HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-03-14, Page 31-q
L iAll my life, I've never understood
disabled people. All I could see
was their disability.
Then last week I met Cindy. The
Ontario March of Dimes
'sponsored her in a special
program to come and talk at our
I saw that Cindy is really
independent and active in our
community. Thanks to the Ontario
March of Dimes, electronic aids,
like the TOSC unit, make it ,
possible for Cindy to live on.her
The organization is there to help
disabled adults. But you know, I
think it really helps all of us!"
Please give generously to the
Ontario March of Dimes Ability
Pot of O
' n
We Can't Help Without Your Help.
It's a reassur}ug process
when a democracy reasserts
itself, and itt is for that rea-
son I welcome the outpour-
ing of public grievances
about the methods and atti-
tudes of Revenue Canada. It
is reassuring to know that
the opposition party does
have power, that despite the
government's attempts to
stonewall, the truth about
Revenue Canada is coming
out and will continue to come.
out. The only unfortunate
thing about this is that the
wrong man is being strung
Pierre Bussieres, it is true,
is the Revenue Minister. He
is responsible for the
Revenue Department in the
same way that a captain
with a shiftless crew is re-
sponsible for his ship..
In the hallowed halls of
parliament, Mr. Bussieres
carries the can, despite the
fact that some elements of
Revenue Canada turned sav-
age years before he got the
job. It has long been treated
as a junior portfolio, and
that's part of the problem.
There have been 12 Revenue
Ministers in the last 15 years.
That means the average
term has been little more
than a year for those in
charge of one of the most dif-
Dialogue on Law Reform
Report 20
--Euthanasia,,Aiding Suicideiind_CessatiOfl of 'Treatment
Senator J. P. Guay, T
Abbot, Walter Baker, and and sensitive depart-
ments of the government. A
year isn't long enough to
learn how to fill out a tax
form, let alone become
familiar with the way the de-
partment works at the grass-
roots. And the grassroots, by
and large, is where the
problem lies.
Unless I miss. the signifi-
cance of everything that has
gushed into the public do-
main over the past few
weeks, the major problem is
bloody-minded regional en-
forcers who have taken the
view that broad questions off
policy are Ottawa's, but that
attitude, style, method and
tone 'of voice are theirs
I received a document the
other day from a tax lawyer
who has long made a study of
the department and its
methods. He says that for
many years Revenue Cana-
da rated the work of its as-
sessors by giving theta an
hourly success rate based on
the amount of collections and
the time spent on taxpayer's
files. From there, he says, it
was only a hop, skip and a
jump to the quota system
which came into effect three
or four years ago. Under the
quota system, individual as-
sessors were given. annual
collection targets, and their
success or failure in meeting
the collection targets was
used to rate them for promo-
It isn't just Mr.' Bussieres
who failed to come to grips.
with what was going bn. Jean.
Cretien served a term . as
minister. So did Jean Pierre
Cote, Herb Gray, Robert
Stanbury; Ron Basford, Bud
Cullen, Monique Begin,
Senator J. P. Guay, Tony
Baker, '
by Edward K. Keysertingk
l� l f#w:Rt fvb'rrnt mttY3`ssibp '
of Canada's Report 20, entitled
".Euthanasia, Aiding Suicide
and Cessation of Treatment"
was tabled recently in Parliament by
the Honourable Mark MacGuigan,
Minister of Justice and Attorney
General of Canada.
The recommendations in the
Report deal with urgent life and
death decisions faced more and
more frequently by patients,
families, health care profession-
als and courts.
It was formulated largely in
the light of reactions to the Com-
mission'' 1982 Working Paper
No. 28 of the same title. Those
comments, many in the form of
substantial and impressive written
briefs, came from medical, hos-
pital, nursing and legal associa-
tions, dying with dignity groups,
as well as individual physicians,
ethicists, theologians, lawyers,
nurses, hospital administrators
and members of the public. The
large majority of comments
received ' from these various.
sources were in substantial sup-
port of the analyses grid pro-
posals of the Commission's earlier
Working Paper. But- a number
of criticisms and suggestions for
further revision were made as
well, and those the Commission
agreed with have been' incorpui-
rated into this Report.
for the quality of life.
Highlights and Examples
I. 'Euthanasia
The Commission recom-
mends that even if a patient 2.
requests to he killed, such an
act should not he legalized
or decriminalized. It should -
continue to he treated as_
culpahle homicide.
- As for the mercy aspect, the
Commission ,recommends •
that the merciful motive
involved in euthanasia also
should not lead to a change
in the present law. Eutha-
nasia should not he made a
separate offence, nor should
formal provision he made for
reduced sentences for those •
By the term "euthanasia",
the Commission means the
act of ending the life of a
person, for compassionate
motives, when that person
is already terminally ill or
the suffering of that person
has become • unbearable.
