers, Fredric Lehne, Largo Woodruff. Beginning in World War II, a sensitive youth is deemed a coward in his small southern town because he honors a pledge he made to his dying father. THURSDAY, 11:00 P.M. -"THIRTY-NINE STEPS". Star- ring Robert Donat, Madeleine Carrol, Godfrey Tearle. The classic Alfred Hitchcock thriller that first brought him to , U.S. attention. A man becomes involved in a murder and an ingenious spy plot. FRIDAY, 8:00 P:M.-"THE WASHINGTON AFFAIR". Star- ring Tom Selleck, Barry Sullivan. A financially strapped aircraft executive, desperate for a government contract, sets up a young Washington political with a prostitute, filming the encounter for blackmail purposes. FRIDAY, 11:00 P.M. -"THE WEREWOLF OF WASHING- TON". Starring Dean Stockwell, Bill McGuire, Clifton Jaynes. The horrors of Watergate meet a more traditional terror. SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M. -"THE SHE BEAST". Starring Barb- ara Steele,. John Karlsen. The spirit of a witch who was burned at the stake transforms a pretty girl on her honey- moon into a hideous beast. MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"RUNNING WILD". Starring Lloyd Bridges, Dina Merrill, Pat Hingle. A freelance photogra- pher for a national news magazine becomes involved in a dispute over wild horses as she witnesses an affluent rancher and his airplane pilot drive the horses over a cliff. MONDAY, 11:00 P.M. -"THE LONG ARM". (A.K.A. "The Third Key") Starring Jack Hawkins, Geoffrey Keene. A true inside story of Scotland Yard, unravelingthe threads of a fantastic series of crimes. TUESDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"TERRIBLE JOE MORAN". Star- ring James Cagney, Art Carney, Ellen Burkin. An oid ex - fighter, confined to a wheelchair, makes a moral come- back for his granddaughter. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT -"SAN FRANCISCO STORY". Star- ring Joel McCrea, Yvonne DeCarlo, Sidney Blaclt:ner. A young miner is enticed by a San Francisco editor to help him fight the city's vices. Lusty barroom brawls and a duel amidst the California gold rush add to' the excitement. WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"A SPECIAL DAY". Starring Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastrorianni. On the day .in 1938 when Hitler triumphantly enters Rome to meet Mussolini and proclaim the unity of the two facist countries a house- wife meets a homosexual radio announcer and has a one day affair. WEDNESDAY, 11:00 P.M. -"BEYOND THE LAW". Star- ring Lee Van Cleef, Lionel Stander, Antonio Sabato. A wanderer who travels the West with a black man and a strange type of preacher robs a stagecoach and later repels bandits from another robbery is elected Sherrif. i next used car you're going to bull win be from Harvey. Krotz' Ford - . nd here's 39 reasons wbyi 1982 Mercury Marquis 4 Door V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, air, cruise control 1981 Mercury Grand Marquis 4 Door V8, Ioaded 1981 Ford Crown Victoria 4 Door V8, loaded 1980 Lincoln Mk VI 4 Door V8, Ioaded 1980 Ford LTD Wagon 'V8, automatic, power steering and brakes 1979 Lincoln Town Car 4 Door V8, loaded 1979 Oldsmobile Royale 4 Door V8, automatic, power steering and brakes 1981 Chevrolet Impala 4 Door V8, automatic, power steering and brakes ... 9350 X9850 x9750 $14,500 °8A50 X8550 $4950 sao�n 1977 Ford Custom, 500 4 Door V8, automatic, power steering and brakes 1983 Ford Escort Wagon 4 cylinder, automatic, power brakes 1982 Ford Escort 4 Door 4 cylinder, automatic 1982 Chevrolet Cavalier 4 Door 4 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes 1982 Ford Mustang GLX 3 Door 4 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering and brakes 1982 Toyota Tercel 4 Door 4 cylinder, automatic 1982 Mercury Capri 3 Door 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering 1981 Ford Fairmont,4 Door =2950 $7950 "6950 `7250 +7800 s6550 =7950 $6,55U_ $3950 "6250 X5950 =4450 =5950 $5450 X8850 X5500 =5750 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and-br-laces 1980 Chevrolet Chevette 4 Door 4 cylinder, automatic 1980 Ford Fairmoht 4 Door 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes 1980 Mercury Capri 3 Door 4 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering and brakes 1980 Plymouth Horizon 4 Door 4 cylinder, automatic 1982 Dodge Omni'024 3 Door 4 cylinder, automatic 1981 Plymouth Horizon TC3 3 Door 4 cylinder, 4 speed 1980 Plymouth Horizon TC3 3 Door 4 cylinder, 4 speed 1980 Volkswagen Rabbit Diesel 4 cylinder, 4 speed 1981 Mercury • Lynx 3 Door 4 cylinder, automatic LOOK' AT THESE' "AS IS" SPECIALS 1973 Plymouth Fury 4 Door 5750 V8, automatic, power steering and brakes 1974 Mercury Comet 2 Door $950 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes _ 1974 Mercury Montego 2 Door • V8, automatic, power steering and brakes ... 1976 Chevrolet Camaro 2 Door V8, automatic, power steering and brakes . .... $2850 . ' 1976 Mercury Comet 4 Door $1500 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes . ........... . 1976 Pontiac Grand Prix 2 Door . $1250 V8, automatic, power steering and brakes 1978 Plymouth Fury 4 Door $1550 V8, automatic, power steering and brakes . 1980 Chevrolet Citation $2650 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes 1978 Ford F-150 Pickup $1950 V8, automatic, power steering and brakes . . 1977 Ford F-100 Pickup $2150 V8, standard . 1977 Ford F-100 Pickup $2750 V8, automatic, power steering and brakes . 1972 IHC C -C $1750 V8, 4 speed transmission 14' Aluminum Van Body ......... " ....12000 18' Aluminum Dump Grain Body with hoist CaII one of our salespeople today! Ray Kerr • John Jamieson • Steve Scott • Ron McLaughlin • Al Cunningham • Mike Storozuk • Jerry Scott • Adrian Olsthoorn • Don Haight • Arnold Krotz Harvey Ford =7500 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel Car City. 291-3520 Where the lights burn bright till 10 each night. Saturday till 5 p.m.