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Page - . he Wingham. Advance ,Times, March 7'. 1€104" •
l'au% athletes tro r . the
newly -formed Wingham
Track and Field Ck1b .made
an impressive ahowing'S the
Ontario't •door track 'illi
field charmpionsh%s; ..
Torontolast weekend,
In only their second
competition and competing
against youngsters from
much larger centres, some
with years of coaching
behind ,them,. the Wingham
contingent brought, home
five medals — two silver and
three biranZe — and sevelr
ribbons fpr their efforts.
Coach Basil Sakasov said
all the Wingham club
memkers had a very good
day, equaling or bettering
their personal bests. "It was
very, very exciting and very
much enjoyed."
He also noted it was a thrill
to hear announcements over
the public address system at
the Metro Track and Field
Centre that someone from
Wingham had won a heat or
was leading in an event,
drawing puzzled looks from
members of some of the
larger clubs who had never
heard of Wingham before.
Topping the medal -
winners was Anna Sakasov
with two silver medals in the
Bantam division, in the 50m
hurdles which she ran in a.
time of 9.2 seconds and the
shot-put with a throw of 7.28
Atom Robbie MacKay won
the bronze in the high jump
with a leap of 1.25 metres,
while Tykes Ryan Deyell and
Carla Mowbray won bronze
medals in the 800m race and
the 50m dash respectively,
clocking 2:55 in the 800m and
8.5 seconds in the 50m.
Ribbon -winners were
Jamie MacKay in the Mite
division with-.: fourth -place
finishes in the 206m and the
' long jump; Carla Mowbray,
fifth 'in the 200m; Ryan
Deyell, fifth in the 1500m;
Leya DeBruyn, sixth: in ,the
200m, and Jason Moore,
sixth in the.800m for the
Tykes, and Julie Leedham
with a sixth in the 800rn,for
Among the highlights of
the day were:
—hearing the announcer
talk about "Julie Leedham
from Wingham" as she
rounded the track with a
start -to -finish win in her
—hearing it announced
through the building that
Anna Sakasov from
Wingham had taken the lead
at one point during the shot-
put competition;
—the valiant performance
of Heather Bishop, who
captured the hearts of the
crowd during oneof the
heats Running against girls,
many Of. whom were twice
her size and a year older,
Heather was the sentimental
favorite as she was in second
place until the final 10
—having two coaches from
big -city clubs- ask "Where's
Wingham?" after hearing
the name announced three or
four times within the space
of a few minutes during the
Mr. Sakasov estimated
about the same number of
competitors were present as
had been at the Cobra
Classic earlier this year, but
the calibre of competition
was higher. At that event
there were 26 teams and a
lunher of urtattache
IIost teams came from
large centres l ke •TravatA,
Oshawa, .Oakville Qr Niagara
Falls. Wingham was by .tar
the smallest towla represent,
ed, be said. The only other
one that even carne close
was Port Elgin, which has an
established club.
A total of 25 members of
the Wingham club took part
in the competition, ac-
companied by their coaches
Basil and Tanya Sakasov
and a number of parents.
The Wingham Kinsmen Club
paid for the gas in the bus
used to take the club
members to and from
Sister Joan Atkinson
sneaks at graver service
Members from . many
Wingham churches gathered
at Sacred Heart Roman
Catholic Church on Friday,
the World Day of Prayer, for
a time of fellowship and
worship. They meditated
upon the theme, "Living
Water From Christ, Our
Hope", many participating
in a special service prepared
by the women of Sweden.
Guest speaker w,as Sister
Joan Atkinson of London,
who has been a member of
the Sisters of St. Joseph's for
17 years. A holder of degrees
in History, Psychology and
Counselling, she has taught
secondary ,school in London
for nine years and presently
is head of the Guidance
department at Mount St.
Joseph's Academy.
Sister Joan gave, reflec-
tions on the theme, "Living
Water", referring to the
story . of the Samaritan
VA i i iV�.•v �. r.
Sacred Heart School,
Mrs. Mary O'Malley,
Cornyn Street,
WINGHAM, Ontario,
Tel. No. 357-1090
Kindergarten Registration Date:
March 23rd, 1984
woman at the well. She spoke
of the many things in today's
world that tear hope and
longing for life. from people
and said that traditional
values of people of faith are
being eroded. But she en-
couraged her listeners to
identify with the Samaritan
woman who was more preoc-
cupied with daily concerns
than with strengthening her
spiritual growth. _
The speaker added that in
Jesus „the Samaritan woman
found hope, a healing for her
inner pain, new life and the
gift of faith. She said that
each Christian must have a
conversion experience, be it
merely a gentle touch, some
encounter with a family
member or a co-worker or an
experience in one's church.
"Then Jesus reveals who He
really is," she said, "and
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of
age on or before December 31st, 1984.
Please bring proof .of age - Birth Certificate,
Baptismal Certifcate and.proof of immunization.
Jim Lockhart of Carrot
River, Saskatchewan, visit -
Sed with Mr. aria—Mrs. Elwe
Webster on his way home
from a vacation in Florida
and' the Oahamgs.
ngha�rxl couplemarried 38 years
provides that healing
Sister Joan was introduced
by Mrs. G. Marklevitz and
thanked by Mrs. Helen
Mrs. Jerry McGlynn, on
behalf of the Catholic
Women's League, welcomed
everyone and Mrs. Jack
Brophy was organist. Also
participating from Sacred
Heart was Mrs. Gerry
Poulin. From the Wingham
United Church were Mrs.
George Underwood, Mrs.
Syd Adams and Mrs. Don
Courtney; St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Mrs.
Harry Bateman and Mrs.
Robert Arbuckle; St. Paul's
Anglican Church, Mrs.
William Austin and Mrs.
