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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-03-14, Page 25
Page 2.--Crossroads—March 14, 19114 Chi:nney height affects draft By Gene Gary When it is windy, we get a back draft from our chim- ney. We have on heat and these fumes are unpleasant when they blow back into the house. The chimney has a cap on it. How can we reme- dy this situation? — Bert H. S. A. This condition is fre- quently caused by having the top of the chimney below the level of the roof's top peak. The chimney top should be at least two feet above the high- est point of a gable roof and four feet above a flat roof. A chimney that is blanket- ed by a nearby tree or tall building will cause a back draft. Installing an automatic draft regulator should help. Consult a dealer in heating equipment about your prob- lem. Q. I have a problem with my carpeting Ion the kitchen floor. The rubber backing is coming loose from the rug material. This is the second carpet I have put down with the same results. I have a portable dish- washer and thought that per- Mainstream Canada haps moving it across the floor caused the problem, but after installing the second carpet, I took the washer to the basement and still have the same problem. We would appreciate any suggestions you might have, as we need to replace the carpet again. —Thomas T. L., Monongahela, Pa. A. It is possible you have used the wrong type of car- peting for a kitchen. Only the indoor -outdoor type carpeting should be used in kitchens. This kind does not require under pad- ding. It would also be better to remove the old floor tiles be- fore installing the new car- peting. Q. White enamel on our re- frigerator has turned to a yellow cast. How can we cor- rect this condition? — Jan M. B. A. Whiten it by applying a solution of one-half cup bleach, four cups of water and one-half cup baking soda. Leave on 10 minutes, then wash off with soapy water, rinse and dry. HEY KIDS! LEARN TO DRAW WITH DANNY COUGHLAN Dear Mr. Gore: Recently reading your article "The Warning Signs", February 15th, issue of Wingham Advance -Times, I was amazed to identify about nine out of twelve of your warning signs to be demonstrated in varying de- grees by my five-year-old son. He is presently in Kin- dergarten and having some problems in a classroom set- ting. I am interested,in knowing whether learning assess- ment tests can be done on him, where we could have him tested, and how we might help him overcome some of his problems. At present, we are coping. He has improved slightly in his impulsiveness but still needs guidance. Medical people are not familiar with these children and are of lit- tle help. I would appreciate knowing how we can obtain any information before his symptoms become worse. K.B. Dear Mrs. K.B.: Learning assessments can and should be done with children experiencing diffi- culties no matter what their 'age. For a boy your son's age, there are a number of specific assessment tools that can be used. One of the more reliable measures is the W.P.P.S.I., Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. This test, along with other mea- sures, should be given by a registered psychologist or a person with a Masters de- gree in Psychology who is On many occasions, I have had the opportunity to dis- cuss with parents their child's difficulties in school. One of the first things that I ask to see is all the report cards: I have found that most mothers are like mine. Not only have they safely preser- ved each report card, but also yearly pictures, records of illness and maybe even a lock of hair. This becomes an invaluable source of infor- mation to me in terms of the child's developing learning difficulties. The teacher's comments, many times, very accurately describe the child's learning disability. My reoccurring concern is that the teachers identifying the learning problem. contin- ually and erroneously attri- bute the child's difficulties to non -application ("Michael has the ability but is not ap- plying himself.") or to non - responsibility ("Michael must learn to be more re- sponsible in completing his assignments."). It has been a rare occasion in my fifteen years of teaching to work with, to observe or to hear about a student who had the ability to apply himself and was not; a student who was responsible and did not ac- cept responsibility. It is true that a child may very well have the ability, but the ap- plication of that ability is, a learned skill a skill that must be taught and developed in sequential learning steps. The same is also trueof the ability to accept responsibil- ity. As seen from the com- ments on report cards, a ser - tions occur under the direct supervision ies of misassump of a psychologist. Your The Grade 9 teachers as - school board has these pro- sume that the Grade 8 tea fessionals and you must re- chers have taught their stu- quest an assessment through dents how to be responsible your school's principal. I and hovV to apply their skills. suggest that you make the ----request-in.