Euthanasia involves causing
death, not simply allowing
a disease to take its toll when
further -medical treatment
would only prolong dying.
- To legalize or decrimina-
lize euthanasia would, in the
view' of theCommission ommission and
• the large majority of those
consulted, seriously threaten
the fundamental and tradi-
tional stance of our society
and law in favour of pro-
tecting and preserving life.
While persons who arc ter-
minally ill or in great suffer-
ing merit our full concern and
compassion, there are mer-
ciful alternatives to killing
them which are both legally
acceptable and medically
feasible. especially that of
providing intensive pallia -
In the light of comments re-
ceived and its own further re=
flection, the Commission -remains
convinced that there is an urgent
need and widespread desire for
. • the legal clarification of both -
the rights of the patient and the
duties and liabilities of health
care professionals in the three
areas addressed. This is essen-
tially what the Commission has
attempted to do, at least as re-
gards the Criminal Code,. in the
'present Report. in some respects
that goal was achieved by re-
affirming the traditional bias of
criminal law in the direction of
preserving and protecting life. In
other respects the goal was met •
by clarifying and evolving that
criminal law stance to more
adequately respond to new med-
ical challenges and techniques,
new sensitivity to patients' rights
(particularly that of patient auton-
tive care.
- The Commission notes in its
Report that any appar�•nt
harshness involved in treat-
ing euthanasia as culpahle
homicide is offset by, the
existing internal regulating
mechanisms of our legal sys-
tem. The accused may he
allowed to plead guilty to
a lesser charge;'jtries weigh -
all the circumstances in
reaching verdicts; there. re-
mains the discretion of the
authorities not to prosecute
in truly exceptional cases.
Aiding Suicide •
The recommendation' is that
aiding suicide should not he
decriminalized, and that
section 224 of the Criminal
Code should he retained in.
its present form. That section
now makes it a criminal of •
fence to counsel or• aid sui-
cide'. �
The maiW'reason for recom-
mending, the retention of this
offence is that not every case
of aiding suicide is necessarily
for altruistic motives, and •
what is in reality homicide
of a• terminally ill patient
could too readily he disguised •
as aiding suicide.
In its earlier Working Paper,
the Commission recom-
mended thaLa. subsection he
added to section 224 to 'the
effect that no one should .
he prosecuted for an offence
• under that section without
the personal written autho-
of the Attorney -
1 -lover the vast majority
of...commentators disagreed
with it, many because they
felt it might introduce a
political tone to decisions to
prosecute or not.
On further' reflection, the
Commission also decided
that that condition might
encourage significant dif-
ferences in how .this law is
enforced in various. parts of
Canada, thus promoting the
perception that life does not
have the same value every-
The Commission also con-
cludes that since this offence
is hardly ever prosecuted,
requiring an additional pro-
cedu,re would amount to its
de facto abolition.
3. Cessation of Treatment
- A first proposal under this
heading is that competent
and fully informed patients
should always have the right
to refuse any treatment or
have it diseontinue"ciltciud-
ing life support tre4 hien[,
The enforced starting or
continuation of treatment
against the patient's wishes
constitutes an assault.
- The provision or cessation
'of medical treatment poten-
tially falls within a number
of complex provisions of the
Criminal Code, including
assault, homicide, failure to
use reasonable knowledge,
skill and care (especially
sections 45, 197, 198 and
199). One of these sections
(section 199) could be inter-
preted by some to mean that
a physician who has started
treatment may not stop it if
there is a risk to'the•patient's-
What then,of life -supporting
treatment which has hecome•
therapeutically useless, i.e.
simply prolonging the dying
process, - must it always he
continued -'because to stop it
would lead to the patient
dying? While it is doubtful
that present Code sections
read together preclude such
a cessation, there is never-
theless a degree of ambiguity
and uncertainty. Therefore
the Commission made the
proposal above and those
Which follow.
A second proposal is that
whether a patient is com-
petent or incompetent (for
instance, newborn, senile or
comatose), a physician should
not he required to begin or
continue treatment which is
or has hecome therapeuti-
cally useless and not in the
the best interests of "that.
Therapeutically useful treat-
ment is any treatment given
with the aim of curing or
improving that person's
If a patient expressly requests
therapeutically useless treat-
ment, a physician who does
not provide it would not
normally he criminally liable
for not providing it.
