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WhitechurCh WI members
meet atCopeland Lodge
Whitechurch — The. Na- was then discussed. The.
tional meeting of the question was asked, Why are
Women's Institute was held people from other countries
Wednesday, March 14, at 2 so anidous to become Cana -
p.m. at Copeland Lodge, dian citizens?", and it was
Wingham. Mrs. Gershom stressed that Canadians
Johnston was hostess, must always strive to main -
greeting ,everyone at the tain a friendly relationship
door. with the United States and
Mrs. John Currie, first all must "reach .out to love
vice president, conducted one another".
the meeting and opened with Roll call, "Do you have a
a welcome to all, followed by friend or relative in New
the Ode, Collect and Lord's Brunswick or would you like
Prayer. She then read two a pen pal?", was answered
poems, "Little Things" and by 24. About eight residents
"Would You Believe It?". of the Lodge attended the
The minutes were read by meeting.
Mrs. Russell McGuire. Mrs. Johnston spoke on
It was decided to sponsor a Ontario's twinning with New
441 club. Mrs. Currie, Mrs. Brunswick. She visited New
Lorne Durnin and Mrs. Dave Brunswick last summer and
Gibb volunteered to help told the group that the main
• with the 4-H Achievement
Night in Whitechurch Hall on
May 1 at 7 p.m. The FWIO
convention will be held in
London and groups are to
answer the question, "Do
you wish to still have an
officers' conference?", and
present their information at
the convention.
It was decided to collect
for the Canadian Cancer
Society. Conveners' reports
are to be planned at the
home of. Miss Merlle Wilson
on Monday, April 9, at 7:30
p.m. Members also agreed to
rent a table at the.
Homebound's Flea Market
April 7 from 10 a.m, to 4 p.m.
Named to lopk after it were
Mrs. Alan Falconer, Mrs.
Russell Gaunt, Mrs. Day,
Mrs. Durnin, Mrs. Johnston
and Mrs. Currie.
Mrs. J. Conn was the
winner of a "Wearin' of the
Green" contest and a
singsong of old favorites was
The motto, "Geography
has made us neighbors,
history has made us friends"
industry is fishing. Ladieta
who had visited the provin:.:
gave highlights of their trips,.
many remembering the
1Vfagnetic Hill, Hopewell
Caves and Fundy Park. In
1936 the Women's Institute
introduced the violet as the
emblem. Mrs. Johnston
noted that there are still elm
trees in New Brunswick,
having escaped disease.
"The Black Velvet Waltz"
was played by Mrs. Durnin
op violin with guitar ac-
companiment by Miss Mary
Hehn. Mrs. Conn gave
courtesy remarks and
gratitude was extended to
Mrs. Clifford Bray who
loaned the chord organ
which was played by Mrs.
What's new at
Wad( a Tighter
w3rtrE ster Seals
cancelled, but in its place a
Last Monday's activities sing -song was held in the
included classes in ceramics
chapel with Mrs. Henderson
and working with dough. ap
This art has really come on providing the organ -music.
strong and the finished For leisure time, the folks
products are much in de- , from special care and the
mand. These little figurines
ladies from first floor north
gathered in the activity
now are on sale at the tuck room. Coffee and cookies
shop. were served and Frank
-Residents from special Bissett provided piano
care met in the auditorium music.
last Tuesday afternoon fora Itis interesting to note that
social time together. Re- all the activities are not
freshments were served, confined to the auditorium.
while Elsie Henderson Some of the ladies on second
played piano music for their floor have been, busy
pleasure. working on braided mats and
Van rides were available they are doing a lovely job.
last Wednesday,so several These mats are for sale.
of the residents took ad Bingo was a big attraction
vantage of the outing. •last Friday afternoon and is
A visit from the Goderich verypopular with the
S 1 tion Army planned for
last Thursday afternoon was residents.
'1M mllRON COUNTY-. r AI,Ti
invites you to attend the
held at the Health Unit Office,
Seaforth Hospital, on:
from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for:
1. Health Surveillance
2. Foot Care
3. Anaemia Screening
4. Urine Testing
5. Blood Pressure
In Conjunction with Nutrition Month
the Wingham and District Hospital is
Sponsoring a Public Forum
Magic Foods, False Promises
A discussion of subjects such as bee
pollen, liquid diets and herbal teas at
Wingham and
District Hospital
Wednesday, March 28
2:00 p.m.
Speaker: Karen Kennedy,
Consultant, Health &
Welfare Canada
Free admission. Everyone welcome..
Sunday morning , worship
service was -held in the
chapel with Rev. Norman
Pick in charge. During the
service, -the sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was
celebrated. Assisting Mr.
