HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-02-22, Page 6Page 6 --The Wingham Advanee-Times, Feb._ 22, 1984 t SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Engagement Notices (with picture) $5.00 Engagement Notices (without picture) $4.00 $4.00 Graduation Pictures Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and over . .... No Charge Wedding Write Ups ... No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is $5.00 Atter Third Week Write up $5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of $5.00 . Birth Announcements to our regular format.. .. No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is $I.70 first 10 words; 8c a word thereafter. FOR SALE DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb BERG stable equipment. Barn cleaners; manure pumps, vertical and hori- zontal; 8" to 15" PVC or SBT Ductile cow and calf tie stalls; loose housing; bunk feeders; ventilation equip- ment; hog confinement equipment; Ritchie heated waterbowls; farrowing crates; weaner decks; plas- tic slats and farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood, Ont. Phone 395- 5390. 22rrb YEAR-OLD chickens dress- ed at 4 to 5 pounds. Phone Bruce at 357-1498. Will de- liver to Wingham. 22,29 HAY. Phone 357-2009: 22,29 F s R SALE MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The . Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 20rrb FOR 'YOUR seed require- ments in corn, cereal grains, soybeans and grass seed. Contact Clare Vancamp agent for King Grain, 357- 2861. 15:22 ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, wash- able, stainproof. The Wiftg- ham Advance -Times, 357- 2320. 7rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LARGE selection of bred gilts with due dates. Vaccin- ated and pregnancy tested. Israel Albrecht, RR 1, Wing - ham. Phone 357-3495. 18rrb ADDRESS labels: gummed ` CARS AND TRUCKS 200 for $2.95; presson 200 for FOR SALE $4.25; transparent 200 for SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1980 JOHN DEERE Trailfire with tachometer and speedo- meter only 1,450 miles, ex- cellent condition. Phone 335- 3280. 22,29 NOTICE • TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS -IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ETHEL FINLAY COOK ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Wi- dow, who died on January 19th, 1984, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of March, 1984, after that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to • the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 13th day ofFeb- ruary, A.D. 1984. Crawford, Mills Davies & Elston Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 15:22:29 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF. VERA ELIZABETH ARMSTRONG ALL PERSONS having claims agaist the estate of Vera Elizabeth Armstrong, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, widow, and Province of On- tario, deceased, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of February, 1984, and that after such date the Etxequtors , will proceed to distribute the assets of the ' said estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had no- tice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 1st day of Febru- ary, 1984. Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham; Ontario, NOG 2WO. Solicitor for the Estate of Vera Elizabeth Armstrong 8,15,22 $5.75; iron -on labels fin' clothing, 50 for $3.95. Phone The Wingham Advance - Times, 357-2320. 16rrb 12 VARIETIES of brown baby chicks; Heavy meat; 3 - week old capons; small or- ders our specialty. Delivery guaranteed. Bonnies Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2Z6 (519) 669-2561. STEEL buildings straight wall. 1 -Beam constructed factory clearance. Save up to 40 per cent Limited quanti- ties. Act now and sace. No reserves. Call toll-free Argus Steel 1-800-268-0822. USED steel adjustable shelv- ing, pallet racking, storage cabinets, lockers, parts bins. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. S., London, (519) 681-2254, Monday -Fri- day 9-5, Saturday 9-12. FRESH maple syrup now. available at Robinson's Maple Products, St. Augus- tine 529-7857. We will deliver. M 28 1980 MERCU,R,Y Bobcat wa- gon, woodgrain, auto: AM FM, r -def. Excellent condi- tion. Certified. Asking $3,950. 335-3484. 1972 NOVA, six cylinder automatic, clean and de- pendable, only 64,000 miles, $1,200 or best offer. Phone 357-1593 or 357-2080 anytime. 22,29,7 DO YOU have a favorite re- cipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for 4 you to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office, Phone 357-2320. 31: rrb SWIMMING pool sale. Manufacturer is having a preseason sale for all 1983 in- ventory on above round pools. Complete with filter, motor, pump, skimmer, deck, fence. Regularly $2,095, now $1,295 while sup- ply lasts. Don't be caught like last year, book now for spring delivery. Nobody beats our price. Call 1-416- 523-6467 for details. 