On the other hand, the addi-
'tional "best interests" cri-
terion could. require a phy-
sician to continue providing
d, '
11]I .r OnFr
aiding suicide
and cessation
of treatment
Law Reform Commission Commission de reforme du droll
of Canada. du Canada
To obtain a free copy of this
Report, entitled Euthanasia,
Aiding Suicide and Cessation
of Treatment, write to the
Law Reform Commission of
Canada, 130 Albert St., .7th
Floor, Ottawa, Canada K1A
OL6. This Report is bilingual.
treatment which has become
therapeutically useless (such
as life-support) for some
other purpose than curing
or alleviating the medical
condition. An example would
he a patient who wishes'
more time in order to see a
relative for the, last time,
or to prepare a will. These
could constitute "best inter-
- A .third recommendation
concerns the administration
of palliative care. No Cri-
mina! Code section should
prevent a physician from
undertaking or oblige him
to cease palliative care (that
is, care intended to eliminate
or relieve suffering) even if
that care is likely to shorten
a patient's, life -expectancy.
If the dosage is appropriate
for the patient's pain and
- suffering, and if the intent
is not to cause death but to
relieve suffering, then that
secondary effect of hasten-
ing death should not incur
any criminal liability.
- On the contrary, when thera-
peutic treatment is no longer
useful, then the duty of a
physician is to try to relieve
pan and suffering. Not only
is that not criminal,,but
very laudable.
Crossroads—March 14, 1984—Page 7
William Romkey. Phe
William Romkey. The late
Mr.' Baker, who was the
::i['ninister.,r,esponsible: t dur ing'
the Clark government, only
had six months, it's true. But
I'm almost certain* had no
idea what was going on
either or we'd have heard
about it at the time.
So, it is not just the
Liberals and it's not just the
unfortunate Mr. Bussieres.
What's happened in Revenue
Canada could happen almost
everywhere When no one is
really in charge.
Filling a void in Mali
(NC) — To help an entire
Third World community to
become self-reliant may
seem an impossible task.
However, Foster Parents
Plan's child sponsorship
program is doing just that
in 21 countries.
Over 55,000 Canadians
each pay $23 a month to
sponsor a Foster Child.
PLAN has. found that the
most effective and lasting
aid is provided when we
help entire communities,
rather than give -handouts
to individuals.
PLAN's program in Mali
is relatively new. Joy
Greenidge, PLAN's Direc-
tor in Mali describes the
program's operation.
"Of the money contrib-
uted by the Foster Parent,
one part is made available
to the village each year so
that villagers can decide to-
gether on a project that will
be of direct benefit to all.
The money„ also supplies
such things as medicines
and equipment to dispen-
saries, books and supplies
to schools.
In addition, we have a
special service fund that is
available when a family is
having special problems.
We have bought clothing
for some needy persons,
and given grain to one fam-
ily whose case is recognized
as extreme by the village.
The government is very
cautious about giving indi-
vidual aid because here in
West Africa, small commu-
nities still take care oftheir
own poor. Itis not shameful
to accept charity in a Mos-
lem culture. However, the
government cannot afford
to assume these functions,
and also wants to be careful
not to intervene unneces-
sarily. Therefore, we at
PLAN onlyjntervene when
requested to do so by thevil-
lage council.
Among the problems
PLAN faces. in Mali: the
one village well dries up in
March, and all the women
have to walk four kilome-
ters to get water with which
In Mali, and 20 other
Third World Countries
PLAN does what no
one else is doing.
to cook; an epidemic of mea-
sles can kill the children
under 15 in a village whose
children have never been.
vaccinated; most school
masters have no reference
books; children lack text-
books; villages lack school
buildings and basic medi-
PLAN is building- wells
as fast as we can. We are
also furnishing plows -and
donkey carts to villages to
haul wood, harvest millet
or take sick children to the
dispensary in an emer-
Seeds and fertilizer are
being supplied to villages
that had no harvest last
year (because of lack of
rain) and vegetable seeds
free of charge to any family
who wishes to have a
garden. Textbooks and sup-
plies are being distributed
to schools by PLAN also.
In all cases, PLAN is fil-
ling a void that had not
been met by anyone else."
Won't you help us in our
work? Just think how much
less than $1 a day can do for
a Third World child.
For information on how
you can help, please
write Foster Parents
Plan at Box 900, Depart-
ment PS, Station Q, Tor-
onto, Ontario M4T 2P1
Ever put anything on the
rear window' ledge of your
car when you're- driving?
Well, don't do it, warns the
Industrial Accident .Preven-
tion Association. Check_to be
sure you don't keep objects
on the rear window ledge, it
could obstruct your view,
and if you have to stop sud-
denly, ,the object could hit
the heads of the passengers.
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