Pick were Mrs. Chester
Archibald and Dr. George M
Elliott from Oitario` Ulited:-.. mrcayt-ga'-i iced-Pri ay{ to— ..visitors_atibe Woman
Church, Clinton. The choir Sunday ..with Mr. and Mrs. were Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Irwin
sang the anthem' "I Carl McClenaghan. Storey, andsfam}lY, Dupgan-
non. -
'Remember Calvary" and This community was sorry e
the flowers were from to learn that Edgar Gaunt of Mr.. and Mrs'. Tom Vannas
Helmer Snell's funeral. Belgrave, formerly of this of London spent the weekend
Huronview extends a community, passed away with her parents, Mr. and
warm welcome to Herb Monday following a heart Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw.
Phillips of Wingham who has attack. Brian Rintoul had a very
come to reside here. Mr. and Mrs. David successful sale at Carson's
Sympathy is expressed to Dyment, Ginny and Michael on Saturday.
ANGELA SWANSON, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rick Swanson of Wingham, surveyed all the goodies of-
fered at last Thursday's St. Patrick's Day tea and bake
sale at the Wingham Salvation Army Citadel. Four
generations of Angela's family were present at the tea,
including her mother Heather, her grandmother, ,Mrs.
Marjorie McKay, and her great-grandmother, Mrs.
Helen Foxton.
. G
Feige D.T.
Whitechurch Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer,
Rintoul visited on Sunday Amy, Tony and Tim. .
with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Winter break visitors with
Purdon, at Pinecrest Manor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lucknow. Soloman were Robbie
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilken of Atwood, Mr. and
Schultz of Wingham were Mrs. Ron Soloman and
Saturday evening visitors family, Meaford. On. Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilken
Laidlaw. came and Robbie returned
r. and Mrs. Doug Baird home with. them. Saturday
Sacred Heart School,
Mrs. Mary O'Malley,
Cornyn Street,
WINGHAM, Ontario,
Tel. No. 357-1090
Kindergarten Registration Date:
March 23rd, 1-984
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of
age on or before December - 31st, 1984.
Please bring proof of age - Birth Certificate,
Baptismal Certifcate and proof of immunization.
Wednesday .and Thursday home Sunday from Univer-
with their grandparents, Mr. sity Hospital, London.
and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft.
Communion service was
held Sunday at Chalmers
Presbyterian Church with
Rev. Robert Rahn of St.
Marys in charge. Rod Lamb,
student minister here, • ex-
changed pulpits with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emer-
son, Darlene, Sharon and
Brenda of St. Catharines,
spent the weekend v 1th Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
This community extends
sincere sympathy to Mrs.
Fred Mensinga and family in
Rahn. the sudden passing last week
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, of a loving husband and
lie �e��fei and>yiaw'�--faiFier. Mr. �hd'~i�rts-'--m--��1
of Brussels, visited Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Elliott, and
Ronald Beecroft of
Wingham visited Sunday
with. his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Beecroft.
Whitechurch friends are
pleased that Mrs. Ivan
Laidlaw was able to return
thea families of the late Anne, of Milton visited during the Kevan, Shannon and
Oldfield and Aleida Heyink.' winter holiday break "With Heather Beecroft visited
Lewis Snowflake White
Bread 2/•99
Granny 10's
Butter Tarts
Weston 283 gr. Family Chocolate •
Les Y �.
Personals from Corrie
Mrs. Melvin Taylor and
Marian., Chamberlain of
London spent the week with
their cousins, Marion and
Rose Wright of Victoria, B.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Templeman; Todd and Troy,
spent the holiday week in,
Mr. and Mrs. George
Brown visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hoy at
Mrs. A. L. Stephens spent
several days at the home of
Mr: and Mrs. Wayne Stevens
at Bramalea.
The fifth additon of the'
Gorrie United Church
Women held a successful
bake sale and tea last
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Miller
of Sudbury spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Miller and all at-
tended the 25th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Bev ' Brears at the Listowel
Family and Children's Services of
DATE: March 28, 1984
TIME: 2:00 P.M.
PLACE: 46 Gloucester Terrace,
Goderich, Ontario
The Public is cordially invited to attend.
Alemberships available at the door - $1.,00.
Agricultural- Hall last
Saturday evening.
• Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Marynissen of Newmarket
visited last, Wednesday with -
Peter Jorissen.
Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Sim-
mons, Carol and Joanne of
Guelph, visited last Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. Joseph
• Mr. and Mrs. Lionel
Johnston have returned
home from holidaying.in
Dwayne, Michael --and
David Smith of London spent
a few days with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William A. Smith.