Alvin Higgins; Salvation
Army, Mrs. A. Bannerman
and ` Mrs. Art Hubbard;
Pentecostal Church, Mrs.
Curtis Dawson and Mrs.
Russell Mcuire: Represent-
atives of the various church-
es also were choir members
and ushers.
A time of fellowship_ o "owe a servtc`e.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKay
celebrated their 38th wed-
ding anniversary • with a
family, ' gathering at their
home, 163 Scott Street,
Wingham, on February 25.
Mr. and Mrs. McKay were
married February 23, 1946,
in Wingham and have six
children, Joan Brighton,
Wingham, Howard McKay,
Barrie, Gale McEwen,
Wingham, John McKay,
Vancouver, Tom McKay,
Alliston, and Jean Clancy,
Chepstow, as well as a
number of grandchildren.
The family presented Mr.
and Mrs. McKay with a set of
TV Special
«ASE . U. C FFE.ND. -
THE WINGHAM TRACK & FIELD TEAM which competed at the On-
tario indoor championships in Toronto last weekend came home with
an impressive total of five medals and seven ribbons. Members of the
team included: (far back row) Coach Basil Sakasov, Anna Sakasov,
Julie Leedham, Jane Bateson; (back row) Andrew Mann, Dean
Tolton, Paul Sakasov, Scott Gillespie, Karen Clugston, Amy Bateman,
Heather Bishop, Tiffany Marr, Scott Koyle, Tim Currie, Robbie
MacKay; (front, kneeling) Carla Mowbray, Kerri McGrath, Amy Mac-
Donald, Michael MacKay, Jamie MacKay, Marlaine Lindsay, Leya
DeBruyn, Jason Moore, Ryan Deyell, Shannon, Robinson, Beth Ward
and Jason Hickey.
Belrnore Personal Notes
Weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Len Metcalfe were
Irene and Amble O'Connor
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mul-
vey of Fergus. Jack Mulvey
participated in the Masonic
Bonspiel held at the Bellmore
Commtifity Centre on Satur-
Miss Brenda Chambers
.visited with her grand-
mother, Mrs. Joseph Van-
neste of Parkhill, on Friday.
Miss Paula Rutherforid,---
daughter of • M'r. and Mrs.
John Rutherford, has been
successful in passing her
Grade 1 Theory, Bronze Na-
tional and Silver Highland in
Highland Dancing and just
last week received her med-
als all the way from Scot-
land. Paula was a pupil of
Miss Carol Wheeler of Brus-
sels. The community extends
congratulations to her on this
fine achievement.
day visitors with his mother,
Mrs. Helen Eadie.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Inglis
have returned from an en-
joyable _two-week motor-
coach tour of Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egli
of Dryden spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Congratulations to Linda
Reid and Marilyn Renwick
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Eadie, on passing their Reg.N.,
Paul a d TanwmM
ere Sun- ' exaMa iO .
n ya,
The World Day of Prayer
service was held on Mar. 2 at
itt Knox l'i•'e byteif44
ian Church. -Leaders• .for -the•-•
evening were, Mrs. Ralph
Dickson and Mrs. David. '
Harper, while Mrs. Bruce
Harkness and Mrs. Doug
McP,erson were the speak-
ers. Vocal duets by Jane and
Brenda Dickson, accom-
panied by Miss Evelyn Dick-
son, were much enjoyed. Re-
freshments were served fol-
lowing the service.
• Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elliott
entertained members of the
Jeffrey family or Sunday,
prior to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Jeffray's departure to the
West to visit .other members..
of the family at Calgary arid:: -
Airdrie, Alberta, next week.
Those in attendance were
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffray
and Trina, Mr. and Mrs.
David Harper and family
and Mr. and Mrs, Rick Jack -
(519) 291-3040
TABLEFUL OF GOODIES—Julie D'Arcey, 8, hardly knew where to spend her money
when faced with Chid assortment of homemade goodies at the Howick Super Hockey
Tournament. Julie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D'Arcey of Fordwich, settled on a
big piece of fudge. (Staff Photo)
Aylmer 48 oz. Fancy
Tomato Juice .89
Silverbright 5.71 kg.
Salmon Steaks lb. 2.59
Kleenex 200's White -
Faca Issues- '-1*.-09
r Weetgn-:fs #P9Q9 l� ,r, r arra Square
Oke ....a .� _1 i•5�9
Weston's'340 gr. Raspberry
Jelly Roll. .99
Budget 4's
Toilet Tissue 1-.19 •
Size 113 Sunkist Navel
O angel doz. 1.89
Size 48 Pink -
Grapefruit 5/1.00
. Store Hours:
7:30 a.m. to 7:00. p.m.
Fridays 7:30 a.m. -.9:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays .
Phone 357-2240. We Deliver.
Church Directory
WinghamPentecostal Church
359 Centre Street
Rev. Victor Grieco, Pastor
SUN., MAR. 11, 1984
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
1 1:00 a.m. - Moming Worship Service
7:Q0 p.m.' - Family Service
Listen to:
CKNX-FM - 8 a.m. - 12 noon, Sunda
Edward St.,
Sunday, Mar. 11
9:45 a.m. • Sunday School
1 1 :00 a.m. - Family Worship,
7:00 p.m - Salvation Meeting
1 Everyone Welcome
Monday, Mar. 12
8:00 p.m. - Home League
for Ladies
217 Minnie St.
Sunday, Mar. 11
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
B.A., M.Div.
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
Church - 357-2961'
Manse - 357-1072
,Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
SUNDAY, MAR. 11, 1984
11:00aa.m. = St. Paul's
Holy Baptism
1:15 p.m. --Trinity - Belgrave
Monday, March 12
8:00 psis. - St. Paul's
Evening Guild. •
Rev. Douglas Madge