-d r9ting d ce.p copy for yourself. I must caution you that some school boards- are . reluctant to formally assess :cbildren.at a young age. If this is the case, there are a number of pri- vate agencies in the region that provide excellent assessments. In this pro- vince, an assessment will range between $200 to $500. After the assessment is completed, you should re- quest, in writing, an I.P.R.C. meeting (Identification, Placement, and Review Committee). At this meet- ing, suggestions will be made as to how to best meet the learning needs of your son. Also, you may wish to become a member of the As- sociation for Children with Learning Disabilities. There is a chapter in Guelph. The contact person is Mrs. Nene, Lott, 169 Palmer St., Guelph. 824-3882. On April 12th, 13th, 1984, there is a Learning Confer- ence in Toronto. Speakers from all across North Amer- ica will be presenting infor- mation and suggestions to teachers and parents. If you are interested in attending, the Guelph A.C.L.D. will be happy to provide you with the necessary information. If you have any more ques- tions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will try to provide you with . as much help as I can. I am indeed very pleased that you are aware of and concerned about your son's education at this early age. The help you are providing him now will most assuredly benefit him in years to come. 1. Here's Dann s complete drawing. 2. Finish what Danny started. 3. Now try it yourself! crossroads Fred Gore One way to tame the tax man By W. Roger Worth But the, Grade. 0 teachers as- Amid the national uproar sume that the Grade 7 teach- over Revenue Canada's tax ers have, and so on until assessment "quotas", the comments of non -application heavy-handed collection pro - and not accepting responsi Cess and what appears to be bility appear on Grade 1 and a general lack of commdn 2 reports. This is not an iso- sense and compassion, the latedmean occurrence by any Canadian Federation of In - means. I have read these dependent Business has comments on inure reports dependent with what may be a than I care to admit and still combetter idea. call myself a teacher. "The problem is a real In my opinion, the respon- sibility for a child's learning in the system," says Federa- and achievement is the tea tion President John Bulloch. cher's responsibility. I be- lieve e"Off course individuals and centresponsibility and the that the ability to theac- companies must pay the cor- ability rect amount of taxes, butept ability to apply one's buten- they must also be treated h tial has to be developed and fairly." taught. Only after it is y proven that a child can apply Bulloch and the Federa- tion contend that in many himself and can accept re cases tax assessors simply pecte sponsibility should it be exbe don't understand the rules. petted of him ... and not be Indeed, , a flood of letters fore! from the. organization's 0 0 0 64,000 members relating Fred Gore is the President toi specific tax situations are Of the Association for Child- now flowing into the CFIB's ren and Adults with Learn- headquarters: ing Disabilities, Director of "The assessors operate on St. Jude's Private School, a set of guidelines from and host of the TV program, Revenue Canada rather than "All Children Learn Differ- their own knowledge of the ently" oi'rRogers'Cable.. rules and regulations that Letters requesting further govern taxation," he says. or more specific information Still, Bulloch admits the should be mailed to "The tax act is so convoluted and Warning Signs", c -o Wing- technical it is sometimes in - ham Advance -Times, P.O. comprehensible. But he also Box 390, Wingham, Ont. NOG believes that nation's tax 2W0. Such letters will be ans- assessors should understand wered,and reprinted without the intricacies of the docu- signatures to protect writ- ment. ers' identify, ' . "A lot of assessors are poorly .trained," he says bluntly. "For the nation's small and medium-sized businesses, this is madden - in The GOISOINIMINAk ack a ¶PigJilo wirhaStel'Seals ularly concerned about tax reassessments .of a few hun- dred dollars that would cost more than the amount owed if the case were taken to court. As a result, the CFIB has developed a plan that would help the public contend with the tax department and, at the same time, weed out the worst assessors making the bad decisions. "Revenue Canada should be forced to pay all costs, without limit or restriction, if the taxpayer takes his or her case to court and wins," Bulloch says. "If tax asses- sors knew the department would end up paying costs, they would sharpen up," he says: "Few tax assessors would want to see such blots on their records." As it stands,, Ottawa has introduced a program to pay $1,000 to taxpayers who suc- cessfully win their cases in court, but the Federation be- lieves this is not enough. "Taking these cases to court can easily cost $3,000 or $4,000 or more, yet the government is only prepared to pay $1,000, even if the tax assessors and the depart- ment are completely off base," Bulloch admits. "No wonder so few cases are ap- pealed tarough the courts." DIM & BEAR IT SAYS IAPA When an oncoming driver doesn't switch to low beams, don't fight back by keeping your high beams on, says the Industrial Accident Preven- tion Association. Just dim and bear it. CLEAR AUC'tION.SALE' .. Of 100 Acres Farm PropertY; 3 Tractors, Machinery, some Horse Drawn, Misc. for the Estates of Clarence & Alexander Robinson Lot 9, Con. 11, West Luther Twp. Go north of Arthur on Arthur -Conn hardtop road to Con. 10 east approx. 