HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-03-14, Page 22him back in, with generous help, when he became inter- ested. For instance. Daily news- x papers lie daily. Not down- right lies. They merely slant, distort and color the "news",, depending on their policy and politics. However, it's a free country, and I guess • they're free to lie. For instance. Television could be a tremendous force for spreading peace and love in the world. What it does is spread jam on,cake, and vio- lence on ignorance. With a. few notable exceptions, it serves its patrons garbage in a fancy wrapper. Its entertainment does not' entertain. Its news seeks out the sensational or the silly. Its commercials are aimed at a world of morons. Do you really believe, for example, that a certain brand of beer is making Canada famous throughout the world? Or that you can get clothes cleaner in cold water than in hot? Or that you'll never make it if your armpits sweat? And for all this obscenity the three big U.S. networks last year split over two bil- lion dollars in profits. The CBC, which give us the same refuse, generally, came up vyith its usual deficit. This shows the superiority of Canadian television. Some- how. For instance. There are two laws. One for the rich and one for the rest of us. And any lawyer and any policeman knows it. If you're a dumb kid from Newfie, or an Indian who got drunk, you can rot in jail for a month or two before your case is even heard. If you're a middle- class doctor or businessman, o tx °t'e aI Chr yi1 lr To Repair klerottr Car uwE'ReexPerirts AT REPAURIN " • 8cretcholvi POoPi:$ !d Complete Collision POO P.IOtina FREE E.ST1MA _ Corn Oomilk ler ttad v and i talk oyer your I�� uui.�:ii i `*Fire wlyt... I LLQYD NN�cpL�Aj UatILIN Body 6uEb,5EgvIPE B Shop - -- • Mensoor "You Really Metter To Ua'e LIST •WEyL.CHRYSLER YS ER 291x. 50 Mon. to Fri, OPEN8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m SAVE AT CAR crry CHRYSLER f9 ?s Crossroads -- Ma h 14, 19941 -Page 17 $ill Smiley it 's all. gartage Because of a happy conflu- ence of circumstances in- volving, the launching of a ship and the visit of a Pope, I am now temporarily em- ployed in a government of- fice. Memos! What marvellous inventions! I have gone through a huge stack of them since I arrived at work last -SPECi�L VALUEI--- 11 THU PACKAG SK AAOUt. COMBNATIIONS SAYE S UPro ]'4300 Dress up your new plcKup and pick up big savings at Tim Haines CbevOI'IscadiIiaC. CHEVY PACKAGE A Save when you order the follow- ing options at regular list prices: • Hood Ornament • Rally Road Wheels • Sport Stripe • Cloth Trim • Custom Moulding Package • High Sierra Interior Package YOU SAVE 52500 CHEVY OPTION PACK When you order the following: • Pulse Wipers • Heavy Duty Rear Springs • Heavy Duty Shocks • Chrome Mirrors • Front Stabilizer Bar • Clock You get FREE TILT STEERING WHEEL an SLIDING REAR WINDOW (Value $272.00) CHEVY PACKAGE B Save when you order the follow- ing options at regular list prices: • All the items listed in Package A • Deluxe Appearance Package • Chrome Rear Bumper • Cigarette Lighter • Dual Horns YOU SAVE $35000 CHEVY OPTION PACK When you order the following: • Tilt Steering Wheel • Sliding Rear Window • Electronic Cruise Control You get FREE POWER DOOR LOCKS and POWER WINDOWS (Value $393.00) PaddvIest Vehicles (Available on March 1 9) 4 Chevy Pickups and 1 Chevy Van with above option packages all at special prices! 890 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel. 291-1730 month. I . spend hours com- posing them, inscribing them in triplicate, delivering them, and filing them away. The mein° is a deceptively simple yet marvellously complex method of com- municating from one desk to another, and I am absolutely besotted with the concept. The memo of which I have become most enamoured is the Ontario Government memo 7540-1021. If I had a 7540-1021 system in place in my personal life, things would run more smoothly and I know I''d sleep better. The 7540-1012 has three pages -a white one for ac- tually communicating, a yel- low one for the sender's files and a pink one which goes to the sendee and by a clever reversal