1,8,15,22,29 HAY Timothy and alfalfa mix, $1 per bale, pick-up. Phone 357-2392. 8:15:22:29 DRY WOOD, piled inside; also .plastic pails of many different sizes with handles. Many uses around the farm. Phone 357-3166, evenings. 15,221,29 WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb McCREERY Auto Wreckers RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel , USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS 24 -HR. TOW SERVICE Scrap cars wanted Highest prices paid Phone LISTOWEL 291 -41 59 GORRIE 335-331 4 misissimmamomismaggiammm NOTICE FUNDRAISING groups — Our product will ,make money for your organiation. For immediate information write Community Support Program, 68 Broadview Ave. Toronto, Ont. M4M 2E6. (416-) 465-9193. SERVICES TED'S Appliance Servicing and Refrigeration. Phone 357-1252. SEWING, mending, altera- tions, English smocking. Phone Jean McBurney, 357- 1786. llrrb PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb PHOTOCOPYING now available. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times ofice. Phone 357-2320. 31rrb DREAM HOUSE $60,000 Cash: 1,000 Tickets, $100 each. Drawn by August 4, 1984. Permit No.430919 Madawaska Valley Lions Club. Send cheque: Box 612, Barry's Bay, Ont. KOJ 1B0. -,w TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred St., Wingham. Free personal chequing accounts. Competi- tive interest rates on deposit accounts. Phone 357-2311. lrrb CRAIG (Home) Heating, new furnace installations, -epair, service; chimney cleaning. Phone 357-3641. 26rrb-- PIANO tuning and repairs. Used pianos bought and sold. Phone 357-1049, Michael Lip- nicki. 18rrb UPHOLSTERING of furni- ture, automobile and tractor seats. Free pick up and de- livery, free estimates. Qua- lity workmanship. 10 per cent discount on most mater- • ial until the end of February. Montgomery's Custom Up- holstery, Blyth. Phone 523- 4272. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAN TOP ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Listowel, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, who died on No- vember 19th, 1983, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of March, 1984, after that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice.,. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 13th day of Febru- ary, 1984. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON, Barristers & Solicitors, 217 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2WO Solicitors for the Executors 22,29,7 18:rrb KEITH METZGER. Income tax preparation. Farm, busi- ness, personal, reasonable rates. Call Wendy Gerster RR 5,-Lucknow7392-8119. A25 MISCELLANEOUS MEALS-ON-WHE1.S Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb Cards of Thanks I would like to say thanks to the nurses on second floor, ambulance drivers, Dr. McGregor and to Pastor Bawell while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Thanksalso for the flowers, cards and visits. Elizabeth Byer FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobs. Granton Institute, 267A Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Call (416) 977- 3932 today. NOTICE Wedding not ce5. en• gagements, in memonams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY We cannot accept such notices by telephone • Please remember that no classified advertising is ac• cepted after noon Monday CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12°00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays wit exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place o these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times 0 or Phone: ' 357-2320 tk of Tice SKI HOLIDAYS — Big White, Kelowna, B.C. Five nights from $95 per person quad. Pool, hot -tubs, kit- chens, fireplaces, dining. Ski from your door. Summit Lei- sure, (604) 736-0411. IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb WORK WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DEALERS WANTED for quality line of Cedar Lawn Furniture. Approximately $1,500 investment required for initail stock. Must have good location and display area. (613) 279-2206. FINANCIAL Opportunity. Agents, full or part-time, maleor female, no selling required, new patented Canadian product. High pro- fit, exclusive territory. $500 stock investment. Uncondi- tional money back guaran- tee. Call Mr. Andre (416) 636- 9422. Global International,' 3932 Chesswood Dr. „Downs- view, Ont., M3J 2W6. WILL do odd jobs. Phone 357- 2985. PERSONAL ARE YOU lodking for a unique personal gift for birthdays etc? Give a per- sonal analysis of their hand- writing analyzed by a certi- fied graphologist. G. Stewart phone 368-7106. 8:15:22:29 TURN $196 investment into $40,000 annual income. Ex- citing business opportunity marketing new Revolution- ary Foods and related pro- ducts. Full or part-time. Phone Huron Leaf (519) 291- 4445. ARE you being assaulted physically or abused men- tally? The Huron County Crisis Centre for Women and Children can help you. Phone 482-7988. 