Mrs. Eric Munro of Guelph
and Mrs. Lawson Campbell
of Terra Cotta spent last
Thursday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. and Mrs. , Hector
Hamilton and Alex Hamilton
of Bowmanville have
'returned from holidaying in
Florida and visited the
Kennedy Centre.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hastie and Doug of Wood-
bridge spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hastie. Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Finnigan and Heather of
singa lived on,the•homei arm
of John deBoer. The'iun taI'•
was held Monday at
The community also ex-
tends sincere sympathy to
Mrs. Bill Porteous and
family on the passing of Mr.
Porteous at Wingham and
District Hospital on Friday.
Rod Lamb was able to
return to Knox College.
Whitechurch friends are
sorry that Mrs. Viola Irwin is.
a patient in Wingham and
District Hospital and wish
her a speedy recovery.
Dorchester spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Strong and all at-
tended the 25th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Bev Brears of Listowel held
last Saturday evening at the
Listowel Agricultural Hall.
They also .visited their
mother, Mrs. Ken Hastie, at
the Fordwich Village Nur-
sing Home,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Gibson of Kitchener spent
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Gibson Sr. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Gibson and
Brent of Kitchener visited
Sunday at the same home.
St. Stephen's Guild
meets at Ruppel home
GORRIE — The March
meeting of St. Stephen's
Anglican Church' Ladies'
Guild was held last week at
the home of Mrs. Clayton
Ruppel. President Mrs. `
Jasper Farrish opened with
a prayer and Mrs. Roland
Bennett was in charge of the
devotions from Ezekiel
about a cedar tree which is
compared to Egypt:
Then she followed with a
reading, "Christ and the
Cedar Tree", and closed
with a prayer. The roll call
was answered by 16 mem-
bers with a St. Patrick's Day
thought. The offering also
was taken for the two penny
teams. Mrs. Ruppel gave the
treasurer's report.
The business was con-
ducted by Mrs. Farrish. The
next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Peter
Brown with Mrs. Harry
Jennings in charge of
devotions and Mrsi Wayne
King in charge of the
program. The group will
visit the Fordwich nursing
home April 4 and the next
Lenton service is Friday at 8
p.m. at. the Presbyterian
Church in Corrie.
The craft show will be held
April 14 " at the Howick
Central School. A noon
luncheon was planned for
March 29 and the com-
mittees were organized. The
ladies also were reminded of
the auction May 5.
Rev. William Gray spoke
of the visit of Bishop Lal of
the United Church of North
India, an "Ecumenical
Event" for Christian unity. A
meeting is scheduled for
March 20 at 2:30 -p.m. arid is
a joint meeting of the ACW,
the WMS and the UCW with
Mrs. Lal at the Church of the
Messiah at Kincardine.
Rev. Gray closed that part
of the meeting
and Mrs. Bennett took
charge of the program.
Joseph Daunt spoke
ladies about the ACW. She
closed her discussion with
slides on her trip to Ireland.
Mrs. Gerald Koebel was
the winner of the mystery
gift donated by Mrs. William
Bennett. Lunch was served
by the hostess, assisted by
Gwyneth Blair.
00,0id .S tb 122 oz.
�} -Orange Juice .99
Post 400 gr. c
Bran Flakes .99
Skippy 500 gr. Smooth or Crunchy -
Peanut Butter ,
No. i Head .69
Tomatoes , lb. .89
No. 1, 10 lb. bag
Store Hours:
7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Fridays 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Phone ,357,2240. We Deliver.
:hurch Directory
The 3rd meeting of the Bel -
grave Busy Quilting Bees
was held on February 27 with
all members present.
After the 4-H pledge a`'hd
the roll call we showed the
leaders our quilting samples .
from the last meeting. Then
we were shown how to do
string quilting by machine
and how to choose print'fab-
ries that matched.
We worked in our books
and finished the meeting
with the 4-Hmotto.
—Karen Montgomery
Wingham Pentecostal Church
359 Centre Street
Rev. Victor Grieco, Pastor
SUN., MAR. 25, 1984
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Service
"Words from the Cross"
7:00 p.m. - Family Service
Listen to:
CKNX-FM - 8 a.m. - 12 noon Sunda/
Edward St.,
Sunday, Mar. 25
9:45 a.m - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. • Family Worship
7:00 p.m. • Salvation Meeting
Everyone Welcome
Monday, Mar. 26
8:00 p.m - Home League •
for Ladies
217 Minnie St.
Sunday, Mar, 25
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
B.A., M.Div.
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
Church - 357-2961
Manse - 357-1072
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
SUNDAY, MAR. 25, 1984
Sunday School & Nursery
11:00 a.m. - St. Paul's
1:15 p.m. - Trinity - Belgrave
Rev. Douglas Madge