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the. co-opei toI
Nor Insuring Canadians in the co-operative spirit
Proper coverages in these times
are a necessity.
ELDA NETHERY of Wingham got a clean bill of health from Janet Reid o fWingharn, a
health nurse taking blood pressure readings at. a clinic held last Thursday at the town
hall. Colin Campbell, a representative of the local chapter of the Heart, Foundation,
said a good crowd turned out for the blood pressure screening, the first clinic of its
kind held in Wingham.
Join us for
Fri., March 9 and Sat., March 10
with host
Gordon Williams
Fri., March 9, 9:30• a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Sat., March 10, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
*0 ®@ PAW OP ME U SMMO Atl; D6 c..."'. OALL:.3Sa-10. 3
Rev. Gordon
Mrs. Watson speaks..
to Institute members
Watson of Gorrie spoke on
microwave and convection
ovens at last week's
Women's Institute meeting.
She pointed out the dif-
ferences between the two
and gave some pointers
when shopping for either
The meeting was held last
Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Gordon Wright and
eight members attended. the
Canadian Industries meet-
ing. The vice president, Mrs.
Lyle Murray, opened the
meeting with the Opening
Ode and the Mary Stewart
Collect, followed by the devo-
tions by Mrs. Harry Judge.
The group decided to
entertain at the Fordwich
Village Nursing Home
March 4.
--ENJ01f GR€1iTSAV'ri%SiFiiu"fin OUR 6iiLif
gunk Goods
All types of bulk baking
goods, bulk cookies, soup
mixes, bulk spices, bulk
peanuts, candy, peanut
butter, honey, bulk soaps
and cleaners.
184 gr. tin
Chunk Light
Candy Mix
) .99
Ib. ■ 6 9 Ib.
Doc Kennedy's
2 kg. bag
Burger Dinner
.39 oz.
Discount Gmc 4ies
Canned fruit and vegetables,
cereals, canned salmon, sardines,
ketchup, coffee, jams, pickles, toilet
tissue, paper towels, plus various
types of cat and dog food.
Fmzen Boxed
Meats and
furniture and
Carpet at low
low prices.'
Solid wood table and chair sets,
curio cabinets, wall units, living
room .suites, sofa beds, bedroom
furniture - chests of drawers, desks,
dressers; box springs and
We take trade-ins.
All Beef
approx. 5' Ib. boxes`
5 Ib. bag
Pork Sausage
approx. 5 Ib. boxes
doz. -
Extra discount if
bought by
the case.
Clothing and Footwear
Work clothing -coveralls, work shoes, work pants, rubber
boots. Blue jeans for the whole family.
Sporting Goods ® guns, ammunition, tools, etc.
Wingham Sales Arena
Open Mon. - Sat. 9 6 p.m. Friday till 9 p.m. Phone 357-1730
Cash, cheque, VISA, Mastercard accepted:
Mrs. Emerson Ferguson
reported on , the district
executive held in Brussels
Feb. 13 when final plans
were made for the district
annual at Walton May 8.
The nominating com-
mittee reported a full slate of
officers for 1984-85. The roll
call was answered by
wearing something green,
reciting an Irish verse or
singing an Irish song.
The meeting concluded
with a lively auction, con-
ducted by Mrs. Judge, and
refreshments were served
by the hostess and Mrs.
cel , atc the ',Won" of
Cx ossroads Christian
Communications through
series of 'live, local steward-
ship telecasts on the daily
program loo Huntley Street.
Viewers in central catar o
will see the telecasts live
from. tip Wtng am Atudios of
97�l TV this Friday from
: 0 to 10:30 a.m. and -
Saturday from 8 a.m. to I
p.m. The programs, hosted
by the Rev. Gordon
Williahrs, will featurelocal
interviews and music plus
information on the impact
the ministry is having in
Canada and around the
In addition, an , evan-
gelistic rally will be
held at Owen Sound
Collegiate and Vocational
Institute on Saturday, March
10. Rev. Williams will be
speaking and DianeAlimena
will minister with music.
Everyone is welcom� a
seats are free and the doors
will open at 6:30 p.m. with
the rally beginning at 7:30.
Couple attends
a safe driving
awards night
BRUSSELS — Jack and
Anne Vader attended the
Canada Packers Inc. Annual
Safe Driving Awards
evening held Feb. 24 at the
Harriston Legion. Drivers
received awards ' for their
safe driving, accident -free
years ranging from one year
to 27. Good work fellas! The
Legion ladies served
delicious salad plate at the
end of the program.
The Wingham Adv a .ce-Tunes, March 7
tOgr; YAM.
TOO MANY COOKS don't necessarily spoil the pancakes as was evidenced Monday
at Sacred Heart School in Wingham when everybody in the Kindergarten and Grades
1-2 class got a chance to lend a helping hand. Angie Ortleib, a student in Mrs.
Kinahan's Grade 2 class, turned the pancakes -as her classmates looked on and
waited for their turns.
Gorrie. student wins
'Pilgrimage for Youth
Petten •following the visit to the While she's excited about By Rita Rice Bluevale United Church and
Day Centre -News
a Grade.11 student a . S m e s a tons ere
Madill Secondary Schoo in a "speak -off" among the right now Angela Pecten has
Wingham, defeated nine students on the topic of the other things on her mind.
other spea,e ' -
to win
er t ge—bus-t tr, e-eentre-en oluntee.r—drivser-_.f®r the
preparing for its next flea centre will be. the guest
marketwhich will be held speaker March 27 at 1. p.m.