3 miles to farm. The property is at corner of Monch General Store on Sat., March 17 1:30. p.m. Sharp Property consists of approx. 100 acre farm, 85 acres workable. Approx. 8 acres of maple bush and cedar with good spring outlet for future pond. Dug well on property. A good open ditch runs down across the farm with good tile outlets. Located on farm - frame driv- ing shed, approx. 20 x 40, good shape, barn in bad state of repair, good for material only. This has been a good productive farm but hasn't been worked in 10 years. Corners on 2 good roads. TERMS ON PROPERTY: A certified cheque or $10,000 paid down sale day. Balance in 45 days or sooner on closing. Property will be of- fered for sale at 2 p.m. Selling subject to very low reserve bid. For information on property please call Auc- tioneer 323-4058 or Administrator Roy Robin- son, Petersburg 634-5523. ACHINERY: Case S gas tractor, good runn- ing order; Cockshutt 30 gas tractor, running order; Fordson tractor on steel wheels, in- complete; 4 wheeled horse drawn manure spreader on steel, fair cond.; 13 run seed drill on steel; 8' cult. on steel; baler for scrap; George White wooden threshing machine with good 100' endless belt, sold separate; old hay loader; horsemower; old buzz saw; 2 side rakes for parts; bale buncher; old horse buggy; old horse cutter; wagon with wooden hubs and rack; fanning mill; old sleigh; odd rnachinery for s. MISCcrap .: Approx. 100 sheets of new 8' 10' lengths of galv. steel roofing;, approx. 1,000 ft. of good 1 x 4 hemlock stripping; set of wheel barrow weight scales, complete, good; 2 rolls of good heavy barb wire; odd horse tongues; old forge incomplete; Frontier Mark I chain saw, working order; small wagon load of items, forks, shovels, misc., etc.; 2 small wooden tables, rough; flat to wall cupboard top for parts only; small, pile of hardwood; other items not listed., TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D. Pro- perty terms as stated above. Estates, Auc- tioneer or Administrator not responsible for ac- cidents, injury, deletions or loss of property sale day. Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section in The Listowel Banner. The Wingham Advance - Times, The Mount Forest,Confederate and The Milverton Sun Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association. Ontario Community Newspaper Association, and the Ontario Press Council Controlled distri- bution in Elmira. Palmerston. Harriston. Brussels. Millbank, Newton. Atwood. Clifford. Drayton, Wallenstein, Moorefield and Arthur Display and Classified advertising deadline 5:00 p.m Thursday week prior to publication date. Advertising and Production The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N.., P.O. Box 97, Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Mount Forest Confederate Accounting and Billing The Wingham Advance -Times Josephine St . P.O. Box 390. Wingham, Ont NOG 2W0 . The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 323-1550. The Milverton Sun 595-8921 Administrator: ROY ROBINSON 634-5523 Auctioneer: JOHN D. McPHEE Mount Forest 3234058 Pot of Gobi Production Sale of Polled Herefords for Brian Rantoul (519) 357©2349 and Harvey & Beth McKay (519) 3967682 Free listed herds. 28 bred cows 20 9 983 heifers 14 1983 balls Steers suitable for 4-H Halter breaking donkeys. Some grade hereford cows. Saturday, March 17, 1984 at 1:00 p.m. Carson's Sales Bar; (519) 291-2049 1 mile east of Listowel Catalogues available sale day. Federation is partic- If you or a member of your family has a chronic illness, drug allergy or other health problem, the Industrial Ac- cident Prevention Associa- tion recommends that they wear a Medic Alert bracelet. In an emergency, it could save their lives. AUCTION SALE Of Appliances, Furniture, Antiques, Dishes & � Miscellaneous Items for Lot `1'e- Irl rIey 635 King St., Palmerston and William Noecker RR , Moorefield Sale will be held in the Palmerston Arena on Sat., March 24 11:00 a.m. APPLIANCES: RCA refrigerator (white, good); McClary 24" electric stove (white, good); Eureka vacuum cleaner; Viking electric broom; McClary frost -free refrigerator (harvest gold); McClary automatic washer; Bendix tr clothes dryer; small electrical appliances; Vik- ing portable dishwasher. FURNITURE: 4 piece living room suite consists of chesterfield, .2 chairs and ottoman (floral rust, like new); dining room ext. table with Queen Ann legs and leaves; 5 dining room chairs and arm chair; buffet chesterbed (brown); wooden double bed; 9 piece•l. rug din- ing room suite consists of ext. table; double door china cabinet, buffet, 5 chairs and arm chair (good cond.); bronze kitchen table and 4 chairs; coffee and end tables; plant stands; table, pole and floor lamps; rocking chairs; vani- ty dresser with wing side mirrors and stool; door chest; matching cont. single beds with head boards; triple dresser with mirror; mat- ching chest of drawers; child's wooden bed; iron crib; 3/4 size steel bed; foot stools; Singer sewing machine converted to electric;' dehumidifier; gun rack; clothes hamper; hall tree; Brunswick cabinet model gramaphone (working); approx. 