18 r ATTENTION Flea Market vendors: Fast selling, good profit, do-it-yourself water- bed kit and accessories for sale. Free delivery, Master or Visa. Waterbeds are very popular. (415), 825-1972. PREGNANT and need -help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. rrb I would like to thank Dr. Ping and nurses on the sec- ond floor of the Wingham and District Hospital for their kindness during my stay. Thanks also for cards, visits, flowers and transport- ation and special thanks to my daughter for doing so much for me. Mildred Stewart I would like to thank my family, relatives and friends for the lovely cards, gifts, good wishes and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital. We would also like to express our appreciation to those who helped with transportation, as well as all the people at the Day Centre for the Homebound for the kind helpfulness to Marg. Murray D. Pollock I would like to express my sincere thanks to the hospital staff and past co-workers of the hospital, and many friends in the Wingham area, for their kindness and mess- ages of sympathy since the death of my husband Roy. Elizabeth C. (Betty) Finlayson Reg. N. HELP WANTED GROUND floor. opportunity — New York based perfume company (now in Canada) neep, perfumers. Career op- portunity. Move to manage- ment. Full time -part-time. We train. Phyllis Paget 1 (506) 375-8881 or write Box 478, Hartland, N.B., EOJ 1NO. ST. MARIE—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mary St. Marie who passed away one year ago Feb. 28, 1983. God has called our mother Away from a world of strife, To shine among the angels In fairer, brighter life. Safe m the arms of Jesus, Safe from all grief and sin, Forever and forever, Where all is pure within. Our hearts are full of sorrow, And tears have dimmed our eyes, But we shall meet her once again, In the home beyond the skies. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by Ken and Mary Anne and grandchil- dren Tracey and Daryl of Brampton. HODGINS—In loving mem- ory of Wilbert Hodgins who passed away Feb. 25, 1981. We miss you more than any- one knows, As each day passes the emptyness grows. Tears that are shed, can be wiped away, But the ache in our hearts, will always stay. -Loved and remembered by his wife Pearl and family. SWAN—In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Gwen Swan who passed away February 29, 1976. Memories are like threads of gold, They never tarnish or grow old. —Lovingly remembered by Mom; Wayne, Lorna and family; Sharon, Bob and family, and Bill and Cathie. HOWSON—In loving mem- ory of a dear husband Dr. George Howson, who passed away Feb. 26, 1982. No longer in my life to share, But in my heart you're al- ways there. —Always remembered by wife Addie. MOIR—In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Donalda Moir, who passed away three years ago February 26, 1981. What would we give her hand to clasp, Her patient face to see; To hear her voice, see her smile, As in the days that used to be. But some day we'll meet again, Beyound the toil and strife, And clasp each other's hand again In heaven, that happy life. —Always remembered by James and family. ANNOUNCEMENTS The marriage is announc- ed of Kathryn Anne McKen- zie, .daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George J. McKenzie of Vic- toria, B.C. and Earl Douglas Thompson, Feb. 18, in Ed- monton. The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. Muriel Thomp- son, Wingham, and the late George A. Thompson. The couple are residing in Ed- monton. gualiturny ept in kit- chen cabinet refgcmg. Se- lected territories still avail- able. We supply: complete training; existing retail ac- counts to service; market tested and proven methods. You supply a desire to suc- ceed. High volume, 'little or no inventory. No previous experience required. Con- tact Steve Eisen, 960 Alness Street, Units 11 and 12, Downsview, Ont. M3J 2S1. Call collect (416) 665-3955. • IiESPiONSIBLE babysitter for two small children, part time. Please apply in writing to P.O. Box 1157, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2WO. The Huron County Board of Education has a position available for a CUSTODIAN at Seaforth District High School Seaforth,, Ont. Effective April 2, 1984 This is a full-time position for forty hours per week and involves ,shift work. Interested individuals are re- quested to send a letter of applica- tion and resume to the undersigned prior to February 29, 1984. P• Gryseels Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ont•, NOM 1L0 E. Frayne Chairman R. B. Allan Director 22:29 MATURE female to babysit four-month old child in my home, part-time days. Phone 357-1096. 