Saturday, April 7, from 10 We ' would .appreciate
a.m. to 3 p.m. Tables nbw volunteers to assist in our
can be booked foto a fee craft program some af-
determined by the size of the. ternoons at the centre. If you
championship). My father is table.• We do not charge a have an interest in this area
the coach." ' percentage of the profits, so and are looking for volunteer
She plays for the Howick call the centre at 3574440 or work, please call the centre.
Ringette team . and on 357-1445 if you are interested. Also, we would appreciate
Sunday her mother was busy Also, if anyone has articles the donation of plastic potato
drawing uJ3 the schedule of ; to donate, we would ap- ,,chip cans for the craft
games. preciate them. program. -•
Besides public speaking Janet Amos, artistic The day centre will be five
and ringette, Angela Petten director at the Blyth Sum- years old in April and it
who has her sights set on a 'mer Festival, was guest certainly has grown over the
career in broadcast jour- speaker . at the centre past five years. Today, we
nalism is a member of her Wednesday. More details reach a 25 -mile radius of
high school drama club and will follow in next week's rechWingham and there still are
writes news for the Madill column. many more people who
Mirror. Up until recently she Mrs. Marie deVos, one of would like to use the services
worked part-time as a the centre's board members, provided by the centre. If
waitress at the Blue Barn will share her travel ex- you know of someone who
restaurant, north . of periences from a recent trip might be interested in the
Listowel, and she' says she -to Australia Thursday. She centre and its programs,
also enjoys downhill skiing. will. show slides and give a please call us and make the
Angela Petten's younger talk on life and culture in referral.
brother, Adam, who gave his Australia. Any senior in the We were very pleased with
age as "eleven years and community is welcome to comments coming from the
nine months" is a Grade 5 attend. showing of the videotape
there didn't seem to be much student at Howick Central Our next scheduled foot "Aging in a Rural
happening until this com- School and also enjoys public clinics will be held March 20 Environment" which aired
petition came along." speaking. and 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. Call last Sunday over CKNX
The Pilgrimage for Youth Her older brother, Allen, the centre if you wish to take television.
competition is open to, 16 and 19, is presently working at part. This week's thought: Walk
17 -year-old students in the Andrew Malcolm Fur- St. Patrick's Day will be if running isn't for you.
Grades 10 and 11. niture Co. Ltd. celebrated in style this year Running. isn't for everyone,
with a dance March 15 from 1 fortunately there's a good
to 3 p.m. All area seniors are alternative. Walking con
welcome. tributes to physical fitness,
Over the past few years, and weight control too — and
the very serious issue of you've been practising more
nuclear disarmament has than you think.
been the subject of debate.
We will be showing the film
"If You Love This Planet" Mexico City occupied
March 20, 21 and 22 at 1:30 On Aug. 16, 1914, a consti-
p m. tutionalist army occupied
Pastor Bob Perry of the Mexico City,
•sive UN T r winner ofr that `"I live for ringette. We're
ar,Sr-, g 'wild' that r be -a in the play-o`l s and it's
-2, guest at the So",eieign Grand between us and Goderich
ions' Lodge annual meeting of.and we're going to get it (the
Odd Fellows in September.
From New York the
students will visit
Washington, D. C., and after
coming back through the
Adriondack Mountains will
visit Niagara Falls on the.
way home.
"I went to Ottawa for the
first time last May and I've
been to Niagara Falls, but
I've never been outside of
Canada," Miss Pecten said.
Naturally her family is
proud of Angela's
achievement and Mrs.
Petten said she feels the Odd
Fellows' competition is a
good incentive for secondary
school students interested in
public speaking.
"Angela did a lot of public
speaking in public school but
when she got into high school
.,Pilgriiifiage .ar Youth
Icompetition, sponaired by
the Odd Fellowits and
Rebekah lodges.
Miss'Petten, 16, "Ill be 17
in two weeks," she said in an
interview on Sunday, is the
daughter of Vince and
Adrienne Petten of Gorrie.
The Pilgrimage for Youth
competition is held annually
in Ontario. Winners of the
competition get an 11 -day
tour; the highlight of which is
an entire day and evening at
the United Nations.
"The competition consists
of either writing an
examination on the United
Nations or a public speaking
contest," said Miss Petten.
"I decided to enter the public
Her prepared speech was
on the topic of "Martin
Luther King and Civil
Rights" and her two -minute
impromptu speech was on
"Job Hunting".
"I was lucky," she says of
the impromptu topic she
drew. "I spent last week job
hunting and I just told them
what happened."
As for her prepared
speech, Angela Petten says
she usually picks topics that
are somewhat controversial.
"I always get something
not everyone will agree
with," the outgoing student
laughed. "Previously I spoke
on discrimination against
women and on pollution. A
lot of people didn't seem to
think much of my speech on
discrimination, but I got
The competition in Clinton
on Friday night, she says,
",was really tough".
She is excited about the 11 -
day educational bus tour she
will take in July with ap=
proximately 25 other Ontario
winners of' the competition.
After staying overnight in
Ottawa the students will
travel to New York where
they will spend a total of four
'days. In New York they will
Visit the United Nations, the
Empire State building, the
Statue of Liberty, Radio City
Music Hall and take in a
stage play.
In New York the Canadian
students will get together
with a comparable group of
American students. While
Miss Petten says she still
doesn't have all the details.
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Plus we take extra
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