invites his re- sponse. `there's more. I can only beg the indulgence of those of you who have spent de- cades within office walls and already know about the memo. Let me explain the wonderful world of memos to those readers who have spent their adult lives in kitchens and classrooms. The Memo 7540-1012 has a space for SEND TO followed by one for FROM. Date and subject have their fenced off environs and then there is a long space in which to state the problem and a slightly less long one in which the sendee is invited his solution. Interoffice memos don't solve interoffice dilemmas but they give the reassuring feeling that Something is Be- ing Done, and I have learned to love them. When.I am not actively composing .one, or delivering one I leaf idly through, the ones I have on file, pondering wistfully why BJ didn't respond to my memo about the water cooler and the lunclriroom geran- iums. I also realize as I riffle through my evergrowing pile of memo sheets that nobody ever sends me a memo. This either means that I am simply not important in the larger office scheme of things or it may mean that the rest of the staff has be- come inured to the magic of memos and prefers to bark things over the telephone. And what if they do? The telephone has its own little action memo, 7540-1037 (Rev. 11 82) . Government telephones are fitted with little plastic frames at the back into which telephone action memos may be fitted. It is an unalloyed delight to return from a noon -hour walk around the parking lot and discover a small cornucopia of memos crowning one's personal blower. I like to pluck them off, one by one and settle down for a good read. Action memos are pretty ho-hum for the first couple of inches but after you get through who called and at what time, the things get as complex as a Max Haines crime flashback. No less than 20 little boxes await one's sharpened pen- cil. Pre -written sentiments attached to each box run the gamut of emotion from sharply imperative (In - vestigate and report") through routinely amiable ("For your information") to frankly gracious ("Returned with thanks") . I am sure you can see how a memo system would sim- plify homemaking and par- enting. Imagine this scen- ario. It is Friday night. Your beloved has just put on his work clothes and is slopping paint remover on the blanket chest you bought at an auc- tion the week before. "Hey Buster," you say. "Did you forget this is the night we're going to Bringups for a wok supper and Baby Boomer?" "Thanks for telling me," says Buster, with heavy sar- casm. "I did tell you," you say, "and I can prove it."' And this is where you whip out your yellow copy of memo 7540-1021, which reads, TO: Buster. FROM: Buster's wife. SUBJECT: Bringups. Supper for purpose of ; Baby Boomer playing of." You could use the same memo system to answer charges like, "You didn't tell me to take ALL the garbage out," or "I didn't know you needed the car today." The virtue of telephone ac- tion memos is obvious. I am tired of coming home to cryptic messages on the kitchen table that go: "M. pgy called. wnts fr. immed. call bak. did'nt lv. No." Give me a memo any day. And use a sharp pencil. One thing I've learned while working for the government is to be precise -especially when it's in triplicate. ••••••.••••••e••e•eee•eeee�ee��e�eee���+�e��e�•••••• • •• • • •• • • • • • • 3 ... CKVR Baffle K, 40 ... WJBK Detroit 40••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• Listiq 5 ... CBC Toronto 70 -.WOK Detroit 50 ... WDIV Detroit 0 ... CKNI( Wingham 6 ... Oiobal 10 ... CFR. London 7 ... WKBW Buffalo 11 ... CHCH Hammon ft 'TMS kw the 4,7iird5„, "mow. 44111P- 19 ... CKCO Kitchener 67 ... City TV"Toronto • ft •••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • Wed., March 21 AFTERNOON 12:00 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Terrytunes 8, 10 The Green Hornet 57 Leave It to. Beaver 3 Flintstones 13 News 6, 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 The Young and Restless 7D, 4D Happy Days 5 Super Pay. Cards 11 Tattletales 13 Ryan's Hope 7, 57 News 10, 3, 8 1:00 Don Harron Show 13 Citylights 57 Let's Make a Deal 6 Days of Our Lives 11, 