15:22 BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly. HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 665-781 8 R.R. 1, NEUSTADT A. C. Feige D.T. or 1-336-6580 SWAN—In loving memory o a dear niece, Gwen Swan who passed away Leap Year 1976. Tenderly we treasure the' past, With memories that will al- ways last. —Ever remembered by Aunt Vern and, Uncle Scotty McIntosh. • Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 1 Applications are available for summer employment with the Wingham Recreation Dept. at the Wingham Town Hall, F. E. Madill S. S, and the Recreation office. Positions open include playground super- visors, lifeguard/instructors, ticket takers, park assistants, roller skating supervisors and D.J. for roller skating. For further information, contact the Recrea- • tion office, 357-1208. J AUCTION SALES COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m. Thursday of week prior to publication. ATTENTION REGISTERED UFFI HOMEOWNERS SAVE U P TO 25% ON YOUR HOME HEATING We Have The Solution! 'We may have the alternative to a complete removal that is totally covered by a Government Grant. • Gov't. tax free grant to cover cost up to ,5,00Q •No additional cost to homeowner. • No Inconvenience due to removal. •Energy conservation. . • Humidity control. •Makes your property more valuable— and saleable. GODERICH ENERGY SEAL INC. AIR SEAL SPECIALISTS ONTARIO'S Largest Farm machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ont., Friday March 9, 1984, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month) Approx. 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consign- ments welcome. For more information call (519) 424- 9998 or (519) 424-9093. Pro- prietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons. R. W. Bell OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 .Ontario Hydro ONTARIO HYDRO WATER HEATER IN- STALLATIONS Ontario Hydro invites contractors to submit tenders for the instal- lation of approx- imately`' 700 water heaters in the Walk- erton Area over a two year period commen- cing April 1984. Tenders will be re- ceived up to 2:00 p.m. Local Time, Wednesday, March 14: 1984. Tendering documents. may be obtained FROM: 700 Univer- sity Avenue, 6th Floor Reception Desk (0900 to 1600 Hours Daily)or Phone 524-231 1 Collect Gov't. Certified, Bonded, and Approved C.C:A. No. 2428.1 Ontario Hydro, Walk erton Area Office,. Attn: C. Dwinnell, P.O. Box 1390, RR 3 Walkerton, Ontario. Phone '(51 9) 881- 0770. Write: Ontario Hydro Attn:-. Dan Garry, H6 C26, 700 University Avenue, Toronto, On- tario M5G 1 X6. Phone (416) 592- 3593. The successful ten- derer may be required to furnish a perfor- mance bond. Further details are contained in the tendering doc- Uments. The lowest or any ten- der will not necessar ily be accepted. Township of Morris Gravel. Tenders Sealed, clearly marked tenders are now be- ing 'received for the purposes of supplying, crushing, hauling and spreading of approx- imately 25,000. cu. yds. of 5/8" Granular "A" Gravel for the roads in the north half of the Township of Morris. Work to be completed by July, 27, 1984 to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. The contractor to be responsi- ble for any rules or regulations which may be applicable under the Pits and Quarries Act. Apply to the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10°i° of the enclosed bid and will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on Friday March 2,, 1984. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted and all tenders are subject to the ap- proval of Lloyd Michie Road Superint'endent Township of Morris TENDERS Wingham & District Hospital Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 New Additions.of Ambulatory Care and Emergency Wing & Alterations Sealed bulk tenders, plainly marked as 'to contents for • the, General ,Contract, including Plumbing & Drainage, Fire Protection Equip- ment, Mechanical and Electrical will be receiv- ed for the above Hospital. Address tenders to the Wingham & District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace, Wingham, On- tario, NOG 2W0, attention Mr. N. M. Hayes, Secretary tf5 the Board, will be received (in duplicate) up until April 3, 1984, 3:00 p.m. local time. A Bid Bond in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the tender price and an agreement to become bonded for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract must accompany each tender. Plumbing and Drainage, Mechanical and Electrical tenders shall be submitted through ttib Grand Valley Construction Association ac- cording to their rules and regulations. Dr&wings and Specifications may be obtained at the Architect's office on deposit of a $100.00 cheque payable to the Architect which will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifications in good condition. Plans and specifications are on display at the Grand Valley Construction Association, Toronto Con- struction Association and London & District Construction Association. KYLES, KYLES & GARRATT, ARCHITECTS 247 John Street South Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2C9 i