24, 78 records. - ANTIQUES: 2 piece flat back cupboard, double 2 pane doors on top and 2 wooden doors on bottom; one piece cupboard with 2 drawers and wooden doors; pine top harvest table; set- tee; pedestal, ovat parlour table; top, part back to wall cupboard; sideboard cupboard; pine chest -desk; flour bin; flattop trunk; ext. table; bridge lamp; Raymond treadle sewing machine; wicker arm chair; wooden nurser rocker; wash boards; tables; double bed with matching dresser and wash stand; pictures and frames. VIOLIN: Stradivarius reproduction violin with 'bow and wooden case; Viola with bow and case. DISHES: Quantity of good and everyday dishes; 4 partial dinner sets; glass; silverware, misc. CLOCK: Arthur Pequegnat clock co. mantel clock (working); mantel chime clock. CROCKS:'5 gal. H. Schuler, Paris, Ont. crock with blue flower; 3 gal. crock. MISC.: 16' alum. ext. ladder; exercise bike; 6' alum. step ladder; gas push lawn mower; garden tiller; whipper snipper; 3 section of tool cupboard; hand tools; bench vise no.' 4; used lumber; block plane; molding plane; electric fence insulators and stakes; steel pig troughs; electric chicken de -beaker; plus „mist. items end garden tools. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Owners' or Auctioneer'not responsible for loss of property or accidents sale day. Lunch Booth. Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE 485 Victoria St, S., Listowel Phone 291-3489 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Appliances, Antiques, Dishes, Bedding, Hand and Garden Tools, etc. for Mrs. Rebena Hastie and Wm. Tennant Birmingham Street, Mount Forest To be held in Mount Forest Arena, King St. East, Mount Forest on Monday, March 19 11:00 a.m. Sharp APPLIANCESTIMirtator almond coloured-1-5- cubic oloureds -cubic ft. frost free fridge, left hand swing, in top `•° 6bhei.;..2`ibbittaebblbured Kelvirlgtor atieGSW i fridges, good cond.; Coldspot and Woods 12 cubic ft. deep freezers, both in top cond.; 2 Kenmore automatic washers, good cond.; Singer clothes dryer, good; G.E..24" electric stove, good; older model electric stove; Beatty wringer washer, good cond.. PARTIAL LIST - HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & ANTIQUES: Good .oak round table and 4 leaves, good shape; 6 oak matching dining room chairs, upholstered seats, good cond.; Solid. State Westinghouse 20" coloured por- table TV, good cond.; fumed oak buffet china cabinet, bevelled 'mirror, 'good; 4, cushion chesterfield and chair, good shape; Philco cabinet model coloured TV set, good; maple double bed, box 'springs, ,air mattress,. good cond.; 3/4 size wooden bed; wooden double bed, good; antique chest of drawers; 4 drawer chest of drawers;. antique dresser and mirror, good; vanity dresser and mirror; 2 old sewing machines Raymond & Singer; painted kitchen cabinet with flour bin, good; 3 washstands with towel bars; 2 press back rocking chairs; odd wooden chairs; odd press backs; antique plat- form rocker; good upholstered chairs; platform rocker; chrome table and chairs; old antique couch; 2 antique captain's chairs; Gibbard walnut spinit type desk, good; walnut coffee table; good small tables; 2 older model stereos, working; 3 small cellar type tables; brass fireplace set and wood carrier; old viewer and cards; bake board; small butter bowl; 30 hour gingerbread clock, running order; cast iron mantel clock, runs good; Sessions mantel clock, running order; Soloray back massager, like new; humidifier, good; electric broom; boxes of books; odd pictures; odd table and floor lamps; small cast iron kettle; approx. 15 -20 good cups and saucers; number of good Occupied Japan figurines; Doulton Bedtime Story figurine; other small figurines; ornaments; Majestic adding machine, good; odd depr_es-....... sion glass; fruit comport, no lid; old sad irons; tea caddy; everyday dishes, Tupperware, everyday pots and pans; casserole dishes; water glasses; TV tables; baby buggy; bed- ding, blankets, linens, etc.; good small ap- pliances; other small items not listed; older style chesterfield, 2 chairs, good. GARDEN AND HAND TOOLS, MISC.: Kerosene heater, like new; electric bug killer, like new; power lawn mower, good cond.; 3 wooden lawnchairs; Homelite chain saw, runn- ing order; 2 snow scoops; wooden step lad- ders; 5' alum. step ladder; 14' wooden ext. lad- der; 1/4" electric drill; jig saw; bench vise; small hand tools; 1500 watt baseboard heater; Skil electric chain saw, top cond.; Whipper snipper; forks, shovels, garden tools, etc.; good ext. cords; good garden hose; 8' picnic table; small chicken waters, etc.; garden wheel barrow; other small items not listed. TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I, D. Owners or Auctioneer not responsible for ac- cidents, injury, deletions or loss of property sale day. Lunch booth open. Arena sale day 323-1801. Auctioneer: JOHN D. MCPHEE Mount Forest 3234058