5D All My Children 7, 8, 5, 3, 10 1:30 One Day at a Time 57 As the World Turns 6, 7D,4D 2:00 Laverne & Shirley 57 Take 30 8, 5, 3, 10 One Life to Live 7, 11 Another World 5D, 13 2:30 Coronation Street 5 Capitol 7D, 4D Good Company 3 Wok with Yan 8, 10 Pitfall 6 City Life 57 3:00 Three's Company 8 Minder 5 20 Minute Workout 10 Soapbox 11 Do It For Yourself 3 Quincy 57 General Hospital 7, 13 More Real People 5D The Guiding Light 6, 7D, 4D 3:30 Coming Attractions 10 Good Times 5D Jeffersons 8 Wok with Yan 3 4:00 Love Connection 13 Beverly Hillbillies 3, 8 Young People's Special 7 I Love Lucy 10 Battle of "the Planets 6 Eight is Enough 7D, 4D Jeffersons 5D 20 Minute Workout 57 The Young and the Restless 11 Do It for Yourself 5 4:30 Toronto Rocks 57 All in the Family 5D One Day at a Time 8 Special 7 Jeffersons 10, 3 Going Great 5 Scuoby Doo 6 Laugh In 13 5:00 Wheel of Fortune 13 LittleHtuse on the Prairie 11 Family Feud 7D, 4D Barney Miller 5D Three's Company 3 The Price Is Right 8, 10,57 Coming Attractions Videos 5 Charlie's Angels 6 5:30 News 3, 7D, 4D, 5D Newscope 7 Three's Company 5 WKRP 13 EVENING 6:00 News 6, 11, 10, 8, 7, 5, 13 Star Trek 3 Citypulse 57 6:30 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 Little House on the Prairie 8 Lottery 3 - Love Connection 7D, 4D Joker's Wild 5D One Day at a Time 10 MASH 57 Wheel of Fortune 7 Entertainment Tonight 11 That's Life 6 Happy Days 5 ' Family Feud 13 7:30 MASH 57 Family Brown Coun- try 13 Best of Barbara 5 Three's Company 10 NHL (Toronto at Pitt- sburgh) 11 Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D, 4D More Real People 6 Family Feud 7 • 8:00 Domestic Life 7D, 4D Real People 5D, 6 Fall Guy 13, 7 Genie Awards 5, 8, 3, 10 Movie "Stay Hungry" 57 8:30 Empire 7D, 4D 9:00 Facts of Life"5D Movie "TBA" 7D, 4D Dynasty 6, 7 Hotel 13 9:30 Night Court 5D 10:00 St. Elsewhere 5D National 8, 5, 3, 10 Evening at the Im- prov 6 Citypulse Tonight 57 1984 World Figure Skating Champion- ships 13 Hotel 7 10:20 Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 , Some people grow benevo- lent and kindly as they get older. I just get more violent. I hope I turn out to be an Angry Old Man. And I know I will, if I can just hang on long enough to get old. It's a world to turn anyone, even a gentle, sweet chap like my- self, a bit savage. Don't think that I'm just getting crotchety. I've been crotchety for years. You hear people going around all over Canada saying, "My, isn't that Smiley crotchety?" And others replying, "Yes, crotchety is Ahe word. If there's a word for it, it's crotchety." Mind you, I love the world around me, and up to half a dozen people, and I laugh like a mental case at some of the things I see. But there is a limit to the amount of gar- bage I can stand being thrown in my face day after day in the year 1984 A.D. That makes me just like the Prime Minister. For instance. We have so much surplus wheat that we have a national hernia, try- ing to lift it from here to there. Politicians go white trying to. Why don't we give it away? I don't mean the farmer. I mean l anada. Pay the going rate people who are starving. Up go the taxes. So what? They go up anyway. For instance. Our educa- tional system caters to the mediocre, to mass -produc- tion of the mediocre, just like big industry. The intellectual elite among our kids are starved to death, that is, bored to death, and the kids who are below average are swept under the rug. This means our schools are full of fat, lazy kids who are there only because they don't want to face the lean, cold world. I'd turf out on his or her tail, at 16, every kid who wasn't interested. And I'd let and you have the money and the right connections, you're home free and everything is hushed up. For instance. Poverty. Twenty million people living in one of the biggest coun- tries in the world, with enor- mous natural resources. And millions living in sordid, squalid poverty. For instance. The Church, Again with a few notable ex- ceptions, it does not face life. It wrings its hands, or washes them, Pilate -fashion. 10:30 Don Cherry's Grapevine 11 11:00 Movie "Sabotage" 57 News 6, 8, 5, 3, 10, 7, 13, 7D, 4D, 5D, 11 11;05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Sportsline 6 Barney Miller 5 Tonight Show 5D Taxi 7D, 4D Family Brown 11 Movie "The Heist" 8 Entertainment Tonight 3 Only When I Laugh 10 Nightline 7 12:00 Hawaii Five -O 11 Movies "The Battling Bellhot .The Fly" 3;% "Tbe 'rvival of Dana" 13; "Shamus" 57 Kojak 10 Chico and the Man 6 Soap 7D, 4D Mery Griffin 7 12:30 Entertainment 'Tonight 5D Rockford Files 7D, 4D Movie "McCloud: Solid Gold Swingers" 6 1:00 Hee Haw 11 Eye on Hollywood 7 Thicke of the Night 5D 1:30 Saturday Night 7D, 4D News 7 2:00 Highlights 5 Dick Van Dyke 11 Night Watch'7D, 4D,• 13 2:30 Movie "TBA" 5D Get Smart 11 4:30 Lone Ranger 5D INSULATING ?? t DEPRESSED! You Must Have Added Up Those Heating Bills. It Your MONEY is Escaping Out The Walls '& Attic of Your Homes, Give Us A Call. Don't Forget, Next Winter This All Happens Again. Why Not Save Money By Insulating. "FREE ESTIMATES" We Will Match Or Better Any Hon Deal. HOMES BUILT PRIOR TO 1971 ARE NOW ELIGIBLE FOR A CHIP. GRANT UP TO A MAXIMUM OFS500.00 OFF YOUR INSULATING COSTI (CGS Crn No Ont 74 250 You don't see many preachers charging into a fi- nance company and bran- dishing a whip these days, do you? For instance. This column is about garbage. And I just remembered this is garbage day and I forgot to put mine out. Balloon crossing Three Americans became the first people to cross the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon on Aug. 17, 1978. HUNTER' INSULATION'LTD. Satisfaction (us'alih.5d Call • • 214 1001 sr Hatt ver 364-4.4943604408 Or Eventr*s Harriston Motors Ltd• 1975 MALIBU 4 door, 6 cyl., economy 1976 CADILLAC 4 door, loaded, good condition 1976 LE MANS 2 door, V8, auto 1977 MONARCH 4 door, 6 cyl., auto, super clean 1977 T -BIRD 2 door, bucket seats, real sharp ..... 1977 BUICK CENTURY 4 door, good solid transportation 1977 ASTRE -2 door, 4 cyl., 4 speed, economy plus .. 1977 VOLARE 2 door, 6 cyl., 3 speed 1977 CUTLASS 4 door, air, low mileage 1977 OLDS 88 ROYALE $3 650 2 door, vinyl roof ! $2,900 $3,600 $3,400 $3,400 $3,800 $3,500 $4,000 $3,700 $5,500 $49.95 $5,000 $2,100 $3,495 $1,500 $31000 $3,200 $2,600 $2,600 $2,800 $3,000 1978 OMNI 4 cyl., 4 speed, save fuel with this one 1978 ASPEN SE 2 door, 6 cyl., auto, a sharp looker .. . 1978 VOLARE 4 door, 6 cyl., economy 1978 GRANADA 4 door, 6 cyl. 1978 PONTIAC PHOENIX 4 door, 6 cyl. 1978 NOVA 4 door, 6 cyl. 1979 CHEVETTE 4 door, 4 cyl., 4 speed . 1979 OMNI 024 2 door, H/B, 4 cyl., auto 1979 IMPALA 4 door, V8, auto 1979 MARQUIS 2 dour, vlrlyl n of 1979 FORD LTD 4 door, 35,000 miles 1979' CA .1/ LL._.. $4;600 2 door, 6 cyl., auto ! 1979 PONTIAC PARISIENNE $ 4 door 5,200 1980 OLDS 88 ROYALE $7 300 4 door, 2 tone paint 7 1980 OLDS 88 ROYALE $7 500, 4 door, air conditioning ! 1980 LE MANS $5.500 2 door, 6 cyl. ............•!, , 190 0 IMPALA WAGON . $6,000 2 e 1980 MALIBU $5,600 2 door, 6 cyl., auto 1980 MERCURY CAPRI $6,200 2 door hatchback, turbo -1980 HONDA $4,650 2 door, 4 cyl., 4 speed 1981 PARK AVENUE $12,500 4 door, loaded 1981 BUICK LE SABRE $9.3600 4 door, 6 cyl., well equipped BROUGHAM ...! 1981 OLDS CUTLASS BROUGHAM $9,800 4 door, air conditioning 1981 PARISIENNE BROUGHAM $9,800 4 door, air, well equipped ! 1982 ,VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT $5,800 2 1982 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Brougham, 4 door, loaded ! 1982 OLDS 88 ROYALE BROUGHAM $9,850 1982 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE 47,500 Loaded 1982 GRENADA WAGON $7,600 6 cyl. deluxe model ! 1981 CHEV 6 cyl., standard 1980 BEAUVILLE VAN 12 passenger, air conditioned 1980 CHEV 1/2 TON 6 cyl., automatic 1980 FORD 6 cyl., 3 speed . 1979 DATSUN King Cab .. 1979 CHEV V8, automatic . $6,200 '9,800 $5,750 $5,200 $4,800 $4,950 AS IS SPECIALS 1976 CAPRICE WAGON Wet equipped 1977•CENTURY WAGON A good runner 1977 CUTLASS 4 door, just traded In 1979 OMNI 4 door, 4 cyl., 4 speed, needs paint 1979, LAURENTIAN WAGON 8 passenger 1975 CORDOBA $700 $1,900 $1,300 $2,000 $2,600 Si Ann 2 door, solid car, as is m ! The Above Units Are Priced For Quick Sale. No Reasonable Offer Will Be Refused. 235 Elora $t. OL135MCJB1tE- Harriston Phone 338-2017